What has god done for you

There is no devil, there is no god, there is no heaven, there is no hell. We are our own gods, we are our own devils, we live in both heaven and hell we ourselves created.
Apparently they are. That is IF he exists at all.

Not necessarily there cowboy! First, are you/we talking "The First Cause/Mind" who created the big bang, or that interloping, control freak, Jehovah?

See from a pantheist point of view, the big bang and a universe left to it's own devices is quite compatible with the concept of a supreme being.

Jimmy Carter, while very much a devout Christian, has something profound he says: "Science is God's way of revealing himself."
Now, while I have a much different concept of God than Carter, the point is a good one, and, does not require us to think alike.

While IMO - Jehovah is a huckster/con-man with some fairly nasty parlor tricks, a perverse sense of humor, and a curious sense/concept of loyalty. (Schlepping his n'er do well friend and troublemaker, Satan.)