What does religion DO?


That's okay GR, I get where you're comming from.
Thanks for the insight.


So you mean you have no chance of converting me to your Delusion so I am not worth the time to discuss things with. Very Typical of the deluded mind.
Why don't you answer properly?
You make these positive claims, as though
they're grounded in fact and truth. Yet fall
short of delivering an answer, let alone a satisfactory one.
The Godless religion marches on!

But never the less, it does define 'spirit', so it is answer.
If you can prove that it is not so, then step up.
Pot/ kettle Hmmm?

You seem to consider that offering your opinion should be accepted as an answer by me, yet castigate Bishadi for doing much the same.
I mentioned nothing about memories.
then what soul you trying to protect? to comprehend that conscious death is not much different than sleep (the conscious is unaware of itself), then perhaps you would not fear death.

when someone dies, they aint going somewhere else to see old family members beyond the pearly gates. (all that is BS of beliefs)

If there is a mother, then there must be a Father.
every cell in your body divides; which is mother and which is father?

See....honour mummy and DADDY.
Daddy being the boss. ;)
and since, your mummy and daddy, have their light, alive and in your body; when you false witness, you dishonor them both.

but to know their light is within you, and all the lineage since the beginning of time, then you can go into the mirror and scream "we made it" and know IN FACT, that they all alive and 'in the flesh' as you stand.

that is that utter metaphor (seal) opened

And nature will submit to God whether she likes it or not.
But I have a feeling she likes it.
mother is God (mass, energy, time: the trinity as ONE)

or let me guess, you believe the father the son and holy spirit is a trinity?

can you yet see how antiquated your old time belief is?

How do you know that ALL words were created by man?
because any man/women/child can create most any word, belief, religions and fib, they want; equally.

no baby alive drops on their head with knowledge between their ears; all knowledge is learned, created and conveyed over time

'words' transcend time

I won't bother ask about religion because I'm almost certain
you haven't got an answer.
who cares about religion...

do you want to live forever?

do you want your children, our future, mankind to know how to live forever?

the only item within and from any belief that people even care about, is the pursuit of life.

What indigenous?
The Barbarians?
inuits, hopi, etc.etc.etc.....

to you they barbarian, but they can survive, with mother (in the garden) without a grocery store.

woof! woof!

now any can see why the religious are often the biggest BIGOTS on the earth.

most of them adherants do not believe in equality! (they pigs of the feudal system)

Some more equal than others.
liars are like murderers (they impose a loss to the common, by choice)

each born conscious is just as capable as any who ever walked, equally

He doesn't live in my mind.
But if we have a day designated to him, then I will
have no choice but to think about him.
shut up

ie.. your whole comprehension of evolution is based from a guy, that basically drew the best rendition of the 'tree of life' any religious quack ever did

it shares we all brothers of the life within all the earth

bet that bugs you, knowing you have the same light as even blacks, yellow, red and white since the very beginning of time, in your very body

Rituals are established forms of behaviour.
kissing the dirt or eating food, knowing it is the 'body of god' is no different, that sacrificing lambs or eating an apple

We all maintain rituals of some sort.
is lying your favorite?
But maybe you don't, as your reality is different, or
could not maintaning rituals, be a ritual in and of itself.


i know homage is not begging in prayers

homage is being responsible for your actions (honoring god with what you do)

but no ritual is a requirement to being responsible except self control, awareness and honesty.

those hurt you, don't they?

Why don't you answer properly?
ask any question you like

what is Why don't you answer properly?

but a trolling comment.

jan, i don't like liars..... and of all liars on this earth that harm the most people, the religious quacks are them; people like you.

ask what question you have, but don't be trolling up the rant

You make these positive claims, as though
they're grounded in fact and truth. Yet fall
short of delivering an answer, let alone a satisfactory one.

do you know what 'life' is?

do you know how phospholipid bilayers assemble?

do you know what the light is?

ie... do you have any foundation to your beliefs other than acceptance of material that is over a 1000 yrs old and lacking the reality of nature (life) within?

The Godless religion marches on!


i honor GOD, in what i do

you lie about god because you no longer 'believe in the garden' (god himself)

you believe men

your god is what men created

my god created me via the natural processes within HIS time

i know i represent my lineage and will not harm them just to be selfish

i am responsible

what is your problem?
So you mean you have no chance of converting me to your Delusion so I am not worth the time to discuss things with. Very Typical of the deluded mind.

GR, I would like to discuss things with you, but it is clear that you
don't have anything to discuss, as you cannot back up your claims,
persist in calling me, and every person past and present who have a belief in God, deluded. Where can we go from there?

Pot/ kettle Hmmm?

You seem to consider that offering your opinion should be accepted as an answer by me, yet castigate Bishadi for doing much the same.

Does religion define spirit?
Yes it does.
The fact that you do not agree with its definition,
makes no difference.

How have I not answered the question?

GR, I would like to discuss things with you, but it is clear that you
don't have anything to discuss, as you cannot back up your claims,
persist in calling me, and every person past and present who have a belief in God, deluded. Where can we go from there?


You are asking for Proof when you your self cannot offer any other then some rants in a book that was created by the deluder's of the deluded. A collection of stories that are dubious to say the least.
You are asking for Proof when you your self cannot offer any other then some rants in a book that was created by the deluder's of the deluded. A collection of stories that are dubious to say the least.

I've made no claims.
You have, but cannot back them up.
To claim that billion of people are deluded, and a handfull aren't,
because what they believe is definately not true. Is interesting
to say the least. At least give some insight into your knowledge.

Does religion define spirit?
Yes it does.
The fact that you do not agree with its definition, makes no difference.
How have I not answered the question?
It's not a question of whether or not I agree.
See your own response to Grim Reaper:-

as you cannot back up your claims
(In this case the "you" being religion).
I.e. there is no soul.
Therefore any claims of the soul being life (or anything else) are simply building nonsense on top of unfounded speculation.

(In this case the "you" being religion).
I.e. there is no soul.
Therefore any claims of the soul being life (or anything else) are simply building nonsense on top of unfounded speculation.

The trouble is, you are using religion in the same way you use science.
In the case of the "soul", it is giving the answer to something you will
never know (with any certainty), without being told by someone that knows.

We can speculate all day as to what life is, or whether or not the soul, or God exists. But if the soul, and, God do exist, then speculation is just a waste of our time. This is the dilema. Should we believe, or not.

The actual point of religion, is to prepare us physically, and mentally, in such
a way as to be able to percieve these truths (if you believe they are).

The trouble is, you are using religion in the same way you use science.
In the case of the "soul", it is giving the answer to something you will
never know (with any certainty), without being told by someone that knows.
Not quite.
I won't accept soul without being shown, but I can say "Pfft okay you think you have a soul, go ahead".
But what YOU did was extend "having a soul" into "causing life".
That is not supportable.

The actual point of religion, is to prepare us physically, and mentally, in such a way as to be able to percieve these truths (if you believe they are).
Nope, the actual point of religion (as opposed to the stories it generates) is social control.
I've made no claims.
You have, but cannot back them up.
To claim that billion of people are deluded, and a handfull aren't,
because what they believe is definately not true. Is interesting
to say the least. At least give some insight into your knowledge.


How do you know it is not true I have given proof in the statement of the Weirdo on the corner preaching and the some what nicer smell groomed weirdo preaching in a building what separates the two they both believe what they are saying obviously or they would not be saying it. What else would you call it mass hysteria the big religious smoke screen what ever you want to call it is a manufactured story handed down from the first person to think hey I can get these idiots to do what ever I want them to do if I promise them all this stuff. And when they ask when is the stuff coming I can tell them when you die it will become clear. Well I can promise that as well is it true no.
The trouble is, you are using religion in the same way you use science.

how do you think people chose which religion? by using the head; reason, logic, common sense..... subjective/objective thinking (both evolves)

In the case of the "soul", it is giving the answer to something you will
never know (with any certainty), without being told by someone that knows.
and why the children trust us

they expect us to have them answers (but when they find out, they aint available; find an atheist is often born)

We can speculate all day as to what life is, or whether or not the soul, or God exists. But if the soul, and, God do exist, then speculation is just a waste of our time. This is the dilema. Should we believe, or not.

so then, to define, life and understand GOD (know the light of life and the trinity as ONE; kind of like the big bang version rendering a total single unit (existence itself) as ONE/God) (the name is just a definition of the processes between the three (how nature works))

The actual point of religion, is to prepare us physically, and mentally, in such a way as to be able to percieve these truths (if you believe they are).


then what happend to you? where is your humility? where is your awareness of NOT KNOWING?

why it is you are getting slapped in the face by the very guy your whole belief told you to be awaiting?

How is it, that it is said; that the light began the universal foundation of life, and that ideaology is all over most every religion on the earth and when it is right in front of you as being the foundation of that ABSOLUTE truth, you just can't see it?

is it because the truth hurts?

is it because you are being held to, far more responsibility than you ever imagined?

or do you actually think some magic dude is coming to waive a magic wand and all is fixed and you can be a fool forever, still?

do you think cars and planes will still be a requisite to mankind?

are you scared to return to the garden?
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Not quite.
I won't accept soul without being shown, but I can say "Pfft okay you think you have a soul, go ahead".

The point is not that we have a soul, but we are the soul within the body.

But what YOU did was extend "having a soul" into "causing life".
That is not supportable.

Then you misunderstood me.
I said that conciousness was the symptom of the spirit-soul.
And there is no way to test that.

Nope, the actual point of religion (as opposed to the stories it generates) is social control.

Why is it?

The point is not that we have a soul, but we are the soul within the body.
Nope, the point is whether or not there is a soul at all.

Then you misunderstood me.
I said that conciousness was the symptom of the spirit-soul.
So "animator of bodies" isn't life?
Originally Posted by Jan Ardena
By default, conciousness is the symptom of 'spirit', the soul (the individual sparks of 'spirit, is the animator of material bodies.

And there is no way to test that.
Which makes it a supposition with no support.

Why is it?
Why is it or why do I claim it is?
Why is it - because that's the way it happened. Probably easier than installing a totalitarian state and accompanying police force.
Why do I claim it is - because religion prescribes and proscribes behaviour, social mores, beliefs and what may or not be questioned. (Even down to what may or may not be eaten in some cases).
How do you know it is not true I have given proof in the statement of the Weirdo on the corner preaching and the some what nicer smell groomed weirdo preaching in a building what separates the two they both believe what they are saying obviously or they would not be saying it. What else would you call it mass hysteria the big religious smoke screen what ever you want to call it is a manufactured story handed down from the first person to think hey I can get these idiots to do what ever I want them to do if I promise them all this stuff. And when they ask when is the stuff coming I can tell them when you die it will become clear. Well I can promise that as well is it true no.

You've offered no proof of anything.
Because you have no proof of anything.
You just can't stand religion, or anything to do with it.
It is clear you don't care for it, nor do you wish to try and understand it.
Which is why it is difficult to have a conversation with you on the subject.
Your response is nothing but the expression of personal repugnance.
I apreciate your trying to create some kind of a rational discourse, but it just aint happening.


Nope, the point is whether or not there is a soul at all.

To be precise, the point is whether or not you believe there is a soul at all.
That is what it boils down to.

So "animator of bodies" isn't life?

It is percieved as life, which is the word used to describe the

Which makes it a supposition with no support.

That's your opinion.
What do you know about life, or consciousness?
Do you know whether God exists or not?
Do you know whether religion teaches the truth about God, and
the spiritual realm?
If you don't have any answers, then what good is your argument against

Why is it - because that's the way it happened.

Well that clears that up then! :rolleyes:

Probably easier than installing a totalitarian state and accompanying police force.

I don't know, the atheists Lenin and Stalin did a pretty niffty job in a very
short space of time.

Why do I claim it is - because religion prescribes and proscribes behaviour, social mores, beliefs and what may or not be questioned. (Even down to what may or may not be eaten in some cases).

That's not social control.
It gives reasons why such behaviour is preferable.
And it doesn't force you into such behaviour.
What did Jesus say; render unto Ceaser what is his, or words to that effect.
He didn't ridicule people for not believing in God.
He even chastised the state religion of the day, for fooling the people with
their nonsense adaptation of religion.
Social control is not the business of religion, and there is no scripture with
instruction to go out and force a change of perception on those who do not
believe in God, or those who have a different belief.
Even in the OT, God did not try to convert the serpent, or Adam and Eve.

To be precise, the point is whether or not you believe there is a soul at all.
That is what it boils down to.
It is percieved as life, which is the word used to describe the phenomena
For which there is no support.
Positing a soul is one thing: going on to ascribe attributes to it (e.g. "causing life") which are untestable is nonsense.

That's your opinion.
Not just mine. Biology, physics...

Do you know whether religion teaches the truth about God, and the spiritual realm?
Since there is neither god nor spirit realm (from the evidence) what is "truth" is there to know?

If you don't have any answers, then what good is your argument against religion?
If you'll note : I was arguing that there is no evidence of the "soul" "causing life".

Well that clears that up then! :rolleyes:
I see you missed the point.

I don't know, the atheists Lenin and Stalin did a pretty niffty job in a very short space of time.
Yup, they chose an alternate method and effectively made the state and Communism a religion.

That's not social control.
"Thou shalt not" isn't control?
Hmm I wonder what classes as control in your book.

It gives reasons why such behaviour is preferable.
Because the animal is "unclean" is a reason not eat pig?

And it doesn't force you into such behaviour.
No, it merely excommunicates (ostracises) you if you don't follow the rules (or executes you if you go back far enough).
But you're not forced to do as you're told.
(Although we're breaking free of the control these days).

Social control is not the business of religion
It's little BUT social control.

and there is no scripture with instruction to go out and force a change of perception on those who do not believe in God, or those who have a different belief.
Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Mar 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mar 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them.
Just as examples...

Even in the OT, God did not try to convert the serpent, or Adam and Eve.
Of course not.
He simply told them what they should/ shouldn't do.
But when the option to not believe gives you a one way ticket to damnation..does not that imply some form of control using fear as a catalsyt for it?