What do you think about this video on Islam?

My post was specifically addressed to Kenny's remark. It does not make sense outside of this concept. Furthermore, Israelis have murdered far more Palestinian children than vice versa, yet they are benevolent and just in doing so. This is exactly what I am saying, it doesn't matter who commits an injustice, killing innocents is wrong in any context. To neglect the greater injustices committed by governments is to deny facts. Those who kill to sustain themselves, can never have peace and will cause their own demise.

I am simply stating the absurdity of referring to warlords or unidentified bombers as 'Islamic' militants. They are criminals and this is how they are referred to in the press of the Muslim world. Adding the adjective 'Islamic' or the even more dishonest 'Islamist' is designed to create a state of paranoia among Western populace relating to the Islamic religion and innocent Muslims. It's a propaganda tactic used to incite anger at innocent people, and further leads to the rise of hate crimes and murders against innocent Muslims in the West, especially defenseless women and children.
I still can't get over 500,000 children under five being dead classified as "nothing".

Such depraved indifference as an example of morality.
My post was specifically addressed to Kenny's remark. It does not make sense outside of this concept. Furthermore, Israelis have murdered far more Palestinian children than vice versa, yet they are benevolent and just in doing so. This is exactly what I am saying, it doesn't matter who commits an injustice, killing innocents is wrong in any context. To neglect the greater injustices committed by governments is to deny facts. Those who kill to sustain themselves, can never have peace and will cause their own demise.

I am simply stating the absurdity of referring to warlords or unidentified bombers as 'Islamic' militants. They are criminals and this is how they are referred to in the press of the Muslim world. Adding the adjective 'Islamic' or the even more dishonest 'Islamist' is designed to create a state of paranoia among Western populace relating to the Islamic religion and innocent Muslims. It's a propaganda tactic used to incite anger at innocent people, and further leads to the rise of hate crimes and murders against innocent Muslims in the West, especially defenseless women and children.

I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Islamist militants are organized, motivated, even financed by distinctly religious means. It's a terrible public relations problem for Islam in general, but I would urge anyone reading this not to confuse this branch of political/activist Islam for the religion as a whole.

The number of innocent deaths on either side is a deceiving statistic, as it doesn't take into account the context. The Pals may shoot off a missile here and there that is destined to kill randomly, but you would not expect an appropriate response to be equally weak and random. Missiles are an act of war, you don't pull any punches to stop your country from being hit by them. It's a dangerous tactic in the first place to risk your civilians by attacking from within their neighborhoods. Are the Pals in a similar situation as WWII? Are they in immanent danger of unprovoked blitzkrieg and firing squads? Are they acting like allied resistance and targeting the occupying forces? No, this would be a silly comparison, a caricature of the situation.
Islamist militants are organized, motivated, even financed by distinctly religious means.

Like Hamas was by Israel? The mujahideen by the US?

. Are the Pals in a similar situation as WWII? Are they in immanent danger of unprovoked blitzkrieg and firing squads?

Did you miss Gaza 2009?


Like Hamas was by Israel? The mujahideen by the US?

Did you miss Gaza 2009?

Really Sam, you're tactics are worse than PETA. You do little more than insult peoples intelligence by stooping to posting those pics.
I actually remind people they have a brain by pointing out the "nothing" they ignore, inspite of being self proclaimed "secular" "humanists"

The number of innocent deaths on either side is a deceiving statistic, as it doesn't take into account the context.

The context is occupation.
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I actually remind people they have a brain by pointing out the "nothing" they ignore, inspite of being self proclaimed "secular" "humanists"

And, that's what you actually want us to believe you're doing?
Sure. The secular humanists here flap their lips and arms, but are weak when it comes to standing up for their self proclaimed convictions.
My post was specifically addressed to Kenny's remark. It does not make sense outside of this concept. Furthermore, Israelis have murdered far more Palestinian children than vice versa, yet they are benevolent and just in doing so.

A) Their not benevolent, aside for the israelis on this forum no one is saying they are.
B) Neither are they just in doing so, but if their target were militants and they honestly where not trying to kill the children then it was not as unjust as directly targeting children.

This is exactly what I am saying, it doesn't matter who commits an injustice, killing innocents is wrong in any context. To neglect the greater injustices committed by governments is to deny facts. Those who kill to sustain themselves, can never have peace and will cause their own demise.

This is moronic, those with the power will make peace eventually, either diplomatically or by making a very large glass parking lots, terrorist thinking they can bring on demise by targeting schools and buses and children are going to bring on demise alright, there own and all of their people will be vaporized with them! They will eventually bring the enemy to such as rapid furry that the enemy will use all the fire power they have at there disposal to bring peace by genocide: now I'm not saying this is right I am only saying this will be the outcome of terrorist actions (all being in a vacuum of course), its why terrorism is not only morally wrong but strategically moronic!

I am simply stating the absurdity of referring to warlords or unidentified bombers as 'Islamic' militants. They are criminals and this is how they are referred to in the press of the Muslim world. Adding the adjective 'Islamic' or the even more dishonest 'Islamist' is designed to create a state of paranoia among Western populace relating to the Islamic religion and innocent Muslims. It's a propaganda tactic used to incite anger at innocent people, and further leads to the rise of hate crimes and murders against innocent Muslims in the West, especially defenseless women and children.

Well then lets call it fundamentalism, say like following a holy book strictly and enacting violence in its name, which should be battled by prescribing secularism (not by forcing democracy, which is retarded, hence why bush is a retard) the video prescribes this.
Sure. The secular humanists here flap their lips and arms, but are weak when it comes to standing up for their self proclaimed convictions.

As opposed to your "god given" convictions?
Oh good, lets talk about me. Again.

Good distraction from your inability to actually have the guts to take a stand.
The method of killing does not matter. If everyone had a bomb, you could make a valid comparison.

You can't judge people for being too poor to have bombs, or overlook the death of a million people as collateral damages.

Well gee... Lets just all just thank allah that muslims as yet do not have their hands on nuclear bombs. Would be interesting to make the 'valid comparison'.
I think a valid comparison can be made between Muslims as colonials and the west as colonials. The West created the Third World out of the same society that the Ottomans created thriving economies in.
Well gee... Lets just all just thank allah that muslims as yet do not have their hands on nuclear bombs. Would be interesting to make the 'valid comparison'.

(cough) Pakistan (cough), obviously secular muslims like Pervez Musharraf are not a threat to the world like fundamentalist ones are.

I think a valid comparison can be made between Muslims as colonials and the west as colonials. The West created the Third World out of the same society that the Ottomans created thriving economies in.

Oh you mean those economies run on slaves, oh how wonderful the ottomans were! The ottoman empire is dead (thank god) and western colonialism died 50 years ago, get over your self.
Because the US economy does not run on the poverty inducing WB and IMF? :rolleyes:

Not to mention the annual war where it attacks the defenceless?

Despite it all, the Ottomans created thriving economies, for all their brouhaha, the west created hunger, poverty and the Third World.
Oh good, lets talk about me. Again.

Good distraction from your inability to actually have the guts to take a stand.

Many here are taking a stand against your hatred and bigotry, but to no avail.
Many here are taking a stand against your hatred and bigotry, but to no avail.

Why don't you open a few more threads on how terrible all theists except Jews are and quit pretending you actually have a position that you'll maybe eventually stand up for?
My assertion that certain posters view the use of violence and injustice by large governments as morally superior than that of lesser resistance groups has been proven due to the responses I have seen. I believe in the end ti will always come down to propaganda on the side which has more resources dominating the simple and easily influenced human mind. Unless one himself has experienced the disasters of neo-colonialism of superpower governments first-hand, the reality will remain elusive.

As of yet, although some posters claim to be freedom, security, and justice for Muslims, we see that their statements on this forum contradict that claim. Those who villify Islam, view Muslims as undesirables, and support occupation of Muslim territories by US/Israel/Russia/China/India/etc shall forever be seen by Muslims as agents of their enemies. i think it is ludicrous how these individuals will demonize the Islamic religion and Islam's Prophet in one thread, and then claim respect Muslims' wishes in another threat. It is known as hypocrisy and duplicity. One should be consistent with one's views, regardless of the circumstance. Upon stating this rather apparent contradiction, I would like to honesty ask these posters how they expect Muslims to think of these people as their liberators.

As is evident so far, the real goal is make Muslims non-religious, to attack Islam on religious/ideological/social/historical grounds, and to further support the machinations of larger powers on the weakened Muslim world. Indeed this is the whole problem. The Western power centers and those indoctrinated to its line of thought view Muslims as lower human beings, to be viewed with contempt, mistrusted, ridiculed, abused, and liberated from themselves and their culture. If you don't see the difference of interests between what Muslims want in their lands and what the Western power centers want with Muslim lands, a person will remain completely ignorant of the overwhelming reality.
The Western power centers and those indoctrinated to its line of thought view Muslims as lower human beings, to be viewed with contempt, mistrusted, ridiculed, abused, and liberated from themselves and their culture.

I agree with you. This is also the mindset of several anti-Muslim posters here. And of course, pointing this out is viewed as "hatred" and "bigotry"
Because the US economy does not run on the poverty inducing WB and IMF? :rolleyes:

Not to mention the annual war where it attacks the defenceless?

Despite it all, the Ottomans created thriving economies, for all their brouhaha, the west created hunger, poverty and the Third World.

You honestly believe the US just attacks the defenseless in a vacuum, yeah we do it because we find it soooo fun. And our people just jump and chear and this its the greatest thing ever, so we booted out the last guys who did it and his party, wow, makes total sense!

Like the ottomans did not make wars and invade people and forcibly convert them to their religion? By your logic the US is right to keep trying to replicate the success stories of invading and rebuilding, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Europe, etc. You beleive the ottoman empire was a great thing, the last vestiges of it spent its time murdering 1.5 million people and to this day denies it.