What has god done for you

I don't think God grants wishes for evil (murder).
God will take care of the terrorists. Some now, some eventually. I think they will all burn in hell.

And God, the creator of them all, will be laughing his benevolent head off. Right?
Mostly they determine how much you want to follow a certain kind of life and remind you that you have responsibilities and obligations beyond yourself, and that these obligations are required to be fulfilled for a healthy community.

Sounds just like communism.
Asking Him into your heart.

Before you jump on this charming sentiment, I would like to introduce you to the self-fulfilling prophecy. It works quite simply; you'll find it if you are looking for it. While this does wonders for the Christian finding his/her God, it doesn't do anything for the validity of that God's existence in the first place. If you decide to believe in chi, which you picture is emitting from people in an aura-like fashion, after enough of this kind of thinking, it can become frighteningly real. This has thousands of applications, and is one of my favorite devices because it is so holistic and powerful, but I'll use one example that may strike a cord of familiarity for you: If I wanted to, I could find evidence that a teapot orbiting the sun is answering my prayers, blessing me, invading my heart and thoughts, all in an infinitely exhaustible love, but I highly doubt you'd believe in it because of that.
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Well if we stick to the kind and benevolent model of God, I think he'd be crying. But sandy can tell you better, I'm sure. :shrug:

Right, the question was intended as a rhetorical device, but you've extended it even further for me. If he's crying, he's obviously upset, which means something has happened outside of his will, which means something prevented him from fulfilling that will of his, which means he's not much of a God in the first place.

God: "Oh no, all of my creations are going to hell! I'm so sad about that, don't they know to choose me? Why are they straying? Darn me for putting in them a free will guided by reason, I knew that was probably going to bite me in the ass."
But to ask you have to believe first...

This is how people get saved in born-again Christian churches. They say a prayer like this:

“Heavenly Father, I invite Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and as my savior. I believe Jesus died for my sins. His blood was shed so that I could be forgiven and I believe that he has been raised from the dead. I declare Jesus Christ is my Lord from this moment forward. I receive the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus. Take out my old heart, Lord, and give me a new heart, a new spirit, a new life and I will follow you, with your help, by your grace, all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name.” Amen. :)
Right, the question was intended as a rhetorical device, but you've extended it even further for me. If he's crying, he's obviously upset, which means something has happened outside of his will, which means something prevented him from fulfilling that will of his, which means he's not much of a God in the first place.

God: "Oh no, all of my creations are going to hell! I'm so sad about that, don't they know to choose me? Why are they straying? Darn me for putting in them a free will guided by reason, I knew that was probably going to bite me in the ass."

Don't things happen outside of his will all the time? Isn't that the idea behind free will for humans?
This is how people get saved in born-again Christian churches. They say a prayer like this:

“Heavenly Father, I invite Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and as my savior. I believe Jesus died for my sins. His blood was shed so that I could be forgiven and I believe that he has been raised from the dead. I declare Jesus Christ is my Lord from this moment forward. I receive the forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus. Take out my old heart, Lord, and give me a new heart, a new spirit, a new life and I will follow you, with your help, by your grace, all the days of my life. In Jesus’ Name.” Amen. :)

I'll just wait till I'm on my death bed, you know, just in case.
That's the point:
if you don't already believe why would you pray?
healthy positive thoughts, no matter how god filled, won't keep them alive. "they don't need food."?? Are you serious?!? Wow I've just experienced a new level of Christian idiocy, the likes of which I, heretofore, thought impossible.

i am a hardcore christian. some think it is a little "out there" but i believe that people can live off the holy spirit alone. dont you know that people dont really need food or water? all we need is gods salvation all over our face.

thats why i get down on my knees and start pleasing jesus. so i can feel his salvation all over my face.

Don't things happen outside of his will all the time? Isn't that the idea behind free will for humans?

Yes but that contradicts his omnipotence. Furthermore, if this god is omniscient, then because he can see everyone's choices before they make them, he is just as responsible as the creations are for their going to hell. In short, "free will" does not and cannot cooperate with an all-powerful and all-knowing God, which is this same one being presented as benevolent.
i am a hardcore christian. some think it is a little "out there" but i believe that people can live off the holy spirit alone. dont you know that people dont really need food or water? all we need is gods salvation all over our face.

thats why i get down on my knees and start pleasing jesus. so i can feel his salvation all over my face.


Haha oh south park. I'll take all that as sarcasm then, thank goodness I was wrong.
God help you. :(

lol you know it was a joke. a very funny joke from a southpark episode, you must admit it was funny, im sure god and jesus are not offended i can imagine jesus and god laughing about it.

howcomes you cant joke about jesus and god? do you really think they get offended by little jokes like that?
