Where is Jesus right now?

You can't point any of it out?
Has anybody else noticed that the passages theist keep throwing around apply well to the theists themselves?
"He that will not see, sees not" now if a theist closes his/her eyes to reality and keep believing in the myth don't they see not?:shrug:

A theist sees with the heart.
the czarist Russia has fallen, the czar killed by Russians...I am a Russian....what more do you want to hear?

Well you could start by admitting that there at least was russian anti-jewish propaganda.
I thought my source for the above was still on-line but you will have to buy it if you want to check it
It's the issue with a big 9/11 on the cover
Where did he go after ascending into the sky? Does that imply that heaven is actually in the sky, or can otherwise be entered by going into space? If he physically rose from the dead, and his physical body ascended into heaven, which is supposed to be a spiritual realm, then how does that work? Where is he waiting until the Second Coming?

These are some things that puzzle me.

Don't let such matters weigh on your mind.

The truth of the matter is that Jesus did not raise from the dead, and certainly did not fly off into the sunset.


Following the pattern of which the Bible is written, you know this stuff was added to pad the story and make it more blockbuster to really garner followers in the growing cult - No doubt refined over the years of preaching following the death of Jesus.

It's also possible that Jesus did not even exist at all. By the time the preachers hit the streets with growing tales, how could a gullible crowd know or even care that this guy was an actual living being?

If only CNN had been around at the time, we may actually find out the truth and be extremely underwhelmed.
Alhpacenturi, if thats how you spell it. A space ship yes, ion driven no. Ion driven devices do not travel near the speed of light, as it would have taken to have predictions of the future, therefor only inviting time travel as a possibility. Therefor making this the first coming and the past the second but on behalf of "Rational" beliefs this is the second coming. Any questions. I have plenty of time to explain alot of things
Oh, and to add alot of things into this chaos factor physicists love so much. If said statement is true, and he does not go into the past. What would happen if he "No longer existed"

The catholic church would not exist therefor changing the entire structure of society of more than 2000 years. Check out the history channel, they found hidden writing in a lititure matricy, predicting events of now. The chances of scientists finding this was approx 1.3 trillion ^ 22 or so. Its real and they proved it for me.
He likes music too.

Jimi Hendrix
Stevie Ray Vaugh
Janis Joplin
Jim Morrison
Bob Marley

All gone in their thirties my man. In their thirties.....;)

Purple Haze (Jesus Saves)

Is that all you got?

I tell my mother she's an idiot for believing in the traditional Jesus. I wouldn't have any problem saying the same thing to Hendrix if there was any evidence that was what he believed.
Jesus is a thought, more than a thought. It is an Idea, it is more than an Idea. It is a symbol, the symbol of man. Man who became the epitaph of civilization. His name may have not been Jesus Christ, but in all irony all people say Christ in vain, or at least have at some point. If not, praise to you for upholding the rightousnes of christs moral ideas. I am sorry for my spelling it may not be the best, but morals are morals and only one set is right.

An Idea for all mankind to hopefully uphold.