What's the point of prayer.

I can give you 1 right off the top of my head...

A few years ago, my aunt borrowed money from me... She never paid me back...Always had excuses...

One day, she was a victim of identity theft.. The person stole almost the exact same amount of money, that my aunt basically stole from me... And to this day, she's never been compensated.

In my opinion, that's karma. What goes around, comes around.

Did I ever get my justice? Get my money back?... No..

But, the way I see it, her action incurred a reaction.

i'm interested to know what you think makes karma happen.
no, i don't think it's a screw up at all. it just means that god is responsible for what goes on in my life. he gives us freewill yeah, but he also allows for that and lays the law down in regards to it. so ultimately everything is god's fault.

Wit the way you define Gods version of free will that all souns logical... especily wit an all-knowin all-powerful God who created everthang.!!!
I thank peoples beleifs are interestin... people such as Lori will discuss ther beleifs... i will discuss any aspect of my world view... som like you tend to discuss in mystic-riddles... my world view is based on logic... logic validates itself.!!!

"When one refuses to honestly discuss ther beleifs... that may be a sign its time to get new beleifs".!!!

~Auther Un-known
get back to us when you think you are capable of discussing why you believe that all discussion on the god and phenomenal world cannot involve the living entity acting in any capacity other than a corporeal designation
get back to us when you think you are capable of discussing why you believe that all discussion on the god and phenomenal world cannot involve the living entity acting in any capacity other than a corporeal designation

The positon you present is not mine.!!!
I thank peoples beleifs are interestin... people such as Lori will discuss ther beleifs... i will discuss any aspect of my world view... som like you tend to discuss in mystic-riddles... my world view is based on logic... logic validates itself.!!!

"When one refuses to honestly discuss ther beleifs... that may be a sign its time to get new beleifs".!!!

~Auther Un-known

What's so mystical-ridden about karma?

Your claim to logic is a pretence, like when a kid looks in the
dressing up box and picks out a costume pretending to be whatever it is.

You know there is an explanation but you don't want to hear it.
You try and use the most emotionally expensive scenario (children being tortured) to make your point. And then pretend to want an explanation.

I C U as clear as day.


complete dullard
