Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?

That is human nature. In this way "god" created us. (Respect for the exceptions!)

I would rather be a homeless wanderer with Faith, than a top 10'er in Fobes without Faith.

To me the man with faith is the rich man, the man with material weath and no faith would be the poor man who I pity.

YES YES... you catch my point now. :) I will be dead soon. and I now realize that and I am glad for it because it forces me to realize the here and now is important. it makes me realize that time is fleeting and waiting for the grave is a pipe dream. The human race will be as extinct as the dinosaurs - in the sense whats left - the ones that haven't been killed - would have evolved to higher levels - I agree.

perhaps you are right and it will be worthless - but at least i would have enjoyed doing it. But i am so glad you get my piont - this is my realization too - we all die eventually, why waste life on some unproven 'faith?'

Let me ask you,

Say for instance 2 men went to the Cinema to watch a movie/film, one man got his memory wiped after watching said movie, while the other man's memory was left intact.

Would you say the man who had his memory wiped and his experience with the movie mattered at-all?. what would his experience with the movie matter once he has completely forgot he watched it? This is the comparison of a theist and an atheist in this physical world, No matter what you experience on earth no matter what anyone does in the end it means nothing and will be remembered by nobody. The only way any of this matters is if it has a lasting and eternal reason and rememberance.

Atheism offers you nothing in this world or the next, it is just "File Delete"

Regardless of what humans evolve into at the end of the long run they will all perish.

Those who cannot live with this feeling are lost and without Faith, It goes against every cell in your body and your survival instinct to tell yourself you wil die and never exist again. There is no lasting content with Atheism only fleeting joys and temporary highs.



Unfortunately for the first time in this place, i have to respectfully disagree with your assumption. While you have every right to your opinion, an assumption that we every cell in my body craves a higher being - as someone who recently saw the light - i have been living a really wonderful existence these last few years. Its hard to neglect that more and more people are turning to the belief in self vs the belief in 'faith'.
...No matter what you experience on earth no matter what anyone does in the end it means nothing and will be remembered by nobody. The only way any of this matters is if it has a lasting and eternal reason and rememberance.

Atheism offers you nothing in this world or the next, it is just "File Delete"

Regardless of what humans evolve into at the end of the long run they will all perish.


Like no one remembers or appreciates the contributions of Thomas Jefferson? ...or Lucretius or Democritus or Thomas Paine?
However, what I am trying to source for is if there is something beyond my reasoning ability which has eluded my process of thinking. Nothing thus far has led me to believe so.

As Hamlet would say - There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy.

The universe as we live in it and what little we are exposed to and enjoy is so much more beautiful than whatever description of heaven any of these books have to offer - including the 70 virgins theory - so I am an atheist because I want to live my life here and now not sitting on my patutie waiting to live life when i am worm food. I am an atheist because mere logic I poses at this point allows me to deduce that a god doesn't exist and that i am here by chance - which makes me really fortunate and I should live every moment to its fullest potential. i choose to live life happy and without hurting another - not because I am guilted to it, but because I have better things to do. I am an atheist because i want to teach my kids demonstrable truth - I cant do that with religion and I have no interest to raise them in a world of guilt and obligation. Free Will Rules!!!

When I am reading this, I have the impression that you're not so sure after all somehow.


Like I said elsewhere:

There are many things that believers and non-believers agree upon. For example, both agree that friendship is good, and murder is bad.

The question is only which explanation (the one from the believers or the one from the non-believers) makes the most sense of the values and virtues that we all agree upon.

Can the non-believers really produce such a justification for moral behavior that would make the moral behavior obligatory and justify sanctions for transgressing it?

Unfortunately for the first time in this place, i have to respectfully disagree with your assumption. While you have every right to your opinion, an assumption that we every cell in my body craves a higher being - as someone who recently saw the light - i have been living a really wonderful existence these last few years. Its hard to neglect that more and more people are turning to the belief in self vs the belief in 'faith'.

Hi ^^

Not craves a Higher being that wasn't my point although I don't refute that I think humans do need God. Anyway I was speaking about our natural instinct for survival, the human mind and body says "I must survive" hardly anybody wants to give up and die (Suicidal exceptions) everybody wants to live and prolong their existence as long as possible. You can be happy on temporary highs and fleeting joy's when you are a non beiever I was agnostic/Atheist most of my life and I was happy "In the moment" but nobody want's to watch everyone they love die around them (Family, friends) Deep down you want to be with them and not have to say goodbye, can you honestly watch your mother or father on their death beds as an atheist and then tell yourself "I am happy with this" I couldn't.

Believing in your self is only good for certain things, when death takes your loved ones the beief in "Self" proves futile and you realize how powerless you really are.

Like no one remembers or appreciates the contributions of Thomas Jefferson? ...or Lucretius or Democritus or Thomas Paine?

Check back in 900 billion years and ask how many people remember Jefferson, oh right you won't be able to because you along with the earth and human race won't be here.
Are you serious? If my legacy lasted as long as the human race, I would not be disappointed.
After you and the Human race and this earth are gone, your legacy will mean nothing, Royalty in a kingdom of dirt.
Wow! you make some huge leaps without any evidence whatsoever.
ROTLMAO are we on the same planet, cause your planet seems to be in cloud cockoo land.
Make sense or STFU, please, your giving my arse a nasty headache.

And simply answer to the OP, what's the worst that could happen "Nothing". It's all imaginary.
Wow! you make some huge leaps without any evidence whatsoever.
ROTLMAO are we on the same planet, cause your planet seems to be in cloud cockoo land.
Make sense or STFU, please, your giving my arse a nasty headache.

And simply answer to the OP, what's the worst that could happen "Nothing". It's all imaginary.

Want to spew anymore insults, go ahead your an atheist you wont get an infraction for it.
And simply answer to the OP, what's the worst that could happen "Nothing". It's all imaginary.

that assumes a no-god scenario..you can't compare 'worse' without something to compare it to..

to just delete half the equation is very irresponsible of you.
I only phrase it like that because i think you were WAY too emotional with your other comments.