What has god done for you

well that would mean same thing to me.

I never trusted in your statement to the point that I did not trust existence of the star/black swan in the first place.

Exactly, so it is a matter of your belief in my belief.
Moderator troll
Moderators who abuse their position of power to bait and harass members into a negative reaction. Usually accompanied with a declaration of innocence, similar to the post war reaction in Germany: "Ich Habe es nich gewusst".
I fail to see how you are not sinking rapidly.

You don't know of the Black Swan?:eek: :p

It is a denotion of the human mind and its desire to believe in patterns, or the folly of induction.

Taleb has written an excellent treatise on it.


In short,
Taleb defines a "black swan" as having these three characteristics: 1) it's an outlier: something outside the realm of regular expectations; 2) it carries an extreme impact; and, 3) it can be explained after its occurrence but can't be predicted beforehand. There you have it: rarity, extreme impact, and retrospective (though not prospective) predictability.
Moderator troll
Moderators who abuse their position of power to bait and harass members into a negative reaction. Usually accompanied with a declaration of innocence, similar to the post war reaction in Germany: "Ich Habe es nich gewusst".

I have no power outside my forums.:bawl:

*mommy alert; flabbergasted atheist gives up!!! complains about abuse??? of power*:D
Hehe, relax im just kidding :)
Would you agree to belief is an experience ?

I believe self deception is very easy.:)

What is experience but our perceptions colored by our assumptions and preconceptions?
her, the power.
You label her as nature, I label her as god.

Why? All you're doing is adding another level of unnecessary confusion and complexity to an already simple concept. Nature has never shown to have anything to do with gods, but men have had much to do with gods over nature.
Hey by that spirit, what's the harm in me murdering someone? Or justifying my doing so by a similar karmic line of reasoning? Hey, they'll just reappear like in a fictitious video game.

If you murder someone, the person you murder will be paying for his own karma, so yes, it is all like a gigantic mind-videogame.
But on the other hand, you will probably cause much suffering in this world, you will pay for that with your future suffering; you will suffer for yourself all the suffering you caused. If you kill yourself because you don´t want to pay for that, you are just making things worst, when you kill yourself, you will cause more suffering, and you will have to pay for that and every suffering you caused.
That is not evolution.

Evolution defined:

"Biological (or organic) evolution is change in the properties of populations of organisms or groups of such populations, over the course of generations. The development, or ontogeny, of an individual organism is not considered evolution: individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are ‘heritable' via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportions of different forms of a gene within a population, such as the alleles that determine the different human blood types, to the alterations that led from the earliest organisms to dinosaurs, bees, snapdragons, and humans."
Douglas J. Futuyma (1998) Evolutionary Biology 3rd ed., Sinauer Associates Inc. Sunderland MA p.4

Way to cite, man. Nice!
If you murder someone, the person you murder will be paying for his own karma, so yes, it is all like a gigantic mind-videogame.

Other than the fact that when our bodies decay after we die, the matter which our bodies were made eventually go back into the earth, perhaps dissipating some day and becoming the matter of another individual, can you demonstrate beyond that an individual having another life as karma and reincarnation would suggest, ad nauseum?
Other than the fact that when our bodies decay after we die, the matter which our bodies were made eventually go back into the earth, perhaps dissipating some day and becoming the matter of another individual, can you demonstrate beyond that an individual having another life as karma and reincarnation would suggest, ad nauseum?

The body is just a representation of our true self in this specific dimension. Do you want me to demonstrate that each of us is a multi-dimensional soul? Then give me a year, I will go to gather some evidence in the fourth dimension and bring it to you man, but one minute there is like a year of this one, so I´ll go just one minute, gather some cool shit, and bring it to this dimension next year :p :m:
An interesting but rather long winded way of saying "no".

hehe, touchè--

some gurus like Sai Baba (to name a current one) can materialize stuff from other dimensions. Other evidence is just collections of thousands of testimonies from different folks from different cultures (just a google search will do the job).

Not considering the fact that Buddha, the Hindus and the Egyptians (ammong others) believed this fact as well.
some gurus like Sai Baba (to name a current one) can materialize stuff from other dimensions.

1) Worth noting that he refused permission to be tested under controlled conditions.

2) For the sake of argument let's say he can.. How does one exactly show that this "stuff" is "from another dimension"?

3) It's also worth noting that I saw David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty vanish.