What has god done for you

Sounds like a lot of beating around the bush to deny what is essentially a belief.

Good to know that even atheists have their "interpretation" issues.

I see...
Youve made up your mind and nothing is going make you change it.. :bugeye:

Sam learnt nothing from that post. Way to go sam. :bugeye:

I'm an epistemologist; you can't fool me with all the fancy acrobatics with known concepts. ;)

I can see all the holes and I've already explained them in this very thread.
"Atheism, literally the absence of belief in God, has always been a minority viewpoint in American culture."
exclusively, that of whether one has or has not a belief in God."[/I]
When we examine the components of the word 'atheism,' we can see this distinction more clearly. The word is made up of 'a-' and '-theism.' Theism, we will all agree, is a belief in a God or gods. The prefix 'a-' can mean 'not' (or 'no') or 'without.' If it means 'not,' then we have as an atheist someone who is not a theist (i.e., someone who does not have a belief in a God or gods). If it means 'without,' then an atheist is someone without theism, or without a belief in God."[/I]

What seems to be the case is a difference between the connotation and denotation. I am only going by what the dictionary says.
I did post the Greek derivation a couple times. I also looked it up in the Random House dictionary at school today, and it too stated that atheism was the belief there is no god.

So then, if your position is that the concept of god/s have no meaning or use in your paradigm, but it is unknowable if a supreme being exists (is that right?) then why not use the more accurate term agnostic-without knowing?

ps. props for posting sources.
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faith is blind as all its followers, as all its creators. God stands like reflection, belief of your own world within it.

Man, lucky dog! you got post 420.

While I'm not christian, or monotheist of any flavor, Jimmy Carter said something that I thought was cool (for a christian that is :)). He said science is god's way of revealing creation. Something like that, anyway.

I think the human animal's relationship to god is kinda sorta like our relationship to the cells and/or atoms of our body; on some level we're aware of them but we don't think about them, not really.

And about the question:
How can god allow such suffering? I don't know. How do people allow cancer to grow?

Take all of the universe from mighty suns to the smallest particle; throw in water, rocks, trees, animals, (I include humans in animals) put them all together and that's god.
It's called Pantheism--back to the Greek--pan: all, theism: well I don't need to go over that.

I use the lower case g for god 'cuz when one uses God
most folks think Jahovah. In christiandom anyway.
I don't think Jahovah is the supreme being. Lots of references to other gods in the Old Testament.
Besides, Jahovah seems to have quite a malevolent streak.
Satan, say the christians and as Satan is a christian concept, was his right hand man. Right up his fall from grace. Bad Satan. Naughty, naughty Satan.
What has God done for me?

Given me life. Can anyone here relate to that?

Not really, my folks gave me life. It (god) just provides the context. Something like that anyway.
But...tomorrow, I might use different terms.
I can see all the holes and I've already explained them in this very thread.

Ok Sam, O...k.

The only arguments stem from the fact that even the most ardent theist realises that 'faith' is imbecilic. As a result of that, they try to shove it on atheists. "If an atheist is also an imbecile, it's ok if I am one". That there is the overall conclusion of the theist argument in this matter.

How do people allow cancer to grow?

first, I´m alive, second, God gave me fresh water, air and food so I can continue living. Most people are so familiar with water, they don´t see the magic in it.
Can i have some examples with proof, of how your god has helped you.
And please no pure faith stuff.

God is faith based, so bear with it.
So far, the first oxygen come into my lungs at the very moment I popped out from my mother's limb, had been possibly done by me baby, because God changed the way me baby breathe. Not the doctor, not my mother (I was already out of her system).
God is faith based, so bear with it.
So far, the first oxygen come into my lungs at the very moment I popped out from my mother's limb, had been possibly done by me baby, because God changed the way me baby breathe. Not the doctor, not my mother (I was already out of her system).

So, what is your gods role when babies are born dead, because they were unable to breathe? Did your god kill them?
So, what is your gods role when babies are born dead, because they were unable to breathe? Did your god kill them?

How is that bad? They will just re-born in different circumstances, what is the problem with continuous Karma? Its all just games of the existence, the mother needed to live that because of her Karma, and the un-born needed to die before birth, to be born in adequate karmic circumstances.
... even the most ardent theist realises that 'faith' is imbecilic.

Obedience to God's command to repent and believe the Gospel of Christ is certainly not imbecilic...on the other hand, disobedience to this command might well be considered imbecilic...considering the command itself imbecilic is self hatred...an imbecilic, twisted, form of self 'denial'.
Obedience to God's command to repent and believe the Gospel of Christ is certainly not imbecilic...on the other hand, disobedience to this command might well be considered imbecilic...considering the command itself imbecilic is self hatred...an imbecilic, twisted, form of self 'denial'.

you are a victim of your own words
How is that bad? They will just re-born in different circumstances, what is the problem with continuous Karma? Its all just games of the existence, the mother needed to live that because of her Karma, and the un-born needed to die before birth, to be born in adequate karmic circumstances.

How does the baby's actions have anything to do with karma? They are just born, hence they really have no actions at all.

Karma is supposed to define the fate of the individual, based on their actions.

Of course, one must actually believe in reincarnation.
How does the baby's actions have anything to do with karma? They are just born, hence they really have no actions at all.

Karma is supposed to define the fate of the individual, based on their actions.

Of course, one must actually believe in reincarnation.

after all, reincarnation IS evolution