where is god?

Re: Re: where is god?

Originally posted by Morteza Olangui
I went to a mosque. I asked somebody: where do you think God is?
He was amazed and said politely: He used to be here but he has checked out !!! quack-quack Thanks
that would be a great relief because we know god exists at least.
you have given a lot of materials and conclusions but omit the vital thing for mind, a reason that support what you claim.
I can not afford looking into every claim people put forward unless you give a good reason.

A Good Reason..................Ok

The God of the Old Testament is the Jesus Christ of the New Testament.
All of creation was lost when Adam fell, in the book of Rev., no man was found worthy to take the book, then one came forth ...the bloody lamb.

He is the "second man Adam", created by the spokenword of God in the womb of a virgin, He stayed true, overcame all things and died the death for us without falling into sin.

What Christianity knows is that only through Him and by Him all things are restored and eternal life is possible.
What most of Christiany falls to realize is He is the Word (John 1:1-14), and to mix man's creeds and traditions with It make It of non-effect to the people.

God is then like a rich man, the richest man in the world,..
Many women seek to marry a man for his riches, not for who He is, or what he stands for or believes, but what he has.
The christian churches today have become these women, ...as prophecied, let me show you.

Isaiah 4:1 - And seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, "We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; to take away our reproach."

Their own bread....Jesus said "I am the bread of life", The Word of God, these want to have their own word, ....
Their own apparrel.... their own rightousness...
The Bride is to be arrayed in a wedding garment of white linen, the rightousness of the saints which is the rightousness of Jesus Christ imputed to them through their union with Him....the two become as one.

Everything God created in the physical realm has a counter-part or type in the spiritual realm, this is how He uses the events in the bible to teach the truth to those who will hear It, and what I've stated above is one reason why He hides It from those who would not.

The Visitor
The Visitor:
All the sciences are telling the truth about god, bible is one of the attempts and has some good advice, but it should not deny the truth by other sources.
True science would eventually discover God if given enough time, but I'm afraid too many of today's so-called scientist's are riding the politically correct wave of what they are told to accept as fact.

Such examples are dinosaurs becoming extinct 65 million years ago, so any findings to the contrary....such as recent red-blood cells found in a duck-billed dinos' NON-FOSSILIZED thigh bone must be explained so as not to disprove the "commonly held facts"...........
Also Man's so-called evolution from lower primates cannot be questioned, ect...ect... or funding would be pulled, students would be disciplined, not recieving degrees ect....

These things go on everyday.
This is not science, it is an inquisition.....let me run this by you....

This is your "Missing link"
(Transcribed from a tape recorded message in 1958, in italics)

The serpent, this serpent which was first. Let's draw a picture of him now. He's a great big fellow. He's between the chimpanzee and the man. And the devil, Lucifer, knew that that was the only blood that would mix with this human blood. He had to deal with this serpent.
Let's take him now and see what he looks like: Great big fellow, prehistoric giant. That's where they find these big bones, and I'll show you this in the Bible. Now, watch closely then. All right. This great big fellow, let's say he was--he was ten foot tall, great big shoulders, looked just like a man.
You can cross animals. They kept getting higher blood, higher form of life, higher form, till it climbs up into the man realm. But the last connection here between here was cut off. How many knows that science can't find the missing link? All of you know that. Why? Here he is, the serpent.
Here he was a great big fellow. And the devil comes down. Now, he says, "I can inspire." Now, when you go to looking at women and actions of women, remember you are anointed of the devil, if it's not your own wife. Notice. Now, the devil come down and got into the serpent, and he found Eve in the garden of Eden naked. And he talked about the fruit in the midst, the "midst" means "middle" and so forth. You understand in a mixed congregation. And he said, "Now, it's pleasant. It's good to the eye." What did he do? He begin making love to Eve. And he lived with her as a husband. And she saw it was pleasant, so she went and told her husband; but she was already pregnant by Satan. And she brought forth her first son whose name was Cain, the son of Satan. "Now," you say, "that's wrong." All right, we'll just find out whether it's wrong or not. "And I will put enmity between thy seed and the serpent's seed." What? The serpent's seed. She had a seed, and he had a seed. "And he shall bruise thy head, and you shall bruise his heel." A "bruise" there means "to make an atonement."
Now, there's your seed of the serpent. Now, notice, here comes these two men out.
Now, this serpent, when he stood there... This great big giant of a fellow stood up there. He was guilty of committing adultery with Adam's wife. Where's sin lay today? What makes things the way they are today? (Now, I--I... Surely you can catch what I'm talking about.)
Now, here comes the seed of the--of the serpent. Now, remember, there'll be enmity, war between them. The seed of the serpent comes along, and what does it produce? Now, let's take the first few years. Now, watch what takes place to them. We'll read it right down 'cause I just checked it up.
The seed of the serpent produced Cain. Cain went to the land of Nod, produced giants, and then they come to the land of Noah. They were smart educated, intelligent people. Is that right? They were builders, inventors, scientists: Not through the seed of the righteous, but through the seed of Satan, the serpent. They were such men as--as scientists, builders, and great men, educators; the Scripture says so. They worked brass; they worked iron; they worked metals. They invented things. They tempered different metals, and built houses, and so forth. The Scripture says so. And they were scoffers at the seed of the woman: Noah, the righteous. Is that right? Let's follow them a little farther. Then we get them up to the ark. Everything was destroyed: got in such a conglomeration of sin. And they took the rule, and smartest and intelligent, till God looked down, there wasn't very many left, so He just took Noah and his family in the ark and rained the water down, and destroyed the whole thing: took Enoch up beforehand. Is that right? There was all the seed, almost all the seed. But He has purpose has to be fulfilled. Now, Noah and his sons which come out, Ham, Shem, and Japheth, come out in the righteous line. How did the seed ever get over? The seed come over in the ark, just like it did in the beginning through the woman, their wives. They carried the seed of Satan through the ark, just as Eve packed the seed of Satan to give birth to Cain, through the woman.

The Serpent was not always a snake. It walked, talked to Eve, and was very inteligent. After the fall, look at how God chose to curse them...Adam for his good the ground was cursed, that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve was cursed were she sinned, in childbearing, not in her mouth as if she'd eaten an apple, as some say. And the Serpent,every bone in his body was changed, and was told "on your belly you shall go"...thats why there's a missing link between man and ape today, it was the serpent.
Many species that are next to one another can reproduce, although it's not natural for them to do so. Take a horse and a donkey, they make a mule. A Hybrid .....The serpent was with Eve in the afternoon, and Eve was with Adam that evening...it happens today if there are two furtile eggs present. There were twins Cain, of the serpent, and Abel of Adam...
So this then created two completely different races then, The "Sons of God" - the true desendants of Adam and Eve, and "The Sons of Men" created when Eve was seduced in the garden of Eden by a male serpent under the influence of Satan.

Cain was the first of this race which ruled the world before the flood with physical strenghth and technology.
To see the nature of the beast, look back to see the twins at work through-out history....Cain and Abel, Moses and Balaam, Jesus and Judas - The Son of God and the Son of Perdition.
The pharasees and the Scribes, False religions of their day and ours, denominationism, the world council of churches. The true church and the false vine...

This makes more sense to me,.... not millions of years of "evolution", but thousands of years since a creation that was horribly marred by Man's disobediance and the creation of a hybrid species.....of Men made in the image of God, crossed with an animal who was the closest thing to Man.

Also, ask yourself why is there a ancient 12 digit based numerical system, which one day long ago was prominent throughout the world......
The bible records giants with 12 fingers and 12 toes.
2 Samuel 21:20 - And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was descended from the giants.

12 inches in a foot, 12 blks. in a mile, 12 to a dozen, 12 dozen in a gross, 12 numbers on the face of a clock, 12 months in a year 12 signs in the zodiac........it goes on and on....

Where did this come from, and why?....today we teach our little children to count with thier fingers...to 10
Somebody in ancient times taught their children to count to 12.
Ever wonder why....?

You do the math..... (pun intended!)

The Visitor
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
True science would eventually discover God if given enough time, but I'm afraid too many of today's so-called scientist's are riding the politically correct wave of what they are told to accept as fact.

Such examples are dinosaurs becoming extinct 65 million years ago, so any findings to the contrary....such as recent red-blood cells found in a duck-billed dinos' NON-FOSSILIZED thigh bone must be explained so as not to disprove the "commonly held facts"...........
Also Man's so-called evolution from lower primates cannot be questioned, ect...ect... or funding would be pulled, students would be disciplined, not recieving degrees ect....

These things go on everyday.
This is not science, it is an inquisition.....let me run this by you....
They are not angels in the heaven, this is the dark side of it. But do we have any shining side?
We need courage to chellage the dark side but not to abandon the good hope.
Comparing to this, there is even darker things, in china, you may get your head pulled off shoulder instead of funds.
you still can do lots of right things instead of only complaining.
Man.. what a load of crap!!.

True science would eventually discover God if given enough time,

Science will never discover fantazy!, or made up illusions.

The snake walked on two legs? LOL.

Give me a break!!

Can you pin-point this "fact" on your precious bible?. Genesis? were?.

The Serpent was not always a snake. It walked, talked to Eve, and was very inteligent. After the fall, look at how God chose to curse them...Adam for his good the ground was cursed, that he would have to work by the sweat of his brow, Eve was cursed were she sinned, in childbearing, not in her mouth as if she'd eaten an apple, as some say. And the Serpent,every bone in his body was changed, and was told "on your belly you shall go"...thats why there's a missing link between man and ape today, it was the serpent.

Many species that are next to one another can reproduce, although it's not natural for them to do so. Take a horse and a donkey, they make a mule. A Hybrid .....The serpent was with Eve in the afternoon, and Eve was with Adam that evening...it happens today if there are two furtile eggs present. There were twins Cain, of the serpent, and Abel of Adam...
So this then created two completely different races then, The "Sons of God" - the true desendants of Adam and Eve, and "The Sons of Men" created when Eve was seduced in the garden of Eden by a male serpent under the influence of Satan.

Oh lordy. I'm speechless. Honestly speechless. That would have to be the saddest thing I've ever read. You honestly think that the missing link between homo sapiens and apes is a snake? A snake from a biblical story no less. So was the snake/serpent an ape when it slept with Eve or was it a snake then too and somewhere in your own mind you've decided that you've found the missing link? I'm confused here. Because the childhood biblical stories (notice how they're called stories here?) I was told at Sunday school was that it was a serpent and not an ape which then became a snake. I'm confused. In fact you seem to be confused as well. Re-read your post and you'll see that you make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

And the snake was with Eve in the morning and she was with Adam in the afternoon? And that's how the 2 eggs were fertilised where one became "evil" and one "good"? Is that like when a dog can have puppies from 2 different fathers? And pray tell, how could a snake or serpent make a woman pregnant? Oh of course, the snake was Satan and therefore could have sex with a woman and make her pregnant. And I also forgot that you said the snake walked around. How in the hell can a snake walk around? Dear child, what can I say. You've had me in stitches while reading your post. Very entertaining, if not really sad. What you appear to need is an education. Especially biology and human reproduction. I'm sure it would be highly beneficial for you.

This makes more sense to me,.... not millions of years of "evolution", but thousands of years since a creation that was horribly marred by Man's disobediance and the creation of a hybrid species.....of Men made in the image of God, crossed with an animal who was the closest thing to Man.
Ok, this one just made me want to bawl. Visitor, what can I say. What in the world are you on about now? I thought you said just above there was that the missing link between man and ape was the serpent? Sob... this is no longer even remotely amusing but tragically sad:(. Just keep telling yourself Visitor... education.. biology... human reproduction (for starters)...

I'm having a Sixth Sense moment... I see dumb people:(

Originally posted by Bells
Oh lordy. I'm speechless. Honestly speechless. That would have to be the saddest thing I've ever read.
And the snake was with Eve in the morning and she was with Adam in the afternoon? And that's how the 2 eggs were fertilised where one became "evil" and one "good"? Is that like when a dog can have puppies from 2 different fathers?Ok, this one just made me want to bawl. Visitor, what can I say. What in the world are you on about now? I thought you said just above there was that the missing link between man and ape was the serpent? Sob... this is no longer even remotely amusing but tragically sad:(. Just keep telling yourself Visitor... education.. biology... human reproduction (for starters)...

I'm having a Sixth Sense moment... I see dumb people:(


That's not all....Ask him to tell you all about the bride of Jesus and some guy that lived in the sixties (can't remember the name) that he thinks is a prophet. If he starts to talk in tongues then that's your clue that he's out of stories.
You honestly think that the missing link between homo sapiens and apes is a snake? A snake from a biblical story no less
It wasn't a snake to begin with, the serpent was a Man-like creature, only larger......but still only an animal, without a soul....that's why it could be controled by Satan, like the swine at Gadarenes.

So was the snake/serpent an ape when it slept with Eve or was it a snake then too and somewhere in your own mind you've decided that you've found the missing link? I'm confused here.
I'll certainly do my best to end your your confusion, what I've been trying to say is the serpent was not a snake or even a reptile in the beginning....after the serpent had sex with Eve, God cursed it and every bone of it's body was changed, and then it became a snake...
Genesis 3:14..(And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field, upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life)
But the damage was already done because Eve was pregnate with Cain, and the bloodline being passed through the male, this made Cain a hybrid offsring of the serpent, with primarilly it's traits dominate. This is why the Cainanites were Giants.

And the snake was with Eve in the morning and she was with Adam in the afternoon? And that's how the 2 eggs were fertilised where one became "evil" and one "good"?

Is that like when a dog can have puppies from 2 different fathers?

And pray tell, how could a snake or serpent make a woman pregnant? Oh of course, the snake was Satan and therefore could have sex with a woman and make her pregnant.
The serpent before God changed it into a snake was the closest member of the animal species to Man, and could Mix and reproduce...A donkey will with a horse, creating the Mule. A lion will with a tiger, creating a liger, a Zebra will with a donkey or horse, one of the two...I foget which, anyway you get my point....

No, the Serpent was not Satan, Satan is an evil spirit, that could enter and possess the Serpent and can still today in it's offsrping, The Serpent was merly a animal. There are many reports of women having twins fatherd by two seperate males, it can happen if there are two fertile eggs present and it all takes place, (both acts), within 24 hours or so...

Now having straightened this all out for you, I again ask you this question.....can you answer it for me?

Ask yourself why is there a ancient 12 digit based numerical system, which one day long ago was prominent throughout the world......
The bible records giants with 12 fingers and 12 toes.
2 Samuel 21:20 - And there was again war at Gath, where there was a man of great stature, who had six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot, twenty-four in number; and he also was descended from the giants.

12 inches in a foot, 12 blks. in a mile, 12 to a dozen, 12 dozen in a gross, 12 numbers on the face of a clock, 12 months in a year 12 signs in the zodiac........it goes on and on....

Where did this come from, and why?....today we teach our little children to count with thier fingers...to 10
Somebody in ancient times taught their children to count to 12.
Ever wonder why....?
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Yeah, Thevisitor is officially talking in tongues now...I can't understand a word he's saying.....
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Blew up anything lately?, ..... we got your buddy Saddam:cool:
M*W: I don't think Flores, the nice Muslim lady, would blow-up anything... Hey! Wait a minute! Isn't that a fuse hanging out of your ass?
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: I don't think Flores, the nice Muslim lady, would blow-up anything... Hey! Wait a minute! Isn't that a fuse hanging out of your ass?

No MW, It's not a fuse, didn't you read his earlier post? It's his sixth finger growing out of his tiny serpant pinus.:D
All fun aside though, this does go along with making my point...
The word "serpent" still translates to "ape" in some obscure Aramaic dialects......(go figure), look it up...I'm serious.
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
All fun aside though, this does go along with making my point...
The word "serpent" still translates to "ape" in some obscure Aramic dialects......(go figure), look it up...I'm serious.

Wow....How many ancient Aramic dialects do you speak???? Last I checked, these languages are extinct, as in, not spoken anymore, as in nobody knows how to read them, let alone translate words like serpents in them. Another fact, Ancient hebrew is also extinct...The closest you'll come to is Hebrew or Arabic and I know arabic and have a best friend here that speaks Hebrew, so perhaps you can point me to the Hebrew or Arabic word that uses serpent to refer to apes???
I know arabic and have a best friend here that speaks Hebrew, so perhaps you can point me to the Hebrew or Arabic word that uses serpent to refer to apes???

It is Arabic, not Aramaic as I had previously thought, and is the root wood for both Satan/serpent....and ape.

A root in this language, very nearly similar to that in the text, seems to cast considerable light on the subject. [Arabic] chanas or khanasa signifies he departed, drew off, lay hid, seduced, slunk away; from this root come [Arabic] akhnas, [Arabic] khanasa, and [Arabic] khanoos, which all signify an ape, or satyrus, or any creature of the simia or ape genus. It is very remarkable also that from the same root comes [Arabic] khanas, the devil, which appellative he bears from that meaning of [Arabic] khanasa, he drew off, seduced, etc., because he draws men off from righteousness, seduces them from their obedience to God, etc., etc. See Golius, sub voce. Is it not strange that the devil and the ape should have the same name, derived from the same root.
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Originally posted by Flores
No MW, It's not a fuse, didn't you read his earlier post? It's his sixth finger growing out of his tiny serpant pinus.:D
M*W: Oh, that explains what that itty bitty thing was. I thought it was a Tootsie Roll and that would explain the chocolate-looking goo on his finger!