What are the DEMONS intentions?


M*W: I interpret "demons" to be things of "de mond" or things of the "world," i.e. "worldy things," as in "living things." Things that humans get occupied with and obsessed about, etc."

* Yes, that sounds about right, just a metaphor for that which distracts us from the light?

Except that Medicine Woman proposed what is in linguistics called a "folk (or popular) etymology".
The word "demon" is from Greek daimon and means 'god-like being; supernatural being'; and at first, it was not reserved only for the evil, but was a summary term for all supernatural beings.

MW's popular etymology reveals a particular gnostic understanding (in short, "matter is bad, spirit is good"). Demons are "worldly things"; and demons are bad since worldly things are bad.

* I would really be very interested to hear why you state "yes". Is there any way you could share it? (even PM)

My evil twin (of myself).
water: Except that Medicine Woman proposed what is in linguistics called a "folk (or popular) etymology". The word "demon" is from Greek daimon and means 'god-like being; supernatural being'; and at first, it was not reserved only for the evil, but was a summary term for all supernatural beings.

MW's popular etymology reveals a particular gnostic understanding (in short, "matter is bad, spirit is good"). Demons are "worldly things"; and demons are bad since worldly things are bad.
M*W: Quit trying to put words in my mouth. You have NO idea of what I understand and what my words mean to me. Your interpretation of my posts are incorrect, so that makes you a liar. I have never indicated that worldly things are bad, in fact, I've supported the opposite view. Further, I have never said demons were bad. I really don't know, because unlike you, I have never been confronted by demons.
water: My evil twin (of myself).
M*W: That explains your ugliness!
stretched said:
Quote Lori:
"Everyone has, it's just a matter of being aware of it. There have been times when I have been aware of it."

* I get your drift Lori, but are you are saying these "demons" are a distinct, intelligent phenomona or just "bad things" in life?

They're beings...spirits. I'm not using the term figuratively.
craterchains (Norval said:
ahhhhhhhh denial, so becomming of some. Denial does not make truth go away.

I'm with mis-t-highs, exactly what do you mean by denial? If you are speaking about the denial that such beings exists, I'd like your proof that they do. I've never seen a demon with the naked eye. Have never heard a demon speak. I realize there are those who attribute their "bad experiences" saying they are demon related, which I find rather convenient.

Have you ever seen demons or are you only going by your account of the Bible?
Yes, I have seen "demons", at least the kind the bible describes.
Yes, I have talked with "demons", at least the kind that the bible describes.

As the thread asks, "What are the DEMONS intentions?"

"Intentions" are a purpose, of the one, or the many.
The bible clearly states their "intentions".
Yes, I have seen "demons", at least the kind the bible describes
I realize this is off topic, regarding their intentions, but would you mind sharing your experience? At least the appearance of what you saw?

Yes, I have talked with "demons", at least the kind that the bible describes.
Okay, look, I'm not trying to be a jerk, simply trying to understand where you are coming from. Did these "demons" speak back to you, if so was it audible?

As the thread asks, "What are the DEMONS intentions?"
I personally wouldn't know what their intentions are- I've never had such encounters.

Intentions" are a purpose, of the one, or the many.
I do know what intentions mean, but thank you away.

The bible clearly states their "intentions".
If you know what their intentions are (via the bible) why the thread? What are *your* intentions?
Questions 1 & 2
The same as when I saw what the bible calls an "angel".
Like you or me. :)
As is stated, "be kind to strangers, you
could be according a kindness to an angel".
Demons are "fallen angels", the bad guys.
Different kinds of angels, means different kinds of "demons". :(

My intentions? Why, to counter theirs, of course. :D
craterchains (Norval said:
Questions 1 & 2
The same as when I saw what the bible calls an "angel".
Like you or me. :)
As is stated, "be kind to strangers, you
could be according a kindness to an angel".
Demons are "fallen angels", the bad guys.
Different kinds of angels, means different kinds of "demons". :(

My intentions? Why, to counter theirs, of course. :D

Hmm... If demons look human- how do you know they are demons? What sets them apart from other humans who murder, steal, whatever sin you want to throw in?
If demons look human- how do you know they are demons? What sets them apart from humans

Ashley, what sets these demons apart from us humans, mankind, is their arrogance and jealous attitude or disposition.
craterchains (Norval said:
Yes, I have seen "demons", at least the kind the bible describes.
Yes, I have talked with "demons", at least the kind that the bible describes.

As the thread asks, "What are the DEMONS intentions?"

"Intentions" are a purpose, of the one, or the many.
The bible clearly states their "intentions".
was you alone when you aledgedly saw a demon, if not could give me the name of the person/persons so I can verify you claim, if you have some more substantial information like newspaper reports or photographs etc....
that would help greatly.
also when you talk to these aledged demons have you made recording that can be verified scientifically.

only you would subjectively know, what these aledged demons intentions are.
the bible is just a book, could you propose another more factual book, that would clarify you possition.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Quit trying to put words in my mouth. You have NO idea of what I understand and what my words mean to me. Your interpretation of my posts are incorrect, so that makes you a liar. I have never indicated that worldly things are bad, in fact, I've supported the opposite view. Further, I have never said demons were bad. I really don't know, because unlike you, I have never been confronted by demons.

One can speak the language of gnosticism without being a gnostic himself.
The way language develops and the way meaning is assigned to words reveals particular cultural preferences.
This has nothing in specific to do with you, Medicine Woman, and I have never said it does so.

M*W: That explains your ugliness!

And she says that without ever even seeing me ...
mis-t-highs said:
only you would subjectively know, what these aledged demons intentions are.
the bible is just a book, could you propose another more factual book, that would clarify you possition.

Interesting, there are billions of people that have had experiences, even continual experiences and they write books about them, even movies.

You seem to have a real problem with the Bible, possibly you're one of the ones that cannot read it.
Medicine Woman said:
water: Except that Medicine Woman proposed what is in linguistics called a "folk (or popular) etymology". The word "demon" is from Greek daimon and means 'god-like being; supernatural being'; and at first, it was not reserved only for the evil, but was a summary term for all supernatural beings.

Are you a gnostic? Did you know that the Gnostic heresy has been shown to be false?

Anyway, I find your little thingy about Jesus as Myth is also erroneous. Jesus is not myth. I myself and a mythographer and classicist, and you are really going off the deep end. There is historical evidence and miracles recorded in scripture which demonstrate his divinity.
FieryIce said:
Interesting, there are billions of people that have had experiences, even continual experiences and they write books about them, even movies.
could you produce a demon is so there a man named james randi who will give you one million dollers, if you can, http://skepdic.com/randi.html http://www.randi.org/ it does not matter how many people have written about demons, people have wirtten about little green man, unicorns, fairies, dragons, literally anything you can imagine, that does not mean they exist.
produce one, and that will be a different story, I'm waiting.