What has god done for you

Life is all around. It breathes as One. No need to deify, then worship. Everything is sacred and bless-ed. Worship is the primary, or first level of idolatry.

"Why does god allow pain and suffering? I don't know, why do some people allow cancer?"

Back to my analogy of god to us & cells and atoms to us; or 'We are to god as cells are to us'
Just as people have no control over cancer (I have a different answer to this if'n it was a diff'rent thread:) )

Understand, this is just an analogy. And all analogies will break down.

As I don't think god is some dude or chick sittin' 'round waiting for us to fuck up and smite us, Uugh.
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2) For the sake of argument let's say he can.. How does one exactly show that this "stuff" is "from another dimension"?

Matter is energy contained. The brain/mind radiates waves. It is said there are those who can harness the very energy around us and bring it into form by condensing it around their brainwaves, so to speak.
I've seen it done.
1) Worth noting that he refused permission to be tested under controlled conditions.

I can´t think of a good reason why he should let others test him.

Tao-Te-King said:
To generate without any claim to possess, to act without expectation, to lead without controlling: this is deep Inner Power.

1)2) For the sake of argument let's say he can.. How does one exactly show that this "stuff" is "from another dimension"?

his word

1)2)3) It's also worth noting that I saw David Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty vanish.

I can make my watch vanish, but I would have to ask you to turn around from me while I do my magic!
"Why does god allow pain and suffering? I don't know, why do some people allow cancer?"

The rate of cancer deaths increases annually while doctors work hard and race to find cures.

What has your god done lately?
The rate of cancer deaths increases annually while doctors work hard and race to find cures.

What has your god done lately?
I don't know, is your's working on it?

Read my earlier posts!

I don't have a god. Least one that sits on the outside...
It is said there are those who can harness the very energy around us and bring it into form by condensing it around their brainwaves, so to speak.

It is also said that if you go to the end of the rainbow you'll find a pot of gold. My apologies but of what value is "it is said.."?

I've seen it done.

Forgive me for doubting your word. However, whether you have or not is rather irrelevant to the statement of mine that you responded to - which was "how do you go about showing that this "stuff" is from another dimension?

I can´t think of a good reason why he should let others test him.

You sincerely mean that? Let me give you a quick analogy:

You don't want anyone to see you masturbate. As a result of that you tend to masturbate when there's nobody watching. This guy is 'masturbating' in front of the biggest audience he can find - which must mean he wants his 'miracles' to be witnessed. He wants attention focused on him, his miracles, his actions. As a result of that, the best possible move is to have his claimed miracles tested in a controlled environment. That way, everyone gets to see his miracles, has no reason to doubt his miracles and he gets all the attention he wants.

I doubt 1,200 sai baba centers would exist in 130 countries around the world if his miracles and actions weren't there to get attention. He even has an official magazine.

I can magically make £50 notes appear from thin air. Sorry, of what value is my word?

I can make my watch vanish, but I would have to ask you to turn around from me while I do my magic!

Sure, you're probably not that good a magician. Don't take it badly, neither am I.. That is however also where the problem lies. "How did he do that?" Is probably the most common statement ever made with regards to magicians. We don't know, it doesn't mean it's "real" magic.

Of course if we opted for your suggestion, we'd "take their word" that it really was real.
I believe self deception is very easy.:)

What is experience but our perceptions colored by our assumptions and preconceptions?

So you do agree then ? Please, just yes or no. You can elaborate if you want though :p
It is also said that if you go to the end of the rainbow you'll find a pot of gold. My apologies but of what value is "it is said.."?

Forgive me for doubting your word. However, whether you have or not is rather irrelevant to the statement of mine that you responded to - which was "how do you go about showing that this "stuff" is from another dimension?

I see I'm gonna have some trouble with conveying tone and intent.
I realize 'It is said' is a goofy construction, perhaps 'It is said...:itold: " would have been better?

Also, I admit it was a tangent of sorts.
See, I don't think 'that this "stuff" is from another dimension'. It wasn't me who said that.

As to doubting my word; Why is it you (in the collective sense) say 'I'll believe it when I see it' yet when someone does see it you still doubt it?
I have my proof. Besides did atoms only come into existence after the electron microscope?

Meaning Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.
Ever see a brainwave? Ok, once at a ballgame.:)
As to doubting my word; Why is it you (in the collective sense) say 'I'll believe it when I see it' yet when someone does see it you still doubt it?
I have my proof. Besides did atoms only come into existence after the electron microscope?
Noone would doubt the subjective experience (the "I have seen something...") - only whether your interpetation ("... and it is God") is rational.

The onus of proof for that would fall on you.

Meaning Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it's not there.
Sure - no-one disagrees.

However, until it is seen (or inferred as a possibility through theory) - to "believe" without evidence is irrational.

Bear in mind that an irrational (thought) processes can still reach a truth. The "rationality/irrationality" is merely describing the process of reaching the conclusion.

Just don't expect someone to follow you to your conclusion if your process is irrational - unless you expect them to also be irrational.
Uh? ok.. i will, later.
25 pages.. :bawl:

Since you asked nicely.

I think those who believe have different thinking processes than those who don't.

Most fall in between across a standard normal distribution and go through phases of belief and disbelief, or have different grades of belief.:p
Since you asked nicely.

I think those who believe have different thinking processes than those who don't.

Most fall in between across a standard normal distribution and go through phases of belief and disbelief, or have different grades of belief.:p

I don´t think you are looking at the whole picture there. Those who belief and those who don´t believe aren´t that different. As a matter of fact, we can´t make the division between the two groups, because there are enormous similarities in the way of thinking. Some belief fake stuff, some beleive true stuff, it is the same for everybody. The only thing we can be sure of, is that NOBODY holds the whole truth, it is all complementary.
I don't think 'that this "stuff" is from another dimension'. It wasn't me who said that.

It was however to the person I responded to. If you don't think or claim that it's from another dimension then why respond to my quote that was a response to that direct claim?

As to doubting my word; Why is it you (in the collective sense) say 'I'll believe it when I see it'

Because we're humans, that's the way we work - like most animals with eyes. That is the reason we have eyes, to observe what is real. You don't have lions chasing after imaginary prey - no, just like us they use their eyes to see what is real and there you go.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing personal against make believe, personal desires, wishes and dreams and nor do I actually have issue with a claim that there are things we currently do not know exist that actually do - but if someone makes a claim to the existence of something, they need to show it to exist or have convincing evidence before I just accept it. Anyone that advocates that it is ok to do otherwise is being dishonest - to themselves if noone else.

yet when someone does see it you still doubt it?

I happen to have seen, and are friends with, Lenny the leprechaun, king of leprechauns.

Are you saying you should accept that as true because I claim to have seen it? Of course not - you require the exact same things I do.

Besides did atoms only come into existence after the electron microscope?

No, but that doesn't change anything. To just accept someone elses word as true because... they say its true with absolutely nothing to show it as being true is absolute undeniable absurdity. gods of course differ to atoms in that gods provoke an emotional response - and because of that emotional response people believe it when they wouldn't do so for anything else.

It's like ghosts, we don't believe in them but when stuck in an old dark creepy house we tend to get scared shitless and let our imaginations conjure up all kinds of non-existant entities.