What has god done for you

with each new reincarnation the soul changes.

That is not evolution.

Evolution defined:

"Biological (or organic) evolution is change in the properties of populations of organisms or groups of such populations, over the course of generations. The development, or ontogeny, of an individual organism is not considered evolution: individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are ‘heritable' via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportions of different forms of a gene within a population, such as the alleles that determine the different human blood types, to the alterations that led from the earliest organisms to dinosaurs, bees, snapdragons, and humans."
Douglas J. Futuyma (1998) Evolutionary Biology 3rd ed., Sinauer Associates Inc. Sunderland MA p.4
Most people are so familiar with water, they don´t see the magic in it.

It's all about perspective. The African that drinks this water and then dies because of it is unlikely to look upon it as 'magic'. You can only do so because man, because science, has given you the ability to have a constant supply of fresh clean water.

Obedience to God's command to repent and believe the Gospel of Christ is certainly not imbecilic

It certainly is imbecilic.

Why do I get the feeling this will be a long debate? :D

on the other hand, disobedience to this command might well be considered imbecilic...

Yes, yes.. and disobeying allah is imbecillic, as is disobeying vishnu, or disobeying ra, or disobeying odin.

This is where you shout "They're wrong, I'm right, ignore them, believe every word I say!"

How is that bad? They will just re-born in different circumstances, what is the problem with continuous Karma? Its all just games of the existence, the mother needed to live that because of her Karma, and the un-born needed to die before birth, to be born in adequate karmic circumstances.

Hey by that spirit, what's the harm in me murdering someone? Or justifying my doing so by a similar karmic line of reasoning? Hey, they'll just reappear like in a fictitious video game.
So, what is your gods role when babies are born dead, because they were unable to breathe? Did your god kill them?

could possibly be,
or god MAY just didn't let one soul to live in that baby body,
or god MAY want to test the parents,
or god MAY be holding the parents hopes,
or .....

who am I to know ?
everything is hers... she has her own plan, she gives and she takes... she gives springs and she draws souls...

she, the god, the mother nature, whoever.... all powerful, all merciful, all cruel... feel free to label her.

baby born lives for successfully breathing, baby born dead of failing to breathe.... all is by her.
If you lack belief in a belief, what part of the belief or lack of it becomes a fact?

a fact is: you lack to believe in something
a fact is: your lack in a belief of that something means you have your own belief
a fact is: it is a fact from a beginning...whether you believe in something or not...does not change that fact

and don't play with words.
a fact is: you lack to believe in something
a fact is: your lack in a belief of that something means you have your own belief
a fact is: it is a fact from a beginning...whether you believe in something or not...does not change that fact

and don't play with words.

So if I say I believe a star is green and you say I don't believe you, does that mean that the star is not green if you have no way to show that it is or is not? Or does that mean that you don't believe what I believe because you have not seen the star? So is your lack of belief in the green star a fact or a belief?
So if I say a star is green and you say I don't believe you, does that mean that the star is not green if you have no way to show that it is or is not? Or does that mean that you don't believe what I believe because you have not seen the star? So is your lack of belief in the green star a fact or a belief?

A fact is: star is of unknown color
A fact is: I dont believe your statement that star is green
A fact is: My lack of belief is not that the star is green or not ... my lack of belief is in your statement that it is of any specific color or that it exists
A fact is: My lack of belief is not that the star is green or not ... my lack of belief is in your statement that it is of any specific color or that it exists

What is this lack of belief based on?
If you lack belief in a belief, what part of the belief or lack of it becomes a fact?

This is an extremely poorly worded sentence, seemingly constructed in this way only to attempt to be insidious. I would give it a "D" for composition and clarity From what I can muster from this choppy question is that you are going towards this point (in the superfluously lengthy and overly drawn-out fashion I've noticed you like to do): While you can't prove your beliefs, I can't disprove your beliefs. While that is a valid point, it doesn't attest as a favorable trait of your beliefs, it in fact does the opposite. A claim that is unfalsifiable is to the same extend unreliable.