What to HATE, What NOT to TOLERATE & Islam.

Isnt that Modern Hinduism? Years ago I read about a so called Father of Hinduism who revolutionized the concepts of Hinduism. From strictly polytheism to some sort of monotheism as posted by Flores.

Anyway whatever hinduism is hindus are still considered as unbelievers, unloved by Allah. The reason why Caliph Ali massacred Hindus and pillaged their temples. The reason why some muslims, fresh from the mosque, had beaten a Hindu to death for the sole of being a Hindu...

DoctorNO said:
Anyway whatever hinduism is hindus are still considered as unbelievers, unloved by Allah.

Don't you worry DoctorNo. I love Hindus very much. My best friend karuna has made a vegetarian out of me and my family over four years ago. I hear philipinos eat so much pork that they occasionaly oink. Muslim women look great in Sari and we greatly enjoy Indian movies, food, ect.... We love Indians and I am a firm believer that Pakistan should have never separated from mother India.

Allah loves Hindus, don't you see how big and beautifull are there eyes, and how cute are their perfect nose? They are a sign of how perfect could Allah create......They are so peacefull that i consider them to be muslims without even knowing it. On the other hand, allah obviously made a mistake with you.
Padma said:
You're fucked up.

Why is that? Im not the one saying hindus are unbelievers. It is the muslims. I didnt kill any hindus, Caliph Ali did.
Padma said:
Wow. Right on! Good job Flores. Are you really a momma.:)

Thanks. Yes, I'm a 30 years old momma with 2 kids. 4.5years daughter and 2.5 years son. How about you?
DoctorNO said:
Why is that? Im not the one saying hindus are unbelievers. It is the muslims. I didnt kill any hindus, Caliph Ali did.

But you are the one that made us vomit by bringing a picture here....So at the least, you are guilty of inducing us to vomit....which is a far more concrete crime than the non substantiated charges that you bring.
DoctorNO said:
Anyway whatever hinduism is hindus are still considered as unbelievers, unloved by Allah. The reason why Caliph Ali massacred Hindus and pillaged their temples. The reason why some muslims, fresh from the mosque, had beaten a Hindu to death for the sole of being a Hindu...
It is true that orthodox muslim thinks of hindus as kafirs. But the same time you can see the fine fusion of Islam and Hindu vedanta in indian sufism. It would be an interesting topic.

Next, Caliph Ali has nothing to do with India. In seventh century, muslim armies came upto Persia (Iran) on the east, that too not during the caliphate of Ali. It is some fanatical muslim rulers after 10th century indulged in destroying hindu, buddhist and sikh institutions on the advice of orthodox mullahs. Sufis on the other hand had been working for the unity of hindu-muslims. Only in India you can see, on one side, the extremists of both religions fighting over temple-masjid and on the other hand lakhs of hindus making pilgrimage to islamic holy sites like Ajmer sharif.

The wahabism spread from saudi really poisned pakistan, india and bangladesh. What you posted - a hindu is being beaten to death is an example of wahabi influence on mullah gang, growing dangerously in bangladesh and now it seems in philippines & indonasia too.
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Flores said:

Now wipe your screen from all the cum, your face from the foam, and put on the straight Jacket and take your pill nicely....please??....

Flores said:
you ugly obscure phillipino mutt, descendant of Ghangis Khan...

Flores said:
you forgot to take the probe out of your ass.

Are these quotes from the Qu'ran? :)

Flores said:
Allah loves Hindus

Probably Allah does - But from the photo it's obvious that these Muslims don't.
The reason why some muslims, fresh from the mosque, had beaten a Hindu to death for the sole of being a Hindu...

are you suggesting that hindus haven't done the same to muslims? the way hindus have treated muslims in india, you could argue that they have been intolerant. posting a picture like that accomplishes nothing. i could find similar pictures where hindus are beating the crap outta muslims. if you're interested, look up the babri masjid issue. now that was beautiful, wasn't it?
DoctorNO said:
Why is that? Im not the one saying hindus are unbelievers. It is the muslims. I didnt kill any hindus, Caliph Ali did.

You sorry idiot. No, you're not the one saying hindus are unbelievers because you don't know yourself what you believe in. Maybe you are truly blinded from the truth: veiled heart, eyes, and ears.. Atleast the Muslims hold true to strong beliefs they are devoted to. Your only devotion is to the hatred of Muslims and a religion you know little about. That makes you no better than the ignorant, falsified image of Muslims you have in ur head.
You see I have muslim friends myself and some of them know of my stance against Islam. I take care not to hate people for what they believe.

Don't fool yourself. You are a hater.
Do those people a favor and never talk or look in their direction again. No muslim should have to suffer through a friendship w/ such a Muslim-hater as you.
DoctorNO said:
Vile practices? You generalize them missionaries as if they are mostly evil. When in fact the huge majority of nations planted or converted by these missionaries are living in peace if not in prosperity. North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Philippines, South Africa, etc. Why are you so blind to what everyone could see???
Oh my god! My apple juice nearly came out of my nose.

Living in peace if not prosperity? Are you serious? Really? HA! Yes, the people who populated these countries are living in peace and prosperity. The white christian people that is. Shame about the native people not getting a share from that. Yes the aborigines in Australia are living in prosperity. Hell yeah. Those slums they live in are even starting to get running water and electricity. They got the real benefit of conversion. Hell the American Indians are doing well too. Forced to live in reservation, no jobs, only on welfare, low medical care, sanitation. Hell yeah those missionaries did good. And where are the descendants of those missionaries? Why they went on and got money to build big old churches and cathedrals and are living in nice homes. Those missionaries did real good. Real peace and prosperity... for them. Too bad the natives didn't count.

I think it is you who is blind to the obvious.
Bells said:
And where are the descendants of those missionaries? Why they went on and got money to build big old churches and cathedrals and are living in nice homes. Those missionaries did real good. Real peace and prosperity... for them. Too bad the natives didn't count.

I think it is you who is blind to the obvious.

No Bells - You are wrong, It wasn't the missionaries who butchered the natives of these countries. It was my ancestors in the British navy and army, and they were not killing the natives in the name of God, Christianity or in the name of any religion. They butchered the natives because they wanted the land, and to rule. Throughout history, Britain has been conquered, and we have conquered other lands. I am not very proud of how this was done, but these events are facts of history.
Um Vienna, I wasn't talking about Missionaries butchering the natives of the colonised countries. However what they did butcher was the natives customs and beliefs. I'm aware that it wasn't the Missionaries who massacred the natives. They may have had a hand in it, but it wasn't they who were the predominant killers. Apart from bringing the natives into contact with illness' of Europe, which further decimated the tribes. I'm well aware that it was the members of the local police force and the army and navy that led the massacres of the Aboriginals. However on the topic of convert or die... here's an interesting article on some of the tactics used by Christian missionaries to force natives to convert, and unfortunately it's not historic but mostly current. :(


And from that link, here is a picture of Hindus killed because they've refused to convert to Christianity. And the killers are armed by the Baptist Missionaries. I don't know about you but I find such actions by missionaries from ANY RELIGION to be reprehensible. For heavens sake, why is there a need to cram ones beliefs down the throats of others? I actually hate missionaries. I really do. The way they conduct themselves :mad:! I can't stand them... from the Jehovah's witnesses who bang on my door every week and who become rude and at times threatening when I order them off my property after politely telling them I'm not interested, to the other twits in other religions who demand that I open the door to them and therefore open the door to god. Grrrrrr hate them all! Sorry I'll stop my rant now... Here's the pic from the article above.


Off topic, would you believe that in Sydney and New South Wales Indigenous Australians are still classified by law as being flora and fauna :(. Disgusting isn't it?
If this report is true then find it very strange that the only link to this report comes from one site on the entire internet, namely www. KENTAXRECORDS.

If you can provide a few links from various sources relating to the same story then I will consider the validity of it.

Off topic - How can the government classify human beings as flora and fauna, what do you mean?

Can you provide a link to this treatment?
Bells said:
Oh my god! My apple juice nearly came out of my nose.

Living in peace if not prosperity? Are you serious? Really? HA! Yes, the people who populated these countries are living in peace and prosperity. The white christian people that is. Shame about the native people not getting a share from that. Yes the aborigines in Australia are living in prosperity. Hell yeah. Those slums they live in are even starting to get running water and electricity. They got the real benefit of conversion. Hell the American Indians are doing well too. Forced to live in reservation, no jobs, only on welfare, low medical care, sanitation. Hell yeah those missionaries did good. And where are the descendants of those missionaries? Why they went on and got money to build big old churches and cathedrals and are living in nice homes. Those missionaries did real good. Real peace and prosperity... for them. Too bad the natives didn't count.

I think it is you who is blind to the obvious.

Filipino Christians are living in peace. Although sometimes being bombed by muslim extremists.
Mexican Christians are enjoying peace. And mexico is on the path of progress.
Most South American Christian dominated nations are in peace.
Canada enjoys peace & prosperity.
And does Europe & Australia.

And finally the United States. Everybodys dreamland. That foreigners would brave the biting desert of the south or the rapids of the Niagara river in the north just to cross into it. Yeah I know, theres a lot of Filipino illegal immigrants in there. :D And nobody forced those native indians. All this contrary to your ridiculous claims. The minorities there are generally not complaining so what are you bitching about? Don’t be too pessimistic, bells. Life is good. :)

You should really try talking to a real Missionary. Here try this one...


Look for abuGian & Crosswind. I know those people and they are genuinely nice. I have never seen them curse or oppress anyone, unlike the few muslims here.
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DoctorNO said:
Filipino Christians are living in peace. Although sometimes being bombed by muslim extremists.

Give us a break...If you call pimping their woman to foreignors on a daily basis peace, then I'll have to agree with you.

DoctorNO said:
Mexican Christians are enjoying peace. And mexico is on the path of progress.
Most South American Christian dominated nations are in peace.

Obviously you missed the eighties and the ninties, when not one christian latin American country was not enjoying a civil war. After killing everyone with a half spirit, they seem to enjoy a true peace, peace where the crime rate in Elsalvador and Mexico is off the charts for our universe. Why don't you go visit Mexico my dear friend and walk in day light looking like a pompous foreigner and let's see how long you will last in the peace.

DoctorNO said:
Canada enjoys peace & prosperity.
And does Europe & Australia.

So does Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Qatar, Yemen, Saudi, Turkey, Malasia, China, India, ect......Over a billion of muslims like myself are enjoying peace so much in every imaginable country.

DoctorNO said:
And finally the United States. Everybodys dreamland. That foreigners would brave the biting desert of the south or the rapids of the Niagara river in the north just to cross into it. Yeah I know, theres a lot of Filipino illegal immigrants in there. :D

yeah, and while the phillipinos have found a home in the US painting acrylic nails and practicing hypocracy by joining the churches in their first day,we American muslims here are legals and not only are we legals, the muslims in the US are your usual engineering professors, your doctors, CEOs. The Indians for instance are your typical doctor, pharmacist, engineer, CEO, consultant firm, ect......and they are highly contributing to the technology market and are mostly highly educated. The Chinease are also highly educated and mostly professionals. On the other hand the opportunistic phillipinos in the US come here with no talent and much deciet. They join the churches to gain popularity and they worship the white man...Just in my place of work, I must admit that the couple of phillipinos that work with me are the laziest, worst quality people I have ever seen in this universe, including the thousands of them that paint acrylic nails here in the US.

So you're not alone in hating muslims, I hate phillipinos just as much :cool:
Flores said:
So you're not alone in hating muslims, I hate phillipinos just as much :cool:

Sorry to dissappoint you but I dont hate muslims. I only hate Islam. :D
Flores said:
yeah, and while the phillipinos have found a home in the US painting acrylic nails and practicing hypocracy by joining the churches in their first day,we American muslims here are legals and not only are we legals, the muslims in the US are your usual engineering professors, your doctors, CEOs. The Indians for instance are your typical doctor, pharmacist, engineer, CEO, consultant firm, ect......and they are highly contributing to the technology market and are mostly highly educated. The Chinease are also highly educated and mostly professionals. On the other hand the opportunistic phillipinos in the US come here with no talent and much deciet. They join the churches to gain popularity and they worship the white man...Just in my place of work, I must admit that the couple of phillipinos that work with me are the laziest, worst quality people I have ever seen in this universe, including the thousands of them that paint acrylic nails here in the US.
Hey at least you agree that the christian white men of america are giving the muslims, indians, chinese and filipinos all the same basic & equal rights and opportunities in america, eh? :D :D :D

Thank goodness for non-islam.
lostminotaur said:
are you suggesting that hindus haven't done the same to muslims? the way hindus have treated muslims in india, you could argue that they have been intolerant. posting a picture like that accomplishes nothing. i could find similar pictures where hindus are beating the crap outta muslims. if you're interested, look up the babri masjid issue. now that was beautiful, wasn't it?

Of course not. Both Hindus & Muslims had been exchanging trains full of dead muslims & hindus. But the Hindus were just retaliating. Its human nature. Even though Hindus were known for their peaceful nature. They do not attack out of pure aggression. They are mostly passive. As can be seen from the great hero Gandhi.