Where is Jesus right now?

The difference between Jesus and Einstein are the faith upon which their teachings are based on

Einstein turned his back on the Lord.

" He that looketh me not in the face seeth not the Power and the GLory"

Echinopsis 2.12
Einstein turned his back on the Lord.

" He that looketh me not in the face seeth not the Power and the GLory"

Echinopsis 2.12

Bible forespoke of the future?! :bugeye:

I would rather say that Einstein carries the same message of God...which neither of us have understood entirely.
The difference between Jesus and Einstein are the faith upon which their teachings are based on

But an awful lot of Einstiens work has been proven. For example large massive bodies really do bend light as was proven by the lensing effect observed during the solar eclipse of,,, IIRC 1919.
Bible forespoke of the future?! :bugeye:

I would rather say that Einstein carries the same message of God...which neither of us have understood entirely.

That may be so. I can but do my humble best to serve and inform those who will hear the Living Word.
But an awful lot of Einstiens work has been proven. For example large massive bodies really do bend light as was proven by the lensing effect observed during the solar eclipse of,,, IIRC 1919.

can anything really be proven? Yes there seems to be many relations between events, especially that which we can observe and attest to...but it is still assumptions based upon faith in probability of those assumptions being correct.
But an awful lot of Einstiens work has been proven. For example large massive bodies really do bend light as was proven by the lensing effect observed during the solar eclipse of,,, IIRC 1919.

Headline:"Faulty Instrument Misleads World Scientists"

See The Episcopalian Chronicle. Back numbers are available at low cost.
Just look around you.

He that will not see, sees not. Eiphemisms 3.11

You can't point any of it out?
Has anybody else noticed that the passages theist keep throwing around apply well to the theists themselves?
"He that will not see, sees not" now if a theist closes his/her eyes to reality and keep believing in the myth don't they see not?:shrug:
Headline:"Faulty Instrument Misleads World Scientists"

See The Episcopalian Chronicle. Back numbers are available at low cost.

Right, sure. I have no doubt you may be able to find such an article but the source is flawed. Besides it has been proven many times since.
Faulty Guidance Misleads the World

...humans are not fool-proof...all books are written by humans

But the Bible was dictates by God,

"Go Ye and spread my word as the Farmer scatters his seed"

Onanists 3.2