Whats the worst that can happen if I do not believe in god?

to prove this point nobody has yet claimed they have been able to change their mind about it voluntarily.

So, people should give up logic, science and reason and "choose" Islam or Christianity? And, let's face it, all you're really doing is quietly preaching Islam. It's a basic requirement for being in the two conversion-oriented Abrahamic faiths. Which is even more disgusting than your typical passive theist.

You're trying to make people believe that there's some logic or higher purpose to what you do, but it's all about trapping people in the most vile of all faiths (and it takes a lot to get more vile than Christianity). It's not about salvation, it's about desperately finding a god figure that mimics your inner persona and then attempting to remake your environment in that image. It's a substitute for a real life purpose, which obviously is lacking in those who run around preaching about their god.

It's why evangelicals, prosthelyzers are so pathetic. All the singing and dancing about good will, salvation and peace is just a sugar coating on an otherwise bitter and evil pill.

So, people should give up logic, science and reason and "choose" Islam or Christianity? And, let's face it, all you're really doing is quietly preaching Islam. It's a basic requirement for being in the two conversion-oriented Abrahamic faiths. Which is even more disgusting than your typical passive theist.

You're trying to make people believe that there's some logic or higher purpose to what you do, but it's all about trapping people in the most vile of all faiths (and it takes a lot to get more vile than Christianity). It's not about salvation, it's about desperately finding a god figure that mimics your inner persona and then attempting to remake your environment in that image. It's a substitute for a real life purpose, which obviously is lacking in those who run around preaching about their god.

It's why evangelicals, prosthelyzers are so pathetic. All the singing and dancing about good will, salvation and peace is just a sugar coating on an otherwise bitter and evil pill.


Please show me where I have preached Islam in this thread.
Please show me where I have preached Islam in this thread.

First: I didn't say this thread specifically. I'm talking about you, in general, and your toxic presence on this forum.

Second: The very fact that you run roughshod around the forum talking about how great religion is, when even a monkey can see the disastrous effects its had on humanity for the past--oh--ten millennia, is pretty sad.

Even now, you're attempting to paint a belief in god as if it were a wonderful thing that people should buy into.

It's a stepping stone thing and you're attempting to make people think that the concept of a super-destructo-god is somehow good over the concept of scientific understanding, reason and intelligence; none of which is even remotely compatible with theism.

First: I didn't say this thread specifically. I'm talking about you, in general, and your toxic presence on this forum.

Second: The very fact that you run roughshod around the forum talking about how great religion is, when even a monkey can see the disastrous effects its had on humanity for the past--oh--ten millennia, is pretty sad.

Even now, you're attempting to paint a belief in god as if it were a wonderful thing that people should buy into.

It's a stepping stone thing and you're attempting to make people think that the concept of a super-destructo-god is somehow good over the concept of scientific understanding, reason and intelligence; none of which is even remotely compatible with theism.


Why are you talking about off topic discussions then in this thread regarding Islam. Also would you please Cite and source the places that I am preaching Islam?
We're discussing god, I'm offering my POV on how pathetic it is to try to dupe people into believing in god; ergo, it's completely on topic.

You're a muslim. You're defending the concept of god. It's unlikely that it's any, abstract god or goddess. It's allah.

Or, are you as a muslim preaching that any god is as good as your god? Take it or leave it? No biggie?

IIRC, one of the five main pillars of your religion require that you tell the whole world about the oneness and glory of your god.

We're discussing god, I'm offering my POV on how pathetic it is to try to dupe people into believing in god; ergo, it's completely on topic.

You're a muslim. You're defending the concept of god. It's unlikely that it's any, abstract god or goddess. It's allah.

Or, are you as a muslim preaching that any god is as good as your god? Take it or leave it? No biggie?

IIRC, one of the five main pillars of your religion require that you tell the whole world about the oneness and glory of your god.


So your personal opinion is not preaching but mine is?. if im preaching then ban me.
So your personal opinion is not preaching but mine is?.

Teaching science and fact is teaching science and fact. It can be proven and demonstrated empirically.

The teaching of reason and science is incomparable to teaching religious nonsense. It would be like trying to compare mathematics to spreading the good word of the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause.

Evolution, Science, etc. aren't subject to "opinion". They are facts regardless of what you or I think. Religion is for those who are deeply insecure and cannot cope with reality. Spreading it isn't really science so much as brain washing.

if im preaching then ban me.

I'm working on it. Believe me.

But, as things like this go, you can preach all you want in a religion forum. I'll just make sure that I'm here as much as possible to point out your lies, delusions and other sundry nefarious intentions.

Teaching science and fact is teaching science and fact. It can be proven and demonstrated empirically.

The teaching of reason and science is incomparable to teaching religious nonsense. It would be like trying to compare mathematics to spreading the good word of the Tooth Fairy or Santa Clause.

Evolution, Science, etc. aren't subject to "opinion". They are facts regardless of what you or I think. Religion is for those who are deeply insecure and cannot cope with reality. Spreading it isn't really science so much as brain washing.

I'm working on it. Believe me.

But, as things like this go, you can preach all you want in a religion forum. I'll just make sure that I'm here as much as possible to point out your lies, delusions and other sundry nefarious intentions.


I see, how insightful.
I see, how insightful.

It actually is insightful, unlike--say--religious nonsense you run around preaching. Name something GOOD that has happened in the past 2k years because of the Abrahamic faiths, besides--you know--the undoing some other catastrophe that they in an earlier day created.

It actually is insightful, unlike--say--religious nonsense you run around preaching. Name something GOOD that has happened in the past 2k years because of the Abrahamic faiths, besides--you know--the undoing some other catastrophe that they in an earlier day created.


You seem emotional.
I am not aware of a religion that says you can do whatever you like regardless of how evil and still leap into heavenly rewards upon faith in the afterlife.
Could you give me an example of these types of religions.?.
Provided you're 'born again' and you repent then many denominations of Christianity believe you'll go to heaven regardless of your actions, be you a good person or a child raping murderer.

Any deity who rewards belief over deeds doesn't deserve any kind of praise, never mind worship.

You might want to check yourself before you convict your intentions and words.
Any deity who doles out infinite punishment for finite 'crime', where 'crime' is a lack of belief in something with insufficient evidence, is a dick. Even if I were to know such a being existed such a being wouldn't deserve worship.

Yes, he does, he created us intentionally, he created us for a purpose and as a test, worship is the purpose but you have a choice to go against that.
Citation needed.

When asking questions on religion it's best to seek answers from people of faith.
Faith is not a path to truth though. Faith is what people have when they don't have reason. Faith is the excuse given when there's no evidence to justify a position. If you care whether or not your beliefs are true then 'faith' is the last place you should go to.

Don't get me wrong, asking people about their beliefs is important but by no means is it 'the best'.

Like any other field of knowledge it's best to go to the right people, don't ask a plumber to do your electrics, dont ask a biology teacher about physics, dont ask an atheist about god.
In science and (to use your example) plumbing there's an external truth which can be demonstrated by experiment, by evidence. People of faith have only faith, not evidence.

Besides, in a recent survey in the US it was found the three groups who were most knowledgeable about religion in general are Jews, Mormons and atheists.

Nobody has to restrict themselves, they have freedom of choice
But if they get it wrong its eternal punishment for them.

You wont get past the point of "Prove god exist's" when debating an atheist about God and his ways, A theist will engage in deeper meanings with you, All the atheist is pushing is "I don't believe in god, period so all these scriptures and things mean bunk".
Isn't the question of God's existence the central issue? You made a similar comment in another thread, asking Michael if he just copies and pastes the same things. Now here you've once again given a comment which seems to be saying "This issue keeps being brought up hence I'm justified in ignoring it". If you can't demonstrate a god, never mind your god, exists then things like what you think happens to non-believers become somewhat moot.

From the point of view of an outside observer there's no reason to believe your scriptures over someone elses, hence why you often hear "so all these scriptures and things mean bunk". Resorting to your scriptures to justify your belief is circular reasoning.

If your grasp of the place of logic and reason in forming ones beliefs is such then perhaps that explains your beliefs....
You seem emotional.

You seem ignorant.

I work for a living. There isn't much on this website that makes me anything more than amused.

If there is something that moves, slightly, in that direction, it's reading the posts of psuedo-intellects like yourself, sitting here trying to sell their brand of evil to others in friendly packaging.

You're a muslim. You're attempting to portray yourself as part of some wonderful religion that respects humanity, peace, happiness and individuality. And, regardless of what you say it is--or what it says it is--in practice throughout history it has been none of those things. I could care less what you think Allah says, in the end, people die because of religion and Islam is the new Christianity when it comes to death and destruction.

Gays, women who won't "submit" to men, peace activists, atheists, the Baha'i, "witches", apostates, Jews. Name them and I can provide you with a list of people who were and are currently under the knife of a religion that says one thing but does quite another.

There's a word for that: Hypocrisy.

Spare us the "peace" song and dance. There's nothing peaceful about the religion you espouse.

Provided you're 'born again' and you repent then many denominations of Christianity believe you'll go to heaven regardless of your actions, be you a good person or a child raping murderer.

Any deity who rewards belief over deeds doesn't deserve any kind of praise, never mind worship.

Any deity who doles out infinite punishment for finite 'crime', where 'crime' is a lack of belief in something with insufficient evidence, is a dick. Even if I were to know such a being existed such a being wouldn't deserve worship.

Citation needed.

Faith is not a path to truth though. Faith is what people have when they don't have reason. Faith is the excuse given when there's no evidence to justify a position. If you care whether or not your beliefs are true then 'faith' is the last place you should go to.

Don't get me wrong, asking people about their beliefs is important but by no means is it 'the best'.

In science and (to use your example) plumbing there's an external truth which can be demonstrated by experiment, by evidence. People of faith have only faith, not evidence.

Besides, in a recent survey in the US it was found the three groups who were most knowledgeable about religion in general are Jews, Mormons and atheists.

But if they get it wrong its eternal punishment for them.

Isn't the question of God's existence the central issue? You made a similar comment in another thread, asking Michael if he just copies and pastes the same things. Now here you've once again given a comment which seems to be saying "This issue keeps being brought up hence I'm justified in ignoring it". If you can't demonstrate a god, never mind your god, exists then things like what you think happens to non-believers become somewhat moot.

From the point of view of an outside observer there's no reason to believe your scriptures over someone elses, hence why you often hear "so all these scriptures and things mean bunk". Resorting to your scriptures to justify your belief is circular reasoning.

If your grasp of the place of logic and reason in forming ones beliefs is such then perhaps that explains your beliefs....

Those christians believe they wil be rewarded with heaven even if they ive a ife of sin and evil?, I guess they are free to believe this I wouldn't support it.

Citations required for what? do you wan't scripture to be presented to back up what I say?, You would take scripture as a form of support or evidence?.
You seem ignorant.

I work for a living. There isn't much on this website that makes me anything more than amused.

If there is something that moves, slightly, in that direction, it's reading the posts of psuedo-intellects like yourself, sitting here trying to sell their brand of evil to others in friendly packaging.

You're a muslim. You're attempting to portray yourself as part of some wonderful religion that respects humanity, peace, happiness and individuality. And, regardless of what you say it is--or what it says it is--in practice throughout history it has been none of those things. I could care less what you think Allah says, in the end, people die because of religion and Islam is the new Christianity when it comes to death and destruction.

Gays, women who won't "submit" to men, peace activists, atheists, the Baha'i, "witches", apostates, Jews. Name them and I can provide you with a list of people who were and are currently under the knife of a religion that says one thing but does quite another.

There's a word for that: Hypocrisy.

Spare us the "peace" song and dance. There's nothing peaceful about the religion you espouse.



When did I say peace to you?

When did I say peace to you?

Is that the game we're playing? Quote the exact phrase?

Nope. You've danced around here talking about how wonderful god is; when addressing specifics about Islam, you've acted like it is an honorable and peaceful religion, a worthy thing of study and belief.

You want quotes? I'll provide you with a link to your posts.

Is that the game we're playing? Quote the exact phrase?

Nope. You've danced around here talking about how wonderful god is; when addressing specifics about Islam, you've acted like it is an honorable and peaceful religion, a worthy thing of study and belief.

You want quotes? I'll provide you with a link to your posts.


Be my guest.
Citations required for what?
You said

"Yes, he does, he created us intentionally, he created us for a purpose and as a test, worship is the purpose but you have a choice to go against that."

Those are assertions about 'him'. Unless you can demonstrate 'he' exists and then demonstrate his views are as stated you should phrase yourself as "I believe he created us....".

do you wan't scripture to be presented to back up what I say?, You would take scripture as a form of support or evidence?.
Of course not, I actually care whether or not what I believe is true and, as I said, citing scripture to justify assertions from scripture is circular nonsense. My entire point was that you complain how us atheists say "I don't accept that scripture" but that's all you ever present, scripture to back up scripture. It's all any religion ever presents. Hence it is either acceptable as evidence from all of them (which is impossible as they are often mutually exclusive) or from none of them.

Perhaps if you could provide something else, something not based on circular assertions, you'd not have atheists keep bugging you about it.