that is the conformity (or the beginning of it at least)
although conformity is not really a good choice of words since its more an innate ability that is uncovered than something acquired
for eg
1. Knowledge of god is fully dependent on adopting a suitable state of being
lust, avarice, envy etc will not be helpful
2. Adopting a suitable state of being is dependent on associating with persons who are already in knowledge
"birds of a feather flock together"
3. The further one one knows about the god, the further issues of the self and environment are also known
the more I know about god the more I know about myself, others and this world (in terms of "why" moreso than "what" ... which is the pride and joy of empiricism)
hm...i see. in regards to #2, i really didn't know a lot of people (or any) that felt the way i did, or that talked about it if they did. i've felt pretty alone in that regard, but i didn't care enough to let it stop me. i don't feel alone now.
it turns out i wasn't alone. i was just ignorant and jaded by my surroundings.