What do you think about this video on Islam?

fitna does not represent all Muslims.

Quite right. Nor is it meant to. If one wishes to make a case against the evils of DutchBat driving, or a specific commander or even the entire battalion, then one should be free to do so, evidence permitting. By the same token, one should be free to examine the evils of islamic fundamentalist / islamic politics and decry its evils. Sounds all quite fair. Has Sam even seen Fitna? Dubious.

It is very unfortunate that we are misunderstood in the West to such a large degree. Reading the posts from people such as you gives me hope in a future in which humanity can live as equals in mutual respect of one another.

By which you mean the decapitation of apostates, as you alluded to some while back? :D I do agree completely that muslims are not one-dimensional savages, nor that anyone is. However, islamic politics - like most religious politics but to a far greater degree, at least in this era - is a complex, multidimensional savagery. You are an example of that.

We are not as different from other humans as some want us to believe. When we are happy, we laugh. When we are hurt, we cry. When we are wronged, we thirst for justice. When our skin is torn, we bleed the same red blood. I only hope more people can see this.

Of course.

By way of reciprocity, please also note that non-muslims - including apostates - laugh when happy, cry when hurt, bleed when struck down by a mob in the street. Or even by the state.

Best regards,

So does The Eternal Jew also make a valid point? Are there Jews who use their finances to control social policy? Who have dual loyalties? Who exploit others for profit? Who arrogantly look down on non-Jews?

Is that movie an example of an instance where "one should be free to examine the evils of jewish fundamentalist / jewish politics and decry its evils. Sounds all quite fair."?
So does The Eternal Jew also make a valid point? Are there Jews who use their finances to control social policy? Who have dual loyalties? Who exploit others for profit? Who arrogantly look down on non-Jews?

Of course there are but they don't blow them selves, their highest rabis and politicians do not state how infidels should be killed, how followers should die for martyrdom, how Jews should rule th world and all other religions should be destroy and follower converted. In actually jewish people have a far higher rate of secular thought and free thinkers then Muslims, Muslims have the highest rate of fanatical murderous fundamentalism in the world, aside for small cults.

Is that movie an example of an instance where "one should be free to examine the evils of jewish fundamentalist / jewish politics and decry its evils. Sounds all quite fair."?

I once saw a film about the Orthodox jews in Jerusalem, their little bags of shit, I had no problem with the video.
So does The Eternal Jew also make a valid point?

Let me think...a propaganda film based on nothing and created by Nazis who wanted to send all Jewish people to the gas chambers. An assuredly tough call. Not.
But you did not answer my question. Are there Jews who are like what the Eternal Jew depicted?

Using their finances and power, exploiting people and using hasbara to misrepresent other points of view?

Of course there are but they don't blow them selves, their highest rabis and politicians do not state how infidels should be killed, how followers should die for martyrdom, how Jews should rule th world and all other religions should be destroy and follower converted. In actually jewish people have a far higher rate of secular thought and free thinkers then Muslims, Muslims have the highest rate of fanatical murderous fundamentalism in the world, aside for small cults. .
How do you know they don't? You speak Hebrew? Receive any input from Memri on what the Jews are saying about other people? Just read the talkbacks in any Jewish publication to meet such Jews.

I once saw a film about the Orthodox jews in Jerusalem, their little bags of shit, I had no problem with the video

Yup, I met some shitbags who were personified by that too. And I've seen Israelis on al Jazeera who make The Eternal Jew look optimistic.
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Sam: As for Jews blowing themselves up, they are the first terrorists in history. Look it up.

The first terrorists in history? Using hyperbole again SAM? Cite evidence please.
Sam: As for Jews blowing themselves up, they are the first terrorists in history. Look it up.

The first terrorists in history? Using hyperbole again SAM? Cite evidence please.

I deleted it because it was going off topic.

The Sicarii, first known forerunners of modern terrorism
Sicarii (Latin plural of Sicarius 'dagger-' or later contract- killer) is a term applied, in the decades immediately preceding the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, (probably) to an extremist splinter group[1] to the Jewish Zealots, (or insurgents) who attempted to expel the Romans and their partisans from Judea.

Today there are extremists of not entirely dissimilar behavior, which are calling themselves by the same name.[4]

In studying the originals, political scientists see the radical Sicarii offshoot of the Zealots as one of the earliest forerunners of modern terrorism. Like modern terrorists, they intended their actions to suggest a message to a wider target audience: in this instance, the Roman imperial officials and all pro-Roman and collaborationist Jews.

But you did not answer my question. Are there Jews who are like what the Eternal Jew depicted? Using their finances and power, exploiting people and using hasbara to misrepresent other points of view?

There tons of people like that, some of them are Jews, what your point?

How do you know they don't?
Because I know jews, talked with jews, lived with jews, etc, they could have easily converted me if they weren't so secular. I have talked with, worked with, was taught by Muslims too and I've yet to meet in person a Muslim bent on global domination, death to jews, etc, now on the internet I meet those kind all the time, I read international survey reports that show how endemic support of terrorism is in the Muslim world, and I wonder how we can secularize all these fundamentalist Muslims into the nice ones I've meet.

Yup, I met some shitbags who were personified by that too. And I've seen Israelis on al Jazeera who make The Eternal Jew look optimistic.

No questions you would see that on Al Jazeera.
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I read international survey reports that show how endemic support of terrorism is in the Muslim world, and I wonder how we can secularize all these fundamentalist Muslims into the nice ones I've meet. .

Perhaps you should see why they support "terrorism". Note that only the west calls it terrorism. But then you think people have no right to defend themselves from western colonialism or occupation.

No questions you would see that on Al Jazeera

Because of course, you've seen al Jazeera and noted the excellent quality of their programming, which is curiously suppressed in the US.
Perhaps you should see why they support "terrorism". Note that only the west calls it terrorism. But then you think people have no right to defend themselves from western colonialism or occupation.

And back to the same point, by killing civilians, killing children? When soilders invade your country you shoot the soldiers, when foreigner powers install a dictator your riot against the dictator, you don't blow your self up in foreign nations or kidnap and decapitate there citizens, it only hardens their resolve to kill you!

Because of course, you've seen al Jazeera and noted the excellent quality of their programming, which is curiously suppressed in the US.

Yep, and is so suppressed in the US that I can go online and watch it at any time I want.
And back to the same point, by killing civilians, killing children? When soilders invade your country you shoot the soldiers, when foreigner powers install a dictator your riot against the dictator, you don't blow your self up in foreign nations or kidnap and decapitate there citizens, it only hardens their resolve to kill you!

Everyone kills collaborators in war. Read some history.

Yep, and is so suppressed in the US that I can go online and watch it at any time I want.

But not on any cable television.
2 wrongs don't make a right. Learn some logic.

Biology is logic. :rolleyes:

Singling out Muslims for killing collaborators to enemies who put them in concentration camps, torture them, kill their children and destroy their countries is illogical.

And that has to do with the price of cheese?

That the internet is everywhere, but keeping al Jazeera off cable is very significant.

See any Americans calling for freedom of expression? lol.
But you did not answer my question. Are there Jews who are like what the Eternal Jew depicted?

Sure. Just as there are muslims just like that, and Christians, and everything else. The question is the proposed message. In the case of "The Eternal Jew" and other of your viewing preferences, the target is Jews - all of them, every one. Hence the "Eternal" part: they are always like this, they do it everywhere they go. (An attitude towards Jews that I notice you have in common with The Eternal Jew, but never mind for the moment.) Fitna refers to islamic extremism and political supremacism. Only an extremist or supremacist - again, those with views much like your own - would completely equate islam with surpremacism.

Using their finances and power, exploiting people and using hasbara to misrepresent other points of view?

I don't think you even know what hasbara is. How could I possibly credit you with any knowledge of it, when you decry my understanding of islamic sociality because I'm not muslim?

Perhaps you should see why they support "terrorism". Note that only the west calls it terrorism. But then you think people have no right to defend themselves from western colonialism or occupation.

Is their "defense" predicated on the suppression of minorities? Because that's an integral part of islamic supremacism. I tend to shy away from the term "terrorism" because it's frequently misleading.

Because of course, you've seen al Jazeera and noted the excellent quality of their programming

Biology is logic. :rolleyes:

what the fuck does that mean?

Singling out Muslims for killing collaborators to enemies who put them in concentration camps, torture them, kill their children and destroy their countries is illogical.

The Saudis that did 9/11 were put in concentration camps, tortured, had lost there children to america and their country was put it such ruin by america? If they have a problem with the Saudis they should have attack them first, not one of there indirect supporters, it provides no benefit, but the Saudis are Muslim and America are not.

The Palestinians blood thirst is understandable but how there outletting it is completely wrong morally, logically, strategically, they are only enhanced and extends their suffering, which is probably what Hamas wants to keep up support and recruitment. If lebonon, Syria and Egypt really cared about the Palestinians they woudl integrate them and be done with the suffering and oppression, but they don't, they need constant strife with the shame to Islam that Israel, they need to scapegoat all their problems on israel, kill any Muslim leader that dares to bring peace. When they trap Palestinians in refugee camps, refuse to give them food, electricity, economic interaction, no one cares about Muslim on Muslim suffering. Islam is the religion of peace that why they aren't going to be the better men and take in the Palestinians and thus make for war and suffering for ever and ever, soooo peaceful.

That the internet is everywhere, but keeping al Jazeera off cable is very significant.

See any Americans calling for freedom of expression? lol.

If American's wanted al jazeera on cable they would get it.
Please are you venting Zionist Hasbara on me? There are Palestinians in Saudi Arabia too.

And the Israelis are making far more profit from the Holocaust industry than anything the Palestinians are doing from other Palestinians. Besides, ALL the Palestinians are second class citizens and exploitation would be common under such circumstances. Even the Jews were more afraid of Jewish police in Warsaw than they were of Germans.

Again, basic history.

If American's wanted al jazeera on cable they would get it.

The Americans only get to see what the media decides they shd.
Please are you venting Zionist Hasbara on me? There are Palestinians in Saudi Arabia too.

The ones that did 9/11 were not of Palestinian decent!

And the Israelis are making far more profit from the Holocaust industry than anything the
Palestinians are doing from other Palestinians.

What that have to do with anything?

Besides, ALL the Palestinians are second class citizens and exploitation would be common under such circumstances. Even the Jews were more afraid of Jewish police in Warsaw than they were of Germans.

And that has to do with...?

Again, basic history.

meaningless opinions you mean.

The Americans only get to see what the media decides they shd.

We have the internet you know, we can READ! Americans only watch what they want to watch, which is usually shit the was craped out of a giant walking piece of shit, but hey that what they want to watch and thats what the media provides, because the media is run by cooperations, not the government, and thus those that don't provide the mindless crap Americans want don't get the ratings and don't get the money.
Exactly. And mindless crap is what Americans feed on. Who knows who did 9/11?
Exactly. And mindless crap is what Americans feed on. Who knows who did 9/11?

Why do your ask stupid questions? Mindless crap is what Americans feed on because they want it, no demand it! Its not because of some conspiracy by the media orchestrated by the 5 jewish bankers in space. So no, your wrong.