What does religion DO?

But nature's "decisions" aren't.
You live or you die.

yes it is

ie... if you comprehend life, you would know

it is kind of a life or death sort of thing

and nature proves it

what is subjective are opinions, not reality

know life; know good and bad (and for a rock to know life, then a rock can roll and know it (rock-n-roll never dies)

damn i love all the fun of what is and will be

No it doesn't.

Er, isn't that more less the definition of subjective?

Word salad.

i should be happy to see you being me, when i didn't know

but i don't lie to myself, and it took me a rude awakening to become that responsible.

you keep being you and i be me and if someone gets a lesson from either you and me, then we can be within that together

i got big shoulders :cool:
You mean pure spiritualism? What do you define as a pure religion?

Spirit, is the nature of God, and, to be spiritual is to serve God.
Religion is the first step in acheiving this.
Religion is pure when it is administered by a servant of God, and a
true servant of God lives his life acrcording to the rules and regs of the scriptures.

Religion provides for a common belief or idea in order for a society to exist. Of course there are other beliefs or ideas that can form the basis for a society, but a religion is simpler to establish and easier to maintain.

what the heck does that mean?

i should have added that the "good" (of life) wins the bad fades

Time is not an observer.
never said it was

time just exists beyond any opinion, and since time always shares the errors of old (evolution), then the physical process can be returned to natures patterns.

good: supports life to continue (choices of action can live as energy imposed to existence by existing within that tree of life.... ie.. plant a tree by choice and live in that action of all life in that chain, from that choice)

bad: loss to the common

we all just rocks that can roll; breaking a cultural or religious rule is practically irrelevant as they man created 'guidelines'

but to be able to define what nature does (the process) then each action can be identified to its impact to existence (nature)

and since 'life' is the universal objective (instinctively; to continue), then the best actions to define good and bad, are actions that either 'support life to continue' or are a 'loss to the common'

you measure any rule you like and see

'time always tells' what is 'good' as that action will still live (continue over time) while the bad will fade (it's basic common sense, if you just use your head)

ie.... Darwin WON! (his gifts of knowledge are alive in us all) that is reality

..so Good/bad cannot be subjective to time.
i don't tink so

time is practically the judge
Spirit, is the nature of God, and, to be spiritual is to serve God.
and since religion cannot define 'spirit, nature or god'
(the words for comprehension), then a submission is not to god, but to the self prescribed 'administrators')

Religion is the first step in acheiving this.
the best step in understanding the legends, stories, metaphors and beliefs of old.

Religion is pure when it is administered by a servant of God,
all is equally capable of life and death, as well knowing nature (God) personally

and a true servant of God lives his life acrcording to the rules and regs of the scriptures.


the servants of men, follow the gods of mankinds creations

God claims we all equal in Genesis 3:22 And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

seems we all can do what is 'good and bad' and live, create and enable life; by choice

not many religions are going to allow that

and since religion cannot define 'spirit, nature or god'
(the words for comprehension), then a submission is not to god, but to the self prescribed 'administrators')

By default, conciousness is the symptom of 'spirit', the soul (the individual sparks of 'spirit, is the animator of material bodies.
Material manifestations are temporary, the soul is not.
Science is the best way to define material nature.
Submission can be to God, but that is not as easy as it sounds (in this day and age).

the best step in understanding the legends, stories, metaphors and beliefs of old.

Where in the 10 commandments does it refer to "legends, stories, metaphors and beliefs of old."

all is equally capable of life and death, as well knowing nature (God) personally

I don't believe that God is only nature.
What is your philosophy on this?

the servants of men, follow the gods of mankinds creations

That is true, but what does that have to do with my point?

seems we all can do what is 'good and bad' and live, create and enable life; by choice
not many religions are going to allow that

Religions aren't necessarily "religion", and they don't necessarily follow the codes and coducts of their scripture. Religion isn't an institute, it is a necessary part of human life. Every sober human being becomes religious, even if they don't believe in God. They live their life according to some code of conduct, they follow something, be it a philosophy, a government, a group.
Human beings eventually have to honour something, or someone who or what they feel is greater than themselves (often catapulting things or people to that status). Even modern atheists worship Darwin, by designating a special day for him.

These things are what constitute religion, not buildings, and institutes.

Spirit, is the nature of God, and, to be spiritual is to serve God.
Religion is the first step in acheiving this.
Religion is pure when it is administered by a servant of God, and a
true servant of God lives his life acrcording to the rules and regs of the scriptures.

Damn there is not one single proof that the scriptures are not man made .
Man made them and made them in a very idiotic way too .
By default, conciousness is the symptom of 'spirit', the soul (the individual sparks of 'spirit, is the animator of material bodies.
That's a supposition.

Every sober human being becomes religious, even if they don't believe in God.
That's nonsense.

Even modern atheists worship Darwin, by designating a special day for him.
Also nonsense.
what religion does do , is take away resonsibility for ones own actions

hence the negative actions go on and on and on
so does this excuse " father I have sinned " ?

whats your point

If we say religion is a sickness then statements like Father I have sinned is an expected response from those afflicted, who in their own inimitable style pronounce themselves as sinners by default.

Is someone who believes he/she is a sinner more prone to sin then someone who doesn't? There is not going to be a change in their status if they do sin.
Look I see it this way we put people that atlk to themselves in hospitals we should do the same to people that talk to god why is it that the guy on the coner with the sign the end is near repent. And in most cases talks to himslef is concidered crazy but the Dude in the hat and or rope that satnds in from of a crowd of people and tells stories of how people that were supposed to talk to god are to be looked at as saints and miracle workers and the like. What makes that guy different from the nut job with the sign. As far as I can tel nothing they are they same they both talk to imaginary friends and both would have to suffer from a similar delusion would they not.
what makes that guy different from the nut job with the sign. As far as I can tel nothing they are they same they both talk to imaginary friends and both would have to suffer from a similar delusion would they not.

If you feel that religion is a disease of sorts then you would have to draw the conclusion that both guys are suffering from it in your story.

However I feel the thread is getting sidetracked. The question is what does religion do? In post 50 I gave what I thought was a respectable answer..... Religion deceives.

thinking said it takes away responsibility for one's actions, and it may do that also. However religion doesn't make you sick in the head, the same way gambling doesn't make a gambler become compulsively addicted. Perhaps there are just a lot of fragile psyches, I don't know.
Religion is an unrecognized form of collusion in which the participants are unaware that they have formed an agreement for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose.

So that's what it does ...... it deceives.

Yes, a respectable answer..... Religion deceives.

The collusion is about power. If you can't beat them, join them. :D
I think that's the general idea.
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