What if?


so you're saying that you don't have a relationship with god, that you merely read about him in a book, and that you claim to believe in him simply because it is written? this seems like a very limited view of something claiming to be a god, and i wonder why he wouldn't choose to show himself in a genuine way.
Allah responsible for natural disasters

from quran and the prophet Mohamed saying.This is the answer
Allah  says in the Qur'an,
"And whatever calamity befalls you, it is due to your own doings and Allah forgives many of your shortcomings." Qur’an 42/30.

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم explained the Tafseer of this ayah to Hazrat Ali رضى الله تعالى عنه thus,
"O Ali! whatever calamity befalls you; illness, affliction or any worldly calamity; it is the earning of your own hands."

finally, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas رضى الله تعالى عنه states:
"The nation that is involved in misappropriation of trust (embezzlement), Allah will fill their hearts with terror for their enemies. The nation that is engaged in fornication will experience a large number of deaths. The nation that cheats in measure will have their sustenance curtailed. The nation that legislates against the truth and justice, will experience great bloodshed and the nation that breaks its contracts, will be subdued by the enemy." (Mishkaat)

Allah says,

"If the people of the locality had believed and dopted taqwa (piety), We would have opened upon them the blessings of the heavens and the earth, but they denied and falsified, thus We seized them due to their actions." Qur’an 7/96.
"Why would Allah punish you if you were grateful and believed. And Allah is Most appreciative, All-Knowing." Qur’an 4/147.
why do people starve in this world of plenty? due to the consequence of our greed. all of our greed. why would you think that theists are not greedy?

I never said theists weren't greedy. They are. Their religion taught them that.

mankind IS cruel and immoral for the most part, and that is why that for the most part, WE ARE IN HELL.

Spoken like a true theist. Mankind, as in humans, share a combined genetic nature of self-preservation and altruism. The cruel and immoral part is a result of centuries of theist thought and decision making processes based on their cults doctrines.

and if you think for one second that you don't contribute to that just as much if not more than someone else, then you're not being very objective. we're all in this together mr. supremecy.

I do not contribute to the vicious cycle of indoctrination that has warped the minds of theists into believing mankind is cruel and immoral and that their gods are the saviors.

the way you talk about theists reminds me of the way hitler talked about jews, or the way white supremecists talk about any non-whites.

Another ridiculous strawman argument. Or, verbal abuse, you make the choice.
It would depend entirely upon which god it was. The OT god is a little bit of an ass, the christian god is a little bit of a pansy, but Thor's pretty cool.

well the way i envision it, and actually the way i experienced it, was that you are unable to make that determination until you actually got to know him. it would make sense that you would become familiar with him first through what i'm suggesting as an interaction, and then if what you learn about him serves to identify him as one of these labels so be it, and if it doesn't, then so what.
why do people starve in this world of plenty? due to the consequence of our greed. all of our greed. why would you think that theists are not greedy

i agree with u why there are poor because many think of themelves and do not give charity .Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: "If son of Adam were to possess two valleys of gold and silver, he would long for a third. Son of Adam, your stomach is but an ocean or a valley that cannot be filled in with anything except dust."

Imam Jafar Sadiq (as) said: "The destruction that the fondness of fortune leaves on a man is more effective than the deed of two ravenous wolves that attack a shepherd less herd, one from the front and the other from the back. The Muslim's honor, however, lies in his religiosity."
Allah responsible for natural disasters

from quran and the prophet Mohamed saying.This is the answer
Allah  says in the Qur'an,
"And whatever calamity befalls you, it is due to your own doings and Allah forgives many of your shortcomings." Qur’an 42/30.

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم explained the Tafseer of this ayah to Hazrat Ali رضى الله تعالى عنه thus,
"O Ali! whatever calamity befalls you; illness, affliction or any worldly calamity; it is the earning of your own hands."

finally, Hazrat Abdullah bin Abbas رضى الله تعالى عنه states:
"The nation that is involved in misappropriation of trust (embezzlement), Allah will fill their hearts with terror for their enemies. The nation that is engaged in fornication will experience a large number of deaths. The nation that cheats in measure will have their sustenance curtailed. The nation that legislates against the truth and justice, will experience great bloodshed and the nation that breaks its contracts, will be subdued by the enemy." (Mishkaat)

Allah says,

"If the people of the locality had believed and dopted taqwa (piety), We would have opened upon them the blessings of the heavens and the earth, but they denied and falsified, thus We seized them due to their actions." Qur’an 7/96.
"Why would Allah punish you if you were grateful and believed. And Allah is Most appreciative, All-Knowing." Qur’an 4/147.

is this why muslims are involved in so many wars and these people suffer due to them? what do you think that these people are doing so wrong to suffer?
Allah responsible for natural disasters

from quran and the prophet Mohamed saying.This is the answer
Allah  says in the Qur'an,
"And whatever calamity befalls you, it is due to your own doings and Allah forgives many of your shortcomings." Qur’an 42/30.

In other words, natural disasters are mankinds fault due to our shortcomings. Since it is assumed Allah created us, he created us with shortcomings that would ultimately result in disasters befalling us. And he always knew this.

We are his entertainment for cruelty and death as he forgives us in our graves.
"And whatever calamity befalls you, it is due to your own doings and Allah forgives many of your shortcomings."

So which person created Katrina and how did they accomplish it? Blew very hard?

well the way i envision it, and actually the way i experienced it, was that you are unable to make that determination until you actually got to know him.

I never personally met Hitler. I still think it pertinent to call him an ass.
I never said theists weren't greedy. They are. Their religion taught them that.

Spoken like a true theist. Mankind, as in humans, share a combined genetic nature of self-preservation and altruism. The cruel and immoral part is a result of centuries of theist thought and decision making processes based on their cults doctrines.

I do not contribute to the vicious cycle of indoctrination that has warped the minds of theists into believing mankind is cruel and immoral and that their gods are the saviors.

Another ridiculous strawman argument. Or, verbal abuse, you make the choice.

everyone is greedy, and you are all the time segregating and arguing "us and them". if you don't wish to be thought of as a bigot, then don't talk like one.
if were are neglectful , ALLAH GIVES US RESPITE TO REPENT.
Allah's Apostle said, "Allah gives respite to the oppressor, but when He takes him over, He never releases him." Then he recited:-- "Such is the seizure of your Lord when He seizes (population of) towns in the midst of their wrong: Painful indeed, and severe is His seizure.' (11.102)
but if you HAD met him, then you would be able to confirm this aspect of him.

I think *acceptable* confirmation comes from looking at historical events etc. The same is true of gods.
well, the reason i posed this question is because when i was younger i contemplated the existence of god. i did so because i perceived it to be the responsible thing to do, given the magnitude of who he was supposed to be, and what it was all suggested to mean. i see lots of people doing the same things i used to do, and that is, intellectualizing about it. it didn't take much of that for me to conclude that i could never believe in something of this magnitude based solely upon some intellectual rationalization. i would need proof of some sort, and i wasn't exactly sure what that would consist of. i only knew it was a thing i didn't have as of yet. and i contemplated that if god was in fact god, it shouldn't be a difficult or unreasonable thing for him to provide me with this proof that i needed. i also asked myself at that time if i really wanted that proof, and my answer was "no", but i wouldn't have admitted that to anyone else. it would have seemed to me too cowardly or irresponsible. but the truth was that from what i knew about god, an interaction with him, or the proof that it was true, seemed very unappealing to me. and that was due to the fact that what i knew consisted of an unappealing world around me, the unappealing feelings i had inside of me, and the unappealing facade of religious institutions that i had been exposed to while growing up. i envisioned this proof solidifying all of these aspects in my life, and trapping me into a lifestyle and existence that was even worse than what i was experiencing already. i imagined having to give up all of my freedoms, and my very identity; having to follow the rules, customs, and ceremonies of, and being bound by the expectations of, someone or something that i didn't feel a part of, and didn't want to be a part of. i felt like i would be forced into living a lie, and i just couldn't do it. i had told myself when i was young, that if organized religion was really what god was about, then i didn't want anything to do with him, and i guess this mental exercise was affirming that.
i had told myself when i was young, that if organized religion was really what god was about, then i didn't want anything to do with him, and i guess this mental exercise was affirming that.

You're right, a lot of people go through this process. Some of them abandon religion, others abandon theism still others are fearful and cling to the familiar. Everyone is different in what they want/get out of the process.
everyone is greedy, and you are all the time segregating and arguing "us and them". if you don't wish to be thought of as a bigot, then don't talk like one.

I was not taught to be greedy, nor do I feel compelled to pursue greed. Perhaps that is the difference between you and me.

If you don't wish to be thought of as delusional, then don't act it.
and that was due to the fact that what i knew consisted of an unappealing world around me, the unappealing feelings i had inside of me

Those could easily be misconstrued as neuroses and paranoia.

and the unappealing facade of religious institutions that i had been exposed to while growing up.

The cycle of indoctrination is certainly not appealing. Yet, you embrace one of the worst cults ever to befall mankind with one of the most influential and deterministic indoctrinations ever devised.
Depends. One mans insurgent is another mans liberator.

Certainly, I was answering the question from my own perspective, (I have no time for any entity that annihilates every single man, woman, child and animal on a planet).