What's the point of prayer.

How on earf coud you get mad at Jesus... he gave you the very air you breathe.???

how do you do it clueless?

i was responding to your statement about YOU not getting mad at god and asked how can YOU get mad at someone who YOU do not believe in,then you respond with that.<confused>
Then what is the point of praying at all?..

Yeah... thats prolly what the kid gettin raped woud like to know... God woud prolly tell 'em to read the Bhagavad Gita an take 2 aspirins in the mornin :shrug:
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how do you do it clueless?

i was responding to your statement about YOU not getting mad at god and asked how can YOU get mad at someone who YOU do not believe in,then you respond with that.<confused>

Duh... i dont get mad at somone i dont thank esists... but how bout you... how can you get mad at Jesus... who gives you the very air you breathe an gonna give you everlastin life... i mean... what mor do you want from him... eh.???
Well, since I don't believe in a "God".. I can't place any blame on him/her/it.

"God" doesn't create the problems, and can't fix them either..

I do believe in karma to an extent though..So, that could explain many events... Of course not all...

But, I'm not going to look to an imaginary being for the explanations I can't find for myself.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Duh... i dont get mad at somone i dont thank esists... ”

is that why you posted:

“ Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Mayb thats why God has let me have a nice life... cause i never get mad at him.!!! ”

Sarkastic joke... ya thank.???
So whats an esample of the "karma" you beleive in.???

Not really sure what you mean by an example...

If you're asking for my personal definition though...

I believe all actions incur an equal reaction...

This doesn't mean there is perfect balance however.

There will always be sadness, unfairness, and injustice.

Who or what is in control of these things, who knows..

But, It doesn't mean I have to believe that there is some "god" that controls everything. I've seen NO proof.
Give an esample of "karma" you have esperienced.!!!

I can give you 1 right off the top of my head...

A few years ago, my aunt borrowed money from me... She never paid me back...Always had excuses...

One day, she was a victim of identity theft.. The person stole almost the exact same amount of money, that my aunt basically stole from me... And to this day, she's never been compensated.

In my opinion, that's karma. What goes around, comes around.

Did I ever get my justice? Get my money back?... No..

But, the way I see it, her action incurred a reaction.
Is ther any logical esplination you know of... of how her action incurred that reaction.???

I never once used the word "logic"..

So, no, I have no explanation for how these things work...

I only know that I have witnessed such things several times in my life.
Only the part you esplaned... that if the "spirit-souls" dont pray corectly then God wont help a child when ther gettin raped.!!!

I know lots about God... an heres somptin very importent:::

John 3:16--- "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Have you escepted Jesus as lord an savior... an did you know the bible says thats the only way to avoid eternal hell.???

Clueless, are you even listening to me?

Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Is ther any logical esplination you know of... of how her action incurred that reaction.???

...no, I have no explanation for how these things work...

I only know that I have witnessed such things several times in my life.

You seem a bit superstitious.!!!
Clueless, are you even listening to me?

If you have somptin to say i will listen... but insted of esplanin you'r views you quit talkin by tellin me to read a book to discover you'r views... but if you do deside to discuss an continue to do it in riddles i will continue to make light of you'r nonsinse answrs.!!!
i've gotten very angry with god when i've felt like he's put me through trials, but i know that most of the time what i'm fighting against is myself (my flesh), my own fears and hangups. so the other night when i was praying i said "i'm sorry i blame you". and he said "it's my fault". so i said, "well, i'm sorry i get angry with you then".

Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Was God sayin its "you'r" fault or his fault.???

his fault.

So what do you thank he ment by that... that he screwed up.???
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If you have somptin to say i will listen... but insted of esplanin you'r views you quit talkin by tellin me to read a book to discover you'r views... but if you do deside to discuss an continue to do it in riddles i will continue to make light of you'r nonsinse answrs.!!!

You're dishonest.
You don't want an explanation,
your just seeking a way to validate your world view.

You're dishonest.
You don't want an explanation,
your just seeking a way to validate your world view.

I thank peoples beleifs are interestin... people such as Lori will discuss ther beleifs... i will discuss any aspect of my world view... som like you tend to discuss in mystic-riddles... my world view is based on logic... logic validates itself.!!!

"When one refuses to honestly discuss ther beleifs... that may be a sign its time to get new beleifs".!!!

~Auther Un-known
Origionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Was God sayin its "you'r" fault or his fault.???

So what do you thank he ment by that... that he screwed up.???

no, i don't think it's a screw up at all. it just means that god is responsible for what goes on in my life. he gives us freewill yeah, but he also allows for that and lays the law down in regards to it. so ultimately everything is god's fault.