What to HATE, What NOT to TOLERATE & Islam.

DoctorNO said:
Of course not. Both Hindus & Muslims had been exchanging trains full of dead muslims & hindus. But the Hindus were just retaliating.

Is this thread a good example of how a muslim may retaliate after being prevoked? Stop provoking you little devil.
DoctorNO said:
Hey at least you agree that the christian white men of america are giving the muslims, indians, chinese and filipinos all the same basic & equal rights and opportunities in america, eh? :D :D :D

What the hell are you talking about? This is not charity you fool. No one gives anything here in America....and christian white men don't hand out charities and equal rights. People earn their ways and fight hard for their rights......Just ask the blacks how the christian white man have treated them less than 30 years ago when the restaurants used to display banners that say..."No blacks or dogs are allowed".

Do you think the blacks have gained some rights because the christian white man gave them the charity on a silver platter? You fool...

Vienna said:
If this report is true then find it very strange that the only link to this report comes from one site on the entire internet, namely www. KENTAXRECORDS.

If you can provide a few links from various sources relating to the same story then I will consider the validity of it.
It is not for you to decide what is valid or not. The story is there and if you wish to do further research on it, then do so.

The missionaries have not only been lending these militants moral support and encouragement, but also been providing them with financial assistance and supplying them with weapons and training. Nagmanlal Halam, the secretary of the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura, in April, 2000, confessed to buying and supplying explosives to the National Liberation Front of Tripura, or NLFT, one of the most active terrorist organizations in the entire North-east. Hindu and Buddhist temples, homes, and people have been repeatedly attacked by these Christian terrorists who have publicly proclaimed that one of their goals is to convert every Heathen to Christianity. Thus, Christian missionaries have resorted back to using violence to achieve their ends because they have failed miserably in trying to persuade Hindus to convert peacefully.

Here's another article copied from the BBC News:

This is the same group accused of killing the hindus in the previous article I posted in my other post in here... the one you asked for further proof... disgusting :(

Police in the northeastern Indian state of Tripura say a leading Hindu religious leader, who was kidnapped by suspected separatist rebels on Monday, has been found dead.


According to police, rebels from the National Liberation Front of Tripura wanted Mr Jamatia to convert to Christianity - but he refused.

Here's another site about this Baptist funded organisation in India (funded to force people to convert)


The link between the separatist and terrorist National Liberation Front of Tripura and the Baptist Church in the state has long been suspected. This came out in the open after the police interrogation of a church official who had been arrested in April last with a large quantity of explosives that included more than 50 gelatine sticks, five kilos of potassium, and two kilos of sulphur.

Here's another article:


The Singicherra Bazar was bustling with activity. Like Shreema's family there were many people looking forward to a happy Makar Sankranthi. But they didn't realise that they were violating a fatwa issued by the Baptist Church-created Christian Al-Qaeda, the National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT). Nor did they know that they would pay with their lives for celebrating a heathen festival of their motherland.

Shreema would never again celebrate Makar Sankranthi. She died, along with sixteen others, on the spot as 13 terrorists of the NLFT encircled the people shopping for the festival and fired indiscriminately1. The soldiers of Christ have done again in Tripura what they have been doing for centuries to heathens throughout the world.

The Baptist Church of Tripura is not just the ideological mentor of the NLFT; it also supplies the NLFT with arms and ammunition for the soldiers of the holy crusade2. Never mind that the holy war involves killing infants and torching the huts of 'heathen Hindoos'. The NLFT does all these to bring to the infidels the peace and love of Christ. So, when Nagmanlal Halam, secretary of the Noapara Baptist Church in Tripura, was arrested by the Tripura police he had rather curious tools for evangelisation, which included along with the gospel 50 gelatin sticks, 5 kg of potassium and 2 kg of sulphur and other ingredients for making explosives. Mr. Halam confessed that his activities for the saving the heathen souls involved buying and supplying explosives to the NLFT over the past two years. Another church official, Jatna Koloi, who was also arrested, admitted that he received training in guerrilla warfare at an NLFT base last year. Surely, gelatin and AK-47s have more efficiency when it comes to bringing the light of the only revealed truth to the disbelievers suffering in 'spiritual darkness'.
I hope these would be classified as being sufficient enough for the moment.

Off topic - How can the government classify human beings as flora and fauna, what do you mean?
Well one of my old law professors was telling me this the other day. I just checked it out and he could actually be right... but he could also be wrong. Depends on ones interpretation of whether Aboriginals should even be defined in the National Parks and Wildlife Act. Although it's a bit iffy. He is an indigenous lawyer in New South Wales and from what I'm guessing, he got this from the fact that Aboriginals are in the definition of the National Parks and Wildlife Act of New South Wales under Section 5.


However don't quote me on that. I'll be sure to ask him some more questions on the issue when I next manage to catch up with him. After having read through that Act, I notice that it deals substantially with Aboriginal sites and remains in wildlife areas and so it must give a definition of Aboriginals. But just the fact that Aboriginals are defined there... I don't know. I can see what he means but I can also see how they aren't defined as fauna in this case as fauna only deals with mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. I guess Aboriginals could come under mammals but their definition is stated in another Act. I guess for my old law prof, just the thought that they are in the definition section...


Canada enjoys peace & prosperity.
And does Europe & Australia.
Huh? You're telling me that the Aboriginals in Australia are enjoying peace and prosperity? Do you have your head buried in the sand? I've heard some classics in my time but this one takes the cake.

All this contrary to your ridiculous claims. The minorities there are generally not complaining so what are you bitching about? Don’t be too pessimistic, bells. Life is good.
I see. Now you should approach some American Indians and ask them if their life is prosperous. Life may be good for you, but it is not as good or even remotely similarly as good for the natives. Jesus Christ, do you have any idea of the poverty the native indigenous populations around the world endure? And believe me, native minorities do and are complaining. It's a shame that the people are non-listeners such as you. You keep your head in la la land, it appears as though you're quite happy and comfortable there. Man you are a piece of work. Even a 12 year old white christian in Australia knows that Aboriginals in this country are living in total poverty, and here you say that they're living in peace and prosperity. Were you even aware of the riots in Sydney a month or so ago when the police chasing a teenage aboriginal chased him until he tripped and impaled himself on a fence? Do you read the papers or watch the news? Or do you just catch up on any bad thing a muslim may have done and that's that?
Flores said:
What the hell are you talking about? This is not charity you fool.
Of course not. I was talking about rights & opportunities. NOT charities.

So as usual "fool" goes back to you, flores, eheheh. :D

Flores said:
Just ask the blacks how the christian white man have treated them less than 30 years ago when the restaurants used to display banners that say..."No blacks or dogs are allowed".
Past is past. White christians proves to be adaptable and reasonable.

Flores said:
Do you think the blacks have gained some rights because the christian white man gave them the charity on a silver platter? You fool...
The Christian whites did give in, eh? That is something the muslims have to learn. Instead of treating hindu women like dogs in Saudi Arabia. Speaking of Blood Money. ;)
Bells said:
Huh? You're telling me that the Aboriginals in Australia are enjoying peace and prosperity? Do you have your head buried in the sand? I've heard some classics in my time but this one takes the cake.
Sure! Why is there a news article that you can show me that proves otherwise?

Bells said:
I see. Now you should approach some American Indians and ask them if their life is prosperous.
Well nobody forced them into whatever condition they are into. Right? On the contrary the American & Canadian government have given them above average rights and special priviledges & scholarships to promote their prosperity. Dont you know what im talking about? Indians have tax excemptions and land reserves.

Bells said:
And believe me, native minorities do and are complaining.
I would believe you if you try covering your claims with facts. Otherwise I really havent heard of such complaints. Yeah from 1 or 2. But not as a group.

Bells said:
It's a shame that the people are non-listeners such as you.
Well its a shame at how you rant senselessly and then accuse me of not listening. Bells, my mind is not too open as to let my brains fall out. I will not just listen to any of your "HEAR-SAYS". I need evidences, girl. E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E-S.
DoctorNO said:
Past is past. White christians proves to be adaptable and reasonable.
Tell that to the family of James Byrd and other families of people who've suffered similar fates. I'm sure the family of Matthew Shepard would also agree with you. Yes they are proof that the white christian is reasonable and peaceable.
Isolated cases dont justify your generalizations, bells. Look at the facts. Everybody, muslims, africans, asians, europeans are flocking to enter Canada & the U.S. And illegal immigrants are fighting tooth and nail to stay in both countries.

Doesnt that prove that the missionaries & white christians have created a world to be desired? Look at the whole picture, bells. Its much more prettier than some of its parts.
You said to me "The story is there and if you wish to do further research on it", so I did and I found this link.


The Baptist Church of Tripura was initially set up by militant missionaries from New Zealand 60 years ago. Despite their efforts even until 1980, only a few thousand people of Tripura had converted to Christianity. This is when the Baptist Church decided to initiate violent conversions in order to hasten up the process of gaining control of Tripura. In 1980 a mass scale ethnic riot was engineered by the Church in which systematic ethnic cleansing of Hindu and Buddhist Tribals was initiated. Thousands of women were raped and kidnapped and forced to convert to Christianity.

The terrorists receive military aid from extremist Christian groups in Australia and New Zealand. They also have ongoing exchanges with Islamic terrorist and ISI who push in arms from the Bangladeshi border.

A Christian terrorist group in partnership with Islamic terrorist groups? - It all sounds very suspect.

Bells said:
Off topic, would you believe that in Sydney and New South Wales Indigenous Australians are still classified by law as being flora and fauna :(. Disgusting isn't it?

I have looked through the link to the "act" you mention and i can't find this description. The very thought of aborigines being described as "fauna" is laughable. If aborigines are fauna then so is every human on this planet.. LOL!

DoctorNO said:
Well nobody forced them into whatever condition they are into. Right? On the contrary the American & Canadian government have given them above average rights and special priviledges & scholarships to promote their prosperity. Dont you know what im talking about? Indians have tax excemptions and land reserves.
Are you serious? Oh my God! You surely cannot be serious? They were slaughtered, driven from their lands, forced into reserves, forced to live with below world standards facilities, they've had their children taken from them, they had all their friggin rights taken from them and you actually have the nerve to sit there and say that they're prosperous because they have special scholarships, tax exemptions and land reserves? Oh man I don't know if you're being antagonistic or just plain stupid. Have you ever visited one of those reserves? Ever seen the conditions they have to live in? Do you even know any Native American or any Native history of any country around the world? Do you live with your head in the clouds seeing only butterflies and daisies or something? Because from that statement above you OBVIOUSLY have no concept of reality.

I would believe you if you try covering your claims with facts. Otherwise I really havent heard of such complaints. Yeah from 1 or 2. But not as a group.

Yeah they're really prosperous. I honestly cannot believe you.

OTTAWA Canada may top the United Nations list for the highest quality of life in the world, but a new government study shows what the ranking hides - aboriginals living on reserves fall far down in the pack, with a ranking worse than Mexico and Thailand.

The study by the Federal Department of Indian Affairs says the quality of life for on-reserve natives - about 380,000 people - is on a par with Brazil and countries considered to have only a medium level of human development.

For the more than 270,000 registered natives living off reserves, the quality of life is somewhat better. According to the UN ranking system, their living conditions are in line with Russia, the Globe and Mail reported Monday.

Scroll down to Indigenous peoples - even the Government in Australia recognises the plight of the Aboriginals in Australia and there are several organisations which are set up by the Government to help deal with their complaints.

Do you even know any indigenous people in your country? I mean honestly, how you could even come out with that is beyond me.

After doing a quick search, I found some easy to read articles just for you. And they're even from Canada and it gives some details of the economic conditions of aboriginals:




If you wish to see their complaints, then I suggest you contact any Aboriginal commissions within and outside of the Government in your country. Or you can contact any indigenous legal or medical centres.

I have looked through the link to the "act" you mention and i can't find this description. The very thought of aborigines being described as "fauna" is laughable. If aborigines are fauna then so is every human on this planet.. LOL!
Yes that was my reaction as well, but he was adamant. I burst out laughing saying 'yeah right' when he told me and he gave me a dirty look and said I'm not joking. As I said to you I checked this out and couldn't find it in that particular act. Had they been listed under mammals in the schedule of that act then yeah I'd have believed him for sure, but they aren't, so next time I catch up with him I will be sure to ask what the hell he meant. It might be a while since it's hard to catch him between his classes and his activist and legal roles in indigenous affairs in New South Wales.

As to the terrorist group in India, that too could go either way. The links I posted to you only stated that they were funded by that Baptist organisation. I'd do some extra research on it but I'm pressed for time as I'm writing some papers at the moment. I'll see what I can find out in the mean time. But the news reports that I linked stated that they were funded by the Baptist groups so who really knows. They could have worked with the Islamic groups in India as both are against the Hindus in many regions. Nothing suprises me anymore.

Well actually I lie. DoctorNO has suprised me with his claims that indigenous peoples are living prosperously and that they weren't forced into living on reserves etc. That floored me :p.
Bells said:
Well one of my old law professors was telling me this the other day. I just checked it out and he could actually be right... but he could also be wrong. Depends on ones interpretation of whether Aboriginals should even be defined in the National Parks and Wildlife Act. Although it's a bit iffy. He is an indigenous lawyer in New South Wales and from what I'm guessing, he got this from the fact that Aboriginals are in the definition of the National Parks and Wildlife Act of New South Wales under Section 5.


However don't quote me on that. I'll be sure to ask him some more questions on the issue when I next manage to catch up with him. After having read through that Act, I notice that it deals substantially with Aboriginal sites and remains in wildlife areas and so it must give a definition of Aboriginals. But just the fact that Aboriginals are defined there... I don't know. I can see what he means but I can also see how they aren't defined as fauna in this case as fauna only deals with mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. I guess Aboriginals could come under mammals but their definition is stated in another Act. I guess for my old law prof, just the thought that they are in the definition section...
I think its just misunderstandings. Look here...


There are many types of "Aboriginal"

* aboriginal person
* aboriginal place
* aboriginal remains
* aboriginal owner
* aboriginal object
* aboriginal area

etc etc etc.

See bells? Thats why evidences are a necessity. Because in many cases what you hear are not necessirily the truth. And sometimes what you understand is different to what is written. :)
Bells said:
Well actually I lie. DoctorNO has suprised me with his claims that indigenous peoples are living prosperously and that they weren't forced into living on reserves etc. That floored me :p.

Hey watch it bells, I did not say such a thing. :bugeye:

And nobody did force the native indians to become poor. If Asians could become billionaires in the U.S. (like the chinese CEO of Computer Associates) then nothing would stop an Indian from becoming as such too. If he had the skill, talent, creativity, and will power to do so.
Well nobody forced them into whatever condition they are into. Right? On the contrary the American & Canadian government have given them above average rights and special priviledges & scholarships to promote their prosperity. Dont you know what im talking about? Indians have tax excemptions and land reserves.
That is what you said. Unless of course you're denying it now.

Ok that's it... it's unbelievable... I can actually feel my stomach ulcer flaring :mad:. You know what NO, there's a word used to describe people such as you. Actually there are several... racist, hater, discriminator, to name a few.

And nobody did force the native indians to become poor. If Asians could become billionaires in the U.S. (like the chinese CEO of Computer Associates) then nothing would stop an Indian from becoming as such too. If he had the skill, talent, creativity, and will power to do so.
Oh man that's it!!... I'm sooo close to putting you on ignore at the moment. Even Vienna in all our battles has never tempted me to put him on ignore. From your whole argument you've only gone to further prove that you are an uneducated buffoon! You have no concept of history and you refuse to accept the obvious conditions and predicaments facing indigenous peoples. 'Nobody forced them to become poor'... indeed... They weren't forced to become poor?... Well they were and are never given a chance to become rich. Are you even aware of the term discrimination? Are you even remotely aware of the plight facing Indigenous peoples in the US? Actually no, don't bother answering because I'm sick and tired of your racist attitudes and your ineptitude at understanding basic facts.
DoctorNO said:
Hey watch it bells, I did not say such a thing. :bugeye:

And nobody did force the native indians to become poor. If Asians could become billionaires in the U.S. (like the chinese CEO of Computer Associates) then nothing would stop an Indian from becoming as such too. If he had the skill, talent, creativity, and will power to do so.

You forgot something so important. The native Indian must also have the genetic immunity system that would withstand thousand years of foreign germ cultures that have been bred all over Europe and Asia for years. Most indians died from the simple flu....

And who the fuck cares about CEO of Computer Associates???? The Indians were pioneers in land health management and perserving the environment and if it wasn't for their centuries of best land managment, there wouldn't be a virgin America to abuse now a day.
Bells said:
Are you serious? Oh my God! You surely cannot be serious? They were slaughtered, driven from their lands, forced into reserves, forced to live with below world standards facilities, they've had their children taken from them, they had all their friggin rights taken from them and you actually have the nerve to sit there and say that they're prosperous because they have special scholarships, tax exemptions and land reserves? Oh man I don't know if you're being antagonistic or just plain stupid. Have you ever visited one of those reserves? Ever seen the conditions they have to live in? Do you even know any Native American or any Native history of any country around the world? Do you live with your head in the clouds seeing only butterflies and daisies or something? Because from that statement above you OBVIOUSLY have no concept of reality.
Why don’t you quit reveling in the past, dear? This is the 21st century. And Im talking about the present.

Bells said:
Yeah they're really prosperous. I honestly cannot believe you.
Your own words, not mine.

Bells said:
Scroll down to Indigenous peoples - even the Government in Australia recognises the plight of the Aboriginals in Australia and there are several organisations which are set up by the Government to help deal with their complaints.
Nothing in those articles puts the blame on anybody. So why are you still blaming the white Christians for this? Past is past. And for the wrongs of the past the colonizers signed a treaty with the Indians granting them “Indian Special Status”. One of which is tax exemptions….

Bells said:
Do you even know any indigenous people in your country? I mean honestly, how you could even come out with that is beyond me.
I live in Canada, bells. That’s why I know what Im talking about.

Bells said:
After doing a quick search, I found some easy to read articles just for you. And they're even from Canada and it gives some details of the economic conditions of aboriginals:



Why don’t you highlight your points in each of those articles? I could not spend that much time on the internet as to read each articles to help you prove your point. If you want to prove something point it out yourself please. :)

Bells said:
If you wish to see their complaints, then I suggest you contact any Aboriginal commissions within and outside of the Government in your country. Or you can contact any indigenous legal or medical centres.
You are the accuser so the proof of burden is upon your shoulders. Please don’t ask me to look for evidences that you need.
Bells said:
Well actually I lie. DoctorNO has suprised me with his claims that indigenous peoples are living prosperously and that they weren't forced into living on reserves etc. That floored me

Bells said:
Well nobody forced them into whatever condition they are into. Right? On the contrary the American & Canadian government have given them above average rights and special priviledges & scholarships to promote their prosperity. Dont you know what im talking about? Indians have tax excemptions and land reserves.
That is what you said. Unless of course you're denying it now.
Read again, dear. Nowhere there did I say that Indians are living in prosperity. Oh bells, I am starting to get annoyed with your lack of comprehension and baseless accusations.

Bells said:
Ok that's it... it's unbelievable... I can actually feel my stomach ulcer flaring :mad:. You know what NO, there's a word used to describe people such as you. Actually there are several... racist, hater, discriminator, to name a few.
Racist???? Me????? Which race did I actually malign????

Hater. I hate Islam. And islam is nothing but a stupid ideology. You however actually expressed hate for fellow human beings, the christians of India. So I guess you are more of a hater than I ever will be.

Discriminator???? You are the one discriminating against christians by bombarding them with baseless stupid allegations.

I think you are mad because I am able to repulse anything you throw at me.
Flores said:
You forgot something so important. The native Indian must also have the genetic immunity system that would withstand thousand years of foreign germ cultures that have been bred all over Europe and Asia for years. Most indians died from the simple flu....
This is the 21st century. Im quite positive that they have already.

Flores said:
And who the fuck cares about CEO of Computer Associates???? The Indians were pioneers in land health management and perserving the environment and if it wasn't for their centuries of best land managment, there wouldn't be a virgin America to abuse now a day.

Only proves that a minority could achieve the american dream.
DoctorNO said:
Only proves that a minority could achieve the american dream.

They call it a dream for a reason....Because it's not reality.

- Do you know that the Average American is 200,000 thousand dollars in - debt? Do you know that the Average American has to see his family for less than two hour daily so he can pay his ever lasting debts?
- Do you know that retirement age for a 30 year old hard working American is 75 years old...meaning that An American goes from work straight to the grave site.
- Do you know that the average American saving is minus because the overwhelming debts never make them float.

Looks are deceiving and so many phillipinos like you sold their lives and left their livelihood in pursuent of the American dream only to find themselves cleaning a white man toe in a salon so they can afford their bigger mortgage and still be descriminated againest.
Flores said:
They call it a dream for a reason....Because it's not reality.
But a dream could be made a reality.

Flores said:
- Do you know that the Average American is 200,000 thousand dollars in - debt? Do you know that the Average American has to see his family for less than two hour daily so he can pay his ever lasting debts?

- Do you know that the average American saving is minus because the overwhelming debts never make them float.
We could probably blame that on the average spending habits. Borrowed wealth? :D

Flores said:
- Do you know that retirement age for a 30 year old hard working American is 75 years old...meaning that An American goes from work straight to the grave site.
Maybe Americans should follow the Canadian example. Our retirement age is 65. Plus we have free medicare. Cheap elderly housing units. And Elder discounts. :)

Flores said:
Looks are deceiving and so many phillipinos like you sold their lives and left their livelihood in pursuent of the American dream only to find themselves cleaning a white man toe in a salon so they can afford their bigger mortgage and still be descriminated againest.
Hey we are the only asian minority to have had 2 contenders in American Idol’s top 12. And for a minority we have a good presence in Hollywood. A number of stars are either Pinoys or half-Pinoys, like Tiger Woods. Low paying jobs are just a step we make in our economic success. Once we make sufficient contacts we enter into the I.T., Medical, Art & Engineering sectors of Society. Like my clan in North America. We are nurses, i.t. managers, doctors, engineers, chief accountants. Don’t underestimate the Pinoy, my friend. ;)
Doctor No?

Are you capable of adjusting your ways slightly? You can actually make your points across if you modify you mood a bit.

For a start, I'll apologize for being a jackass about phillipinos..They are hard working people and you do them a great injustice when you portray yourself as a phillipino and attack other people unjustly...

Do you have anything objective that you have to say about muslims? Can you find similarity or point of common agreement to launch our discussion on?