What is Islam?

The SAM irony is she wouldn't last long in a strick muslim country. They would kill her for heresy and infidelity.
The SAM irony is she wouldn't last long in a strick muslim country. They would kill her for heresy and infidelity.

False I worked 5 years in one and was treated exceptionally well. :p
Now I am curious. Why? I once considered using "the *^&%" or something similar instead to de-emotionalise it.

probably a defense mechanism

in whiteopia, "jew/jews" is as derogatory as nigger/niggers
we exchange understanding glances at each other when the word is uttered
the bigotry is quite covert but still there
you see, they killed christ and we will never forgive them for that
that and their insular ways
ja, we white folks aint good enough for them
False I worked 5 years in one and was treated exceptionally well. :p

is it true that some joke around with their infidel friends by asking them......

"how would you like to die"

..or something in that vein?

"which limb would you like to lose first"?

i kinda like it
dark and morbid humor
is it true that some joke around with their infidel friends by asking them......

"how would you like to die"

..or something in that vein?

"which limb would you like to lose first"?

i kinda like it
dark and morbid humor

No idea, the Indian Hindu doctor who worked in the same hospital as I has probably completed 15 plus years by now and did not seem to find any reason to stop doing what he was doing. Our frequent tete a tetes [him being a Mumbaikar] also did not bother anyone that worked or visited there.
So did you let it known that you don't pray 5x a day, etc. or did you claim status as a foreigner and keep quite about your heresies?
My girlffriend lived/worked in Kuwait for a couple of years. I believe that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are quite similar with respect to the, well, usual occupations (and status) of Indians, correct?
Which is what exactly? I had two Saudis, three Moroccans, one Egyptian [Christian], one Syrian, five Bengalis, four Filipinos [Christians], one Pakistani and one Indonesian working under me. Only the Filipinas were female. I reported to Riyadh.

The only one who ever objected to working under a woman was a Bangali, who I transferred to a location of his choice.
Well, in Kuwait at least, most Indians enjoy a status somewhat beneath that of, say, Mexican aliens in the U.S.--albeit legal. That is, they work in some of the most dangerous, least desirable, and nominally paying occupations, and are accordingly treated with very little respect. Perhaps Saudi Arabia is different--the concentration of capital in Kuwait is something unfathomable even to the more affluent Americans and Europeans, and so the contrast is even more striking.
I assume that Indians, like those I saw in London, are willing to do rough work for little pay and since the status of people in our society is assigned by unwillingness to get hands dirty, they are being treated in the way they would be by middle class or upper class Indians at home. They just get paid better for it. Ironically going to the Middle East to get down and dirty elevates their status on home ground where they can then look down upon the local underdogs.

I think in Saudi Arabia, there is a difference between working for the government and working for a private contractor. As a government employee I was just under royalty and frequently had to abuse my powers to bring contractors to heel in terms of workers rights and late paychecks.

Fortunately I can quote Qur'an verses with aplomb which puts them in the uncomfortable position of explaining me why they are not at fault for not following it. :p
What does it mean to its followers today?

Justification for doing whatever the fuck they want.

What do they think of their scriptures in the context of modern life and how do they conciliate the theory and practice of the Quran with modern living?

The can't. The Quran was written by men who lived the lifestyle of those times, in which myth and superstitions ruled the world.

Oh yeah only muslims should answer this as it would be interesting to know how muslims reconcile terrorism, misogyny and antiquated religious edicts with modern living.

Lies and propaganda, of course.
Well, it kinda depends on the facts of the case. Sam presents me constantly as despising muslims, whereas I'm actually critical of the involvement of the islamic religion in law, because it ends up badly for everyone else.

Justification for doing whatever the fuck they want.

The can't. The Quran was written by men who lived the lifestyle of those times, in which myth and superstitions ruled the world.
and yet it is more compatible with our world then modern systems. *sigh*

Lies and propaganda, of course.
she asked for the opinion of ONLY MUSLIMS.. you a muslim all of a sudden Q?

And how is that working out so far?

I really don't think you should be proud of the fact that there are some in your religion who are using your religion and killing innocent people because of their sexuality, sex, because they showed a bit too much skin, etc. I don't consider that "getting away with it". I consider that reverting back to the stone age.

Not exactly something you should be proud of or be boasting about.

and yet it is more compatible with our world then modern systems. *sigh*
How is it more compatible? Has it stood the test of time?

Do you think stoning someone to death is compatible with "our world" compared to "modern systems" that views such punishment as being perverted and cruel? Because there are some who share your religion who use said religion to justify such actions and punishments.

she asked for the opinion of ONLY MUSLIMS.. you a muslim all of a sudden Q?
It is an open forum. In other words, others from all walks of life and beliefs are allowed to post in this thread so long as they are members of this forum.

Yes, how unfortunate for the rest of us.

and yet it is more compatible with our world then modern systems.

And, you're lying about that for what reason?

she asked for the opinion of ONLY MUSLIMS.. you a muslim all of a sudden Q?

"Opinions" of only Muslims? There is no such thing. Muslims can't have opinions about Islam, it is prohibited.
These threads always go this way. "Is islam evil? Is islam good? Is it a perfect life system? Is it intolerant? Is it tolerant?"

Well, yes, to all the above. It can be any of these things. It has as much good in it as evil, I'm sure. It's just that there's a significant minority opinion that is not particularly tolerant, both in the Middle East - where such intolerance carries the weight of legal support - and outside, where conservative opinion may be enforced by the community itself. This isn't to say that it is uniformly intolerant, which would be absurd. But there is a significant minority opinion that desperately needs to be addressed. This would almost certainly be a long-term trend, but it's unlikely that it will be addressed, of course, either in the long term or the short term, because of the intimate associations of the religion with politics and society and sociality. There's a need for its adherents - as reformers are doing, at no small risk - to recognize the issues and errors of islam, much as Christians have been doing off and on since the Enlightenment and since Judaism has since the Judaic Enlightenment (I forget the proper term) in the 1800's. Yet, the self-labeled "moderates" here - Sam, for one - regard any criticism as a paramount evil (apologies to Zak et al).. So, what to do?
There's a need for its adherents - as reformers are doing, at no small risk - to recognize the issues and errors of islam... So, what to do?

That has been harped through these forums ad nauseum, Geoff. Yet, we have not a single Muslim here who listens. You'll quickly find that any such talk will be considered an "attack" on Islam, hence an attack on Muslims.
Well....possibly. Maybe. There are true moderates, like Zak, like inzomnia, Challenger (who's actually leaning more towards atheism these days, but still) and others. Even Straw might - when the wind blows westward - be considered a moderate on religious issues, though a staunch Iranian republicanist on others.