What to HATE, What NOT to TOLERATE & Islam.

Wrongdoings in christianity... the inquisition of the dark ages. but past is past. chritianity is an evolving religion capable of learning from its mistakes.

Islam would rather break than bend.
Flores said:
It's easily justifiable....Polytheist believe on it's own is unstable. Even pyramid ends up in a point. You can't extend on polytheism infenitly without narrowing things down to one, and similarly every polyatheistic believe ends up with One god.

Hinduism has been around for near 5000 years. It withstood the oppression & atrocities of Islam and the intrution of christianity. And it still looks pretty stable. The same goes with Buddhism & Confusianism. So why doesnt these hindus & buddhists embrace islam, christianity or judaism? Because you are wrong. The quran is wrong.

You cannot convert those people unless you use force, deception & coercion.
DoctorNO said:
Try asking a toddler if there is a god and he will just look at you in confusion. Try explain what a god is to the same toddler and he will not understand.

Look at the cavemen paintings and see if there is anything that indicates a belief in gods. Nada.

You see a person will not believe in a god until someone brainwashes him into it.

Who is the stupid now eh? :D

The stupid one is obviously you.....Try to ask a toddler how the digestive system work and they'll look at you in confusion, yet give them a banana and they'll demonstrate to you perfectly how the digestive system work.

Intrinsic natural believe in god is not about stupid preachy church like ceremonies, on the contrary, that's hypocracy. Just being a good creation much like you describe in your other thread is a true believe in the one god. We care for our environment because we are connected to it, we care for the animals because we are connected to them. What is the intersection poing of all these connection. It's the one god. You can't have multiple intersection points and still respect things.
Flores said:
The stupid one is obviously you.....Try to ask a toddler how the digestive system work and they'll look at you in confusion, yet give them a banana and they'll demonstrate to you perfectly how the digestive system work.
My friend, the sciences of biology were NEVER INTRINSIC. You & that phoney Quran are the ones claiming that monothiesm is intrinsic. So by that logic every toddler should know and believe in God.

Flores said:
Intrinsic natural believe in god is not about stupid preachy church like ceremonies, on the contrary, that's hypocracy. Just being a good creation much like you describe in your other thread is a true believe in the one god.
Then by all means go around asking toddlers. ;)

Islam does not make people smart.
DoctorNO said:
Hinduism has been around for near 5000 years. It withstood the oppression & atrocities of Islam and the intrution of christianity. And it still looks pretty stable. The same goes with Buddhism & Confusianism. So why doesnt these hindus & buddhists embrace islam, christianity or judaism? Because you are wrong. The quran is wrong.

You cannot convert those people unless you use force, deception & coercion.

This is not about convertion. convertion is a term to be used for underwear changing. You change a soiled one with a clean one. Religion is not a poop wiper.

You are too ignorant about the subtelty and philosophy for me to venue with you on a discussion. You are way too soiled by your ill perceptions and you're comfortable with your own conclusions regarding Islam. I find no need to snatch your security blanket away, a blanket of your own weaving that spells out lies to complete the web of rationalization on why you should discredit Islam.


Stop trying too hard to get even with a virtual Islam.....
DoctorNO said:
My friend, the sciences of biology were NEVER INTRINSIC. You are the claiming that monothiesm is intrinsic. So by that logic every toddler should know and believe in God.

Biology is not intrinsic???????? Give me a freakin break? Go poop somewhere under a shady tree and think about your stupidity for a second. your poop can explain perfectly to you methods of terrtiary advance waster treatment that we don't understand till today. DO we have a machine out there that can transfer food to poop + energy in less than few hours? No, because we don't understand how we function. yet, we are born with all these awesome functions, just like we were born with the intrinsic believe in the creator of this universe.
Polytheist shiva-worshippin Hindu?
This was copied directly from a website called "How to Become a Better Hindu":
Hinduism is both monotheistic and henotheistic. Hindus were never polytheistic, in the sense that there are many equal Gods. Henotheism better defines the Hindu view of a single Supreme God with many other divinities. We Hindus believe there is one all-pervasive God who energizes the entire universe. We can see Him in the life shining out of the eyes of humans and all creatures. This view of God as existing in and giving life to all things is called "panentheism." It is different from pantheism, which is the belief that God is the natural universe and nothing more. It is also different from strict theism which says God is only above the world, apart and transcendent. Panentheism is a beautiful concept. It says that God is both in the world and beyond it, both immanent and transcendent. That is the Hindu view. Hindus also believe in many devas or Gods who perform various functions, like executives in a large corporation. These should not be confused with God. There is one Supreme God only. What is sometimes confusing to non-Hindus is that Hindus of various sects may call the one God by many different names, according to their regional tradition. Truth for the Hindu has many names, but that does not make for many truths. Hinduism gives us the freedom to approach God in our own way, without demanding conformity to any dogma.
Dear Flores,

Who said anything about getting even? Not me. Im just uncovering the rotten underbelly of Islam for everybody to see.

You tried to defend Islam but failed on every front. And so like every muslim I defeated you have to resort to Ad Hominem attacks. Tough luck, dude. :D
Flores said:
Biology is not intrinsic???????? Give me a freakin break?
Read again dude, I said "the SCIENCES of biology".

Flores said:
Go poop somewhere under a shady tree and think about your stupidity for a second.
Ah the true colors are comin out. :D :D :D

Keep em up flores. You make a fine good example at how low a muslim could go ehehehe.

Flores said:
yet, we are born with all these awesome functions, just like we were born with the intrinsic believe in the creator of this universe.
Asked any toddler yet?
DoctorNO said:
Dear Flores,

Who said anything about getting even? Not me. Im just uncovering the rotten underbelly of Islam for everybody to see.

That's not very smart. Your nose hairs will be the first to get burned bythe stinch and all muslims will laugh at you for pulling something so stupid. Next time try to make a new clean case instead of playing with rotten corpses, unless you find yourself comfortable with corpse play of course.

DoctorNO said:
You tried to defend Islam but failed on every front. And so like every muslim I defeated you have to resort to Ad Hominem attacks. Tough luck, dude. :D

Bravo, I commend you. Whatever you say buddy, specially when the foam at the mouth and the Whohahahaha hysteric laughs start. You have indeed defeated me and every muslim out there. Now wipe your screen from all the cum, your face from the foam, and put on the straight Jacket and take your pill nicely....please??....for me good ole hot momma flores's sake. We all know what comes after you deflate from the self induced manias.
Flores said:
Now wipe your screen from all the cum, your face from the foam, and put on the straight Jacket and take your pill nicely....please??....for me good ole hot momma flores's sake. We all know what comes after you deflate from the self induced manias.

And that ladies & gentlemen is why there can never be peace in islam or near islam.

* Proud Muslim
* Munim
* Flores

The fruits of Islam.
Padma said:
Polytheist shiva-worshippin Hindu?
This was copied directly from a website called "How to Become a Better Hindu":
Hinduism is both monotheistic and henotheistic. Hindus were never polytheistic, in the sense that there are many equal Gods. Henotheism better defines the Hindu view of a single Supreme God with many other divinities. We Hindus believe there is one all-pervasive God who energizes the entire universe. We can see Him in the life shining out of the eyes of humans and all creatures. This view of God as existing in and giving life to all things is called "panentheism." It is different from pantheism, which is the belief that God is the natural universe and nothing more. It is also different from strict theism which says God is only above the world, apart and transcendent. Panentheism is a beautiful concept. It says that God is both in the world and beyond it, both immanent and transcendent. That is the Hindu view. Hindus also believe in many devas or Gods who perform various functions, like executives in a large corporation. These should not be confused with God. There is one Supreme God only. What is sometimes confusing to non-Hindus is that Hindus of various sects may call the one God by many different names, according to their regional tradition. Truth for the Hindu has many names, but that does not make for many truths. Hinduism gives us the freedom to approach God in our own way, without demanding conformity to any dogma.

You are very smart. I also believe that Hinduism and Buhhism are monotheistic religions. The respect and harmony with nature that stems out of their religion is a proof of their believe in unity.
Flores said:
You are very smart. I also believe that Hinduism and Buhhism are monotheistic religions. The respect and harmony with nature that stems out of their religion is a proof of their believe in unity.
Thank you! :)
As Padma implied, Hinduism believes in 1 super God and many minor gods. I think that is more polytheistic and monotheistic, at least according to webster defintions...

  • Main Entry: mono·the·ism
    Pronunciation: 'mä-n&-(")thE-"i-z&m
    Function: noun
    : the doctrine or belief that there is but one God

    Main Entry: poly·the·ism
    Pronunciation: 'pä-lE-(")thE-"i-z&m
    Function: noun
    Etymology: French polytheisme, from Late Greek polytheos polytheistic, from Greek, of many gods, from poly- + theos god
    : belief in or worship of more than one god
Thus henotheism is just a subclass of polytheism

  • Main Entry: heno·the·ism
    Pronunciation: 'he-n&-(")thE-"i-z&m
    Function: noun
    Etymology: German Henotheismus, from Greek hen-, heis one + theos god -- more at SAME
    : the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods
DoctorNO said:
As Padma implied, Hinduism believes in 1 super God and many minor gods. I think that is more polytheistic and monotheistic,

Wrong....Hinduism believes in 1 super God. Not 2 super gods, not 3 super gods. Only one god who is god to all dimensions. All the individual creations are subservient to the supreme god and veiled from god by other layers of controls, like life and death for example, which are layers separating us from god... and some of them are subservient to each other but all are under the umbrella of god. Islam believes similar to Hinduism that there are other powers in our universe that are subservient to gods yet we are affected by these powers. For instance we are under the control of the sun, moon, ect.... yet all these entities are servants to the supreme god.
Padma said:
Webster wasn't a Hindu..
Thank you Padma for the obvious. Can you tell me if the pearls of wisdom site accurate in it's description. I'm also learning..

"God" and the universe

For Hindus, the entire universe is part of the Divine- everything is part of "God". And so "God", for Hindus, is present in everything.

"God" and the "Soul"

Hindus believe that each soul is an individual, and yet is also a part of the Divine; is part of "God".

"God" and gods

Hindus acknowledge and worship various gods, but these are all aspects of the one supreme "God".

The gods Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma are different forms and names of the one God. Vishnu in particular has appeared on earth in various forms. Among these, Krishna and Rama are especially loved and worshipped.

Most Westerners think that Hinduism is polytheistic-which means worshipping many gods, but in fact Hindus actually believe in only one supreme God, called "Brahman".

Brahman is a supreme spirit that permeates everything.

BUT: Brahman is not a being in the sense that Christians think of God as a being - Brahman is entirely impersonal, and entirely impossible to describe...more like the muslims believe.

Everything in the universe is part of Brahman, (including each one of us), but Brahman is more than the sum of everything in the universe.

So what about all those Hindu gods you see in the temples? Read on…

One God and many Gods

There is only one ultimate reality, Brahman. But that ultimate reality shows itself in many forms, and some of those forms are called Gods.

The gods Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, for example, are different aspects of Brahman:

Brahma reflects God's divine work of creating the universe ·

Vishnu reflects God's work in keeping the universe in existence

Siva reflects God's work in destroying it.

Vishnu has appeared on earth in the past at times of crisis, in 9 different forms (a 10th form is yet to appear).
