what defines marriage?


You mean like Lot having sex with his daugthers?

Or the same father whoring his daughters becuase he did not want to compromise strangers we're told were sweet angels?

Or that clever way your religion teaches you to crawl like an animal yet somehow convinces you that you're walking side by side with your god, and that the mud on your clothes and the scent of manure in your hair is the humility of Wisdom and Love and not the result of crawling in filth like an animal.

That, to me, is by far more perverse than porn, than the filthiest language, than gore, than sexual deviance, than murder, torture or lies.

A book crippled by a schizophrenia of hateful love, vengeful tolerance, pious arroangence, in the name of some spiteful sadist one is required a pretense of "knowing", whose feet one must wash with their hair, that is beyond loathing.

Its disgusting.

And that you, crawling from fix to fix, a tiny hermit crab of an addict embracing the toxins eating a hole through her soul actually believing its your salvation is, by far, more disgusting than what you just termed 'shit'.

By the by, invoking preconceived notions like "Jesus" makes you religious, Miss Lori McSeven, you cannot treat ideas the way you do all your other addictions.

no, what i meant was that you are disgusting, and while i'm sure there's a market for that somewhere, i'm not buying. so, fuck off.
Can you try that again, and make sense please?

what you're suggesting, that marriage is defined by a ceremony, requires more external validation (priests, parents, attendants, religion, society) than what i am suggesting, that marriage is a covenant between a man, woman, and god, and is defined by sex between that man and woman.

and in regards to the scripture which says that a man is to take a woman in her virginity, well, what does taking a woman's virginity involve exactly? certainly it's not dressing up in a suit and reciting a vow to her. you know that it involves sex.
Kristians Kausing Konflict

They will tell you that you'll go to hell if you don't tow their doctrines. No one but their god will send you to hell, clearly this god is totally psychotic and the belief system does nothing more than teach this psychosis to it's followers.

to say that good things have good consequences and bad things have bad consequences is not psychosis. perhaps if you could remove your rage blinders for one moment and actually take a look around...
what you're suggesting, that marriage is defined by a ceremony, requires more external validation (priests, parents, attendants, religion, society) than what i am suggesting, that marriage is a covenant between a man, woman, and god, and is defined by sex between that man and woman.

I am suggesting that marriage is the covenant, and that sex comes later to consumate the marriage. Sex isn't the marriage, marriage is the promises that are exchanged.

and in regards to the scripture which says that a man is to take a woman in her virginity, well, what does taking a woman's virginity involve exactly? certainly it's not dressing up in a suit and reciting a vow to her. you know that it involves sex.

The marriage is separate from the sex, clearly. You are convolving the two for your own convenience.
For what it’s worth, according to the Biblical story of Mary and Joseph, marriage does not equal sex. If that were true then Joseph and Mary were not married until after the birth of Jesus-which they were so there ya go.

Matthew 1:24-25 24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
heart: ah, thank you! I asked a friend of mine this question the other day, and he pointed that out to me; I forgot about it.

According to him, the hebrew tradition of marriage at the time included a two-step process: the man would ask for the woman in marriage, but that request would not be approved until the man had set aside a month's wages and built a house for the couple to live in. At that time, they would move in together for a month prior to actually getting married - in theory, holding out on sex until after that month was over and the official wedding ceremony occurred.

(I haven't verified this information, so I can't say if it is fully accurate or not).
If two people are truly committed to each other then marriage is unnecessary.

The only reason to get married is if there are are legal and/or financial benefits involved. Marriage has nothing to do with love, which should be present regardless.

A note on weddings - the success of a marriage is more often than not inversely proportional to the size of the wedding.

I was married for 18 years and I have been divorced for 19 years. My ex and I remain best of friends. But I cannot see any redeeming qualities in being married ever again.
For what it’s worth, according to the Biblical story of Mary and Joseph, marriage does not equal sex. If that were true then Joseph and Mary were not married until after the birth of Jesus-which they were so there ya go.

Matthew 1:24-25 24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.

Ah, thankyou Heart. You just crucified Lori with her own scriptures. Priceless.

So Lori, how you gonna squirm out of this one, what with both of your hands being nailed down? :)
Ah, thankyou Heart. You just crucified Lori with her own scriptures. Priceless.

So Lori, how you gonna squirm out of this one, what with both of your hands being nailed down? :)

i wonder what mary and joseph's ceremony was like. what church they had it in, what minister they chose, how many bridesmaid's etc...
I am suggesting that marriage is the covenant, and that sex comes later to consumate the marriage. Sex isn't the marriage, marriage is the promises that are exchanged.

The marriage is separate from the sex, clearly. You are convolving the two for your own convenience.

i am suggesting that you don't need a ceremony to have a covenant. and that the covenant itself is all about sex.
i am suggesting that you don't need a ceremony to have a covenant. and that the covenant itself is all about sex.

That is why Jesus tells the woman who sleeps around that she has 5 husbands. According to the bible marriage occurs when two become one flesh through intercourse. No papers or officials required. In fact some Christians don’t even have “official” marriage licenses because they marry when they have sex and no papers or men in dresses can trump that.

i wonder what mary and joseph's ceremony was like. what church they had it in, what minister they chose, how many bridesmaid's etc...

Well, I presume they had a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony, don't you?

I would suspect it was held in a Synagogue, and not a Church.

Because they were Jewish.

Mazel Tov!
That is why Jesus tells the woman who sleeps around that she has 5 husbands. According to the bible marriage occurs when two become one flesh through intercourse. No papers or officials required. In fact some Christians don’t even have “official” marriage licenses because they marry when they have sex and no papers or men in dresses can trump that.


Except this means Lori is still married to the first guy she fucked, who isn't dead yet, so her supposed covenant with her new guy isn't binding.

And Lori is talking bollocks.
Except this means Lori is still married to the first guy she fucked, who isn't dead yet, so her supposed covenant with her new guy isn't binding.

And Lori is talking bollocks.

you know him? you know he's still alive? tell him i said, "what's up?"

back then i was fornicating. i wasn't making any covenants with him or god back then because i didn't really understand if there was any sense to that. i found out.

and about a decade ago i decided that if i wasn't going to be married, then i wasn't going to have sex, and for all intents and purposes, those two things, marriage and sex, were one in the same.

nobody does that so they can talk shit. i honestly didn't think i'd ever be married, so at a ripe old age of 33, i'm residing myself to a life of probable celibacy. and i did that because that's what i honestly believe to be true.
No, you're excusing your slutty sinful actions and talking crap.

it's you that's talking crap. you don't even believe what you're saying about me. you don't even believe in sin, you're an atheist. talking crap.
my mom had been married 9 times before she died,i asked her once why,she said she didn't believe in sex before marriage.....

once apon a time..ppl who had sex..got married..(most anyway) this was not a bad thing..as they tended to stay committed..
sex according to the bible should only be done between married couples..
marriage nowadays is just a legal document to prove to the state that you are married..
some states have common law marriage,if you live with the person x amount of years..its assumed you are married (dont know how the paper work is though)this is not a bad thing..

of what i have seen..
common law marriages seem to stay together longer than ceremonial weddings..(agrees with that proportional comment before)(thats not an excuse to not get married)

i have been married once..too young and she was using it as an excuse to get out of the situation she was in..

almost had a common law wife (two years short)..drugs ruined that..
of the two the common law one lasted longer, and it was a better quality relationship..we did plan on getting married..but the closer it got the further she withdrew..
of course there were many in-betweens, but they don't count..

as far as the church saying you have to be married before you have sex..
i can see the logic in that rule..we are emotionally attached most to one another when we have sex..when a person has alot of sex with many differant ppl they get desensitized to that emotional context..well..i suppose that same logic works with married couples too..but at least they can draw on that original emotional context...

lori seems to be in this time of her life where she fell in love with the first person she had sex with..this is NOT a bad thing by itself..they can mature together if they both don't put their own needs above the others..
thats the problem with marriages today..it used to be 'us against the world' thing..now it a 'you against me' thing..

so if you ask this christian if it is ok to have sex outside of marrige, i say go for it, BUT try to be sure it is with a person who you would want to spend with long term ,
yes there are ppl who appear to meet that criteria who often lose it after sex..maybe those are the desensitized ones, and its better to know sooner than latter..

it should not be treated like a sin if a person doesn't want to have sex right away..


So, what's more disgusting:

Lori's husband sitting at work right now with a crust of pussy juice on his mustache-- his entire face smells like ass, and there's a pube curled up under his fingernails because just yesterday the two of these God-fearing people were happily licking the smegma off each other's genitals.

They've tried everything from whip cream to antifreeze to chickenwire to Neoprine rubber but nothing's ever beat sticking a raw fist up her greasy vagina.


The pious fraud of these hungry degenerates distorting the guilty pleasure of sinning into a working pretense of service to Lord and humanity, so that any notion of God and acceptance is not compromised by a need to continue being the needy, ignorant little heathens they've always been.

I mean, would you really have us believe the two of you are strict missionary?

You, madam, are a lie.

you know what? i've been a member of this forum for over a decade, and i think i can speak for a host of other members when i say that nobody wants this place reduced down to the level of excrement that what you've posted here represents.

you want to write, feel free to go to a porn site or some sleaze bag chatroom, or write some smut novel, so a bunch of douchebags, like you, can sit alone in your caves and whack off.

my dog has a more fulfilling life and better social skills than you do. but she's not able to post here because she's a dog, and this is a forum for human beings.
you know him? you know he's still alive? tell him i said, "what's up?"

I meant the oldest surviving shag of yours, not necessarily your first. But it matters not, that's a nit pick and a diversion on your part. If you really think that sex is the covenant of marriage, you are still married to your oldest surviving lover, be they the first, second or third.

back then i was fornicating. i wasn't making any covenants with him or god back then because i didn't really understand if there was any sense to that. i found out.

It doesn't matter what you thought back then. You are talking about a Universal external truth. If you have just discovered this now, it matters not. All that matters is that you were wrong by your own standards. You are now trying to wriggle and squirm your way out those sins.