What has god done for you

I don't understand. We were talking about praying to God for action, or, as sandy put it, "favor." You then directly replied by mentioning zakat.

Was that reply not supposed to be about direct action/favor from God?

I'm not sandy.:p

And I was merely responding to the trolling and baiting of sandy by all the so called humanists.
We'll never know. It's obligatory.

Yeah, so the ones who want to do it, do so cheerfully and the unwilling ones do so because they follow the religion. Of course, you never declare your zakat, no one asks you or maintains records, so you are free to ignore it if you choose. The only one who knows whether it was paid or not, is you. However, you know very well, exactly how much you are in debt to the community.
I'm not sandy.:p

And I was merely responding to the trolling and baiting of sandy by all the so called humanists.

So, Sandy is completely allowed to preach and make ridiculous claims and no one is allowed to question them?

Sandy isn't the troll here?
Yeah, so the ones who want to do it, do so cheerfully and the unwilling ones do so because they follow the religion. Of course, you never declare your zakat, no one asks you or maintains records, so you are free to ignore it if you choose. The only one who knows whether it was paid or not, is you. However, you know very well, exactly how much you are in debt to the community.

And the checks and balances determine one's place with Allah or the number of virgins?
So, Sandy is completely allowed to preach and make ridiculous claims and no one is allowed to question them?

Sandy isn't the troll here?

You may question her, and me too. But I see mostly grandiose statements with little or no relevance.
I just felt it deep within me that everything good and everything right that happened in my life is all because God helped me.

Cocaine addicts feel deep within them that bugs are crawling all over their skin, but that doesn't make it real.
And to ashura- I already answered that in post 59.

sandy in post 59 said:
We are all God's children but you'd never know it by how some behave and by some of the choices they've made--like to serve satan instead of God.

God will get the last laugh with the terrorists. They will burn in hell for eternity. Not be in heaven with 72 virgins.

Post #80 answers my poverty question, but #59 doesn't really address my sinful desire question. Here, I'll post it again:

So what if you wish for something sinful, like murder? Like say your heart really really desired for all those evil terrorists to be destroyed. Does God grant those too?
And the checks and balances determine one's place with Allah or the number of virgins?

Mostly they determine how much you want to follow a certain kind of life and remind you that you have responsibilities and obligations beyond yourself, and that these obligations are required to be fulfilled for a healthy community.
Thats ridiculous or they probably have a lot of gold, stock or real estate. Zakat is a very small sum (relatively) and is only ONE of the ways by which Muslims contribute to the community. Its an individual form of welfare, so it cannot be high.

im just going by what my friends told me. every year they give 1/3 of what they have aquired that year and spread it among poor muslims. and they said they are oblidged to do it and have to.

im just the messenger.

Fix you knowing Him and Him knowing you.

And to ashura- I already answered that in post 59.

Many people give away plenty of money to charity. You have to fix people's hearts before you can fix their problems. Otherwise throwing money at them fixes nothing. Just temporary distraction...

what is the first step in knowing god? (by the way im not joking im asking for real)

I don't think God grants wishes for evil (murder).
God will take care of the terrorists. Some now, some eventually. I think they will all burn in hell.
why feed starving people? praying for them is enough right? i mean why would they eat food that is given when they can chew on some healthy positive thoughts?

they should eat gods love because they dont need food.


healthy positive thoughts, no matter how god filled, won't keep them alive. "they don't need food."?? Are you serious?!? Wow I've just experienced a new level of Christian idiocy, the likes of which I, heretofore, thought impossible.
"That's a bs point. Just because the Quran says to do it doesn't mean it can't stem naturally from the Muslim."

so why force it upon them at all then?

Just who is this question supposed to be directed to? The writers of the Quran? I can't tell you why that bit was included.

But it doesn't change my point.
healthy positive thoughts, no matter how god filled, won't keep them alive. "they don't need food."?? Are you serious?!? Wow I've just experienced a new level of Christian idiocy, the likes of which I, heretofore, thought impossible.

He's just joking around... I think. :p