What does religion DO?

do to utters what you would have them do unto U
Which is nothing to do with "sin".
And the word is "others", utter has a completely different meaning. Learn English.

nope (life and death, it's natural)
Life and death do not decide what is good and bad.

and you are my possession, (how's that culture for you?)

to you, because compassion and responsibility are words you don't maintain or comprehend as something to adher too.
You still misunderstand. As expected really.

nope, pretty black and white as you like grey
You obviously have trouble understanding exactly what I wrote.

nope; mother nature rules (G&B themselves are man created)
Which is not the decider of "good" and "bad".

you mean; "it makes sense", but since you don't comprehend it, it's non-sense.... right?
Wrong again: good and bad are human/ social constructs.
As you yourself said - "(G&B themselves are man created)".

i guess having conscious choice and being capable of comprehending, is not tied to how mother nature works or mass and energy; but is up to people to make up 'good and bad' ..morality.... culture... (all words that don't even live, unless of mind)
ie.... you out of your league
"religions and people like you,
are why so many
have no clue;
they false witness with exceptions; as being true"
More pointless inane drivel.
Which is nothing to do with "sin".
And the word is "others", utter has a completely different meaning. Learn English.
i dunno know how ta talk inglish to you

ie... you a troll, not a participant

sin is a word, but anutter BELIEF, not a defined word equal to all mankind

but good and bad can be (are)

dat tis waht yur kno aibel ta 'cumpreeehendin'
Life and death do not decide what is good and bad.
time decides who lives and dies (i consider life 'good')

do good, live long time

be-a-you, not so good

call it a sin or a brain stain, i dont care


You still misunderstand. As expected really.

You obviously have trouble understanding exactly what I wrote.

Which is not the decider of "good" and "bad".
in time, the good pans out

mother nature has shared the pattern that is pretty straight up, black and white

Wrong again: good and bad are human/ social constructs.
As you yourself said - "(G&B themselves are man created)".
so your ranting is meaningless, as oooosual

ie.... the word spin is just you ooooosual created BS (by a selfish idiot; a loss to the common............bad: defined)

i know the word 'sin' is useless but good and bad can be measured by life

the good live

da utter don't

what does religion do?
sin is a word, but anutter BELIEF, not a defined word equal to all mankind
but good and bad can be (are)
So now you're saying "sin" isn't quite the same as "bad"?

time decides who lives and dies (i consider life 'good')
Which is nothing more than nonsense.

do good, live long time
be-a-you, not so good
Also nonsense.

ie.... the word spin is just you ooooosual created BS (by a selfish idiot; a loss to the common............bad: defined)
And STILL you fail to actually read what I've written.
You continue to impute meaning that isn't there.

i know the word 'sin' is useless but good and bad can be measured by life
the good live
da utter don't
Also specious nonsense.
Good people don't die young?
Bad people never get old?

What do use in place of cognitive processes?

what does religion do?
It depends. Do you mean religion in general, as in: applied philosophy.
Or do you mean specifically organised religion as a social institution?
So now you're saying "sin" isn't quite the same as "bad"?

you are my example; what you do is bad (lie out the gazoo), and shares your sin (religiously speaking)

Which is nothing more than nonsense.
because you don't use sense.

Time always shows what is 'good and bad' with mother nature; that which lives, evolved and continued living (but you don't and won't)

it's simple

Also nonsense.
look up

And STILL you fail to actually read what I've written.
You continue to impute meaning that isn't there.
look at your replies, you are doing nothing but ranting

'loss to the common' (you just wasting oxygen)

Also specious nonsense.
Good people don't die young?
Bad people never get old?
again, you don't comprehend life, so to you life is misunderstood, and why you can lie, cheat and steal and feel you have a right

you have no idea what you are talking about and why the word 'specious' fits your comment

What do use in place of cognitive processes?
sleep; if i aint consciously aware, i am sleeping


why? (not how) but why? (i think that is the first time you answered a thread OP............atta boy )
you are my example; what you do is bad (lie out the gazoo)
Except that you happen to be the one that posts lies.

because you don't use sense.
Time always shows what is 'good and bad' with mother nature; that which lives, evolved and continued living (but you don't and won't)
Also wrong, (which indicates your "grasp" of sense), nature shows what works and what doesn't. Good and bad doesn't come into it.

again, you don't comprehend life, so to you life is misunderstood, and why you can lie, cheat and steal and feel you have a right
You still seem to be under the impression that me pointing out examples is somehow the same as me endorsing that behaviour. Wrong.
Except that you happen to be the one that posts lies.

to you truth is a lie and why you don't comprehend we all a part of nature
Also wrong, (which indicates your "grasp" of sense), nature shows what works and what doesn't. Good and bad doesn't come into it.

yes it do

nothing outside of nature but a bad born by man (and you be a fine example of self or any)

You still seem to be under the impression that me pointing out examples is somehow the same as me endorsing that behaviour. Wrong.

not just pointing but using you for that very purpose; to show what people do, is what exists to ever measure a bad

you my man with no face
to you truth is a lie and why you don't comprehend we all a part of nature
Wrong again.

yes it do
nothing outside of nature but a bad born by man (and you be a fine example of self or any)
Also wrong. As you yourself have said: good and bad are human constructs.
Nature doesn't "know" anything about good and bad, only what works and what doesn't.
What was the topic again? Is it who is a liar? Hmmm that's not what the OP says...
It's an example of what religion does: Bishadi claims to follow reality, unfortunately he's turned his particular view of reality into a religion and cannot accept any (seeming) contradictions to it.
i like to believe, offer material anyone can learn from by observing the literature.

i also find many good examples of wisdom and compassion within

but i saw this article

82% say faith causes tension in country where two thirds are not religious

so i wonder, is that correct?

we don't see that kind of 'news'?


with little 5-10 line posts, can anyone share' "what religions do?"

please no political issues. just from your individual experience, so no one :)o) is called a bad guy by any other team

Religion, when used properly is a stepping stone to understanding your self, God, and, yourself in relation to God. It helps to control the senses, and, harmful emotions, which ultimately can destroy the self.
When used properly, it creates a productive society, where criminal, and wicked behaviour, is looked down upon, instead of being glorified.
Religion can help one to become actually happy, and content, with or without wealth.

Religion, when used properly is a stepping stone to understanding your self, God, and, yourself in relation to God. It helps to control the senses, and, harmful emotions, which ultimately can destroy the self.
When used properly, it creates a productive society, where criminal, and wicked behaviour, is looked down upon, instead of being glorified.
Religion can help one to become actually happy, and content, with or without wealth.


It can also do just the opposite. :shrug:
It's an example of what religion does: Bishadi claims to follow reality, unfortunately he's turned his particular view of reality into a religion and cannot accept any (seeming) contradictions to it.

scientifically speaking of course

ie... p p p p p ppparadigm shift (random aint an option and no such thing as magic)

phenomenon is a word i use to identify what many do not comprehend

half the world is still a phenomenon to the you

ie... you have no idea what life is, let alone what good and bad are because you NEVER look at yourself as being responsible for any of the above
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There is always going to be dualism, and people
can, will, and do, use religion as a weapon. But pure
religion, if applied and used properly is against that.


You mean pure spiritualism? What do you define as a pure religion?
Religion, when used properly is a stepping stone to understanding your self,
then tell me what life is

that not a question, that be a statement

ie... show me one religion on the globe that enables 'life' (the mind to comprehend how to live forever and know it or even 'explain' the phospholipid bilayers and how the 'light' combines mass to enable life) SHOW ME

open a thread and do the deed

God, and, yourself in relation to God.
god is the garden, and it created us, pretty basic (what is hard is people being responsible to the garden; that's the kick in the ass)

It helps to control the senses, and, harmful emotions, which ultimately can destroy the self.
'it' helps?.... you mean the knowledge offers guidance not the absolute

but damn if any can sustain, 'it' helps mankind (look at the freeking world and what is happening to mankind because of it)

talk about pissing off mary poppins, (the indigenous about the best ALIVE)

When used properly, it creates a productive society, where criminal, and wicked behaviour, is looked down upon, instead of being glorified.

ie... follow the garden, (THE boss) and ya can't go wrong but BUT BUTTTTT, the old screwed up not following the precept;

NO FFFF"ING LYING...........(is that a good quote?)
be it in science (for business pursuits)
of belief
of anything that oppresses a mind from pursuing knowledge (truth)
the old books say, 'watch for a prick to come and kick some butt' but how many even know what that meant

but in all faiths, it said no false witness but none follow it, and now they have created dead ends and the people lost (lose) faith in themselves but follow others for their very understanding of life and the purpose of

many are lost in the idea of gain (the invisible hand; beast of many heads) as their purpose in life

Religion can help one to become actually happy, and content, with or without wealth.
BULL, as them 'preachers' are getting wealthy saying that; with their hand out, telling everyone to give to them for others (some good, some not so (off the table on this tangent))

but over all, the religions are to maintain the HOPE in truth to come (the last word)

as all periods contributed, all colors gave, all mankind is and forever has been a part of ONE (existence itself; the friken garden (the body of god (per se)))


you always been stubborn and faithful that everyone else (the church) has the last word, and i am here to tell you (look in your books), that the truth is equal to all mankind

and sets them free

1 and 1 and 1 is three

got to be a joker

he just do what he please

do you actually think a magic wand is what combines mankind?

get a grib

be responsible or be extinct.............. not much to debate and be only one alive that can say that and not a damn thing anyone can do about it except, feel it, know it, and do it; cause it's a straight answer and all can feel it when they "understand"

give truth a chance and all do better