where is the evidence for alien visitation?

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shaman_ said:
Duendy do you actually expect people to take you seriously when you come up with lame excuses like this?

You are more close minded than any sceptic...
no np no noooo. i am being deadly serious. 'closed minded' means when you cannot be open to wonder.....clear?...now, i am askin you. do your CSICOPS EVer NOT explain way ALL paranormal ad abduction and UFO efents etc. can you point me to ONE...ONE event whee they hold their hands up and say....;hhmmmmm i am not sure'??
I made the mistake of assuming that there would be any here that would really want to discuss honestly about UFO's / ETI a long time ago. There are the occasional posters that make that same mistake. Soon they are so beat up, bloodied, and bruised that they just quit trying.

You are just another "shit stirrer" JDawg, one has only to look at the threads you have started and where, to see that. But, you are a prime example of the attitudes of those losers that were tossed down from the heavens above. Nice to know though that you know, where heaven is, and where you are.

These cast down Bad ET's are deceivers, slanders, liars, and use these same tactics all the time. Same Tactics, Different Day STDD
ET's do not exist. Lie
UFO's do not exist. Lie
They can't get here because faster than light travel isn't possible. Lie
CS types of crater chains are not weapons strikes. Lie
Multi-Impact crater basins are not weapons of deep penetration. Lie
Big CS crater chains on big objects, little CS chains on little objects are not indicators of strategic usage of weapons. Lie
And the list goes on and on and on and on. :eek:

No one "up there" wants these kinds of SILF's as a neighbor, and neither do I. So until my hunting license says; "Bad Extra terrestrial's - NO BAG LIMIT", I'll just "play" with them. ;)

It is so nice to know that the time is short, and even better to know that it will be cut shorter. Yet, the best one I like is that stated in Gen. 9:6 Pay back's a bitch, and it's coming soon. :D
glenn239 said:
Eyewitness testimony has been recognised by the law, for thousands of years, to constitute evidence. Just how good or how bad is case dependent, but evidence none the less.
Great pointing this out, Glenn239!....exactly. witness testimony is respected in every law court in the West, albeit it will get cross examined

in the case of a person reporting abductions can we imgine what the scene would be like in a court of law....? well for one the prosecution would wheel out the psychologist right. and he/she would explain that the witness couldn't possibly have seen what happened etc cause.......they dont know how to remember right...or they were sleep-paralyzed---even though behind the wheel of a car. etc. and the judge of course will take the 'expert's' side as the 'sceptics do here ....'GUILTY take her down!'
JDawg said:
Which brings me to my next point....

Dude, just when I thought we had reached a point of calm in our relationship, you up and say something like that. A couple of points:

1) He and his pal are joking. They are mocking the typical debate between a debunker and a kook. Calm down.

2) You aren't even remotely the voice of reason here. Everything Annonymous has posted since then are direct quotes from you. He left out the one where you called me a piece of shit or something like that, I can't remember now. So seriously, man, give it up. You are the one who requires a Tampon for his bleeding clam when the argument isn't going your way. Even Duendy is more relaxed than you when she knows she's wrong...even though the poor gal doesn't really know much other than "Pretty Lights" are aliens from outter space because her daddy told her so.

Ahhh...much better.

i do not get it. do you understand forum protocol and etiquette?


1 - what does my current discussion with mr anonymous have to do with the discussion i had with you?

2 - mr anonymous and spurious are shitting and spamming on threads. they should get a free pass to run amok?. mr anonymous admits to you..

Mr Anonymous said:
As with regards to what's happening currently, I can assure you I'm not arguing here with anyone - I'm taking the piss, certainly, and am liable to be continuing to be taking the piss for pretty much indefinitely for a good while yet to come, but arguing I am not.

you find this acceptable? you think that this admission would go down well with the community and administrators on this board?

3 - what claims have i made with regards to my reasoning abiliites?

4 - are you aware that mr anonymous is passing off my words as his own? he is not quoting them. there is no disclaimer. are you aware of what plaigerism is? can i lift your shit and pass it off my own?

5 - what argument is not going my way? where am i wrong? be specific, precise and detailed. you want to rehash. lets

6 - are you and mr anonymous a tag team?

7 - are you aware you do not have to remember? this media is persistent. the posts remain. even deletions can be recovered. there is no excuse.
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Mr Anonymous said:
]Hello again JD, an admirable post, one that sums up very much so what a lot of people have been trying to get across and not so much failing, just finding their bashing their heads against a total brick in the process - its time consuming, frustrating as hell, but the fact that people can continue to persist in trying to instill a tad of sense into the proceedings, admirable and welcome.

and yet you sabotage their efforts with your temper tantrums and hissy fits.
i find it telling that you are seemingly unable to elevate yourself above the fray and deal with the issues in a sensible manner.

you cannot walk away. you must feed the trolls. you have to roll in the gutter with the kooks.

it is plain and simple pathology on your part

what does this say about you, mr anonymous?
could it be that you are part of the problem?
is it that you simply lack the ability or smarts to mount a coherent argument?

i know
you are a kook
Mr Anonymous said:
Leaving the shortcomings of others aside though, I'm possibly going to regret actually writing this more than the prospect of entering into a "debate" with Gustav could ever possibly instill, and it concerns the following:

a dilemma
conciliatory or confrontational

The first post asked for evidence of alien visitation. You had a whole thread to display it. Instead it's filled with the standard blabla.

How difficult can it be to give evidence of alien visitation? Especially since it appears to such a common experience to
1. have seen one
2. been abducted by one

So where is it?
Maybe I am both or even neither of them.

But I conclude then that there is no evidence, and this so called serious discussion is merely a fake 'serious' discussion.
why not focus on questions that were addressed towards you?
why not backup your claims?

spuriousmonkey said:
You forgot to calculate in the fact that the interpretation of sightings and the UFO experience is very cultural based. That would cut down the chances of alien visitations to zero.

i ask why

spuriousmonkey said:
Fairy tales are culture bound. Trolls do not exist.


in an unretrievable and previous post of mine.......

fairy tales are not culture bound. while the outer trappings may reflect reginal people and place names, the themes have a point of origin. namely iran and india.

do you dispute this?
if not, what is now, the status of your original premise?

explain how trolls = aliens

go on spurious
can the hit and runs and grow some fucking balls
spuriousmonkey said:
Maybe I am both or even neither of them.

But I conclude then that there is no evidence, and this so called serious discussion is merely a fake 'serious' discussion.

yeah you right. itIS a serious discussion. dont think that only 'you' who believe in ev-eee-dence and positivistsciii-enece can be serious

look. you'll disempower people. you disrespect their witness---their tesitmony---their confession---their sharing with you. you undermine their humanity, integrity . their honesty....lright i understand you areafriad of being gullible. but what you do is choose to accuse ALL people that they aren't being honest ad want fame or are mentally ill bla bla. so THAT possible evidence you discard is te point i am making. you dont eve consider it. you sneer at it as you sneer at my views. is i any wonder pple are not wanting to share experiences etc, if they are gnna be aced with all the crap?

Also...as i have siad. onthat docu i saw a surgeon claims that he DOEShave evidence. ie., implants taken out of abductees. he claimsthat not one sceptic has bothered to even LOOK t them.....Is he telling te truth? dont know. i donr jump to conclusions. are you prepared to travel and look at these implants and ask the questions you need to ask, if you suspect that it ould be the evidence ou are looking for?....wellll arrre ya?
Gustav - if anyone here actually ever wanted your opinions they'd...

No, wait. What am I thinking? No one ever wants your opinions, Gustav.

It's a curious thing. I've never in my life actually stopped to consider what it must feel like to be accosted by a poodle - however, as experiences go, I can happily attest that certainly it's been happening.

Now, y'can flap your gums all you want. If you've got any complaints, take it up with either the management or someone that actually gives a hoot - you're a noise, not a force to be reckoned with. If you've got something to say about that, again, take it up with someone who gives a shit.

Any post with your name on it gets treated like the dog turd it is and roundly avoided, not stepped in and tracked around the forums wherever we go.

Not a discussion shit for brains, not a conversation either.

Live a long live and do it somewhere else.


A ;)
troll is a mythical creature. People believe in them

alien is a mythical creature. People believe in them

Tapir is an actual real sighting. people didn't know they existed (maybe locals did). But then they hunted them down and now they do know about them. They actually have them in zoos. I saw one myself. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of it because I assume you are going to ask me for proof now.

Are you telling me that millions of believers cannot hunt down a single alien, bigfoot, troll or tapir if they put all that effort in it?

wait, they did hunt the tapir down.

My bad...

(am picking up some colloquial english from living in the US akready - While I am in the Nation of Abducted citizens I promise to keep my scientific eye open and try to capture the very first alien {from outer space} )
spuriousmonkey said:
troll is a mythical creature. People believe in them

me::you are cognicentric

alien is a mythical creature. People believe in them

me::no. individuals. families. experience them abducting them!!

Tapir is an actual real sighting. people didn't know they existed (maybe locals did). But then they hunted them down and now they do know about them. They actually have them in zoos. I saw one myself. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of it because I assume you are going to ask me for proof now.

me::dont know what they are. but zoos are fukin uncool. HAVE you got no....errrm understanding. a family has a most mindbendingly experience of abducxtion and tell you. you are caught up in te pradigm of your times. you are not even investigating that paradigm. yu take it for granted like a fish does with water....to be frank kid. you are quite unhip

Are you telling me that millions of believers cannot hunt down a single alien, bigfoot, troll or tapir if they put all that effort in it?

me::hunt down??? what you mean then go put it in a zoo?.....what?

wait, they did hunt the tapir down.

My bad...

(am picking up some colloquial english from living in the US akready - While I am in the Nation of Abducted citizens I promise to keep my scientific eye open and try to capture the very first alien {from outer space} )
that is a silly silly approach. and really if i was an alien, i'd stay well clear of you
Mr Anonymous said:
Gustav - if anyone here actually ever wanted your opinions they'd...

No, wait. What am I thinking? No one ever wants your opinions, Gustav.

your desires and wishful fantasies will not come true.
spuriousmonkey said:
So you assume aliens are capable of reading minds without any evidence to support this?
most abductees claim tat the 'aliens' communicate telepathically

i personally ha an 'OBE' experience--a very powerful one some years back which was very real. the entities communicated wit me telepathically

now...i am preempting what you may 'conclude' from this. hat because i had an OBE tat tat must mean it was flase ...hence hey presto = so do ALL abductions....? am i readin your mind? hope not.
maybe dimensions have some part in some abductionsn too. what you say?....are you aware of any scientific theories existing that speak of the probability of more dimensions?
spuriousmonkey said:
alien is a mythical creature. People believe in them)

what are the odds of the existence of planets capable of sustaining a lifeform
what would an astrophysist's opinion be about this?
if chances are good that life could exist elsewhere
can we call this....alien?
maybe dimensions have some part in some abductionsn too. what you say?....are you aware of any scientific theories existing that speak of the probability of more dimensions?

I'm always very skeptical of people invoking "dimensions" as an unthinking way of justifying a concept. It's a word that seems to be just blurted out along with "vibration", "quantum" and "energy".

Duendy, so that I don't tar you with the brush I reserve for cranks and idiots, could you at least outline how additional dimensions can be involved in abduction experiences and telepathy.
Mr Anonymous said:
.....that to them remains an impossible suggestion to accept, but only really because very few have actually the first fuck of an idea of what the idea of viable interstellar travel actually means....

such misplaced bravado, arrogance and an inflated idea of one's actual intellectual capacity

never mind
a fairly decent post
one that would get you assaulted by the pseudo skeptics

yet i see you get hung up on ftl
you imagine that et must originate from the furthest point in space
what if......

Now, astronomers believe they have found a plan slightly larger than Jupiter orbiting Epsilon Eridani – making it the closest extrasolar planet ever found to our sun. Epsilon Eridani may eventually be the first star ever visited by an interstellar probe. It's a mere puddle jump in the galaxy - no need for a "warp drive" envisioned in science fiction. link link

so ahhh
et lives right next door
the exotic propulsions, the ftl barrier are not a valid arguments against et visitations
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