what defines marriage?

Anyone can believe any religion they want and it won't matter one iota what went on before.

Oh look darling, its our annual "we both agree on this point" occasion!!!!

Happy anniversary!:D
Bullshit. Anyone can believe any religion they want and it won't matter one iota what went on before. People don't adopt religions, they are adopted by religions when they are born into a family that was already indoctrinate previously.

No, I didn't attempt it, I did.

I can do it again in Boriquese, if you wish.

And I know some Christian hic didn't just condescend to insult my intelligence---

Because isn't it you under the complete control of an idea practiced by children?
Because isn't it you that can read and quote gospel though you can't add, can't spell, can't write worth a shit, whose culture has actually sired a show wondering if adults are smarter than fifth graders?

Because isn't it you who must believe the eyewash of Joshua stopping the sun in the sky?
Isn't it you with the restless lip syndrome of talking beyond your intelligence-- quoting scripture is quoting scripture, not thinking, you fucking illiterate.

And isn't it you, the guy with his head down, so caught up genuflecting your knees look like beef, who can't even look up to see that a kneeling human with his head down resembles a coma?

Now, there's a boredom so thick you can mud walls with it.

Are you the church going kind or the Lori McSomething kind of Christian?

How many of you pricks fall asleep during sermon?

How many of you swarm in drones to buffets and Red Lobster, filling the rest of the day with recreational activities to make up for the handful of hours that you know feels like days?

Know why the Judaic sodomite came up with the Sabath? To relieve that chore you idiots call 'worship'.

And don't think this doesn't apply to you because you don't attend church, pretending you're any better than those imbeciles in there tithing-- if I share beliefs with a moron that claims UFOs ate his colon, then, I AM THE SAME MORON HE IS.

So eat me and fuck your holy spirits, your Jawehs, your Jesus, your Krishnas, your Horuses, I don't care to sully the sacred space of my mind with teleological bullshit and don't you ever, again, make the mistake of believing children like you or Lori could ever insult their superiours.

Your words reveal what you are inside. And it is dark, hate filled and ugly.

May you be forgiven.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Your words reveal what you are inside. And it is dark, hate filled and ugly.

May you be forgiven.

All Praise The Ancient of Days

she doesn't care to sully the sacred space of her mind. this is remarkably ironic.
Ah, so it's perfectly acceptable for Lori to lie, deceive and call us names, tell us how to live our lives based on her psychotic religion, but we aren't being "polite"

Puuulleeeeeze! :rolleyes:
You're on my side of the argument. I expect more.
none of what you're saying here is true. it's simply wishful thinking on your part.

Yes, that would be YOU ignoring the bible when it suits your purposes so that you can justify your abomination. Typical Christian. No morals. None.

apparently you equate wedlock to a religious ceremony, and i don't.

Hence the problem, you don't equate anything you do with what you tell others to do based on your cults doctrines, because you have no morals whatsoever and will do whatever you want.
i agree with the fact that it should be just a matter of trust..ie..someone says they love you and want to spend the rest of their life with you, you should not need any paperwork to prove that

Sure, just fuck them anyways and hope for the best. No need to worry about what your god wants you to do when your hormones are in control, eh?

that piece of paper does give us a little assurance (not as much as it used to..) it is still no guarentee that you will be together for life.
the responsibility (whether you get married or not) falls to each of us individually to be sure that it is the right person

So, your god has nothing to do with it? :rolleyes:

Mental,emotional,physical,spiritual, if all these needs are met by the other person. marry them.
too much focus on any one of these will result in an unbalanced relationship, and someone will get tired of it..

Well, you can toss the "spiritual" part out the window considering you are an adulterer in the eyes of your god, but that doesn't seem to phase you in the least, you just go on ignoring it.
gee i wonder if you pointed that contemp at yourself, would you survive?

I don't live my life through scriptures. And, it appears, neither do you. But, you'll be happy to tell us all how to live based on your scriptures, what's right and what's wrong based on your scriptures, who to worship and who to hate based on your scriptures...

... but you won't act based on your scriptures unless it suits your personal agenda. :D
I don't think this is correct, no religious laws are retroactive. ie if you decide to adopt a religion, you cannot change what has gone before. If you want to become a Buddhist are you still forced to be a Christian because you were baptised? If you decide to become Jain and give up meat does this negate all the meat you already ate? Its when you adopt a religion that you decide to follow its laws. Otherwise anyone settling down to a committed relationship should go back to the first person they let down.
Forgiveness of sin within Christianity is retroactive - it wipes all previously incurred sins from the soul.

Expect more what?
More everything. Quality of argument, quality of behavior. Neither side has been polite, but as you are standing shoulder to shoulder with me on a point, you are my team mate, and I demand more from my team mates than everyone else. Perhaps its unfair, but it is what it is.
More everything. Quality of argument, quality of behavior. Neither side has been polite, but as you are standing shoulder to shoulder with me on a point, you are my team mate, and I demand more from my team mates than everyone else. Perhaps its unfair, but it is what it is.

Polite? Believers are far from being polite, the have no morals whatsoever, could care less for anyone but themselves and their gods, spread hatred and conflict everywhere, and would be happy to see this world end in catastrophe so they can see their gods again. They are against humanity in every way, shape and form because that's what their religions taught them.

I would demand more from you in that regard. :)
Polite? Believers are far from being polite,
This is a Tu quoque argument, an not valid justification.

the have no morals whatsoever, could care less for anyone but themselves and their gods, spread hatred and conflict everywhere, and would be happy to see this world end in catastrophe so they can see their gods again.
this is an unfair attack, as being religious may or may not correlate to having morals or empathy. Some religious peoples are amoral assholes, but all of them are not. I dislike Abrahamic religions in part because they *teach* followers to desire god and heaven more than family and the life they have; to abandon family in the name of evangelism. But this doesn't mean that most followers actually do that.

IMO, you are attacking the followers for the faults that exist in what they follow. Faults which have been hidden from them because of it's negative nature - most christians like their religion because of its statements of love and forgiveness; values I also appreciate. They have no clue about the bad stuff, because priests don't write sermons on the bad stuff.

King David killing the husband of a girl he wanted to bone? We'll just leave that part out. The massacre of non-Judaic people? We'll downplay that. Plural marriages, women as chattel, slavery rule that applied to non-jews? We'll just fail to inform the congregation of that stuff.

They are against humanity in every way, shape and form because that's what their religions taught them.
Some of them are. They see mankind as dirty, filthy sinful horrors. But that didn't come up in this thread. Lori has not said that people are horrible and that evil things should be done to them; I don't see that she deserves the treatment that subgroup of christians may warrant.
because god is not religion, nor religious.

Of course believing in God is religion. But again Lori, you twist and squirm, and corrupt the meaning of words to suit yourself.

well i'm not jewish either.

Mary and Joseph were. Jesus was too.

jesus is "the way".

Jesus? That Jewish guy?

and it's my opinion that if god really puts that much emphasis on the ceremony, that he would have emphasized that in his word, just like he did with all of the rules regarding sex.

Your opinion? I thought you talked to God and had the exact and absolute morality?

But anyway, as Jesus didn't rewrite or contradict marriage vows or ceremonies, and as it's documented that he attended a wedding, it's fair to assume he approved of the existing ceremonial approach. That makes you a hypocrite, and un-Christian, for not following his example. But again, you just make shit up that suits you.

you think it's bullshit because you don't believe that god could possibly exist, so you equate it with wishful thinking.

God is just a fragment of yourself, talking inside your head.

no, i know what it's like to talk to myself. everybody has some dialog bouncing around in their head, and when something interjects itself into that, you know it.

The serial killer 'The Yorkshire Ripper' was so convinced God was talking to him, he murdered 13 women, because God told him to do so. You would argue that it wasn't God, because God doesn't tell people to do such things. I would then argue that the God of the Old Testament does exactly that, supposedly. But I would then argue, that God, is a voice of convenience for those that hear it. God tells people what they want to hear, God tells people to do what they want to do. God is just in your head, Lori.
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Of course believing in God is religion. But again Lori, you twist and squirm, and corrupt the meaning of words to suit yourself.

reading and studying about god could be religious. reading about and studying other people who have interacted with god, and received enlightenment from it, could be religious. celebrating certain holidays, engaging in ceremonies, rituals, and costumes are religious. but god isn't any of those things, and god does not do any of those things.

Mary and Joseph were. Jesus was too.

Jesus? That Jewish guy?

so what?

Your opinion? I thought you talked to God and had the exact and absolute morality?

there is nothing contradictory between what god has taught me, and what is said in the bible. we've established that. i realize it's hard to let go...

But anyway, as Jesus didn't rewrite or contradict marriage vows or ceremonies, and as it's documented that he attended a wedding, it's fair to assume he approved of the existing ceremonial approach. That makes you a hypocrite, and un-Christian, for not following his example. But again, you just make shit up that suits you.

jesus turned water into wine at a wedding reception. and if you understood anything about who he is you would realize, that if god or jesus approved of any existing ceremonial approach, jesus would have never been born.

God is just a fragment of yourself, talking inside your head.

The serial killer 'The Yorkshire Ripper' was so convinced God was talking to him, he murdered 13 women, because God told him to do so. You would argue that it wasn't God, because God doesn't tell people to do such things. I would then argue that the God of the Old Testament does exactly that, supposedly. But I would then argue, that God, is a voice of convenience for those that hear it. God tells people what they want to hear, God tells people to do what they want to do. God is just in your head, Lori.

god is anything but convenient. i'm sorry, but this is just wishful thinking on your part.
but god isn't any of those things, and god does not do any of those things.

You believe in God = you are religious.

They were Jewish, and the marriage ceremonies of Jewish people are well documented, which completely refutes your claim that marriage rituals aren't described anywhere.

there is nothing contradictory between what god has taught me, and what is said in the bible. we've established that. i realize it's hard to let go...

Oh yes there is. You've fucked a bunch of guys, not all of whom are dead. You say sex is the covenant of marriage, which means if just one of those guys is still alive, you are married to him, by your own standards. That you fail to admit this is contradictory.

jesus turned water into wine at a wedding reception. and if you understood anything about who he is you would realize, that if god or jesus approved of any existing ceremonial approach, jesus would have never been born.

Bullshit. Utter fallacious bullshit. You are just making shit up now.

god is anything but convenient. i'm sorry, but this is just wishful thinking on your part.

Your God is pure convenience.

I notice you avoided responding to the part of my post where I mentioned a serial killer who received instructions from God. Dare you say he wasn't instructed by God?
You believe in God = you are religious.

you can call me whatever you want, but i don't believe in god because i'm religious. i believe in god because he whacked me on the head and said, "WAKE UP LORI!" i'm the kind of person that people read about in their bibles, i'm the kind of person a preacher is making an example of.

They were Jewish, and the marriage ceremonies of Jewish people are well documented, which completely refutes your claim that marriage rituals aren't described anywhere.

do you even know what a ritual is?

Oh yes there is. You've fucked a bunch of guys, not all of whom are dead. You say sex is the covenant of marriage, which means if just one of those guys is still alive, you are married to him, by your own standards. That you fail to admit this is contradictory.

it's not contradictory, and i've addressed this in many previous posts. in fact i've pointed out that my past behavior, and the effect it had on me, was what led me to seek god in the first place.

Bullshit. Utter fallacious bullshit. You are just making shit up now.

no i'm not. the whole purpose of christ is to restore humanity's communion with god, and once that happens, all of these rituals and ceremonies and religions will be traded in for the real thing.

Your God is pure convenience.

that's easy for you to say, but too difficult for you to live.

I notice you avoided responding to the part of my post where I mentioned a serial killer who received instructions from God. Dare you say he wasn't instructed by God?

there are other spirits besides the holy spirit.