What if?

I was not taught to be greedy, nor do I feel compelled to pursue greed. Perhaps that is the difference between you and me.

If you don't wish to be thought of as delusional, then don't act it.

yes q, you are much better than i am in any and all respects, you've already established that. you are superior to me and to the rest and you segregate yourself in light of it, and rationalize abusing others in response to it. kudos.
Those could easily be misconstrued as neuroses and paranoia.

The cycle of indoctrination is certainly not appealing. Yet, you embrace one of the worst cults ever to befall mankind with one of the most influential and deterministic indoctrinations ever devised.

you know q, over the years i have attempted to communicate with you. i've tolerated and even encouraged your abuse to make a point, and that point is made over and over again. and so we have now come to a point where i see it as futile to communicate any further. you have made it abdundantly clear, that you are a shallow-minded, bigoted, abusive hate-monger, whose selfish opinions and unfounded assumptions only serve to display what is arrogance, and i get it, and i am done listening to it, and responding to it. so good-bye.
Allah responsible for natural disasters

from quran and the prophet Mohamed saying.This is the answer
Allah  says in the Qur'an,
"And whatever calamity befalls you, it is due to your own doings and Allah forgives many of your shortcomings." Qur’an 42/30.

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم explained the Tafseer of this ayah to Hazrat Ali رضى الله تعالى عنه thus,
"O Ali! whatever calamity befalls you; illness, affliction or any worldly calamity; it is the earning of your own hands."

finally, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas رضى الله تعالى عنه states:
"The nation that is involved in misappropriation of trust (embezzlement), Allah will fill their hearts with terror for their enemies. The nation that is engaged in fornication will experience a large number of deaths. The nation that cheats in measure will have their sustenance curtailed. The nation that legislates against the truth and justice, will experience great bloodshed and the nation that breaks its contracts, will be subdued by the enemy." (Mishkaat)

Allah says,

"If the people of the locality had believed and dopted taqwa (piety), We would have opened upon them the blessings of the heavens and the earth, but they denied and falsified, thus We seized them due to their actions." Qur’an 7/96.
"Why would Allah punish you if you were grateful and believed. And Allah is Most appreciative, All-Knowing." Qur’an 4/147.

Are you saying that humankind is responsible for natural disasters because they deny Allah ?
Throughout people's lives, from childhood until the time they die, signs of the one and only true God are shown to them in all regions of the earth and in their own souls, until it becomes clear that there is only one true God (Allah). God says in the Qur'an:

"We will show them our signs in the furthest regions (of the earth) and in their souls, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth." (Qur'an 41:53)

What signs has Allah shown in, say, China, Japan and Australia ? How would people recognize these signs ?
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you know q, over the years i have attempted to communicate with you. i've tolerated and even encouraged your abuse to make a point, and that point is made over and over again. and so we have now come to a point where i see it as futile to communicate any further. you have made it abdundantly clear, that you are a shallow-minded, bigoted, abusive hate-monger, whose selfish opinions and unfounded assumptions only serve to display what is arrogance, and i get it, and i am done listening to it, and responding to it. so good-bye.

I understand completely. Those who are so entrenched in their cults doctrines are the quickest to build defensive walls and make haste for the hills when their indoctrinated and abusive past creeps up to haunt them.

Make no mistake about it Lori, your indoctrination WAS abuse, child abuse. If you care to face it, you may make a clean break from it and free your mind. Or, you could continue to be enslaved in a cult that will maintain it's stranglehold on you until it's too late. Or, maybe it is.
if were are neglectful , ALLAH GIVES US RESPITE TO REPENT.
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah gives respite to the oppressor, but when He takes him over, He never releases him." Then he recited:-- "Such is the seizure of your Lord when He seizes (population of) towns in the midst of their wrong: Painful indeed, and severe is His seizure.' (11.102)

Your religion seems to be totally based on fear of punishment.
I have found it to be true that the more i know god, the more i know myself.

Or the more I know myself, the more I know god. :) (without defining "god" to the Christian view)
I understand completely. Those who are so entrenched in their cults doctrines are the quickest to build defensive walls and make haste for the hills when their indoctrinated and abusive past creeps up to haunt them.

Were you brought up religious? Or atheist?

Make no mistake about it Lori, your indoctrination WAS abuse, child abuse. If you care to face it, you may make a clean break from it and free your mind. Or, you could continue to be enslaved in a cult that will maintain it's stranglehold on you until it's too late. Or, maybe it is.

Someone should tell these people:

"More than one-quarter of American adults (28%) have left the faith in which they were raised in favor of another religion - or no religion at all. If change in affiliation from one type of Protestantism to another is included, 44% of adults have either switched religious affiliation, moved from being unaffiliated with any religion to being affiliated with a particular faith, or dropped any connection to a specific religious tradition altogether."
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Your religion seems to be totally based on fear of punishment.
The difference between u and me is that i believe in the unseen without little doubt and i submit my self to my creator out of love and belief .Look at u self.i always ponder of my self and the world and said nothing come to random.If u want really to go back to u instinct and open u herat to God word, u will experience a cerian inner peace and happiness.u life will be paradise here and in the hereafter.i feel happy when i worship God five times a day but in different time .it takes me only 7 minutes .When i talk to him, i feel iam born again after each prayer.SEEK HELP AND GUIDE FROM HIM BEFORE IT IS LATE.This life is short and the death is imminent.when the screen will remove from u eyes.there is will be no time for regret or appeal.
Abu Mousa al-Ash'ari narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said, "Verily, for the believers in Paradise, are tents made of a single hollow pear. The length of which would be sixty miles long from all sides, their wives being therein. The believer will go around them (i.e., visit them) and they will not be able to see each other." (Sahih al-Jami)

Noble Qur'an - Al-Mu'minun 23:8-11

Those who are faithfully true to their trusts and to their covenants; And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) prayers (at their fixed stated hours). These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 4:569, Narrated Abu Huraira

Then Allah [swt] will say (to him): 'I have forbidden Paradise for the disbelievers.'
If you could know God, would you want to? And if you wanted to, then why?
generally we want to know anyone and have an actual personal relationship with them (as opposed to a relationship tempered by issues of say finance - "I want a rich friend so I can have money" - fame, power etc etc) because we feel our life is more relishable by reciprocating with them.

For instance a parent wants to have a relationship with their child (even though they most definitely will lose out financially) or a lover may feel they want to have a relationship with their partner (even though it most definitely will take up lots of time). Why? Because the relishing of the relationship offers something that money, fame, wealth, power, knowledge and beauty can not buy - namely the happiness of love.

As for knowing god (in this sense), since god is the topmost reservoir of lovable qualities, one stands to gain the topmost quality of happiness of love when one comes to the point of personally reciprocating.
Your religion seems to be totally based on fear of punishment.
The difference between u and me is that i believe in the unseen without little doubt and i submit my self to my creator out of love and belief .Look at u self.i always ponder of my self and the world and said nothing come to random.If u want really to go back to u instinct and open u herat to God word, u will experience a cerian inner peace and happiness.u life will be paradise here and in the hereafter.i feel happy when i worship God five times a day but in different time .it takes me only 7 minutes .When i talk to him, i feel iam born again after each prayer.SEEK HELP AND GUIDE FROM HIM BEFORE IT IS LATE.This life is short and the death is imminent.when the screen will remove from u eyes.there is will be no time for regret or appeal.
Abu Mousa al-Ash'ari narrated that the Prophet, sallallahu alayhe wasallam, said, "Verily, for the believers in Paradise, are tents made of a single hollow pear. The length of which would be sixty miles long from all sides, their wives being therein. The believer will go around them (i.e., visit them) and they will not be able to see each other." (Sahih al-Jami)

Noble Qur'an - Al-Mu'minun 23:8-11

Those who are faithfully true to their trusts and to their covenants; And those who strictly guard their (five compulsory congregational) prayers (at their fixed stated hours). These are indeed the inheritors. Who shall inherit the Firdaus (Paradise). They shall dwell therein forever.

Hadith - Sahih Bukhari 4:569, Narrated Abu Huraira

Then Allah [swt] will say (to him): 'I have forbidden Paradise for the disbelievers.'

I won't be sorry not to go to paradise. I wouldn't enjoy the company
perhaps if one knew how one could, one would also see the value of the effort

If this and if that. You are an Ifologist. Try sticking to what facts we have; you might get a pleasant surprise.

We had a rhyme when I was a kid. It went:

If ifs and ands
Were pots and pans
what would the tinkers do.

Tinkers used to go from door to door offering to repair pots and pans that had holes in them, That was before the advent of the throw-away society.