what defines marriage?

(Q), while I agree with your point, and I can understand the source of your frustration, you're being quite obnoxious.

Really? So, it's okay for Lori to spout this garbage, swear and call me names, which I did not return in kind, and I'm the one who is being quite obnoxious.

Unfuckingbelievable. :rolleyes:
you are so hideous.

the truth is it's a covenant used in the doctrine that you propose to follow as an example of the relationship between christ and his church. it represents communion, and isolation is death. you do need other people to make you happy and complete. in fact, that's the only reason you exist. to commune. yes, even with dirty mexicans and filthy gays. you hypocrite. most marriages end in divorce because people are hateful, arrogant, lying little pigs like you are.

you are the one who is greedy, and blasphemous, as you don't even trust your own god with "half your stuff". pathetic. your stuff means nothing to god, and it means everything to you.

and if you're going to get into the kingdom, you're going to have to fall...a long way down, and it's going to hurt.

Kristians Kausing Konflict

Is it any wonder the world is so fucked up.
what the bible (Old Testament) says is that all sin is a burn-in-hell-for-eternity sin.that's why we need christ(new testament)

being a homosexual is as much of a sin as being born,
i don't like most homosexuals..but i wouldn't call it sin.. i don't think its right.
i have had a few homosexual friends that respected the fact that i wasn't homosexual.


do you really think jesus would treat a homosexual bad?
or are you just pulling out old scripture because it supports you own attitude to gays?

and if it makes someone else feel better to think they've got a one up
funny..i though there were two up.....:eek:
on god because of their "sexuality", then think again, because it's not that easy.
both words subjective to perspective.

the bible speaks of ideals that are attainable, and yet NEVER attained by human beings. none of us.
not as long as we keep our own humanity in the mix..which will never happen..so..yea..never..
Really? So, it's okay for Lori to spout this garbage, swear and call me names, which I did not return in kind, and I'm the one who is being quite obnoxious.

Unfuckingbelievable. :rolleyes:
I wasn't here for any of that, if it occurred outside this thread. She did respond to you in this thread with frustration, but as far as I saw, only after you began - under the apparent justification of "believers do this all the time!" If you want to show that belief is unnecessary, start by not repeating the actions you so dislike.
The point I was making is that it doesn't matter what sins are listed in the Bible.

In the end, the only thing that Christians have to really do is to believe Jesus is their savior.

Correct ?

yes, and the point i'm making is that having a relationship with god through christ is a bit more consequential than you're making it sound.
yes, and the point i'm making is that having a relationship with god through christ is a bit more consequential than you're making it sound.

I understand that is your view.

However, the long and short of it in the end is that to get to heaven according to christians, you only need to have him as the savior.

As far as how you live your life here and whether you are a good and decent human being is another matter.

This is where I find contradiction, not with you but with the whole idea of going to heaven and the rules or lack of to get there.

I want to see something here:

Both of you had a mutual desire for each other's happiness,
Both had a mutual desire for each other's safety.

You were honest, caring, loving little proles who could understand each other without speaking.

You trusted each other with things like money and assets.

In other words, good people at the exclusion of everyone else ...

.....and yet it took him sticking his veiny proboscis between the folds of a slimy cunt for you to consider him worthy of respecting and loving "completely"?

Is the vagina that powerful?

it's pretty powerful when you use it right. that's the gateway to life buddy. :D

and my husband and i weren't really on that page. we were on the page where god brings two people together to have a child. and so honestly, we trusted god more than each other. it was actually quite traumatic what we did, but very well worth it.
i don't like most homosexuals..but i wouldn't call it sin.. i don't think its right.
i have had a few homosexual friends that respected the fact that i wasn't homosexual.


do you really think jesus would treat a homosexual bad?
or are you just pulling out old scripture because it supports you own attitude to gays?

i think you're misunderstanding what i'm saying. i don't have an attitude to gays and of course jesus wouldn't treat them badly.

what i'm saying is that imo a homosexual has just as much of a chance to get to jesus as anyone else.

both words subjective to perspective.

i know.

not as long as we keep our own humanity in the mix..which will never happen..so..yea..never..

in the near future, humans will be made sinless. that's what jesus is all about.
I understand that is your view.

However, the long and short of it in the end is that to get to heaven according to christians, you only need to have him as the savior.

As far as how you live your life here and whether you are a good and decent human being is another matter.

This is where I find contradiction, not with you but with the whole idea of going to heaven and the rules or lack of to get there.

what kind of rules would you want? to love each other perfectly? well who can do that? so it becomes relative, and what's good and decent to you isn't to someone else. we aren't set up to succeed. we're set up to fail and overcome.

granted, religious people can spout rhetoric all day long, but if you honestly get to know god, it changes you. god will break you like a drill sargent so he can build you back up the way you should be, and it ain't easy.

he gets inside, and you know it, and it changes you.
and my husband and i weren't really on that page. we were on the page where god brings two people together to have a child. and so honestly, we trusted god more than each other. it was actually quite traumatic what we did, but very well worth it.

Oh, really?

So how did it go then? Did he stare into those green dog eyes of yours and then running his hand through your dyed straw he stuck his thumb in your pudenda and you found that you liked it?

Of course at this point, that bastard hybrid of schizophrenic logic you call a conscience that you know somewhere deep down is a crock of shit began rationalizing this new sin into yet another more palatable lie you carry around like a cyst.

Because God makes no mistakes.
Because God wanted you to impale your hungry twat on this thumb.

Because, ultimately, fate is not an excuse for failure but part of God's divine plan for you to get ass.

You can also believe that you will ever be anything other than an addict.

i don't have an attitude to gays and of course jesus wouldn't treat them badly.
How, pray, do you know this?

it's pretty powerful when you use it right. that's the gateway to life buddy
This something the hubs tells you?

we were on the page where god brings two people together to have a child.

And then one day your husband will wake up at 7am and find that his 4 year old has drawn all over his face with a permanent black marker and he will ask.. Where in the fuck did God go wrong..?

And he will look at you and wonder if it was your superior genes that created the abomination that drew an "L" for Luke on his forehead or his own stupidity for leaving it in range..

Trust me.. don't trust God with your offspring. By all accounts he either kills them or makes them into the type of devil spawn that draws an "L" for Luke on his father's forehead as he sleeps..
I understand that is your view.

However, the long and short of it in the end is that to get to heaven according to christians, you only need to have him as the savior.

As far as how you live your life here and whether you are a good and decent human being is another matter.

This is where I find contradiction, not with you but with the whole idea of going to heaven and the rules or lack of to get there.

The basic reason why one would place their trust in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus is that they believe they Need it to have eternity with God.

Those who humble themselves to accept Gods will as truth do not then try to justify their sin by philosophy.

The will of God, His guidance on what is good and what is evil should not be denied by His followers. I believe those who seek to have the atonement of the Messiah Jesus while rejecting what God said on Good and Evil shall have what ever faith they have slowly eroded away until they come to a place of disbelief in the atonement of the Messiah Jesus. Those who are lukewarm, who treat the Word of God as a smorgasbord will be spewed out of the Body of Christ.

I see it everyday. Wether it be warfare. Wether it be sodomy. Weather it be fornication and many other things besides. People who claim to be followers of the God of Abraham openly preaching and justifying rebellion against His Word.

All One can do is give them warning.

So while on the surface it might seem to be a free ride to people like you jpappl. The truth of the matter is that each person who wants the free ride must cast away their pride and accept His will. Casting off ones pride is like being crucified in Spirit.

Galatians 2
20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Here's something inconvenient for you Lori, about 'taking' a wife.

Leviticus 21:13: 'He shall take a wife in her virginity'.

If 'taking' is having sex with, she's no longer a virgin, if the act of 'taking' is sex itself. That would be contradictory.

'Taking' a wife, is surely the contract of taking the woman, and her dowry, from her father.

I know you want to twist everything to suit your singular situation, but you have failed to meet the standards set by the religion you profess to follow. You've then made up this entire relationship with God thing, to make yourself feel better about yourself.

It's a shame you need external validation.

Oh, really?

So how did it go then? Did he stare into those green dog eyes of yours and then running his hand through your dyed straw he stuck his thumb in your pudenda and you found that you liked it?

Of course at this point, that bastard hybrid of schizophrenic logic you call a conscience that you know somewhere deep down is a crock of shit began rationalizing this new sin into yet another more palatable lie you carry around like a cyst.

Because God makes no mistakes.
Because God wanted you to impale your hungry twat on this thumb.

Because, ultimately, fate is not an excuse for failure but part of God's divine plan for you to get ass.

You can also believe that you will ever be anything other than an addict.

How, pray, do you know this?

This something the hubs tells you?


Disgusting may increase sales, but only if you're selling shit.
granted, religious people can spout rhetoric all day long, but if you honestly get to know god, it changes you. god will break you like a drill sargent so he can build you back up the way you should be, and it ain't easy.

he gets inside, and you know it, and it changes you.

Spouting rhetoric, Lori? "Break you like a drill sargent"???

So much for a loving god. :rolleyes:
it's pretty powerful when you use it right. that's the gateway to life buddy.

Yes, you continue to tell us how to live our lives based on your psychotic gods hatred, which I would agree, is 'pretty powerful' hatred.
i don't like most homosexuals..but i wouldn't call it sin.. i don't think its right.

No, the truth is that your god hates gays and that's why you hate gays. You really have absolutely no understanding of homosexuality and are simply parroting your psychotic gods hatred of them.
yes, and the point i'm making is that having a relationship with god through christ is a bit more consequential than you're making it sound.

Like for example, if we don't all worship your god, he'll send us to hell kind of consequences. A very hateful, petty and vicious god he is.
If you want to show that belief is unnecessary, start by not repeating the actions you so dislike.

What I'm showing and what is so obviously apparent is the conflict and hatred spread by Christian beliefs and the psychosis of those beliefs.

Should we just forget about the last 2000 years of Christian atrocities and conflict over their god?