What has god done for you

Oh-oh! Look out!

Here comes a Surface to Air Missile! :D

Let me guess. You shed a few tears for the starving children with every morsel you eat, wishing you were feeding them instead.
The favor of God is not doing favors for God or getting favors from Him. The favor of God is getting your heart's desires fulfilled. It's His blessings on your life. It's Him saying yes.

"Buying cars for dip shits" was not exactly a compliment. ;)

More about favor:



Thanks for the links. Unfortunately, the first one on Joel is merely a moneymaking scheme, in Joel's favor.

The second link had this to say from their flock:

“I was believing for a financial breakthrough and took communion as a point of contact. I received $1900 within a two-week period.”

“Like many other companies, mine was laying several people off. However, my husband I sowed seeds and took communion for divine favor for my job. In the midst of the layoffs, I received a promotion! I also received that same week a monetary award from my boss.”

“I was watching your broadcast and you said to take communion over our situation. You said God’s presence overtakes the presence of a financial crisis. I've been going back and forth on getting a loan for my business for nearly a year and a half. I took communion with you in a few days I got approved for a small business loan with my city. I'm the first person out of all the nine small business classes to graduate to even get approved. Now that's the favor of God!”

“Recently, I was set to close on my first home. My lawyer called me saying I needed to bring $5000 to pay for closing costs. I was shocked because I wasn’t expecting to pay this much. I told him I didn’t have $5000. He responded that I had to bring this amount to close. After I hung up, I decided to take communion and declared that I would receive favor in the situation. In a short amount of time, my lawyer called me back saying that they somehow worked it out in my favor and all I needed to bring to the closing was $40! By the time I arrived to the closing later that day they had made more adjustments and I was issued a check for the balance that was left over! Thank you for teaching us about the miraculous power of communion—had you not taught me I would not have known how to respond in this situation.”
Let me guess. You shed a few tears for the starving children with every morsel you eat, wishing you were feeding them instead.

why feed starving people? praying for them is enough right? i mean why would they eat food that is given when they can chew on some healthy positive thoughts?

they should eat gods love because they dont need food.

why feed starving people? praying for them is enough right? i mean why would they eat food that is given when they can chew on some healthy positive thoughts?

they should eat gods love because they dont need food.


Shouldn't you be out digging a well or something?:bugeye:

Use that physical training for something other than mumbo jumbo?

You can apply here:
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lets conduct a test then, we should all ask god right now to bring world peace to everyone and cure aids in africa. and if we truley desire it then it shall be given.
ready go!, *desires world peace real hard*

It doesn't work that way. He only answers His children's prayers.

satan answers his childrens prayers.
I just felt it deep within me that everything good and everything right that happened in my life is all because God helped me.

There is a bridge in the Isle of Man the locals say you must say (hello fairies)
when you cross it or you will have bad luck all day, never worked for me.
Let me guess. You shed a few tears for the starving children with every morsel you eat, wishing you were feeding them instead.

I'm usually praying for Allah to bring food for them as he brings food for you and me.
God's time is not our time..so even if we desire world peace real hard, if it still does not come from the heart,( and i really mean, genuine,) and you have no faith, then, it might not happen right away.
there was a time when i really desired for peace..every night, i pray for world peace..then, one day, my wish just came true!
It doesn't work that way. He only answers His children's prayers.

Aren't we all gods children?

What about the starving children who believe in god, who pray every day for food, yet none is forthcoming? Are you saying that doesn't work either?

Why is your god showing preference here?
It doesn't work that way. He only answers His children's prayers.

satan answers his childrens prayers.

So what if you wish for something sinful, like murder? Like say your heart really really desired for all those evil terrorists to be destroyed. Does God grant those too?
God's time is not our time..so even if we desire world peace real hard, if it still does not come from the heart,( and i really mean, genuine,) and you have no faith, then, it might not happen right away.
there was a time when i really desired for peace..every night, i pray for world peace..then, one day, my wish just came true!


Your wish for world peace came true? When did this happen?
We are all God's children but you'd never know it by how some behave and by some of the choices they've made--like to serve satan instead of God.

God will get the last laugh with the terrorists. They will burn in hell for eternity. Not be in heaven with 72 virgins.