Hi Wisdom Seeker,
I really appreciate you taking the time to write a lucid, unemotional and unbiased opinion. It is this sort of input I was hoping to read when I first posted the question.
You are right about the source of the religion being the true path to consider not the politicized versions. I agree and that is in part the problem I have with religions - all of them. NA
Hi New Atheist ; You are welcome man.
How have you reconciled the following - I am sure the questions have arisen - is it possible to know what Moses/Jesus/Budha/Muhammad all really preached since all religions may have been politicized. How do you extract their words from the sea of garbage that followed later and piled upon for millennia.NA
Your assumptions are correct; truth is you can't know for sure which parts are garbage. Buddhism has not been tampered with as much as Christianity and Islam, but there are many interpretations of the original teachings.
One Zen Master was asked this question you ask, to which he responded: "All scriptures are the devil's teachings".
You really can't find the ultimate truth in scriptures, but scriptures do tend to lead you somewhere beyond their words if you are aware while reading. The way I read these type of literature is by integrating the teachings with my daily life, only taking in consideration that which I can relate to with my personal experience.
Next, if you are saying that these people found the truth about a supreme being and its contents a so complex that it has to be related in simpler forms, I can find a way of believing it, but if you say that these people were emissaries of a creator then we are back to square one.
The very word “god” can be interpreted in many ways, but the concept of a separated deity is contradictory to the concept of an eternal god. As you may know time and space are not separate things, but a space-time continuum. If god is eternal (timeless), then he would also be space less; it is easier to understand this as: God is Love, or God is Unity (unity of everything) that leaves nothing behind.
One of my favorite interpretations is that god is creativity; and not the creator. God is evolution itself. God is within each living being as love and creativity. Jesus said “God is Love”, he didn’t say “God is a loving being” No!! There is a major difference between this two statements.
I don’t think the past, present and future prophets and messiahs are “sent” by anyone or anything. I think that these people had an inner-realization of something most people ignore due to ego-clinging and conditioning of personality by the society and environment.
I would explain it in pseudo-psychoanalytical words: these people reached a point in life were they are no longer bound by their repressions and unconsciousness. Everything is made conscious, every breath, every movement of the body and mind is conscious (on purpose, done with own will, not automatically due to past conditioning). I say “pseudo” because for psychoanalysis this point of personal growth or “state of being” is unreachable and only theoretical; I think that is because they have never studied someone who has reached it.
As Jesus is reported to have said: "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way.”. The path of consciousness is the path of the few. But no sage has declared himself different than everybody else. Mohammad called this people the “muslims”, people who have surrendered their egos.
Is there evidence of any of this, is my point at the end of the day? NA
Some of these prophets are undisputable historical figures, others are just myth. But the reality is that they had something special that made millions of people follow them, something that a common or normal person lacks; some god-like quality.
and btw, do you know if the teachings of all the 'founders' jive with each other?NA
You would be surprised that yes, they mingle and jingle together like the notes of a beautiful song. I have read christian, muslim, buddhist and hindu scriptures and even if I have found contradictions, I also understood the point they were trying to make. Ultimately what really matters is never contradicted; and what really matters are statements that can make you grow as a human being.