What's the point of prayer.

You need no evidence or rationality in your life, do you? Your belief is sufficient for you.
How so... i realy like havin a nice life.???

i'm just messin' whitchu clueless...kinda. ;)

my point is that having a relationship with god is challenging and full of trials. look at the stories in the bible. every one of them...abraham, noah, job. look at what he did to jesus for crying out loud. but i tell you what, i'd rather be strung up on a cross than have him ignore me...that is fo sho.
I acknowledge that God answers the sincere prayer of the soul. If a soul prays sincerely to God, God will answer the prayer.

oK... so aparently the children who get raped dont have a soul who sincerly prayed for the rape to stop.!!!

Hmmm... mayb God figers they deserve to be raped for not havin a proper soul.???

That a bolt of lightening doesn't come down and instantly strike the rapist in the gonads is not a reason to think God does not answer prayers.

Then that coud esplane why som children are murdered after the rape... mayb som of the children pray for death while ther bein raped an God grants ther prayer by allowin the rapist to kill them.!!!

I guess wit Karma... all's well that ends well.!!!
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
How so... i realy like havin a nice life.???

my point is that having a relationship with god is challenging and full of trials. look at the stories in the bible. every one of them...abraham, noah, job. look at what he did to jesus for crying out loud. but i tell you what, i'd rather be strung up on a cross than have him ignore me...that is fo sho.

So whats the advantage of havin God mess wit ya.???

oK... so aparently the children who get raped dont have a soul who sincerly prayed for the rape to stop.!!!

Hmmm... mayb God figers they deserve to be raped for not havin a proper soul.???

I thought you understood the term "spirit-soul".

Then that coud esplane why som children are murdered after the rape... mayb som of the children pray for death while ther bein raped an God grants ther prayer by allowin the rapist to kill them.!!!

I suggest you read up on some scriptures to gain some understanding of God. I recomend the Bhagavad Gita to start with. Then maybe you'll have some idea where I'm coming from.

I guess wit Karma... all's well that ends well.!!!

More like every action creates subsequent reactions.

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
How so... i realy like havin a nice life.???

So whats the advantage of havin God mess wit ya.???

perhaps i was or am just more screwed up or stupid than most and he's had to mess with me more. not sure about that.

but, i definitely know god exists, which is a relief, and enlightening. he's taught me a lot about myself and the world and what's wrong with it, and what's right with it, and what's important, and what's not. it's given me a lot of peace of mind ultimately, and has made me a lot stronger...invincible i dare say.

i've gotten very angry with god when i've felt like he's put me through trials, but i know that most of the time what i'm fighting against is myself (my flesh), my own fears and hangups. so the other night when i was praying i said "i'm sorry i blame you". and he said "it's my fault". so i said, "well, i'm sorry i get angry with you then". :shrug:

the most important thing...even though at times it's been really hard...is that i know god loves me. he makes me feel really safe, and that's priceless really.
its ok to be mad at god..that is part of our relationship with him..but like you said..we have to admit that the anger is caused by ourselves, not him
I thought you understood the term "spirit-soul".

Only the part you esplaned... that if the "spirit-souls" dont pray corectly then God wont help a child when ther gettin raped.!!!

I suggest you read up on some scriptures to gain some understanding of God.

I know lots about God... an heres somptin very importent:::

John 3:16--- "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Have you escepted Jesus as lord an savior... an did you know the bible says thats the only way to avoid eternal hell.???
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Mayb thats why God has let me have a nice life... cause i never get mad at him.!!!

I don't get mad at him/her/it, either... I don't believe in a "God"

Should that make my life easier,harder, or make no difference at all?
I don't get mad at him/her/it, either... I don't believe in a "God"

Should that make my life easier,harder, or make no difference at all?

Well acordin to "Jan"... if a Aligator is eatin ya an you pray to God for it to stop... jus cause the Aligator keeps eatin ya... that dont mean that God didnt answr you prayer.!!!

Well acordin to "Jan"... if a Aligator is eatin ya an you pray to God for it to stop... jus cause the Aligator keeps eatin ya... that dont mean that God didnt answr you prayer.!!!


Then what is the point of praying at all?..

Apparently everything is already rigged... Predestined..