What's the point of prayer.

i was thinking last night about how i said that god isn't nice and has fucked me all up at times, and i want to explain...

god doesn't care about "nice". god is not a scapegoat for your mistakes, or problems, or sin, or your own will. and god is not some genie in a bottle waiting to grant you wishes.

god is like the military in a way. he will break you down, and then build you back up, the way he wants you to be, which is in fact, the way you should be. this is an extremely difficult and painful process that not many people are willing to go through.

i was listening to a song once, and in the lyrics, the man said that he saved the pieces of his broken heart and ground them to dust.

then god said to me that he would take that dust, apply extreme pressure, put it through the fire, and over time, it will become a diamond...multi-faceted, brilliant, flawless, and indestructible. he said that if the pieces had not been ground to dust, the diamond would not come out flawless.

so then, does grinding your heart to dust, applying extreme pressure, being put through the fire, over a lifetime, sound like a fun or appealing process to anyone? is this different from what you might like to think that god does for people?
i was thinking last night about how i said that god isn't nice and has fucked me all up at times, and i want to explain...

god doesn't care about "nice". god is not a scapegoat for your mistakes, or problems, or sin, or your own will. and god is not some genie in a bottle waiting to grant you wishes.

god is like the military in a way. he will break you down, and then build you back up, the way he wants you to be, which is in fact, the way you should be. this is an extremely difficult and painful process that not many people are willing to go through.

i was listening to a song once, and in the lyrics, the man said that he saved the pieces of his broken heart and ground them to dust.

then god said to me that he would take that dust, apply extreme pressure, put it through the fire, and over time, it will become a diamond...multi-faceted, brilliant, flawless, and indestructible. he said that if the pieces had not been ground to dust, the diamond would not come out flawless.

so then, does grinding your heart to dust, applying extreme pressure, being put through the fire, over a lifetime, sound like a fun or appealing process to anyone? is this different from what you might like to think that god does for people?

well said lori..
(although he still has some grinding to do with you..RE the word F**ked)

i still resist that grinding in my life, to a degree..but i accept it..
well said lori..
(although he still has some grinding to do with you..RE the word F**ked)

i still resist that grinding in my life, to a degree..but i accept it..

yes, there are times when my prayer has been "please don't hurt me".
Ive never prayed that i recall but God mus like me perty good anyhow... cause for aroun 60 years now he has not ground me down... on the contrairy... he has givin me a reletively easy an enjoyable life... so mayb from the get-go he saw that i was a special/better/smarter person that he wanted to treet nice.???
Ive never prayed that i recall but God mus like me perty good anyhow... cause for aroun 60 years now he has not ground me down... on the contrairy... he has givin me a reletively easy an enjoyable life... so mayb from the get-go he saw that i was a special/better/smarter person that he wanted to treet nice.???

um no. i hate to break it to you, but you're screwed.
So what makes you think that God doesn't
help that starving child?


A simular reason as to why i woudnt thank God helped a child whos screamin in agony while bein raped;;; the childs agony continues... so do you thank God does help all children in such need.???
No... do you acknowledge that God watches children bein raped an allows it to continue.???

No, but I acknowledge that to every action, there is a reaction, and
I acknowledge that God answers the sincere prayer of the soul.
If a soul prays sincerely to God, God will answer the prayer.
That a bolt of lightening doesn't come down and instantly strike the rapist
in the gonads is not a reason to think God does not answer prayers.

No, but I acknowledge that to every action, there is a reaction, and
I acknowledge that God answers the sincere prayer of the soul.
If a soul prays sincerely to God, God will answer the prayer.
That a bolt of lightening doesn't come down and instantly strike the rapist
in the gonads is not a reason to think God does not answer prayers.


So just because nothing happens, there's no reason to think your prayer is not answered?:shrug:

It was answered, but the answer was no.:rolleyes: