where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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shaman_ said:
But what you are pointing out is rubbish. I have not been quick to judge anything.
My comment was that there are no implants that have been analysed and found to to be 'unknown to science' as you put it. Again, if you have evidence otherwise then show me or shut up.

me::shut up yer self..........all i will be able to give you is surgeons name innit?

Shoddiness? haha You aren't even able to use the quotes properly. Your posts are often a mad ramble! :p

oh::beautiful......now i am crazy....perfect

Again you say I have been 'quick' to analyse. What have I analysed?

me::ture. not a godamn tang

I have already explained to you once that sleep paralysis and false memories do not mean that someone is mentally ill.

me:well that at least some progress....but you dont understand that it is in the sam e ilk. ie., some 'expert' telling yu waht you see and feel etc!

Who have I been patronizing to? Who's experience have I undermined?

me::that family i mentioned who immediately explained away their experience which u hadn't even heard or seen

I don't have a lack of empathy, I just don't instantly believe space aliens are the answer like you do.

me::eek:hhh tat agin. i dont KNOW, i am exploring. heard of hypthotheses?


So stop referring to it!

me:the whole discussion has been abou it.....missed seein that link ..will later)

How old are you duendy? (just curious)

m::a lot older than you


Yes I am very immature... I think some of the ufo sightings are man made.

me:: i agree. but ALL. you ay 'some' what do you mean? what else could they be?

I still want to know which "absurd explanations" have I rushed to and which "ridiculous ad hoc explanations " I have used.

me:you repeated the 'false memory' ting about that families experience

Must you always quote an entire post of another member with a few syllables as a response?

Quote only that to which you wish to respond, please.
shaman_...had a look at your link http://csicop.org/si/2004-09/campeche.html

'CSICOP' hey??....oh yeah, these people are in the business of discrediting AL known cases of paranormal and UFO 'ET@ etc phenomena...Robert Anton Wilson reckons they represent "the very head of materialist wickedness, the apex of the sinister pyramid"...ie., they are an Illuminati front debunking org. they--the Illuminati also support and infiltrate the ET agenda UFologists too! also check this 'XASA - Who was Phil Klass?' http:://www.xasa.com/grupos/alt/article/84074/alt.ufo.reports

also...who was the the "respected analyst' who gave "the new analysis" in your link?
Meanwhile said:
It depends on how accurately your intellect can read, interpret, and translate.

It also depends on how cooperative your reason will be to adjust to the fertile grounds where your imagination is allowed to roam freely.

And it most certainly depends on the extent of your acreage, whether it's located in the cosmos or in the pantry.

I suspect you -- like most here -- are imaginatively illiterate. But then again, I doubt yours is very distinct.

Actually, were anything similar even remotely like the case, it wouldn't be termed "Imagination" to begin with - it would be called fact. That's generally how most people manage to distinguish between the two, fact and fiction. A capacity I doubt anyone could ever accuse the likes of you capable of...

Must be our communal lack of imagination speaking there. >Tsk!< :rolleyes:
I saw a documentary on TV once named 'x-files', where they followed this FBI guy and girl. And they even had caught aliens on tape.

So there you have it. Evidence of the 3rd kind.
spuriousmonkey said:
I saw a documentary on TV once

fraud! debunker! how scared you must
be to to tell these outragous words -
see how the truth makes you want to run to your mummy and get a tummy rub like a gud little boy! Hahahahahahhahahah!

Ha! Ha!


]named 'x-files',

lies! fraud! again
you peddle misstruths and assasinations!

there has never been a show called the x-files - its all a plot by the Illuminati to disinform - how like a colour blind sheep you are with your trousers and psudo-facts - bore me no more!

where they followed this FBI guy and girl. And they even had caught aliens on tape.

how you
must like pain!!!!

Misinformation and carbunkle, peddled my weak minded tea spoons of the iluminati/jew conspiricy - your words are words,

they are. not troof!!

So there you have it. Evidence of the 3rd kind.

since you disagree with me
you must obiously enjoy taking it up
]the backside like a girl.

well step on up, i too like it that way and will show you
a thing or too, debunker!

how you squeal, how you pout at anything which which tries to tell you anything about anything which didn't happen - perhaps
i should cleave you in twain with
my pork sword of troof - then
you will see.the lemons of reality!!!!!!!!!

now run, debunker.
hind you paws in shame for
u have been exposed as the
bass player of the Charlatans you are!!!!!
Hey Anonymous,

I've been staying out of this debate lately because Gustav and myself have come to a bit of a conclusion...he believes that there are a couple of cases that may very well be alien visitation, and I won't take that away from him. The evidence he sees leads him to that conclusion. Myself? Not so much. But in this discussion, I have gained a very apt debate pal and a genuinely intelligent conversation. Providing he stays away from the "You faggot" stuff, he's one hell of a challenge.

I see what this thread has turned into, with the truly idiotic banter coming from the true UFO kooks (See, Gustav, I knew you were better than these people) like Duendy and Meanwhile....I want to puke.

Mr. A, are you really arguing with these morons? Meanwhile is the kind of guy who "already knows" exactly what's going on in the world (and underworld) and nothing you can say will sway him from believing what he read in The Big Book of Conspiricies! (Which, by the way, is a fantastic read) And this Duendy guy...this guy can't even spell! You see how he replies to your posts? He quotes the whole damn thing and interjects a few unreadable, misspelled, grammatically incorrect sentances.

I guess what I'm saying is, Mr. A, if you're arguing against somebody who says this:

Originally Posted By duendy the moron
i saw them and they seemed real. a mum hewr mum and her two young sons all had this experience.
After they have told of teir experience, we get in front of us the psychologist....thee he is, andwears glasses that make his eyes seem relly tiny. somehow tis fits.

....how can you compete? If he takes that as legitimate evidence for extraterrestrial visitation, how can you convince him otherwise? On top of that, he seems to know exactly who runs the world....

Originally Mumbled Incoherently By duendy the tool
'CSICOP' hey??....oh yeah, these people are in the business of discrediting AL known cases of paranormal and UFO 'ET@ etc phenomena...Robert Anton Wilson reckons they represent "the very head of materialist wickedness, the apex of the sinister pyramid"...ie., they are an Illuminati front debunking org. they--the Illuminati also support and infiltrate the ET agenda UFologists too!

OK, Mr. Anonymous...note how duendy first says that someone is actually "in the business" of debunking "AL" known cases of paranormal and UFO phenomena, then quotes Robert Anton and says that CSICOP is actually an Illuminati front! OK, so this all-powerful, secret, ancient clan of power-mongers known as the Illuminati are SO inept that a guy as simple and innocent as duendy would know exactly who they are and what their fronts happen to be? Riiiiiight.

You know, as much as I hate how a guy like Norval brings absolutely nothing to a conversation, at least he can point to the exact spot on a picture that he finds strange and say "Hey, this is what I see." This f'n duendy douchebag rambles on in nonsensical sentances about absolutely NOTHING!

My final words on this subject, Mr. Anonymous, is hey, let's go have a warm lager at the pub and find a good conversation in a real thread!

Meanwhile said:
It depends on how accurately your intellect can read, interpret, and translate.

It also depends on how cooperative your reason will be to adjust to the fertile grounds where your imagination is allowed to roam freely.

And it most certainly depends on the extent of your acreage, whether it's located in the cosmos or in the pantry.

I suspect you -- like most here -- are imaginatively illiterate. But then again, I doubt yours is very distinct.
Imagination has nothing to do with intellect unless you just make up your life as you go along. I have a vivid imagination by unlike yourself I do know the difference between reality and that imagination.
duendy said:
oh::beautiful......now i am crazy....perfect
I didn't say that. Maybe I was thinking it though... :bugeye:

duendy said:
me::ture. not a godamn tang
Sorry, can't translate that one.
duendy said:
me:well that at least some progress....but you dont understand that it is in the sam e ilk. ie., some 'expert' telling yu waht you see and feel etc!
I said that two pages ago...... No it is not the same thing. You just choose to see it that way.

duendy said:
me::that family i mentioned who immediately explained away their experience which u hadn't even heard or seen
This is becoming an Abbot and Costello sketch. I have made no comment on some family you saw on a tv show once.

duendy said:
me:hhh tat agin. i dont KNOW, i am exploring. heard of hypthotheses?
Yes but I am not interested in another tangent right now.

duendy said:
me:the whole discussion has been abou it.....missed seein that link ..will later)
No. When I entered this particlular discussion you were talking about abductions in general. Then you spent one or two pages rambling about some tv show I had not seen. I have not been discussing your tv show. (That's the man's name, That's who's name?).

duendy said:
me:: i agree. but ALL. you ay 'some' what do you mean? what else could they be?
You think that all ufo sightings are from man made craft? What about the hoaxes, planets, meteorites, ect.

duendy said:
me:you repeated the 'false memory' ting about that families experience

This is the comment I made. "There are several possible explanations to abduction experiences such as sleep paralysis and our brains ability to create memories. These do not imply that the person is a liar or mentally ill."

Have I rushed to an "absurd explanation"? No.
Is this a "ridiculous ad hoc explanation" No.
Were these comments about your favorite tv show? No.
Have you been rambling? Yes.
duendy said:
shaman_...had a look at your link http://csicop.org/si/2004-09/campeche.html

'CSICOP' hey??....oh yeah, these people are in the business of discrediting AL known cases of paranormal and UFO 'ET@ etc phenomena...Robert Anton Wilson reckons they represent "the very head of materialist wickedness, the apex of the sinister pyramid"...ie., they are an Illuminati front debunking org. they--the Illuminati also support and infiltrate the ET agenda UFologists too! also check this 'XASA - Who was Phil Klass?' http:://www.xasa.com/grupos/alt/article/84074/alt.ufo.reports

also...who was the the "respected analyst' who gave "the new analysis" in your link?
ok duendy do you want to try that post again without the ad hominem?
JDawg....ouch! what an effECT i've had on you dahlin. when we gettin married then. or would you like a 3some, me u and Gustav...what ya say hey....sweetie?
duendy said:
JDawg....ouch! what an effECT i've had on you dahlin. when we gettin married then. or would you like a 3some, me u and Gustav...what ya say hey....sweetie?

Uh-oh. Duendy is day-trippin' again. :bugeye:
shaman_ said:
I didn't say that. Maybe I was thinking it though... :bugeye:

m::about me being crazy? but that is te paradgim we are in. people are deemed crazy--among oter things - if they dont agree with the status quo. yu are a member it seems. of officious sciencism.

I said that two pages ago...... No it is not the same thing. You just choose to see it that way.

me::a strange reply to me telling you you seem to just accept what ever any psychologist gives you. like 'false memory syndrome' 'sleep paralysis' etc....used to cover ALL reported events. discussin wid you is like being on a fukin 'merry' go round, where you forget what you've said etc!

This is becoming an Abbot and Costello sketch. I have made no comment on some family you saw on a tv show once.

me::see wht i mean! if yu have any nonce you would know this:....before i saw that documentar which i mentioned rigtht at the beginning i had been rathe focussing on man-made UFOs....., right? clear? you wid me? good. wich is WHY--if you care to check dates and times/evidence, i had not joined in the alien discussion thread. what realy inspired me too WAS seeing that documenary and seeing that amiliy explain teir exprience....it is not as thoug i have not been familar with abdustion reports before, but in tis instance i was reinspired. get me. so right from te beginning of this cycle i HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THAT FAMILY WHO HAD BEEN ABDUCTED. is this clear now or do you wanna mile high red ink print?

No. When I entered this particlular discussion you were talking about abductions in general. Then you spent one or two pages rambling about some tv show I had not seen. I have not been discussing your tv show. (That's the man's name, That's who's name?).

me::eek:h jeeesUS...whose got false memory syndrom agin????

You think that all ufo sightings are from man made craft? What about the hoaxes, planets, meteorites, ect.

me::you are a complte pseudosceptic. you dont even have capacity for ONE wonder! one case you are humble enuf to say 'hmmmmm, i dont know. i cant explain'....stil you ARE still young. lets hope ya mature beter

This is the comment I made. "There are several possible explanations to abduction experiences such as sleep paralysis and our brains ability to create memories. These do not imply that the person is a liar or mentally ill."

me::good. but as i REPEAAT, listen. when A psychologist preaches to a person or group that what they exprinced wasn't what they thought it was, cause mr expert soddin psychologist knows best. THAT attitude is te same one which is used in the mental health scam. do you understand?...pleeeeease say you do. or I am gonna go REAl crazy (screeeeeammmmm!!!!)

Have I rushed to an "absurd explanation"? No.
Is this a "ridiculous ad hoc explanation" No.
Were these comments about your favorite tv show? No.
Have you been rambling? Yes.
no. you are completely perfect.....pseudosceptic.
shaman_ said:
ok duendy do you want to try that post again without the ad hominem?
who IS their 'respected analyist'??!!!i DEMAND to know!!!!!!......tis person who takes it upon hirself to discredit the trained professional people in Mexico. who make it their business--ie the CSICOP--to discredit ALL paranormal cases and UFO cases and abduction cases. who are known to be Illuminati. you want me to trust anything they say......? not! and as for ad hominem, if you care to read thelink i give, you'll see that they are professional in that area too.
I feel like I am trying to teach simple things to someone who doesn't speak the same language I do.

duendy said:
m::about me being crazy? but that is te paradgim we are in. people are deemed crazy--among oter things - if they dont agree with the status quo. yu are a member it seems. of officious sciencism.
You called yourself crazy duendy. I just made a joke out of it.... I said that your posts are sometimes a mad ramble. They are! Look at them and compare them to posts by other people! lol

duendy said:
me::a strange reply to me telling you you seem to just accept what ever any psychologist gives you. like 'false memory syndrome' 'sleep paralysis' etc....used to cover ALL reported events. discussin wid you is like being on a fukin 'merry' go round, where you forget what you've said etc!.
All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base. No. What is on second base!
Please point out to me where I said that all abductions were sleep paralysis, false memory, ect. Go ahead.

duendy said:
me::see wht i mean! if yu have any nonce you would know this:....before i saw that documentar which i mentioned rigtht at the beginning i had been rathe focussing on man-made UFOs....., right? clear? you wid me? good. wich is WHY--if you care to check dates and times/evidence, i had not joined in the alien discussion thread. what realy inspired me too WAS seeing that documenary and seeing that amiliy explain teir exprience....
it is not as thoug i have not been familar with abdustion reports before, but in tis instance i was reinspired. get me. so right from te beginning of this cycle i HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THAT FAMILY WHO HAD BEEN ABDUCTED. is this clear now or do you wanna mile high red ink print?
No. What is on second. I'm not asking you who's on second.

lol But duendy you keep trying to criticise me for supposedly discussing the same family and I have not. Why is that hard for you to understand? When I joined this discussion you had not mentioned your favorite tv show and family. Go back to page 7 and check.

duendy said:
e::you are a complte pseudosceptic. you dont even have capacity for ONE wonder! one case you are humble enuf to say 'hmmmmm, i dont know. i cant explain'....stil you ARE still young. lets hope ya mature beter
Where did you get that stupid idea? I say, "I don't know" all the time. I'm sure there are many caes I would look at and label 'inconclusive' where you would instantly say 'space aliens'.

duendy said:
me::good. but as i REPEAAT, listen. when A psychologist preaches to a person or group that what they exprinced wasn't what they thought it was, cause mr expert soddin psychologist knows best. THAT attitude is te same one which is used in the mental health scam. do you understand?...pleeeeease say you do. or I am gonna go REAl crazy (screeeeeammmmm!!!!)
Have you seen anyone about this crazy behaviour of yours?

I have explained to you before that I have no inclination to discuss the 'mental health scam' with you.

duendy said:
no. you are completely perfect.....pseudosceptic.
Yeah a genuine sceptic would agree with you on all points! :rolleyes:
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duendy said:
who IS their 'respected analyist'??!!!i DEMAND to know!!!!!!......tis person who takes it upon hirself to discredit the trained professional people in Mexico. who make it their business--ie the CSICOP--to discredit ALL paranormal cases and UFO cases and abduction cases. who are known to be Illuminati. you want me to trust anything they say......? not! and as for ad hominem, if you care to read thelink i give, you'll see that they are professional in that area too.
So you wont even look at the article because is it someone from csicop?

JD? Hello old man.

Thanks for the invite, be happy to join in. As with regards to what's happening currently, I can assure you I'm not arguing here with anyone - I'm taking the piss, certainly, and am liable to be continuing to be taking the piss for pretty much indefinitely for a good while yet to come, but arguing I am not. There is no sane debate to be had here, hasn't been for pages, pretty much from the point on you first joined - if you've managed to discern anything at all of any value, you're undoubtedly a better sort than I.

Mind, that last bit isn't all that difficult. I adore a good bar fight, cheaper than going to the gym...

Do understand me here though - I simply refuse to believe anyone genuinely is actually stupid. It's about the only thing I'm incapable of accepting, even if the evidence appears overwhelming to the contrary, all it means is we're looking at the "evidence" wrong. If things don't make sense, it means ones looking at them wrong. In "debate", and we really are having to use that term in its loosest possible sense of late, not everyone has the ability the exactly express what it is they do mean, and when they do often times what they say might be what they actually mean by what they're saying, but someone else's way of expressing the same thing often times can sound like the complete opposite even though, fundamentally speaking, they're actually of similar disposition to begin with.

Of course, anyone who gets in the slightest whimsical in introducing themselves to me gets it in the neck for the rest of ever. That goes without saying...

Pretty much the all of it really. Have fun.

A ;)
shaman_ said:
I feel like I am trying to teach simple things to someone who doesn't speak the same language I do.
me::must be hard, bein sooo superior...?

You called yourself crazy duendy. I just made a joke out of it.... I said that your posts are sometimes a mad ramble. They are! Look at them and compare them to posts by other people! lol

me::ypu mean the othe people who agrtee with yur views? or are you saying theones who support UFOs and alien explanations are not crazy. which...? dont bothe to answer this is superfluous an you knows it!..its like a ad hominem fest

All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base. No. What is on second base!
Please point out to me where I said that all abductions were sleep paralysis, false memory, ect. Go ahead.

me::cant be arsed. lets focus on present not te past. i'm sick of that. what do you feel think NOW?

No. What is on second. I'm not asking you who's on second.

me::whats that mean? translation please

lol But duendy you keep trying to criticise me for supposedly discussing the same family and I have not. Why is that hard for you to understand? When I joined this discussion you had not mentioned your favorite tv show and family. Go back to page 7 and check.

me::just did and yo can see i interject in between Gustav and that /..hysterical fellow JDaaaawg, ABOUT this very programme i have been using as an example throughout our debate. so can we focus on that etc?

Where did you get that stupid idea? I say, "I don't know" all the time. I'm sure there are many caes I would look at and label 'inconclusive' where you would instantly say 'space aliens'.

me::again...and again you keep puttin words into my mouth boyo. i have already told you i dont know. i als am exploring. but i hate it when explantions are used to explain away..........ok. his is where we may differ: i listen to a family tell me tey have been abducted. i listen with everything...y'hear? that mans intellctually, emotionally, will all feeling. at the end of it i respect tat family and believe they have had a profound experience.........i dont know what why etc like tem. so i am very intrigued. as they are. ....but you i feel dont really respect them. you are waiting to see a psychological explanation. you already said it bck thee........go find it. not me. that it could be false memory syndrome. which for me is an insult. and for te family even more so.........so

Have you seen anyone about this crazy behaviour of yours?

me::baby face...my crazy maks your 'smart' look dumb to anyone wit half a wit. like quit it with thepathologizing. i know all about that tactic.....inside and out/ keep to the argument if you can.
and nyway...where would i go if i was crazy? one of your fave psychologists? ten i really WOULD go crazy. propbably hitting him

I have explained to you before that I have no inclination to discuss the 'mental health scam' with you.

me::hah....that figurs. cuase you know fuck all about it

Yeah a genuine sceptic would agree with you on all points! :rolleyes:
no. a genuine sceptic would be open to open questions and not be in a state of denial like you seem to be. now throwing ad homs all over the place. and who chose 'shaman'-....shit shamans will be rollin in their graves everywhere....loLLLL
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