What has god done for you

Q- Nope. He gave us free will. That same free will is causing all the problems in the world with the help of satan. The parents of those starving kids need to take some responsibility too. Like don't have kids you can't afford. And the men should stop raping the women. Personal responsibility. It's a good thing.
The choice of burning in hell or doing what he says? Sounds like free will to me... that'd be my definition of it.

And he didn't buy me a car. I got the ones I wanted by his "favor".;)
Call it what you want, but I'm sticking to job and money.

I have to laugh when people blame God for the world's problems. :rolleyes:
Who is blaming god for these things happening... didn't you just say god gave us free will that allowed us to do these things?
As I said before: You raised millions in relief aid yourself? You got people saved yourself? You rescued accident victims yourself? Then you are a bigger/better person than I am. I need/needed God's help with those things. Amazing...;)

Oh, and good luck with your job and money. I have both. You can't take them with you.

Q was blaming God.
I'd rather do it His way than my way. I've done it my way. It's NEVER as good as when it's His way. ;)

So you raised millions in relief aid yourself? You got people saved yourself? You rescued accident victims yourself? Then you are a bigger/better person than I am. Amazing...

I think you understand what I'm saying. I can pass a HUGE test, I can buy a new car, I can donate money to charity, and I can do all of these things by myself and on my own.

Of course I've never gotten anybody saved, what sort of atheist would I be if I did that? I haven't raised millons but I've donated what I can. I've never rescued an accident victim, but if someone needs help, I don't hesitate to help them. It's because I want to do these things because there is no point in sitting around and not doing nice things for people. And I sure as hell don't credit some god for helping me do these things.
I just felt it deep within me that everything good and everything right that happened in my life is all because God helped me.
Q- Nope. He gave us free will. That same free will is causing all the problems in the world with the help of satan.

Looks like your god made a huge mistake there.

The parents of those starving kids need to take some responsibility too. Like don't have kids you can't afford. And the men should stop raping the women. Personal responsibility. It's a good thing.

Many of them are Christians.

He is using churches like mine to give millions in food/aid to starving kids. Their country's evil/corrupt government wants to keep them starving/ powerless/helpless.

That would go back to the big mistake your god made doling out the free will.

And he didn't buy me a car. I got the ones I wanted by his "favor".

What does that mean?

I shouldn't have even responded to your comment since you personally attacked but I don't care what you say about me. I care what you say about God.

I didn't attack you. You inferred it.

I have to laugh when people blame God for the world's problems.

I laugh when people claim their gods do things for them, like get them cars for favors. Quite hilarious, really.
Of course we can do it ourselves. It's just easier/more rewarding/more fun when God is involved.

Donating money to charity is honorable. But what about raising millions? Wouldn't that be more fun/rewarding?

Having God in your spirit/heart/soul makes you unafraid. Fearless of jumping into the water to save a baby. Fearless to lift a car off an accident victim. Fearless to break up a fight. Freedom from fear. It's cool.
Of course we can do it ourselves. It's just easier/more rewarding/more fun when God is involved.
What!?! Yes, it is more rewarding when someone helps me do something.

Donating money to charity is honorable. But what about raising millions? Wouldn't that be more fun/rewarding?
It'd be a hoot, but I don't have millions

Having God in your spirit/heart/soul makes you unafraid. Fearless of jumping into the water to save a baby. Fearless to lift a car off an accident victim. Fearless to break up a fight. Freedom from fear. It's cool.
I feel fine.
Having God in your spirit/heart/soul makes you unafraid. Fearless of jumping into the water to save a baby. Fearless to lift a car off an accident victim. Fearless to break up a fight. Freedom from fear. It's cool.

And you can't do any of those without god?
i would feel like a selfish prick if i even asked god for anything atall. simply because i just look around and see millions of people dying and suffering. thousands of little children dying of aids before they even learn how to live.

if i asked god to give me something i would be a selfish asshole. with all of the bad things going on in the world. if i asked god for anything it would be to help others.

Of course we can do it ourselves. It's just easier/more rewarding/more fun when God is involved.

Donating money to charity is honorable. But what about raising millions? Wouldn't that be more fun/rewarding?

I still don't see why your god simply couldn't give food to starving children, he seems to just sit back and watch them die, thousands, every day.

Yet, he helps you buy cars.

It wouldn't seem very rewarding or fun to know your god helped you buy a car, yet allows thousands to die every day.

I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy a car knowing that.

Q- Nope. He gave us free will. That same free will is causing all the problems in the world with the help of satan. The parents of those starving kids need to take some responsibility too. Like don't have kids you can't afford. And the men should stop raping the women. Personal responsibility. It's a good thing.

He is using churches like mine to give millions in food/aid to starving kids. Their country's evil/corrupt government wants to keep them starving/ powerless/helpless.:mad:

And he didn't buy me a car. I got the ones I wanted by his "favor".;)

I shouldn't have even responded to your comment since you personally attacked but I don't care what you say about me. I care what you say about God.

I have to laugh when people blame God for the world's problems. :rolleyes:
it seems everybody personally attacks you, it could be your just to sensitive to a little criticism, you are afterall on a debate forum, I think you need to look at the rules and try to understand what a personal attack actually is.

god and the devil are one and the same. satan according to the bible is a pussy cat in comparison to the evil god has done. I would go see a shrink, you may have a bipolar disorder, what I just said is not a personal attack, it's just a suggestion.
Yeah, my sister in law sent everyone in the family saying "praise be to God, our prayers have been answered. We sold our house for $5000 over asking price. He has blessed us"
And I'm thinking "starving children in the world and God's gotten involved in Arizona real estate. jerk"
...What does that mean?...I didn't attack you. You inferred it...I laugh when people claim their gods do things for them, like get them cars for favors. Quite hilarious, really.

The favor of God is not doing favors for God or getting favors from Him. The favor of God is getting your heart's desires fulfilled. It's His blessings on your life. It's Him saying yes.

"Buying cars for dip shits" was not exactly a compliment. ;)

More about favor:


I still don't see why your god simply couldn't give food to starving children, he seems to just sit back and watch them die, thousands, every day.

Yet, he helps you buy cars.

It wouldn't seem very rewarding or fun to know your god helped you buy a car, yet allows thousands to die every day.

I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't enjoy a car knowing that.


Are you telling me that you don't enjoy your cars etc because you are so concerned about the starving children? After all, as a humanist, any food put in your mouth must stick in your throat, when you think of all the starving children, ya? And as an atheist, you already know that only what you (or people) do will be really done?
it seems everybody personally attacks you, it could be your just to sensitive to a little criticism, you are afterall on a debate forum, I think you need to look at the rules and try to understand what a personal attack actually is.

god and the devil are one and the same. satan according to the bible is a pussy cat in comparison to the evil god has done. I would go see a shrink, you may have a bipolar disorder, what I just said is not a personal attack, it's just a suggestion.

that was a suggestive personal attack. she will set god on you.

The favor of God is not doing favors for God or getting favors from Him. The favor of God is getting your heart's desires fulfilled. It's His blessings on your life. It's Him saying yes.

"Buying cars for dip shits" was not exactly a compliment. ;)

More about favor:



So basically sandy, if your heart desires for poverty to stop existing in this world, God'll take care of it like he did with your heart's desire for a nice car?
lets conduct a test then, we should all ask god right now to bring world peace to everyone and cure aids in africa. and if we truley desire it then it shall be given.

ready go!, *desires world peace real hard*
