where is god?

I am doing the same as your mother, try some other alternatives.
Guidance has nothing to do with mentality, it is a choice of free will to accept or not. Any one will need good advice. Only the mentally ill will deny that.
As to the organised churches, they may develop more interest in personal benefits than seraching the true value, which I also cast strong doubt upon.

So yin, in that respect we are in agreement, I too hold much against organized religion.

Though through the years, I went through the experience of going to church, and all I became an atheist. Mind you not overnight, at first I just quit qoing to church all together, then as I studied on my own, philosophy, psychology, history, astronomy, anthropology, I gave up on the notion that a supreme beign need exist, or does exist.

I feel as if I became enlighten, in a way. When I made the choice of totally denying the existence of a supreme beign. The only supreme beign I know is man.

Re: Well!

Originally posted by Godless
So yin, in that respect we are in agreement, I too hold much against organized religion.

Though through the years, I went through the experience of going to church, and all I became an atheist. Mind you not overnight, at first I just quit qoing to church all together, then as I studied on my own, philosophy, psychology, history, astronomy, anthropology, I gave up on the notion that a supreme beign need exist, or does exist.

I feel as if I became enlighten, in a way. When I made the choice of totally denying the existence of a supreme beign. The only supreme beign I know is man.

M*W: I'm really glad to hear we are thinking the same thing. "The only supreme beign I know is man." I'm also glad that those who think like us are making a presence on the forum.
I disagree. However I am not here to attack your beliefs, but just expressing mine. Many of you think man are the only "supreme" being, however it is this belief that is causing many of the world's problem today. Being supreme automaticaly infer that man is better than others, and some believe that certain men/women are better than some others, this plus the belief that it is ok to use force to somehow eliminate the non-supreme beings that had created war, racism and so on.
There is no right or wrong, for it's definitions changes with time and with our consiousness evolution, there is only what works and what doesn't. And the belief of being supreme separates us from eachother, and created and is creating many of the problem that we are facing today, it just doesn't work to create a world of peace and love. It doesn't matter what our definition of god is, for others who do not have the same view allow us the experience our uniqueness, defining who we are.
n.b. I think god is everything that is and everything that is not, the alpha and the omega, the here and the there, the ups and the downs ... ...

In love and light

Yes you are entitled to your opinion, however is just that!! an opinion.

When I state "man is the superior beign" I don't mean certain men are superior than others, I mean the whole human race as a whole!!.

The only supreme beign on earth is human beigns!!!

We have the power of the light or the omega, we are the begining or the end, fact is we have the power to create life, or destroy life, at will.

And only men decide what is right and what is wrong. There is no universal law dictated to us by any other "superior beign" i.e. out of this world, that is not human. I.E. god!!

We are gods, however we don't possess the powers as such depicted in books of fairy tale, no one does. And no one ever did.

I have to agree with these people VitalOne: you don't really make any sense, and the claim that you have been educated (if it can be called that) beyond reason seems to also be true. :)
Re: Hevene

Originally posted by Godless

We are gods, however we don't possess the powers as such depicted in books of fairy tale, no one does. And no one ever did.
M*W: You're definitely on the right track. We're not all "gods," but the human race as One is "God." We're just not finished yet to have all the powers of God, but this is these are the last days of creation toward the perfection of the human race.
Originally posted by Hevene
I disagree. However I am not here to attack your beliefs, but just expressing mine. Many of you think man are the only "supreme" being, however it is this belief that is causing many of the world's problem today. Being supreme automaticaly infer that man is better than others, and some believe that certain men/women are better than some others, this plus the belief that it is ok to use force to somehow eliminate the non-supreme beings that had created war, racism and so on.
There is no right or wrong, for it's definitions changes with time and with our consiousness evolution, there is only what works and what doesn't. And the belief of being supreme separates us from eachother, and created and is creating many of the problem that we are facing today, it just doesn't work to create a world of peace and love. It doesn't matter what our definition of god is, for others who do not have the same view allow us the experience our uniqueness, defining who we are.
n.b. I think god is everything that is and everything that is not, the alpha and the omega, the here and the there, the ups and the downs ... ...

In love and light
I would regard as differentiated rather than supreme.
Originally posted by Hevene
There is no right or wrong, for it's definitions changes with time and with our consiousness evolution, there is only what works and what doesn't.... It doesn't matter what our definition of god is, for others who do not have the same view allow us the experience our uniqueness, defining who we are.
In love and light [/B]
1- Do you mean people now are against "do not kill", "do not steal " and "love thy neighbor" ?
2- What would happen if our definition of God contradicts one with the other?
3- As I am not an English-speaking person, I did not understand ...quote... "for others who do not allow us the experience our uniquness, defining who we are"
could you please elaborate? :) Thanks
Morteza Olangui

I did not say
I did not understand ...quote... "for others who do not allow us the experience our uniquness, defining who we are"

I said:
for others who do not have the same view allow us the experience our uniqueness, defining who we are.

Let me explain this further.
In the absence of which that is not, which that is ... is not.
Imagine this (let's simplify the situation a little), imagine you are 6 feet tall, this is who you are. You know this conceptually and is currently experiencing this because there are others who are not 6 feet tall. If everything around you, the trees, the tables, people, everything, if everything is 6 feet tall, you will know only conceptually that you are 6 feet tall, but cannot experience been 6 feet tall, because you know nothing but 6 feet tall.
Get it? This apply to everything. The people who are different to us allows us the experience who we are, without them, we can have a concept of who we are.

2- What would happen if our definition of God contradicts one with the other?
This differences between people again allows us to experience who we not. However, we must realise that some of our beliefs about god is outdated, they haven't evovled for thousands of years, they are nolonger keeping up with our current changing world. There are many different beliefs about God, and many people are argumenting which one is right and which one is wrong. But it is this right and wrong argument that is stopping our spirituality to evolve, for people will do anything to defend what they think is right. So, the only way to stop that, is simply seeing things as what works and what doesn't. This way, it is easier to change the things that doesn't work to something that works.

Do you mean people now are against "do not kill", "do not steal " and "love thy neighbor" ?
There are many people who believe it is right to kill to protect themselves and is doing this in the name of god for many holy scriptures clearly stated that it is ok to do so. If we want a world of peace and tolerance, you can clearly see, many of our beliefs about god is just nolonger working (don't see it as right or wrong), just simply nolonger working and need to be changed.
Q: The question is: Where is God ?, Who is God....?
- If every story in the Bible is not meant to be literal truth, how do you decide which ones are?, How do you know if ANY of it is?

A: Thats a fair question(s), and I will answer it to the best of my ability, with God's help. This may get a little lengthy, so I'm apolgizing in advance.
It's true, as a man, I could have as many different guesses of the true meaning of the scriptures as the next man. Many have made their best guesses and put their own interpretations to it in the past, some were close in some areas and some were not. But God's Word is of no privite interpration. "Word" in the Greek means two different things - "Rhema" is the "letter of the word", and "Logos" is the thought or true meaning of the word". One word can have many differnt meanings. The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.
God is a manifestion of the promises made in His word, in that effect, God is the Word. (1 John 1:1-14). The whole bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Just as God has chosen to hide Himself from the "world", He has also chosen to hide the meaning of His Word from the "world", so He can reveal it to whom He will in a time and place of His own chosing. In John 6:44, Jesus said: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him". Only those He has chosen to see, will, and the rest will not. What I'm about to tell you is profound and startling, but it is the truth. I'm not responcible for making anyone believe it, thats up to Him. The bible has been a locked, or "sealed" book, the complete revelation of which has been witheld until the last days. (Dan 12:9-10). Rev. 10:1-7 says the "book " will remain sealed until Christ returns with the book in His hand open, and in the "days of the voice of the seventh angel" the mysteries of God should be finished.
The Jews missed their day of "visitation", because they mis-interpreted the scriptures' meaning, by confusing prophecies of Christ first and second comings. They thought He was coming to set up His kingdom, and missed His coming as the sacrifice. The "Gentiles" today and their organized religions have also missed, and are missing their "day of visitation". Mis-interpreting the scriptures, they have confused the people about how Christ has promised to return in His second coming. What was promised to the Gentiles was the "revelation of the Son of Man". Luke 17:26 " And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:30 "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Jesus refered to himself when he was here as the "Son of Man:, it is the title of an office, when God uses a prophet to reveal Himself to the people. John 6:53 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." The Word itself seperates those who beleive from those who do not. He didn't explain it. Some said: "This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" and in John chapter 6:66 ( notice the numbers here) "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him". Others chose to stay even though they didn't understand, because they believed he was "The Christ". See how God works. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Son of Man, and He's come back and revealed Himself to this generation through the office of a prophet just as he promised. Amos 3:7, Mal 4:5-6, Rev 10:7 are just a few of the scriptures. The supernatural ministry of William Branham (1909-1965) was thoroughly vindicated as that of a prophet, a seer such as were the old testement prophets with all the signs, wonders, and miracles the world has not seen since the days Jesus Christ walked the earth. The disernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart, that only God could know, was displayed thousands of times without one single error. But as it was in Jesus first ministry, the miracles were not merely done for show, it was to attract the peoples attention, then after God had vindicated His messenger, He sat down to teach them doctrine. That pattern was repeated in this day. First the sign, then the voice of the sign. The miracles God performed night after night through William Branham's ministry attracted millions to the ranks of the pentacostal movement in the late 40's, 50's and early 60's. But in 1963, after letting there be no doubt this was truly a man God had raised up to be His prophet, Jesus Christ, the only one worthy, took the book, opened it, came down, and through the mouthpiece of a prophet revealed his Word that had been hidden since the foundation of the world. Things mortal man had only guessed at through the ages, His doctrine, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. (Rev. 10:7). It was the revelation of the Son of Man. He came exactly as promised, just not the way the church had it figured - sound familar ?. "the same yesterday, today and forever". After the churches (the organizations - not the people) rejected God's message, just as they did in His first coming, He turned to calling His people out of it's organized religous systems refered to as " Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". Rev 18:1-4. These things were not done in a corner, and the message is still unfolding more every day through a five-fold ministry (prophets, apostles, evangelist, pastors and teachers) of God called men. "We speak that we do know". They asked Jesus: "By what authority do you speak these things."? "Where did you receive this knowledge? We have no record of any school you went to for learning". It has been revealed from the mind of God. My own ideas were a million miles off. This is the wedding supper, the feast He promised. The marriage of the Lamb is come, the Bridegroom's here. With the revelation of His Word and His will, the Bride is making herself ready. The bride and the Bridegroom say come.
He's still here calling His elect....if you feel the pull after reading this, check into it....I've told you the truth, and I hope those who read this will have the eyes of their understanding enlightened.

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Originally posted by TheVisitor
Q: The question is: Where is God ?, Who is God....?
- If every story in the Bible is not meant to be literal truth, how do you decide which ones are?, How do you know if ANY of it is?

A: It's true, as a man, I could have as many different guesses of the true meaning of the scriptures as the next man. Many have made their best guesses and put their own interpretations to it in the past, some were close in some areas and some were not. But God's Word is of no privite interpration. "Word" in the Greek means two different things - "Rhema" is the "letter of the word", and "Logos" is the thought or true meaning of the word". One word can have many differnt meanings. The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.
Does that mean only those with predicting ability are able to understand?
God is a manifestion of the promises made in His word, in that effect, God is the Word. (1 John 1:1-14). The whole bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Just as God has chosen to hide Himself from the "world", He has also chosen to hide the meaning of His Word from the "world", so He can reveal it to whom He will in a time and place of His own chosing.
I hope god did this for some good reasons.

In John 6:44, Jesus said: "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him". Only those He has chosen to see, will, and the rest will not. What I'm about to tell you is profound and startling, but it is the truth. I'm not responcible for making anyone believe it, thats up to Him. The bible has been a locked, or "sealed" book, the complete revelation of which has been witheld until the last days. (Dan 12:9-10). Rev. 10:1-7 says the "book " will remain sealed until Christ returns with the book in His hand open, and in the "days of the voice of the seventh angel" the mysteries of God should be finished.
Hope this does not mean that the only thing we can do is waiting.
The Jews missed their day of "visitation", because they mis-interpreted the scriptures' meaning, by confusing prophecies of Christ first and second comings. They thought He was coming to set up His kingdom, and missed His coming as the sacrifice. The "Gentiles" today and their organized religions have also missed, and are missing their "day of visitation". Mis-interpreting the scriptures, they have confused the people about how Christ has promised to return in His second coming.
you can hardly blame any one because "god"choose to hide everything.(see above)
What was promised to the Gentiles was the "revelation of the Son of Man". Luke 17:26 " And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." Luke 17:30 "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Jesus refered to himself when he was here as the "Son of Man:, it is the title of an office, when God uses a prophet to reveal Himself to the people. John 6:53 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." The Word itself seperates those who beleive from those who do not. He didn't explain it.
hope when the day comes there will be some who believe left.

Some said: "This is an hard saying; who can hear it?" and in John chapter 6:66 ( notice the numbers here) "From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him". Others chose to stay even though they didn't understand, because they believed he was "The Christ". See how God works. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is the Son of Man, and He's come back and revealed Himself to this generation through the office of a prophet just as he promised. Amos 3:7, Mal 4:5-6, Rev 10:7 are just a few of the scriptures. The supernatural ministry of William Branham (1909-1965) was thoroughly vindicated as that of a prophet, a seer such as were the old testement prophets with all the signs, wonders, and miracles the world has not seen since the days Jesus Christ walked the earth. The disernment of the thoughts and intents of the heart, that only God could know, was displayed thousands of times without one single error. But as it was in Jesus first ministry, the miracles were not merely done for show, it was to attract the peoples attention, then after God had vindicated His messenger, He sat down to teach them doctrine. That pattern was repeated in this day. First the sign, then the voice of the sign. The miracles God performed night after night through William Branham's ministry attracted millions to the ranks of the pentacostal movement in the late 40's, 50's and early 60's. But in 1963, after letting there be no doubt this was truly a man God had raised up to be His prophet, Jesus Christ, the only one worthy, took the book, opened it, came down, and through the mouthpiece of a prophet revealed his Word that had been hidden since the foundation of the world. Things mortal man had only guessed at through the ages, His doctrine, the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. (Rev. 10:7). It was the revelation of the Son of Man. He came exactly as promised, just not the way the church had it figured - sound familar ?. "the same yesterday, today and forever". After the churches (the organizations - not the people) rejected God's message, just as they did in His first coming, He turned to calling His people out of it's organized religous systems refered to as " Babylon the Great, mother of harlots and abominations of the earth". Rev 18:1-4. These things were not done in a corner, and the message is still unfolding more every day through a five-fold ministry (prophets, apostles, evangelist, pastors and teachers) of God called men. "We speak that we do know". They asked Jesus: "By what authority do you speak these things."? "Where did you receive this knowledge? We have no record of any school you went to for learning". It has been revealed from the mind of God. My own ideas were a million miles off. This is the wedding supper, the feast He promised. The marriage of the Lamb is come, the Bridegroom's here. With the revelation of His Word and His will, the Bride is making herself ready. The bride and the Bridegroom say come.
He's still here calling His elect....if you feel the pull after reading this, check into it....I've told you the truth, and I hope those who read this will have the eyes of their understanding enlightened.

"god" choose to hide but still leave a bible for us to guess upon?
What happened in the 1940s,50s,60s, since I was not born at that time, no experience at all and no records known to me tell that too? Can you give any references?
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What happened in the 1940s,50s,60s, since I was not born at that time, no experience at all and no records known to me tell that too? Can you give any references?


Prophets, Apostles, Evangleists, Pastors, and Teachers.
Through the "foolishness" of preaching, God chose to perfect the Saints.....This is the "Five fold ministry".
The "Gifts" sent by God unto men. There is only one major prophet sent to an age,.....the one promised to our age was William Branham.
There are over 1100 tape recorded sermons from 1947-1965.
They have been transcribed verbatium, and sent around the world in almost every language.
The remainder of the five-fold ministry - Apostles, Evangleists, Pastors, and Teachers have their gifts to give to those who can receive it.....in breaking down, unfolding all that was contained in this "Message"
It is the revelation of the Son of Man, as promised, and the Exposing of the "Man of Sin" - the Denomination's of so-called "Christianity" as the Great Harlot, Mystery Babylon.
The truth is here and it is being revealed to complete all that has been promised, and prophecied for this age.
The Word comes to a prophet. (Amos 3:7), and all the "Mysteries of God" are to be completed in this day. (Rev. 10:7)
This restored Word, manifested in flesh, in those who receive it...is the second coming of Christ.....in His People.
God hiding in simplicity and revealed in the same.

Run a Google search on the name William Branham.
Look for yourself. All the results will not be positive, some people are against this revelation, some who think they know what it is have mis-understood....
Run a search in a New Testament database on the term "The Son of Man", or the phrases "In that Day", or "The Lord's Day" see all the things Jesus promised in this day about His return - it's not just a call to the clouds, as the denominations would have you believe.
The truth is here to be found, it's up to you now to discern the truth from error.
Until now you didn't even know where to look.
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Are we still trying to prove gods existence?

With this book, that contradicts itself, ancient atempt at philosophy, and explains metaphysical phenomenon made in seven days?.


Visitor I read this far:

The author of the bible "God" who wrote it by the prophets, is the only one who can correctly interpret it.

So why the hell write a freaking book? when only the author can understand it?. and if he picked dumb ass prophets to write it!!.





I went to a mosque. I asked somebody: where do you think God is?
He was amazed and said politely: He used to be here but he has checked out !!! quack-quack Thanks
Originally posted by TheVisitor
What happened in the 1940s,50s,60s, since I was not born at that time, no experience at all and no records known to me tell that too? Can you give any references?


Prophets, Apostles, Evangleists, Pastors, and Teachers.
Through the "foolishness" of preaching, God chose to perfect the Saints.....This is the "Five fold ministry".
The "Gifts" sent by God unto men. There is only one major prophet sent to an age,.....the one promised to our age was William Branham.
There are over 1100 tape recorded sermons from 1947-1965.
They have been transcribed verbatium, and sent around the world in almost every language.
The remainder of the five-fold ministry - Apostles, Evangleists, Pastors, and Teachers have their gifts to give to those who can receive it.....in breaking down, unfolding all that was contained in this "Message"
It is the revelation of the Son of Man, as promised, and the Exposing of the "Man of Sin" - the Denomination's of so-called "Christianity" as the Great Harlot, Mystery Babylon.
The truth is here and it is being revealed to complete all that has been promised, and prophecied for this age.
The Word comes to a prophet. (Amos 3:7), and all the "Mysteries of God" are to be completed in this day. (Rev. 10:7)
This restored Word, manifested in flesh, in those who receive it...is the second coming of Christ.....in His People.
God hiding in simplicity and revealed in the same.

Run a Google search on the name William Branham.
Look for yourself. All the results will not be positive, some people are against this revelation, some who think they know what it is have mis-understood....
Run a search in a New Testament database on the term "The Son of Man", or the phrases "In that Day", or "The Lord's Day" see all the things Jesus promised in this day about His return - it's not just a call to the clouds, as the denominations would have you believe.
The truth is here to be found, it's up to you now to discern the truth from error.
Until now you didn't even know where to look.
you have given a lot of materials and conclusions but omit the vital thing for mind, a reason that support what you claim.
I can not afford looking into every claim people put forward unless you give a good reason.