where is god?

TheVisitor said:
Actually, after reading through your posts, it's been a true confirmation as to why I'm an agnostic
Thanks for the responce though............I don't mind hearing from agnostics, or atheist's either for that mater.
I'll agree that the organized religions of the world, claiming they represent God and doing what they do, is enough to sour anyone with half a mind on the whole mater....and thats a good thing.

God never organized religions, He deals with individuals.
Now you've heard this mystery revealed, whether you agree with it or not now, you'll remember what I've said...and someday enough peices of the puzzle will fit together for you, and it'll click..and you'll see it. Or maybe not, anyway - Happy Trails...!
Looking for clues in zoos?
This is dagerous crap!! for there are people in power, of countries who believe these revelations, and will undoubtedly see it through, as for any freaking god comming I very seriously doubt the BS. but the ones that do and want to see it happen are the real evil, not benevolent, not mercifull, but vengefull.



You sound afraid, that's understandable considering the current situation of the world today............
If this world was all someone had to look forward to because they didn't believe in anything else,.....they have good reason to be afraid, because this world is falling apart.
Don't attempt to blame it on the Bible though, it's the only thing that's real and true.
"Perfect love casts out all fear"..........the bible says.
That's what it trys to bring people to, but it's is on an individual basis only.

Religion, on the other hand has been the source of most of the world's problems - remember Cain was very religious, and so are his children today.
They'll worship anything and call it God, and give their last drop of blood for it.
The U. S. Gov. has studied this since the time of WWII and the "Kamikaze of Japan" - " a member of a Japanese air attack corps in World War II assigned to make a suicidal crash on a target (as a ship)
They deterined that there is no more dangerous and unpredictable enemy to face than one that is willing to give it's life in the name of it's religion.

The Visitor
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Not scared!. ;) just concerned and the freaking bible it has all to do with it! because it will become a religious war, so it's the bible agaisnt the Qu'aram. Two seperate idiologies, coliding, with the damn jews pulling the strings of US, to do their bitting!.

I haven't read the whole thread as of yet, but I would like to give you something to think about...

I, too, believe that God is everywhere. Not just that but that all is God, from the smallest sub-atomic particle to the entire universe, it is all what God is.

Here is a theory that resonates with my heart, in the beginning was God. That is all there is. There is nothing outside of God. God in his infinite wisdom, wanting to actually experience something other than Godhood, decided he would create something "other than" himself. Since God is all there is, he had to divide himself. So God divided himself into all that now is. Now, there is still not something other than God, there are just many pieces of God. For God to experience "other than" himself, he had to make parts of himself ignorant of the fact that they too are God. Hence, God created humanity. From that point on God has been able to experience what it would be like to not be God. What humanity has been trying to do and what I think is the purpose of living is to remember who we really are. Which is God.
G!! God is crap, a criminal, a rapist, pedophile,sewage, dog poop, hey!! god is everywhere!.

It is beyond me how a pantheist even believes that the bullet traveling at the speed of sound hitting you on the chest is also god?.

God in his infinite wisdom, wanting to actually experience something other than Godhood, decided he would create something "other than" himself.

god was bored with infinite wisdom, omnipotence, omnisciense, and tired of being the only omnipresent in a non-existing universe, that he had not created as of yet. so god created us to amuse himself?.

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No, I wouldn't say bored. I think he did it to experience other than Godhood.

And yes, he is all those things we consider "bad". God is beyond duality. Therefore there is no "good" or "bad", they just are.
Quote: (No, I wouldn't say bored. I think he did it to experience other than Godhood)

Thats a dammm!! big assumption.

Godless said:
Quote: (No, I wouldn't say bored. I think he did it to experience other than Godhood)

i thought that god was supposed to be complex and beyond comprehension. doesnt that border on heresy or something to presume what god wanted?
Perhaps God has designed us, if you beleive that he is the creator of all, to ask these questions and wonder. Perhaps he has designed us to try to gain knowledge of these things. Perhaps, also, our minds are not capable of understanding the extraordinary world of god and himself/herself.

I, myself, beleive that in the human race, and possible all other creatures, have some part of god within them. God is a great power that guides us in the way we do things. (Please do not reply to this saying, "Then why do people do bad?" )

There are many answers to where is god, and WHAT is god... the truth is, noone knows unless they have died.... even then they may not know.

This is just what i think.
I have not said all this is fact. It is making a big assumption. I don't know, that is why I said it is a theory. I have been re-thinking a part of this, anyway. I "presume what god wanted", now that I think about it more, I don't really think that god would be in want of anything. And then again, I am purposing that God is more human than I think he is.
I agree with the part that god wouldn't want anything. God is everything, God has everything already, why would god want something? You only want things that you don't have.
What humanity has been trying to do and what I think is the purpose of living is to remember who we really are. Which is God.


Great explaination !
Awake said:
No, I wouldn't say bored. I think he did it to experience other than Godhood.

And yes, he is all those things we consider "bad". God is beyond duality. Therefore there is no "good" or "bad", they just are.
M*W: The duality I understand is that God is both Human AND Divine dwelling in ALL creation and mostly in humanity. As far as we know, we are the ones with the most usage of our brain.

What humanity has been trying to do and what I think is the purpose of living is to remember who we really are. Which is God.
So you think you are God! You need to have a talk with a therapist - soon.

Other than that you are talking total garbage.

And of course Hevene agrees with the same nonsense. What a surprise.


I agree with the part that god wouldn't want anything. God is everything, God has everything already, why would god want something? You only want things that you don't have.
If he indeed doesn't want anything then humans have no value.

Yes, I do in fact think that I'm God. Just as I think you are, too. I have read some of your other posts. I don't want to get in a raging argument with you because I don't see that it would be profitable for either of us. Let's just start by aggreeing to disagree. I whole-heartedly believe that you have every right to your opinion and it is as valid to you as mine is to me. I believe we are each at different levels of discovery and maybe you are way ahead of me, but maybe not.
Awake said everything for me. The difference between us and the "holy" people is they know that they are God every single moment, and we don't.

To reply your comment :"If he indeed doesn't want anything then humans have no value."
Values are based on our individual definitions - ie made up by us.
Who is God ???

The Noble Quran: 57

1. Whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Allâh, and He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.

2. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, It is He Who gives life and causes death; and He is Able to do all things.

3. He is the First (nothing is before Him) and the Last (nothing is after Him), the Most High (nothing is above Him) and the Most Near (nothing is nearer than Him). And He is the All-Knower of every thing.

4. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days and then rose over the Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty). He knows what goes into the earth and what comes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends thereto. And He is with you (by His Knowledge) wheresoever you may be. And Allâh is the All-Seer of what you do.

5. His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And to Allâh return all the matters (for decision).

6. He merges night into day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night is added into the hours of the day), and merges day into night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the day is added into the hours of the night), and He has full knowledge of whatsoever is in the breasts.

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