What's the point of prayer.

the only thing i have come up with as far as prayer,is that it is a form of communication, a form that we would not normally have in everyday conversations, IE 'god help him to learn about such and such'..as opposed to 'you need to learn about such and such' one activates a defensive mechanism the other opens one up to that learning,

Whats somptin you have learned thru prayer.???
people's thoughts and desires manifest in a very real and observable way. whether you label those thoughts and desires as "prayer" or not seems pretty arbitrary from this standpoint. the label becomes relevant when a person believes in god and has a manifestation of god in their lives. that belief and manifestation changes the person's thoughts and desires. the outcome of which is real, and can be observed.

Do you thank som people (such as skitsophrenics) can have false manifestatons of God.???
So what is the purpos of prayer... an give an esample of a prayer that meets that purpos.???

answers gives us a hint in his OP

oK... but whats you'r opinon of what the purpos of prayer is... an give an esample of what people shoud pray for/about.???
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund to Lori
Do you thank som people (such as skitsophrenics) can have false manifestatons of God.???

What qualifies as a false manifestation of god?

A manisfestation of God.!!!

The fact that he manifests himself could also imply the schizophrenic prays harder.

So whats you'r opinion... do you thank som of the manisfestations of God that schizophrenics have can be false.???
Of corse!! There is no telling what the mind of an insane person can manifest. They see things in a different manner than most people. They can become subconsciously obsessive about their world and make some sense out of it by manifesting visions of god.
Do you thank som people (such as skitsophrenics) can have false manifestatons of God.???

yeah. i've definitely heard of some fruit that doesn't match the supposed spirit.

and certainly you can see my point, that thoughts do manifest into very real things, and in a case like the one you've suggested, it manifests into some very real loss.
Of corse!! There is no telling what the mind of an insane person can manifest. They see things in a different manner than most people. They can become subconsciously obsessive about their world and make some sense out of it by manifesting visions of god.

what i'm talking about is actually the opposite of what you're suggesting. like when "the vision" or "the voice" manifests into real consequences, not the other way around.
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank som people (such as skitsophrenics) can have false manifestatons of God.???

yeah. i've definitely heard of some fruit that doesn't match the supposed spirit.

and certainly you can see my point, that thoughts do manifest into very real things, and in a case like the one you've suggested, it manifests into some very real loss.

Yep... but i guess whether its determined to be "loss" or not depends on the one doin the jugin.!!!

A skitsophrenic i worked wit was very happy wit the God that audibly talked to him... but he was very sad otherwize an woud drank a 6 pack of beer an a half pint of peach brandy an cry hisself to sleep.!!!
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i think that some people think god's talking to them when it's really something else.

But haven't you said in other threads, that God has actually spoken to you?

How do YOU know it's not just something else?
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God answers all prayers. It's just that the answer is always no.
But haven't you said in other threads, that God has actually spoken to you?

How do YOU know it's not just something else?

you know because of what is manifest. the bible calls it fruit. if you can, please refrain from the obvious joke. thanks. ;)
Originally Posted by cluelusshusbund
Do you thank som people (such as skitsophrenics) can have false manifestatons of God.???

Yep... but i guess whether its determined to be "loss" or not depends on the one doin the jugin.!!!

A skitsophrenic i worked wit was very happy wit the God that audibly talked to him... but he was very sad otherwize an woud drank a 6 pack of beer an a half pint of peach brandy an cry hisself to sleep.!!!

i can relate minus the peach brandy (yuk). even when you know it's god, and when you know it's good, it can be a very isolating and frustrating experience. god isn't really "nice", and god is certainly not a genie in a bottle like some want to pretend. god has fucked me all up at times, but there is a method to the madness. you just gotta hang in there, and trust the process.

but the holy spirit isn't the only spirit that can communicate. demons can. humans can. you have to be able to discern. that's where jesus and the bible come in handy big time. and your intentions are key.
you know because of what is manifest. the bible calls it fruit. if you can, please refrain from the obvious joke. thanks. ;)

I'm refraining here Lori..

I just hope you can understand how hard it is, to "not walk thru the open door" as it were... I think you owe me one for this....LOL:p
A skitsophrenic i worked wit was very happy wit the God that audibly talked to him... but he was very sad otherwize an woud drank a 6 pack of beer an a half pint of peach brandy an cry hisself to sleep.!!!
I also used to live in a neighborhood that had a crazy street guy who said he could see atoms split (usually with the help of a few bottles of beer) .....
I'm refraining here Lori..

I just hope you can understand how hard it is, to "not walk thru the open door" as it were... I think you owe me one for this....LOL:p

thank you. i owe you one then. ;)