where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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Ophiolite said:
You can say sorry. You have been requested repeatedly by member after member to use the quotation function. You continue to use the excuse of 'your set top digi-box', which is, in fact, quite capable of engaging the function.

You take this massive stance Duendy of being so fair minded, for the underdog, against big business and corrupt government, and exploitative science, yet you lack the common courtesy to make it easier for other posters to read what you are saying. You are rude Duendy. Your actions are rude. You are a boor.

Use the bloody quotes.
says the great-good he whose fave passtimeis making condescending remarks about how members here compose their posts and use language etceteraaaa
Yes, it's me. I am a rude, conniving bastard, but at least I am not a discourteous hypocrite.
Use the bloody quotes every time.
He's right, duendy. You managed it smashingly when you responded to him, please give everyone the same courtesy.

Again, this is in response to you, so I'll omit the titles to the quotes.

me::because i trust them, theey seem genuine. my feelins, intuition, etc sees that they seem to be real. i wont insult them by askin for a piece of spaceship....or looking behind teir ears for implants like Joan Rivers looking for face job signs

Well, that's just not good science. You think you'd insult them by asking questions? Well, that's too bad for them. The rape victim better not be insulted when the doctor has to check for bruising around thier vagina. You claim things such as these, you had better be prepared to answer some questions!

me::i BET you would. no harm in that IF you have the piece. however we're talking about a family claiming to be being abducted

So you're saying that if I had the ship, no problem, but since I don't, I shouldn't even ask? That's BS. The family should be 100% prepared to answer questions since they are claiming not only that they are absolutely sure that life exists beyond Earth, but that it is intelligent and abducting our people out of thier cars at night! That is an extraordinary claim!

me:explain difference between 'possibility' and 'probability' please?

Seriously? Wow. OK...an example of my point:

(Possibility) I, as a citizen of New York State, can win the New York State Lottery.

(Probability) I, as one of 18,976,457 citizens of New York State who can buy a lottery ticket, the chances of me winning are extremely low.

(Possibility) I, as a citizen of Earth, can encounter an intelligent alien race visiting our planet.

(Probability) I, as a citizen of Earth, which orbits one of 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way Galaxy alone, the chances of encountering an alien race visiting our planet are extremely low

Result: They sell lottery tickets at just about every small gas station and quickie mart in the state of New York, and I can't account for how many that might be. So therefore, the chances of me winning are at least one in a number of million, and that doesn't account for the fact that the winning number is not always chosen at each drawing, and the chances of me winning decrease.

There is no real way to determine how many galaxies there are in the universe, nor how many stars each of them have, or how many of them may have life (intelligent or otherwise) around them. There are vast distances between these stars, with our closest neighbor at 4 light years away. Even if there are intelligent, star-faring races out there, the chances of them finding us is extremely remote. It would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

So...it is entirely possible that aliens have abducted people from here, but it is not at all probable.

me::very true....but to TREAT 'rape victim' as guilty from the start wont really help you. also it affects your own judgement. it's like assuming someone's a theif.....your behaviour will affect theirs....tis is an old Chinese insight!

True, but the fact is that these people are claiming something which is, quite honestly, ridiculous. If someone said they were raped by an alien, they would seem pretty crazy, right?

me::why would someone want fame by being thought by society as 'mentally ill' or 'whacko??

How do you know how they've been thought of? If they made this story up, they achieved their goal: They got their faces on television! Society may look upon them as nutzos, but they might not care, either. To them, and this is speculation, the fact that they had a camera crew in their home and an interviewer asking them questions about their ordeal was exactly what they wanted. The got fame and noteriety.

me::i am not exctly saying i believe them. i am moe explorin things. i keeps saying this. i am asking you to branch out in this inquiry and ALSO study the scince you adhere to, which is why i asked you if yo believed in materialstic science...which IS bias against such claims as that family's etc etc!

Call it what you want, but no discipline of science would accept what they say without evidence beyond their story. No discipline would. ALL science is biased against people who can lie without consequence. That's why they require evidence, sweetheart.

me::te onus isn't on me TO do that. fo itis you lot all te time crying for solid evidence. so go, do hat you have to to acquire it

I am not a scientist. It isn't in my best interests to go there and aquire the evidence. It is the burden, like it or not, of the claimant to provide the evidence. Hey, they don't have to! But don't expect anyone to believe them. Obviously, you are an exception.

me::no not a dirt road, an A road through the Moors

I don't know what the Moors are, so I can't say anything. But it's true, I'm assuming, that nobody saw this abduction? Of course nobody saw the abduction. It's all too easy.

me::maybe the 'aliens' aint as astupid as you errr tyhink, and arrange such dramatic encounters. besides i have heard of a fmous case where a grup of people in NYC DID see n abducton going on!

Oh come on. If this whole alien thing is true, they fly around in broad daylight! Why not abduct in broad daylight? Why not at least where others can see? What do they care? See, all you people change the motives of the aliens to fit your arguments. It's disgusting.

You don't know any better than I do what these alleged aliens would be thinking, so don't guess. The claim of abduction with no witnesses is the very same thing as a crime suspect claiming to be home alone on the night of the incident...it's too easy for someone to say "I was home, nobody saw me." rather than being able to supply at least a witness.

And there have been no reports of an abduction in NYC with a large group watching. That would be major news here, since I live in Upstate New York.

me:K fine...i respect that you haven't even seen te documentary..........tat is cool. rather than make a judgement from stuff yo aint even seen. but what about al te abuction cases you possibly/probably have seen? you dimiss them all?.....

I obviously don't dismiss them all. Did you not read what I wrote about the couple from 60 years ago? But I will say that once I see that the people say they have nothing but a story, I have to say I don't believe it. The story is always the same, duendy, and by that I mean that nobody even can verify these abductions! It's always to a single person on a farm or in their bedroom or to a group in their car on a lonely road and ALL of them fail to bring even a single independant witness to the table.

NOBODY comes forward to say "I saw this car get lifted into the fucking sky!"

mew::you are in a state of ''''i dont know if i believe them''''''which is like where i am at. it is a limbo state of: 'I DONT KNOW'....agreed?

You act like it's such a crime to not know the answer. There is no way to know the answer. Unless the people abducted can prove their abductions, you can only say "I don't know." because if it's all BS, you can't disprove a negative.

I can't prove that dragons don't come out at night. I can't prove that fairies don't fly around in Ireland.

you say 'How Do i KNow'.......right. when you got a problem of this magnitude, ii personally feel you have to then branch right out and go interdiscip;inary......ie., you have to researc all forms of inquiry which may give you hints. tis is why i ask such questions as 'do you believe in materialstic science'...to some thismay seem off the point. but it VERY isn't. it is about also exploring the CONTEXT one is exploring IN!....get me?

No, I don't "get you." You don't understand science, and that is very evident by your complete inability to form a sentance properly or spell more than two words in a row correctly. Your punctuation is horrid, and your spelling is worse. Your posts look like you're typing with a hockey puck, and it's annoying. Besides that, I will firmly doubt that you even grasp the different disciplines of science. You seem to think that one discipline of science might yield a different result to the question, but that's not true. All science requires evidence. All of it. None of it will hear their story and conclude that it is true.

I'm sorry, duendy, but you really don't know what you're talking about. Just in the way that you say "I trust them." about our "abductees" is so far from the scientific method that you preach, that you sound more like an idiot than a simple hypocrite. You trust them? Based on what? Are you sure the story is even true? I mean, how do you know that the documentary people didn't fake the whole thing? This is why your point of view is so skewed; you don't seem to realize that you must be weary of claims like this because of the incalcuable amount of reasons for lying...and because of this, you have to ask for evidence.

hey jdaaawg.....NYC upstate huh? oh. must try and dig out of my notes about a very famous 'abduction' apparently witness by a high ranking 'anonymous' person who was travel.ling in NYC. it is a truly far out story of a body actually being beamed out of a window by a UFO
cant do yer post by post....cause. my fukin systems limited.one ting i notice about you sceptic types is this. you are friggin neurotic about shit. and have no regards forpeoples limitations. actually only Mr anonymous has--being of te sceptic brigade...i am sick of having to mention it.......you post replies are so rambling i ant answer every point...asyou have seen before. let us drop this bit and stic to te debate....right?)!

you say someting like 'dont know. means you dont believe te BS. well THA aint 'dont knowing' is it. it is stickin with they are talking BS, right? are u with me?///reall 'dont know' means respect for te people who have shared with ypu teir amazing experience.....to grossly assume tey are ALL fame hunters etc....even a mum, gran, and two young kids is hillariousl narrow mindedly explained............who the living Fuclk wants to be tought weird, 'whako',mentally ill---to maybe sentence their kids to bullying etc? get real

and your vew that ALL science is as meticulously reducutive as your version of it--not even BEING a scientist--is also aq very limited understanding of scientific endeavour. it is also typical positivst scientific oppression--sciencism

Dr Mack approached abduction reports in a scientific way, but wit a much mor open minded and multidisiplined way

let me ask you something. do you believe in mental illness described by your precious 'science' as being a biological physical disease?
Now THAT is interesting. Multiple independant witnesses? That's a first for me. I will need to dig up some more on this, because I still refuse to believe in something I don't really, truly have any proof of, but I will absolutely look into it.

Anybody on the board have any info on this?
Although Cuellar corresponded with Hopkins and verified the abduction, he explained to Hopkins that he could not go public for obvious reasons. Cuellar went even as far as to meet privately with Hopkins to discuss details of his observations that night, but demanded that he remain anonymous.

Mmmmmm.... Naturally, there is of course actual proof of this "fact". Perish the thought anyone could possibly make it up... :rolleyes:

Whilst your looking into the Linda Cortile/Napolitano abduction case, running a search on Buddy Hopkins and his "methods" of investigation might not go entirely amiss.
you claim it is out there
give the fucking link
give me proof of your claims

stop covering up and share your info
expose hopkins and his methods
As usual, I have a far more germane suggestion:

Why don't you just fuck off and die you stalking sack of shit?

The only way the post you made in the link above could possibly have been written is if you were checking who's on line and watching that I was in the process of making a post - You're actively stalking members - mainly me.

You sack of shit.

Not a discussion. Not a conversation. Do not fucking speak to me. If you want to try and justify yourself, take it to the Management or someone who gives a shit. Not asking. You're not welcome, you're not wanted you dipshit sack of shit.

Fuck. Off.
Mr Anonymous

As usual, I have a far more germane suggestion:

pardon but i must disagree. you rarely do. perhaps it may seem that way in your fantasy world, so meticuloulsly constructed, shielding you with a protective and comforting cocoon from the nightmare known as reality

Why don't you just fuck off and die you stalking sack of shit?

mmm...anger! i like. funny how this carefully crafted veneer of civilized erudition is so easily discarded and a frenzied and savage form of discourse is adopted.

The only way the post you made in the link above could possibly have been written is if you were checking who's on line and watching that I was in the process of making a post - You're actively stalking members - mainly me. ]

mmmm.... sherlock! such powers of deduction. i stand in awe.
regardless of your characterization.....it was entirely coincidental tho a fortunate circumstance ;)

You sack of shit.

i am so hurt. cant we just get along?

Not a discussion. Not a conversation. Do not fucking speak to me.

hush and give me the link. focus maggot

Fuck. Off.

no! :D
Gustav, it is very clear from Mr A's post, where he declares, running a search on Buddy Hopkins and his "methods" of investigation might not go entirely amiss. that he is inviting you, and others, to check this out yourself. Implicit in this is the idea that he has no doubt as to Senor Hopkin's methods and would fully expect a reasonably worded search to turn up informative material on the topic. Equally implicit is the idea that he does not have any specific link in mind.
This should be clear even to a simpleton, whilst a man of your immense skills and experience must have understood this at once. Therefore, persistently asking him to provide a link that
a) He does not have.
b) He has told you how to get.
seems, on your part, bizarre in the extreme. I expect you have a reason.

Given this dickless creeps penchant for stalking, given it's the only zero tolerance offence it's possible for a member to commit around here, and fuckwads more than merely apparent pride in acting this way - I appreciate the gesture deeply, but engage this влагалище in conversation of any kind and not only do you end up being targeted for the same abuse, he laps it up with a spoon and feeds off it.

The one, sole and only thing this fuck wants is the world centring around him - address him, justify yourself or others to him in any way, and to him it's meat and drink.

Now in terms of what this creep has to actually say, no one gives a crap. Arsehole can go around flapping his gums till the cows come home, its completely possible to avoid reading it. I have, can't think of many that do actually read his posts.

But actively stalking, that's a completely different ball game, well over anyones personal line and the fuck likes doing it, even see's it as an achievement.

I don't want to see you or anyone else get sucked in to this cunts sick little games, the problems really a matter now for the Management to deal with. Hopefully something gets done before Gustav gets completely out of hand. In the interim, and this goes to anyone reading, can we just please not address him - blank him out, turn the other cheek, whatever it takes, just ignore the fuck until Management clears up the mess.

Once again, many thanks for the thought but its like pissing up a rope dealing with this shit and life really is far, far to short to voluntarily wish to stuff a mushroom, as a very wise woman once so very succinctly put it.


A :m:
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