Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?

You said

"Yes, he does, he created us intentionally, he created us for a purpose and as a test, worship is the purpose but you have a choice to go against that."

Those are assertions about 'him'. Unless you can demonstrate 'he' exists and then demonstrate his views are as stated you should phrase yourself as "I believe he created us....".

Of course not, I actually care whether or not what I believe is true and, as I said, citing scripture to justify assertions from scripture is circular nonsense. My entire point was that you complain how us atheists say "I don't accept that scripture" but that's all you ever present, scripture to back up scripture. It's all any religion ever presents. Hence it is either acceptable as evidence from all of them (which is impossible as they are often mutually exclusive) or from none of them.

Perhaps if you could provide something else, something not based on circular assertions, you'd not have atheists keep bugging you about it.

I wasn't aware of any complaining in this thread on my part.

I stated it is my personal opinion I never claimed any factual evidence here.
I stated it is my personal opinion I never claimed any factual evidence here.
I didn't say evidence, I said you asserted something as fact.

'New Atheist' said

For example, if a god does exist, did he intentionally create us.....

to which you replied

Yes, he does, he created us intentionally, he created us for a purpose and as a test, worship is the purpose but you have a choice to go against that.
I am aware its your opinion/belief but you state it as if it were fact. Do you have evidence for your beliefs or are they just baseless? Is there anything outside of scripture?

I wasn't aware of any complaining in this thread on my part.
You said the following about atheists :

"You wont get past the point of "Prove god exist's" when debating an atheist about God and his ways, A theist will engage in deeper meanings with you, All the atheist is pushing is "I don't believe in god, period so all these scriptures and things mean bunk"."

This is complaining about the manner in which atheists supposedly engage you (and you seem to imply believers in general), that we keep bringing up the issue of proving god's existence. Given this is the central defining issue of 'theist/atheist', the belief or lack of belief in a god or gods, its daft to complain such an issue is often raised in discussion with atheists. It's defines the very labels you're using!
I didn't say evidence, I said you asserted something as fact.

'New Atheist' said

to which you replied

I am aware its your opinion/belief but you state it as if it were fact. Do you have evidence for your beliefs or are they just baseless? Is there anything outside of scripture?

You said the following about atheists :

"You wont get past the point of "Prove god exist's" when debating an atheist about God and his ways, A theist will engage in deeper meanings with you, All the atheist is pushing is "I don't believe in god, period so all these scriptures and things mean bunk"."

This is complaining about the manner in which atheists supposedly engage you (and you seem to imply believers in general), that we keep bringing up the issue of proving god's existence. Given this is the central defining issue of 'theist/atheist', the belief or lack of belief in a god or gods, its daft to complain such an issue is often raised in discussion with atheists. It's defines the very labels you're using!

If you call that complaining then ok then.

I was giving personal opinion I never said it was fact with evidence and proofs.
Let me pose this hypothetical. Assuming I was born into a certain religion and now thinking of apostacy, and my last consideration is this: If i made the leap would I be punished - and if so what would that punishment be (if any.. think ''Prodigal Son") Or if I stayed I am limited to reach my true potential due to ridiculous laws, commandments, parables, teachings aimed at keeping me 'loyal' by guilt. From a purely cerebral perspective (please no old wives tales) what should my considerations be.....

If you value truth more than psychogical satiation than atheism is the way to go. If you value psychological satiation more than truth then theism is the way to go.
If you value truth more than psychogical satiation than atheism is the way to go. If you value psychological satiation more than truth then theism is the way to go.

You are stating that one can willingly change belief from theist to atheist or atheist to theist upon a whim?.

If so insert your case in my thread "Forced Atheist, Forced Theism- The test.
Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?
Since I'm not religious, I avoid to giving my opinion.
But I am a curious and I would add these questions.
What happens if I do not believe in God, but I meticulous obey to all the rituals required by a religion?
Also the conception of heaven is very bizarre to me.
I know that we humans are very different. What is good for me may be not good for others. So in a unique haven, will find unhappy people. Or for each person, God will create a properly haven?
But in this own heaven will be alone? The others will be "holograms"?
(If my greatest wish is to be a champion, what happens to others who want the same thing? If I want to have sex with beautiful girls, what happens to girls' desire?)
I was giving personal opinion I never said it was fact with evidence and proofs.
You don't phrase it as opinion, you don't give any qualifiers, you just state it in the same way someone would state their name or some other basic fact. Besides, threads like this make it clear you don't view it as some kind of "Well I'm aware I'm just guessing and hoping" but rather you firmly take it to be absolutely true.

I can't help but notice you skipped my question about anything other than scripture. Struggling to think of anything? It's a simple enough question.
Since I'm not religious, I avoid to giving my opinion.
But I am a curious and I would add these questions.
What happens if I do not believe in God, but I meticulous obey to all the rituals required by a religion?
Also the conception of heaven is very bizarre to me.
I know that we humans are very different. What is good for me may be not good for others. So in a unique haven, will find unhappy people. Or for each person, God will create a properly haven?
But in this own heaven will be alone? The others will be "holograms"?
(If my greatest wish is to be a champion, what happens to others who want the same thing? If I want to have sex with beautiful girls, what happens to girls' desire?)

Heaven isn't one single place like this earth, there are different heavens for different people. you can request personal things to suit your personal taste.

Personal opinion (For those who need clarification)
You don't phrase it as opinion, you don't give any qualifiers, you just state it in the same way someone would state their name or some other basic fact. Besides, threads like this make it clear you don't view it as some kind of "Well I'm aware I'm just guessing and hoping" but rather you firmly take it to be absolutely true.

I can't help but notice you skipped my question about anything other than scripture. Struggling to think of anything? It's a simple enough question.

I didn't try to hide the fact that I wont be answering your questions, infact I am quite sure I told you directy that im not answering them.
Heaven isn't one single place like this earth, there are different heavens for different people. you can request personal things to suit your personal taste....)

yep, I read about that in The Lovely Bones
It was good. She got to have dogs. And I was raised that animals (who have no soul) couldn't get to heaven.
church, the minister, my parents, etc. Are you saying animals who have no sense of their own mortality have souls?
No, animals can be in heaven, but not animals from Earth. Your childhood pet won't be there.
It's like a dream induced?
Something like MATRIX?

It's just another dimension and plane of existence/realm, you will have your Senses just like you have now. What is the difference between the matrix and the world you live in currently?

I was raised that god can make as many animals as he wants in heaven. Animals with no soul from Earth won't be there.
Are you expecting a pet to be there?

and what if you want to see a parent in heaven, but they don't want to see you? Or they just aren't there?