where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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shaman_ said:
So you wont even look at the article because is it someone from csicop?

please if you will. i am asking...who is the 'respected analyst' mntioned in your link? that all/just that........
Mr Anonymous said:
there has never been a show called the x-files - its all a plot by the Illuminati to disinform - how like a colour blind sheep you are with your trousers and psudo-facts - bore me no more!

So you don't believe me.

I ordered this for you.
Just tell me where to send it.

No wait, I will send it by UFO express. They always deliver. No address needed.
No I don't rule it out....How do you work out the distribution of the probabilities?

I doubt anyone assigns the chances at zero percent - though maybe some posters believe a hundred percent chance of alien visitation. If so, then what's the thread about? Skeptics will range from very low (say 1%) all the way up to, maybe, 15 or 20%. UFO buffs will start around 60% and go to 99%. But if everyone is agreed there is a chance either way, then who really cares?

I'd say that the single most sobering things going for the UFO phenominon are the persistence of it, and the quality of witnesses coming forward in some sightings/incidents. I'll give it a 50/50 chance.
duendy said:
me::ypu mean the othe people who agrtee with yur views? or are you saying theones who support UFOs and alien explanations are not crazy. which...? dont bothe to answer this is superfluous an you knows it!..its like a ad hominem fest
No. I was not saying anyone was crazy.

duendy said:
me::cant be arsed. lets focus on present not te past. i'm sick of that. what do you feel think NOW?
Is it worth arguing about to point out where you were wrong? .... no.

duendy said:
me::just did and yo can see i interject in between Gustav and that /..hysterical fellow JDaaaawg, ABOUT this very programme i have been using as an example throughout our debate. so can we focus on that etc?
I would be happy to focus on a debate regarding abductions or implants.
The thing is duendy, if I make any comment regarding implants or abductions now, aren't you just going to say, "you haven't seen all the evidence!! there is this tv show..." ? That is partly what we have been arguing about for a couple of days now. You are criticising me because I haven't seen this show.

duendy said:
me::again...and again you keep puttin words into my mouth boyo. i have already told you i dont know. i als am exploring. but i hate it when explantions are used to explain away..........ok. his is where we may differ: i listen to a family tell me tey have been abducted. i listen with everything...y'hear? that mans intellctually, emotionally, will all feeling. at the end of it i respect tat family and believe they have had a profound experience.........i dont know what why etc like tem. so i am very intrigued. as they are. ....but you i feel dont really respect them. you are waiting to see a psychological explanation. you already said it bck thee........go find it. not me. that it could be false memory syndrome. which for me is an insult. and for te family even more so.........so
Perhaps I have put words in your mouth there but you have also put some in mine.

I understand that you see a mundane explanation as something of an insult to the people who had the experience. I have tried to explain that it shouldn't be taken as an insult. You should have some understanding of how complicated our brains are. Again, I am not making any comment on the case you keep referring to....

duendy said:
me::baby face...my crazy maks your 'smart' look dumb to anyone wit half a wit. like quit it with thepathologizing. i know all about that tactic.....inside and out/ keep to the argument if you can.and nyway...where would i go if i was crazy? one of your fave psychologists? ten i really WOULD go crazy. propbably hitting him
Yes yes you are much smarter than me...... My comment was facetious by the way.

duendy said:
me::hah....that figurs. cuase you know fuck all about it
I know a little more than "f**k all". I have no interest in that area though. You have been to a few psychologists haven't you duendy? Your previous comments were unusual.

duendy said:
no. a genuine sceptic would be open to open questions and not be in a state of denial like you seem to be. now throwing ad homs all over the place. and who chose 'shaman'-....shit shamans will be rollin in their graves everywhere....loLLLL
In my posts to you duendy I have asked you many questions. I have also asked for any evidence you can send me. I have been open minded. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I am in a state of denial. ...
At the moment you are using ad hominem more than anyone in the forum!

No you are just another believer trying to insult a sceptic with the psuedosceptic label.
glenn239 said:
I'd say that the single most sobering things going for the UFO phenominon are the persistence of it, and the quality of witnesses coming forward in some sightings/incidents. I'll give it a 50/50 chance.

You forgot to calculate in the fact that the interpretation of sightings and the UFO experience is very cultural based. That would cut down the chances of alien visitations to zero.
duendy said:
please if you will. i am asking...who is the 'respected analyst' mntioned in your link? that all/just that........
Are you asking me who the author is?

If so, it is Robert Sheaffer.
spuriousmonkey said:
You forgot to calculate in the fact that the interpretation of sightings and the UFO experience is very cultural based. That would cut down the chances of alien visitations to zero.

how do you figure?
explain the logic
shaman_ said:
No. I was not saying anyone was crazy.


Is it worth arguing about to point out where you were wrong? .... no.

me::it could beif i had a decent computer!

I would be happy to focus on a debate regarding abductions or implants.
The thing is duendy, if I make any comment regarding implants or abductions now, aren't you just going to say, "you haven't seen all the evidence!! there is this tv show..." ? That is partly what we have been arguing about for a couple of days now. You are criticising me because I haven't seen this show.

me::hehe...ok , alright. you haven't. i have thoug been trying to give you a flava of it, and see how you'd react. but i also like to see things. i am already begining to begin takin some notes of the transcript. dont know hat else i can do. havea feelin tough.....that as soon as i mention that surgeon's name etc, that PSY_COP is gonna be on it!....and i dont trust tem. i also gt a feelin you use them s a kinda bible...?

Perhaps I have put words in your mouth there but you have also put some in mine.

me::i know...we are both bad...hehe

I understand that you see a mundane explanation as something of an insult to the people who had the experience. I have tried to explain that it shouldn't be taken as an insult. You should have some understanding of how complicated our brains are. Again, I am not making any comment on the case you keep referring to....

me::fine. wouod just like to say though. i CAn appreeiate socalled false memory syndrome and sleep paralysis. but that these explanations out of context are pretty useless.

Yes yes you are much smarter than me...... My comment was facetious by the way.

me::shock...i have just fallen down. dontknow if yer takin the piss. but we all fluctuate......

I know a little more than "f**k all". I have no interest in that area though. You have been to a few psychologists haven't you duendy? Your previous comments were unusual.

me::no.......but i am very interested in the paradigm we are immersed in. i can be weirder...

In my posts to you duendy I have asked you many questions. I have also asked for any evidence you can send me. I have been open minded. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I am in a state of denial. ...
At the moment you are using ad hominem more than anyone in the forum!

me::sorry you feel that, but you've done your sare to. i dont tink i called you mad or crazy. i'm a bit anti that............i sure wish i COUOD hand you over those blessed implants. maybe you may get his email and boldly go where no sceptic has gone before?

No you are just another believer trying to insult a sceptic with the psuedosceptic label.
..............i am not a believer as such. i like to feel meself into explorer mode. you get hints, intuitions,feelings, seeing patterns from other fields of inquiry...etc. it is not all 'rocket science' you know
were you not fucking warned about quoting entire posts?
why the disrepect?
you are negatively impacting my sciforums experience
shaman_ said:
Are you asking me who the author is?

If so, it is Robert Sheaffer.
no....at the beginning of the article doesn't it say that 'a respected analyst' contradicts the Mexican airforce version of events etc?...i am just wondering who that is...his name?
spuriousmonkey said:
You forgot to calculate in the fact that the interpretation of sightings and the UFO experience is very cultural based. That would cut down the chances of alien visitations to zero.
That is quite intersting. i have researched that regarding NDEs but haven't seen anything regarding abduction phenomena........do you have sources?
spuriousmonkey said:
pah! u call that evidence?! are you too delusional to even begin to accept the Troof -

let me explain this too you so that even a debunker like
you can under

3 words fruad peddler.

falseness, lies, illuminati
- now do you under

Just tell me where to send it.
perhaps it is i debunker who should show you where
to stick it - how do you
like them apples, johnny-debunkerpants - not
so funny when the tables have been turned
is it?! hahahhahhahahhahahha!

No wait, I will send it by UFO express. They always deliver. No address needed.
ad homanid, troll - thoughts designed
to confuse and lie.
but this is your way, is it not debunker - how scared
you must be. how you must cower at the thought that
the Troofs of which i tell you will overthrow your world.

you are right to be scared. i scare everyone, and i know where
you live and what you did last summer
do not think that i don't just becasue i can't.

now move along child, or fear my
wrath. Ha!
self serving rationale
give me an real life example that remotely resemble the events presented
show me that this scenario is not merely a hallucination conjured up in your devious mind to support a bogus premise.

ahhh......this insatiable appetite for humiliation, this greed for crucifixion, is only equaled by your sheer gluttony for punishment.

move along, boy
you bore me
i do not give a rat's ass about your sensibilities nor will i make any effort to accomadate your priggishness
you are whining like a bitch with a fat cock up her ass
you revisit resolved issues
i mean, just look at that petty tantrum.

you are a child
move along
how do you figure?

also explain the connection b/w ufos and trolls

Mr. Monkey is suggesting the evidence points to a near-zero chance of alien visitation. Many will disagree with him, many won't. Do recall that, in the end, regardless of whatever chance we assign to the evidence, alien visitation is either a yes or a no.
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