Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?

I was raised that god can make as many animals as he wants in heaven. Animals with no soul from Earth won't be there.
Are you expecting a pet to be there?

and what if you want to see a parent in heaven, but they don't want to see you? Or they just aren't there?

I am not familiar with this scripture/teaching, would you please quote a verse saying this.

Im expecting whatever I wan't to be there.
You didn't provide me with the christian teaching that supports your claim of being taught this by a pastor.

As I said "Whatever I want" I am not going to discuss sexual intercourse with a female who isn't my my wife/s.

LOL @ wife/s

I was raised that animals don't have souls. Your soul goes to heaven, so how can an animal go to heaven? :shrug:
LOL @ wife/s

I was raised that animals don't have souls. Your soul goes to heaven, so how can an animal go to heaven? :shrug:

Thing's don't have to have a sentient soul to be in Heaven, The flowing rivers of paradise do not have souls, the trees of the gardens of paradise do not have souls, The fruits of the gardens do not have souls, not everything in al of the different heavens are sentient beings, there are other thing's there just like not everything on earth has a soul.

What is the difference between the matrix and the world you live in currently?
In the first phase "they" made ​​everyone to be happy and it was a failure.
So please analyze if you can be happy where everything that you want, be done immediately and unconditionally.
In the first phase "they" made ​​everyone to be happy and it was a failure.
So please analyze if you can be happy where everything that you want, be done immediately and unconditionally.

I dont get what your refering to, who is "they" and what was a failure?. Who said everything was done immidiately in an instant?.

Im slightly confused at your points.
You are stating that one can willingly change belief from theist to atheist or atheist to theist upon a whim?.

If so insert your case in my thread "Forced Atheist, Forced Theism- The test.

I am stating that someone can have a moment of self-honesty about their values and choose a path based on those values.
So does this include changing your actual belief on a whim?.

If you consider a moment of self-honesty "a whim" then yes; otherwise, no.

Can you force yourself to be a theist right now?

Nope. The reason for this is that I value truth over psychological satiation; however, there was a point in my life where I had that moment of self-honesty and I changed my belief (or more accurately I discarded a previously held belief).
If you consider a moment of self-honesty "a whim" then yes; otherwise, no.

Nope. The reason for this is that I value truth over psychological satiation; however, there was a point in my life where I had that moment of self-honesty and I changed my belief (or more accurately I discarded a previously held belief).

I see.
I was raised that animals don't have souls. Your soul goes to heaven, so how can an animal go to heaven? :shrug:
If I had to point to one thing in Abrahamic religion that I absolutely despise it for (rather than just being disgusted with it), it's this attitude that our most noble and loyal companions are excluded from Heaven.

I'm going to meet my ex-wife who lied to me and cheated on me; I'm going to meet the duplicitous "best friend" who alienated her affections and spirited her away; I'm going to meet the asshole who killed my cat deliberately; I'm going to meet my parents who treated me like a puppet on strings; I'm going to meet the boss who blamed me for something he did and fired me so he wouldn't be fired. But my dear little dog, my best friend in the whole world, the guy who always thinks of me first, the one who would defend me with his life if I were attacked, the one who knows me better than I know myself, the one who always knows what I need to feel better... He has no "soul"??? So the one "person" I will really miss when he's gone and would actually look forward to reuniting with in Heaven... he won't be there?

And you moron religionists wonder why we think your fairytales are not simply stupid, not simply bullshit, but actually offensive? That crap is just plain nasty! There is absolutely nothing any of you retards can say to make up for your cruel assertion that my dog is not worthy of your imaginary Heaven--but the most worthless of human beings are!

Will Rogers said it best: "If dogs don't go to heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."

I'll take my dog over your imaginary gods and angels and prophets any day. At least he's real. My faith in him is rewarded every day.

And I, too, would rather go to a Heaven filled with dogs, than one filled with you contemptible Jews, Christians and Muslims.
No, animals can be in heaven, but not animals from Earth. Your childhood pet won't be there.
I tracked that question down on a Christian website, aimed specifically at parents with precocious children--you know, the kind who can see all the holes in religion and wonder why adults believe in it?

This lady said their dog had just died and the children were consoling themselves with the "fact" that some day they would meet him again in Heaven. She asked the pastor who ran the website what to tell them.

He told her, as you also said, that since non-human animals have no soul, God could in an eyeblink recreate any animal that had lived on earth right down to the memories stored in his neurons. Including dear Fido and Fluffy.

He told the lady to just cut it short and tell the kids that yes they would indeed meet their dog in Heaven, so they can stop crying, go to bed, and be good little children in the morning and go off to school.

The details about how that dog is not truthfully, exactly, the same dog who just died... well that stuff is just too complicated for children to understand, so it's okay to simplify the story.

Religion is all lies, so what's one more anyway? :)
I tracked that question down on a Christian website, aimed specifically at parents with precocious children--you know, the kind who can see all the holes in religion and wonder why adults believe in it?

This lady said their dog had just died and the children were consoling themselves with the "fact" that some day they would meet him again in Heaven. She asked the pastor who ran the website what to tell them.

He told her, as you also said, that since non-human animals have no soul, God could in an eyeblink recreate any animal that had lived on earth right down to the memories stored in his neurons. Including dear Fido and Fluffy.

He told the lady to just cut it short and tell the kids that yes they would indeed meet their dog in Heaven, so they can stop crying, go to bed, and be good little children in the morning and go off to school.

The details about how that dog is not truthfully, exactly, the same dog who just died... well that stuff is just too complicated for children to understand, so it's okay to simplify the story.

Religion is all lies, so what's one more anyway? :)

Of course god could do that. He's omnipotent! But, could he make a burrito so big that even he couldn't eat it?
Be smitten by God himself- king of all stars- and spaceship wonder Quantum Quack of course.

Ideally the impossible would be, "you will go to hell." That would be hard to find an adequate logical arguement of, and it would probably span many pages.

I suggest that if a person believes that they don't believe in God, and they could have the worst punishment, you are kinda forcing them to admit the obvious. Although that is perfectly obvious, going to hell could have severe problems (logically which are):

You are going to have to face the ideal that hell is real, and that people do go there who are bad.

You are going to have to face the idea that if you go to hell its bad for you if you dont go there.

You are going to have to understand that if you go to hell you will burn for an eternity or wait for God to save you.

You are goign to have to realize that it's your own duty to conquer hell and to strive to overcome and resolve towards a path which is decidedly christian aganist the ideology of actually going to hell.

You're going to have to forfit any chances of doing any of these things as a pure atheist (and many if no all believe systems are absolute (singular, justified) and there are only a few stances to choose.

With all of these things being stated, I will stop there because I've said well enough and I belive I've made myself sufficiently clear.
in respect to the guys response on fraggle rocker, I believe animals are considered to have souls, and that ideal animals go to heaven.

It could be said "animals dont' go to heaven."

There was a movie once on this particular: All Dogs Go To Heaven

It was a total hit.

It's halarious because people believe generally that non animal life form have no soul- that is to say- that there could perhaps be a history of animal life - animal life that is actual and decending having particular soul characistics (moses' dog) and although I would also believe this doesn't make sufficient the t opic, it's a logical assersion.
Childhood pets do go to heaven.

I have a childhood pet that wont ever cease being believed as belonging in heaven. It's our familys dog that we have right now. It's real cute, and actually "real" (its an expensive dog).

The story about what pets belong where and where they belong is probably related to another arguement about evolution. This is just a suggestion but it would clarify all "I am going to hell what do I do!?" sort of topics.
My own advice, for what it is worth, is that one should not come to belief or non-belief on what you can potentially gain or lose, but on whether you do truly believe or not.

I agree. In some religions, there are even warnings that if one believes and performs religious practices for the sake of promised gains, then this is a lesser kind of religiousness or even abuse.