What to HATE, What NOT to TOLERATE & Islam.

Flores said:
Wrong....You know nothing.
Buddhists, Hindus, ect...were never classified by god as non-believers. Do you know what Sabians are? Sabians are an ancient religion that believed in the universal unified spirit that dwells in all living beings...They are basically the same thing as Buddhists and Hindus and they were labeled in the Quran as believers.
But the quran didn’t classify them as believers either, eh? And the quran is clearly hostile to polytheists. Hinduism & Buddhism is polytheism.

Flores said:
Your assertion is wrong...God states that all humans are born as muslims or submitters to god, on the other hand the bible states that all humans are created as rotten sinners.
Your argument does not even contradict mine. According to islam a newborn is a muslim (However ridiculous in its own sense as it seems). Therefore the fact that (virtual) Allah does not love non-muslims, it doesn’t cover infants. It doesn’t cover some Christians & jews & sabians.

So there is no conflict there, buddy. My argument still stands.

Flores said:
God states that It's what we do with our life that distance us or draw us nearer to god. The hopeless christianity condemn the little babies to hell since they are born sinners, then make up lies about a tortured prophet dyiing for the sin to make sense of the first orignial sin lie. And by the way. the Quranic Allah is your and mine god whether you like it or not. Our creator is the same, even if you were an alien. You seek to magnify the difference in language and make falsehood out of them, but at the end of the day, you are insulting your own creator and your conscious will not be pleased with you. You are only hurting yourself.

That is your faith. There are no evidences to back up your faith.

And if you look at the details…. Allah is not YHVH is not Jesus is not Brahma is not Shiva is not Horus is not Buddha is not Zeus is not Bathala. No each of those gods are totally different. You are not worshipping the same god. You are worshipping your own versions of God. Gods with different personalities, loves, hates, attributes, intolerance & preferences. Even the bible specifically dictates to anathemize other versions of jesus even if it comes from an angel or another prophet.
Flores said:
But Bells, Quran has been far more tolerant that the bible toward the diverse basis of belief. Can you find an equivalent bible verse to those ones.
But it is also the same Quran who later commanded muslims to KEEP FIGHTING UNTIL ALL RELIGION IS FOR ALLAH (2:193). There goes your tolerance down the drain. The quran is so full of contradictions.

Flores said:
Now, the hypocracy of christianity is beyond belief, when they don't even agree with jews on the status of Jesus Christ while both parties study the same exact book....just to show you their extreme level of intolerance. This is what the Quran had to say about this apparant irnoy.
Hypocricy is not practicing what you preach. Like the so-called Islamic non-compulsion in religion versus 2:193. So I don’t think “hypocracy” is the right term for your argument above.

Flores said:
Islam never does that, for it's the true religion of equality.
How can you even say that when the quran clearly specifies that men are advantaged over women? When the quran oppresses Christians & jews with Jiyza tax (9:129).

Those are intolerable ideas.
DoctorNO said:
But it is also the same Quran who later commanded muslims to KEEP FIGHTING UNTIL ALL RELIGION IS FOR ALLAH (2:193). There goes your tolerance down the drain. The quran is so full of contradictions.

Why can't you read properly.
Here's the proper verse
[2.193] And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors.

Here's the equality that I'm talking about. Religion shouldn't belong to the muslims nor the christians or the jews. It only belong to the creator of this universe mine and your god who are one.

DoctorNO said:
How can you even say that when the quran clearly specifies that men are advantaged over women?

Those are intolerable ideas.

Again you can't read. Women and men are equal in the sight of god, yet men hold more responsbility that woman for being created stronger, ect...

Here's the verse
[2.228] And the divorced women should keep themselves in waiting for three courses; and it is not lawful for them that they should conceal what Allah has created in their wombs, if they believe in Allah and the last day; and their husbands have a better right to take them back in the meanwhile if they wish for reconciliation; and they have rights similar to those against them in a just manner, and the men are a degree above them, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

Can you chew and think at the same time...I ask you that because I expect you to understand something that is a bit complex. How can men and woman have similar rights with men having a degree above them. And why does god say that his mighty wise right after making that statement?

God above describes two plains. The first plain is for how humanity is supposed to deal with each other. Between humans and under earthly laws, men and woman have rights similar to those againest them....God specifically sates "Against them" to clarify that equality should be excersied when human are dealing with each other. On the other hand, god created woman and men differently, woman are physically weaker, more emotional, ect....so infront of god, men have a higher degree of responsbility, while women recieve more mercy.....

The Quran is not an easy book and it's incredibly wise and complete. No contradictions are found, only misunderstanding on the reader part. Please respect it.
before this gets closed down, can someone Muslim respond to this please
Dr. No said:
Quran 003.032
Having read the verse within its sura (reference) I'm wondering what your problem with the passage is.

• It would appear that Allah is instructing the faithful in how to argue in advocacy of Islam
• We must remember that all rightly-guided religions come from God
• Thus, it seems reasonably true that Allah does not love the unbelievers; those who are not rightly-guided, those who do not seek God, those who seek only this world.

I think you're assigning the wrong definition of "unbelievers" becasue of your Western perspective and personal bigotry.
Tiassa, before I leave for the weekend, I have to tell you something.

You are a rare example of how the US educational system may be working. I've almost lost all hope in it, but then I see hope when I read you and the few others. You are quite a minority and I have no idea how you manage to keep your sanity.

Oh I forgot. :m: That's how you keep your sanity. ;)
rightly guided religions? like what? list anything other than christianity & judaism. also remember that the quran also attacked christianity for its belief on the trinity.

im in a hurry. got ta go. see ya guys on monday. :)
You are a rare example of how the US educational system may be working.
Thank you, but I went to a private high school and dropped out of a public university. I don't mean to crush any hopes in the American educational system, but . . . it's not a purely public education.

And the dope doesn't necessarily work. It does help to keep me from panicking in the meantime.

;) (Thanks)
tiassa said:
Thank you, but I went to a private high school and dropped out of a public university.

That explains how you escaped the epedimic. the emminent mind poisening that is going around.

tiassa said:
I don't mean to crush any hopes in the American educational system, but . . . it's not a purely public education.

All hope is crushed and the crushed peaces have evaporated. All I have to do is listen tonight to DOCTOR Condie and see how low have our PHD system declined to. I vaguely remember a day when little kids used to say that they want to grow up to be "US president".

Religiously speaking, you gotta reallly wonder about the quality of people around you, when a month ago, the highest ranking movie was "PASSION OF THE CHRIST"....IF you check the rating today, it has changed to "HELL BOY".
There is subliminal message in that.
The Life and Times of Muhammad

Let’s read the words of the Muhammad from Sahih Bukhari –a book of Muhammad’s sayings – which is second only to the Quran for most Muslims.

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard the Prophet (Muhammad) saying. "Evil omen is in three things: The horse, the woman and the house." Source Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 110

Muhammad was very superstitious.

Kind Regards,
farside said:
The Life and Times of Muhammad

Let’s read the words of the Muhammad from Sahih Bukhari –a book of Muhammad’s sayings – which is second only to the Quran for most Muslims.

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: I heard the Prophet (Muhammad) saying. "Evil omen is in three things: The horse, the woman and the house." Source Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 110

Muhammad was very superstitious.

Kind Regards,

Thank you for providing a great example about poor education.

The only thing I see in your post is the following
Abdullah Bin Uman and HEARD....

I don't have to read anything else. First we must address the following.

Who the hell is Abdullah Bin Umam???? And how can you proof to us without a reasonable doubt that he didn't have too much wax in his ears??
The Islamic Version of the Devine Right of Kings

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle (Muhammad) said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me." Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 89, Number 251

If you are a Quran only Muslim, this post will no meaning. However, for your edification, I recommend reading the hadith collection of Bukhari which can be found at http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/fundamentals/hadithsunnah/bukhari/ .

Kind Regards,
DoctorNO said:
Christians & Jews are called People of the Book in Islam, and in some obscure way classifiable as believers too. Depending on interpretation.

Buddhists, Hindus, pagans, athiests, & agnostics are clearly unbelievers by quranic standards.

My assertion still stands that the quranic Allah has no love for non-muslims.
Please show me in the bible where it says that Buddhists, Hindus, pagans, athiests and agnostics are classified as unbelievers. And by your own definition of unbelievers there NO, athiests ARE unbelievers by choice.

And you forgot to post this little bit of the Quran, where it deals with non-muslims, telling Muslims to be kind to non-muslims:

"Allah forbids you not, With regard to those who Fight you not for (your) Faith Nor drive you out Of your homes, From dealing kindly and justly With them: For Allah loveth Those who are just. (Quran, 60:8)"

So does your source support your argument? I think not.

And your source site is clearly biased, being called "atributetohinduism". Looks like they exaggerated some things…like being called “satan”, it is illogical. More evidence required.
My assertions are well documented in history and the present NO. My source is biased because you see it as being biased. It was a common practice to call natives "satan" and to tell them that unless they converted, they'd be banished to hell and that God would not love them, for only the converted were saved and loved. It is a commonly known fact that Christians forced native people to convert. The source that I used only details the experiences of the people in India and it gives general discussion of the disgusting practices used to force people to convert. It happened all over the world.

Century after century, ever since Constantine made Christianity the official religion of his Empire, brute force and military might, political intrigue and economic blackmail have been employed by Christians of every kind to drag Jew and Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu, Confucian and animist into "this fold" so that they might "be saved" for there "is salvation in no one else" than Jesus.

From enforced baptisms of rulers and peoples of northern Europe and the steppes of Russia, to the ruthless overthrow of the intellectually sophisticated Moorish kingdom in Spain and the forced conversion or expulsion of Muslims and Jews; from the brutal destruction of the Aztec and Inca civilisations, to the European colonial expansion of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with the cross in one hand and gun in the other, Christians have imperialistically marched across the globe "saving" people whether they wanted it or not.

The above is written by a Presbytarian (a minister non the less) on the real meanings of a Christian mission and how many Christian nations defiled that meaning with their practices of forced conversion of natives. Or would you classify that as being biased as well?

I'd suggest you read some history books on the colonisation of the world. Start with British and Spanish colonisation.


But Bells, Quran has been far more tolerant that the bible toward the diverse basis of belief. Can you find an equivalent bible verse to those ones.
Ermm Flores, I agree with you. It is DoctorNO who made the allegations, not me. lol..
DoctorNO said:
It is good to hate nazism.
Dude, there is nothing wrong with Nationalism. Without it we'd have fallen to the Americans looong ago... and to the other I don't reckon it's "good" to hate anything because (just say) if I DID NOT hate racism, then that means I'm "bad" which really is not fair because you don't know any of the circumstances. How about instead of hating general groups you hate specific lies, or sexists, or racists? Deal?
So if everyone was born a muslim then why aren't the buddhists, hindus, north american indians, south american indians, voodoo believers, believers of roman and greek gods, etc etc reading the koran? Have they ever heard of the koran?
mario said:
So if everyone was born a muslim then why aren't the buddhists, hindus, north american indians, south american indians, voodoo believers, believers of roman and greek gods, etc etc reading the koran? Have they ever heard of the koran?

Are you 4 years old? Born muslims doesn't mean they follow Quran.........it means simply they born as submitters and it is their family who give them religion. You really do sound like 4 or 5 years old... I hope you are older than that.

A generally-incomplete way of explaining it that is about the only thing that seems to make sense to post-Christian Westerners would be to say that Muhammad believed that "all rightly-guided religions" come from the same God. The Jews had their revelation; the Christians theirs; some modern scholars argue that had Muhammad been aware of Buddhism, Hinduism and various tribal religious systems, and others, he woud have mentioned them as well. This assertion finds some valid reflection in the idea that, upon arriving at Medina, Muhammad was delighted to learn from local Jews that certain folk tales circulating around Arabia had their root in the same traditions as Judaism and Christianity.

The idea being that God does not reveal itself to all people in the same manner, but rather that the revelations are intended for more specific application.

One of the interesting questions this idea raises, for instance, is whether Islam was intended to ever leave Arabia.
I'm only 3 and 1/2 years old. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Well if we're all born "submitters" then why doesn't allah say so? EVERY god says that we should submit to them. There's a big difference between muslims and "submitters" to the god(s) of their choice. You make it sound like allah is the ONLY god who created "submitters".
The problem with all religions is that they all basically come down to the word of one man.
If there is a God and he wanted us to know the truth, then he could do a lot better than just one prophet.

There should be many prophets all over the world, all saying the same thing at the same time. So when people started to travel round the world they should have found different people, different cultures, different languages, different prophets but the same basic religion.

Instead all religions are totally unique, or reinterpretations of old religions.
This tells us that either God doesn’t care what we believe (so long as we are good), or there is no God.
>> It's all the same deity <<

Oh? Well then he's not very consistant. There seems to be different rules for different societies.

And can you be really sure that there is only one all inclusive god? Can you? And don't go quoting the koran or the bible. Remember, all the other deities have an equal say in this as well. Being that they're all the same, ya know.

btw...what's so hard to believe that there can be many separate gods?