What if?

As a Muslim i worship ALLAH or God.he has beautiful names and attributes.he has no son or a partner. When he says a matter be and it is.

There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, All-Seer.” [al-Shoora 42:11].

Muslim believes that islam is the only true religion .THE EVIDENCE COMES FROM quran in which Allah says :whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers”

Allaah, may He be exalted, created mankind to worship Him and to know Him by His names and attributes,

As for u question why we worship ALLAH after we know him
The Muslim must hasten to make the best of every moment of his life and hasten to do good deeds and acts of worship; he should ignore the hardship and enjoy the pain, for that which is with Allaah is precious, for that which is with Allaah is Paradise and also seeking his pleasure in this life too.
It would depend entirely upon which god it was. The OT god is a little bit of an ass, the christian god is a little bit of a pansy, but Thor's pretty cool.
Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. ]17:110

He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory; and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.]59:22-24
Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. ]17:110

He is Allah, the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, doth declare His Praises and Glory; and He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.]59:22-24

There is disease and sickness on earth. Natural disasters such as tsunamis. earthquakes, floods, destructive hurricanes, and o on. Do these proclaim Allah's glory ?
Have glad tidings, for Allaah will cause the sins of a Muslim to be wiped out due to sickness just as fire removes the impurities from iron and silver.” He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam also said: “The believing man or woman will continue to be afflicted by hardships in themselves and their families until they meet Allaah with absolutely no sins.”

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “No Muslim is afflicted with harm such as disease or anything else except that Allaah will cause his sins to be removed, as a tree sheds its leaves, as a consequence.”

Almighty Allaah says that which translates as: “And whatever strikes you of disaster – it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.” (Ash-Shuraa: 30).
Throughout people's lives, from childhood until the time they die, signs of the one and only true God are shown to them in all regions of the earth and in their own souls, until it becomes clear that there is only one true God (Allah). God says in the Qur'an:

"We will show them our signs in the furthest regions (of the earth) and in their souls, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth." (Qur'an 41:53)
You are using an outmoded defence. It is generally said that all good is attributable to god whereas all evil is attributable to mankind because of our sinful nature. It is often said that we choose to sin because god gave us free will.

How on earth is an earthquake a consequence of our actions ? And the same goes for hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanoes and other natural disasters. If god created everything, then he is responsible, not humankind.

It never ceases to amaze me how god gets credit for everything we like without incurring blame for the bad things in life. It is totally illogical.

When has a harvest festival ( thanksgiving ) service ever been cancelled because of a poor harvest ? Someone is bound to say " thank god it wasn't worse ". Can you not see the obvious contradiction here ?

yes i do see what you're saying. but i blame god for everything ultimately. i still don't really know what to think about free will. i was just talking about it last night with my brother. see, i think that god is responsible for everything because he IS everything, good and evil, and that good and evil are used for good ultimately, and that has to do with law. here's what i was saying to my brother last night. if god is everything, then we are all part of god. so what if our free will really just equates to our identity, and our role in greater good?
The more I know myself, the more I know I realize that there is no God but only people telling us there is a God so they can take your money and control you. Mythology is a very interesting subject to study and if you would just read about mythology you would see that throughout time it was used to control people and gain power and wealth over those who were told to believe in whatever myth was being made up at the time. The Egyptians , as just one example, were all being led by a myth that certain Gods and Goddesses were in control over everyone and the Priests were in charge of offering those Gods offerings to appease them . Just as today , those in charge want your faith and your money to appease the God of today.

you are equating god with organized religious institutions.
yes i do see what you're saying. but i blame god for everything ultimately. i still don't really know what to think about free will. i was just talking about it last night with my brother. see, i think that god is responsible for everything because he IS everything, good and evil, and that good and evil are used for good ultimately, and that has to do with law. here's what i was saying to my brother last night. if god is everything, then we are all part of god. so what if our free will really just equates to our identity, and our role in greater good?

u question is in the following
Thousands of children die of starvation each day.

"Go forth and multiply."

And watch children die of starvation? Does that decree go for nation's that already have food shortages? Howcome God doesn't amend that command?

Are you sinning if you go forth and multiply in a place where children starve to death or are you sinning if you don't go forth and multiply regardless?
Have glad tidings, for Allaah will cause the sins of a Muslim to be wiped out due to sickness just as fire removes the impurities from iron and silver.” He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam also said: “The believing man or woman will continue to be afflicted by hardships in themselves and their families until they meet Allaah with absolutely no sins.”

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “No Muslim is afflicted with harm such as disease or anything else except that Allaah will cause his sins to be removed, as a tree sheds its leaves, as a consequence.”

Almighty Allaah says that which translates as: “And whatever strikes you of disaster – it is for what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.” (Ash-Shuraa: 30).

I don't understand your answer. Is or is not Allah responsible for natural disasters ?
Thousands of children die of starvation each day. Is that a consequence of your gods actions or the actions of mankind?

If the actions of your god, then your god is cruel and immoral.

If the actions, or perhaps the lack of action, of mankind, of which much of the population is made up of theists, then mankind is cruel and immoral, and everyone should burn in eternal hell.

"Go forth and multiply."

He sets the stage.

why do people starve in this world of plenty? due to the consequence of our greed. all of our greed. why would you think that theists are not greedy? you speak like a true bigot. mankind IS cruel and immoral for the most part, and that is why that for the most part, WE ARE IN HELL. and if you think for one second that you don't contribute to that just as much if not more than someone else, then you're not being very objective. we're all in this together mr. supremecy. the way you talk about theists reminds me of the way hitler talked about jews, or the way white supremecists talk about any non-whites.
yes i do see what you're saying. but i blame god for everything ultimately. i still don't really know what to think about free will. i was just talking about it last night with my brother. see, i think that god is responsible for everything because he IS everything, good and evil, and that good and evil are used for good ultimately, and that has to do with law. here's what i was saying to my brother last night. if god is everything, then we are all part of god. so what if our free will really just equates to our identity, and our role in greater good?

If you attribute both the good and the bad to god, I have no argument with you. Have you read Spinoza ? I get the impression that your views are very close to his. He did not believe in a personal god; he believed god was in everything. Does that fit your view ?