What does religion DO?

Damn there is not one single proof that the scriptures are not man made .
Man made them and made them in a very idiotic way too .

As there is no way to scientifically verify proof or not,
arguing inevitably becomes personal opinions.

what religion does do , is take away resonsibility for ones own actions

hence the negative actions go on and on and on

So what about the negative actions of those who are not religious,
or whose actions were not fuelled by religion?
Is there a difference?

If you feel that religion is a disease of sorts then you would have to draw the conclusion that both guys are suffering from it in your story.

However I feel the thread is getting sidetracked. The question is what does religion do? In post 50 I gave what I thought was a respectable answer..... Religion deceives.

thinking said it takes away responsibility for one's actions, and it may do that also. However religion doesn't make you sick in the head, the same way gambling doesn't make a gambler become compulsively addicted. Perhaps there are just a lot of fragile psyches, I don't know.

Yes exactly both are suffering from a psychosis of a sort I have said it before Religion and or God's or godess' what every they are were invented to bring comfort to the sick dieing and elderly. All so latter it was developed into a way to calm the mass' that were suffering from plagues and disease, the power that beinf of the time usally the church had to explain to people why they were dropping like flies and they invented this problem known as religion. So in sort I agree with other posters that it is a form of mind control and is not good for any real practical purpose other then that.

Religion and or God's or godess' what every they are were invented to bring comfort to the sick dieing and elderly.

Who invented them, and, how did you gain possession of this knowledge??

1. it answers Bishadi query.
A supposition isn't an answer.

2. it depends on how you see religion. Seen the way put forward
by me, it is not nonsense.
Making up your own definitions isn't particularly valid.
Main Entry: 1re·li·gious
Pronunciation: \ri-ˈli-jəs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French religius, from Latin religiosus, from religio
Date: 13th century
1 : relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
2 : of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
3 a : scrupulously and conscientiously faithful b : fervent, zealous
Claiming "Every sober human being becomes religious" is a fallacy.

3. Why is it nonsense?
Er, WORSHIP Darwin?
Hardly. The guy means no more to me than, say, Feynman.
You made a false and gross generalisation. I wouldn't be surprised if there were atheists who'd never heard of Darwin. let worship him.

Who invented them, and, how did you gain possession of this knowledge??


Man invented them and I gained this knowledge by observing what the "OTHERS" had to say they could not backup there claims with proof. So I concluded with a clear logical mind that what they were suffering from was a delusion created to give comfort.

By default, conciousness is the symptom of 'spirit', the soul (the individual sparks of 'spirit, is the animator of material bodies.
that is life.

the energy upon mass (light) (i agree, the light is the spirit of life; they (religions) all said practically the same thing) (even jesus said take up your cross: light (electric and magnetic fields in perpendicular planes is a damn cross)
Material manifestations are temporary, the soul is not.
ie... the actions your body imposes upon existence, continues in time.

but the idea that you 'soul' is some entity that takes your memories to some utter place, is foolish (ie... ask any alzheimers patient, they often have to meet their own kids each new day; memories are held within the body and stay with the body)
Science is the best way to define material nature.
or clearly "material reality"
Submission can be to God, but that is not as easy as it sounds (in this day and age).
you submit to mother nature. You eat from her, you breath from her, you will return to her. He is a she (a reversal of beliefs per se)

ie.... mother nature (existence itself) could be your god. And i agree, being responsible to mother nature is the curse; people like you could care less, and want their cars, no matter what it does to mom or dad (mother nature/God)

not to mention many lie thru their teeth and feel no one can touch them but fail to realize, what you do, is your after life (where you will live, after you return to mom)

Where in the 10 commandments does it refer to "legends, stories, metaphors and beliefs of old."
what 10? Of OT>..... jesus said 6

Mark 10:17 And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother

he said be responsible for your actions......... the metaphor are the unopened 'seals' and to define them, know the truth WALKS

I don't believe that God is only nature.
You can believe what you like, you just can't lie to tell what you don't understand (that is the command) (no false witness)

ONLY nature? Are you discounting GOD? ie.. you will submit to 'nature' whether you like it or not.

What is your philosophy on this?
i honor mother nature as existence itself (all mass, all energy, all time; as ONE (the trinity)

them three as ONE is GOD (to me) and the process of how them 'three' work is the name (universal to all existence)
That is true, but what does that have to do with my point?
unless you comes to terms with the CLEAR FACT that ALL WORDS are the CREATION of mankind, you will not comprehend that ALL RELIGION is the creation of MANKIND.

is that a clear point?
Religions aren't necessarily "religion", and they don't necessarily follow the codes and coducts of their scripture.
that is a poster ready statement.

Religion isn't an institute, it is a necessary part of human life.
no it aint..... ie.. the indigenous did far better without the BS of beliefs, for a lot longer than any western system, even existed.

Every sober human being becomes religious, even if they don't believe in God.
all mankind wants to live, and since few systems of knowledge offer the clear understanding of what LIFE is, many regress to beliefs to fill in the holes.

They live their life according to some code of conduct, they follow something, be it a philosophy, a government, a group.
but the best across the globe is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

compassion rules (not beliefs, fear, lies and corruption)

Human beings eventually have to honour something, or someone who or what they feel is greater than themselves (often catapulting things or people to that status). Even modern atheists worship Darwin, by designating a special day for him.
you a sick puppy

no one is greater than another

we all equal

and darwin will and does live in the minds of all of us. Don't mean he is a saint, pope or some thing people sacrifice lambs too.

These things are what constitute religion, not buildings, and institutes.


religions maintain rituals of some sort, reality requires NONE

that homage and bowing you like to some god on a thrown is about as pagen as greeks creating a zeus with lightneing bolts in his hand.

to isolate yourself 'from the garden' is being 'away from GOD'

see the difference?

A supposition isn't an answer.

But never the less, it does define 'spirit', so it is answer.
If you can prove that it is not so, then step up.

Making up your own definitions isn't particularly valid.

What makes the definition put forward by you any more valid?

Claiming "Every sober human being becomes religious" is a fallacy.

That's your opinion, based on your prefered definitions.
I'm of a different oppinion.

Er, WORSHIP Darwin?
Hardly. The guy means no more to me than, say, Feynman.
You made a false and gross generalisation. I wouldn't be surprised if there were atheists who'd never heard of Darwin. let worship him.

It doesn't matter.
If there is a day set aside for rememberance of Darwin, then that is a form
of worship.

Man invented them and I gained this knowledge by observing what the "OTHERS" had to say they could not backup there claims with proof. So I concluded with a clear logical mind that what they were suffering from was a delusion created to give comfort.

I understand that it is a difficult question to answer.

Which man invented religion, scriptures, religious philosophy, sacred building specs, and so on?

What claims are you specifically refering to?
And what would you expect to occurr if the claims were true?

Are you seriously claiming that everyone who has a belief in God
is delusional?
And therefore the only sane people on the planet are atheist? :eek:

But never the less, it does define 'spirit', so it is answer.
If you can prove that it is not so, then step up.
i be your huckleberry.

got the name in (on) my head
It doesn't matter.
If there is a day set aside for rememberance of Darwin, then that is a form
of worship.

so what is halloween? what is saint 'whatevers' day?

jan, you beyond funny because you lost to belief, rather than allowing compassion and understanding to be the scope of your choice (humility).

you like to maintain adherance to men (beliefs) versus your conscious requisite to truth (you lie to yourself and know it)

boy will you have a rude awakening

and i would suggest, when the poop hits the fan, you be very very quiet as the children will not be nice to liars

first to last, last to first (you may tink you in line, but no gate will be opened for a person who maintains the 'false witnessing')

bet you never thought you'd be judged, directly
I understand that it is a difficult question to answer.

Which man invented religion, scriptures, religious philosophy, sacred building specs, and so on?
i dunno,

ted haggard made up stuff

but if you asking who created the old scriptures? Heck, Moses learned his from the Pharoah (he was raised in pharoahs house since a new born (per bible) so all the abrahamic beliefs are based on egypts library of knowledge)

i believe kig tut was the brother or counterpart of smenkhkare (moses)

akenaton was the pharoah to begin the single god centralization and tut tried to return egypt to the multiple and that counterpart may have been MOSES who took a portion of the people and left

jan, evolve.............. as you can't win

perhaps buy a picture of darwin and roast a turkey this weak and offer your homage to a man who lived much of his life, just seeking truth.

then perhaps you can evolve too
I understand that it is a difficult question to answer.

Not really it is just hard for the delusional people to fathom

Which man invented religion, scriptures, religious philosophy, sacred building specs, and so on?.

I have no Idea and I suspect neither do you it is all guess work that is like asking what was the first name uttered from any language there are no real records to prove who was the first person to become delusional they were sketchy on the medical records back then just as they were for the birth records.

What claims are you specifically refering to?
And what would you expect to occurr if the claims were true?.

All claims of religion about the after life and the God's coming and saying hay how you doing and well it is ok to kill them people cause they don't like me anyway. The older I get the more religion looks like a criminal enterprise to me.

Are you seriously claiming that everyone who has a belief in God
is delusional?
And therefore the only sane people on the planet are atheist? :eek:

Yes that about sums it up yes.

...but the idea that you 'soul' is some entity that takes your memories to some utter place, is foolish .

I mentioned nothing about memories.

..you submit to mother nature. You eat from her, you breath from her, you will return to her. He is a she (a reversal of beliefs per se)

If there is a mother, then there must be a Father.

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother

See....honour mummy and DADDY.
Daddy being the boss. ;)

ONLYnature? Are you discounting GOD? ie.. you will submit to 'nature' whether you like it or not.

And nature will submit to God whether she likes it or not.
But I have a feeling she likes it.

unless you comes to terms with the CLEAR FACT that ALL WORDS are the CREATION of mankind,

How do you know that ALL words were created by man?
I won't bother ask about religion because I'm almost certain
you haven't got an answer. And GrimReaper has this impossible task to complete.

no it aint..... ie.. the indigenous did far better without the BS of beliefs, for a lot longer than any western system, even existed.

What indigenous?
The Barbarians?

you a sick puppy

woof! woof!

no one is greater than another


we all equal

Some more equal than others.

...and darwin will and does live in the minds of all of us.

He doesn't live in my mind.
But if we have a day designated to him, then I will
have no choice but to think about him.

...religions maintain rituals of some sort, reality requires NONE

Rituals are established forms of behaviour.
We all maintain rituals of some sort.
But maybe you don't, as your reality is different, or
could not maintaning rituals, be a ritual in and of itself.

Ah I see.
So by that definition you, too, worship Darwin.
I understand.

I wouldn't worship Darwin, much like you wouldn't
worship Jesus on Christmas day, but it is still an
act of worship by those who commisioned the day.
That is what I meant.


Why don't you answer properly?
You make these positive claims, as though
they're grounded in fact and truth. Yet fall
short of delivering an answer, let alone a satisfactory one.

The Godless religion marches on!

As there is no way to scientifically verify proof or not,
arguing inevitably becomes personal opinions.

... And if these persons aren't being trusted, it's all quite useless eventually.

The upside of anumana is that one can use it as the topmost pramana and get at least some measure of peace and satisfaction from it even when communicating with people whom one does not trust (either when one doesn't know whether they are worthy of trust, or when has proof that they are not trustworthy). Even an enemy can speak logically and make a good point.

The downside of using anumana as the topmost pramana is that it is endless, doesn't lead to (much relevant) action, and furthers associating with people whom one does not trust and who don't trust one.
People generally are not happy with people whom they do not trust.
I wouldn't worship Darwin, much like you wouldn't
worship Jesus on Christmas day, but it is still an
act of worship by those who commisioned the day.
That is what I meant.
You really should learn the difference between
1) honouring and worship and
2) some atheists and [/i]all[/i] atheists.

Atheists do NOT "worship" Darwin.
Is Remembrance Day (11th November) a day of "worship"?
How many people "commissioned" Darwin Day?