What are the biological reasons that women reject men?

Layman, I just want to say. I'm truly sorry you have had a tough time of things when it comes to dating. I will spare you the usual sappy cliche..."oh there's someone special out there for you." Lol

And, instead say...I understand. :eek:

Life can be hard sometimes. And confusing. If you truly seek to find love...and TO love...be patient. ((Hugs))
Life can be hard sometimes. And confusing. If you truly seek to find love...and TO love...be patient. ((Hugs))
I think it may take finding the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Spear of Destiny. Then after combining these items it would require the sacrifice of a lamb that would enable me to read a newly formed inscription that after reciting it would then purge the world of the knowledge of good and evil. Then it might be possible if I just happen to be the first one to get to know a girl that is single and looking for a relationship. I feel if I get too patient, me and my future true love will not be able to grow old together, we will just be old together.
I rather think opposites attract. You don't think so?
Not nearly as often as the cliché suggests. But more importantly, attraction merely brings two people together. A couple of days later (for teenagers) or a few weeks (for older adults)... that's when the real work starts.

The irony is, once you get into a long term relationship...the very thing you were 'attracted' to early on...might be the very thing that grates on your nerves later.
Everyone grows and changes over time. But we do have at least some control over that. Sometimes the thing that attracted us was ephemeral and turned out to not be so important. Years later in the relationship something more important could have changed in you, so that ephemeral thing in your partner might become downright annoying.

I guess there is a greater risk to protecting myself from the pain of love, and not wishing to experience that 'emotion' anymore, than there is in loving, and potentially losing. That's an interesting insight you have, there.
Thanks, but it's hardly an original revelation. 163 years ago Tennyson told us, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." No, I am not a poetry maven, but I know how to use Google. ;)

is not a risk taker, by nature.
The universe does not appear to have been designed to reward those who refuse to take risks.

Life is a gamble. If you keep folding your hand to avoid losing your bet, all you're going to do is lose your ante over and over again.

I have grown up in a verbally abusive family. If I ever started dating someone like my mother I would dump her in a heartbeat.
You'd be surprised. ;) People become so used to abuse that they're uncomfortable and restless when it's not there.

I think I would only be attracted to someone that is the complete opposite.
Everybody's different, that's what makes life so interesting. Nonetheless, it's quite common for both men and women to choose a partner with a lot of similarities to their mother.

I have always be attracted to intelligent women, contrary to popular belief, I must be really screwed up.
Intelligent people enjoy the company of other intelligent people. Still, a partner who does not have a high IQ may very well have a lot of other wonderful qualities, such as humor, ability to tolerate adversity, support, etc. So if you have plenty of intelligent friends to hang out with, not having an intelligent wife waiting for you at home does not have to be regrettable.

Then of course after being in these happy relationships I would always get dumped for no reason.
Please don't take this too hard, but I have to say it. It's a slogan on one of those "Demotivator" posters and there's surely some truth in it.

The only common factor in all of your failed relationships is you.

I think abusive relationships are the only types of relationships that have been shown to be scientifically successful. It is the only instance or type of situation where they say that women actually stay in relationships.
Hold on there. Simply staying together is not the definition of a "successful" relationship! There is often quite a bit of Stockholm Syndrome in it.

Most people that I know that are in relationships are at least verbally abusive to each other, and then they stay in these relationships for long periods of time.
People become used to each other's verbal styles. Often the abusive language is just what the person learned in his parents' home, and he almost literally doesn't realize that it sounds nasty.

If a woman shows up at the office with a black eye and a limp, then we're justified in suspecting that she's in an abusive relationship. But if she spent the weekend listening to insults and profanity, she may have lived with it so long that she just laughs it off. Of course, that rhetorical style will take its toll, but it's nothing like physical abuse, so if the man treats her kindly in other ways, it's not for us to judge whether she should stay.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. I'm just full of aphorisms today.

The average women is often more attractive than the average man.
You don't seem to grasp the concept of "average." ;)

. . . . why we don't all look like Greek Gods.
We do. To our dogs. What else would you call someone who brings home a dead cow every month and shares it with you?

Men and women are complicated, albeit for different reasons.
It's for the same reason: we're human.

Just be mindful to not allow a few poor experiences with the opposite sex, taint your view of the entire gender.
Or either gender. My best friend ran off with my first wife. I've managed to not hold all women responsible for the sins of one. But I've always had trust issues with men. To this day, 45 years later, most of my friends are still female.

The OP wanted to know physiological/biological reasons why a high status female would reject a man. When you speak of chemistry, it seems more focused on the psychological/sociological reasons why one person is attracted to another.
Psychology is part of biology.

I think it may take finding the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Spear of Destiny. Then after combining these items it would require the sacrifice of a lamb that would enable me to read a newly formed inscription that after reciting it would then purge the world of the knowledge of good and evil. Then it might be possible if I just happen to be the first one to get to know a girl that is single and looking for a relationship.
Some day a woman will walk into your life straight out of nowhere. You'll be so smitten with her, the two of you will be so compatible, you'll understand each other so well, and you'll appreciate each other so much, that you'll forget all your past troubles with the opposite sex.

I feel if I get too patient, me and my future true love will not be able to grow old together, we will just be old together.
There are certainly plenty of people who do not find true love until they're older. But be careful: just as you're ready to release several decades of sexual frustration, you may find a woman who lost her libido ten years ago.

(That oughta get this guy off his butt!)
I think it may take finding the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail, and the Spear of Destiny. Then after combining these items it would require the sacrifice of a lamb that would enable me to read a newly formed inscription that after reciting it would then purge the world of the knowledge of good and evil. Then it might be possible if I just happen to be the first one to get to know a girl that is single and looking for a relationship. I feel if I get too patient, me and my future true love will not be able to grow old together, we will just be old together.

Not sure if serious.
Or just overly dramatic. :D
At any rate...patience is a virtue, my friend.

And I do like the advice given to you by Fraggle Rocker.
You should listen to him. ;)
The only common factor in all of your failed relationships is you.
That is where you are wrong. I seem to be forgetting that women talk a lot, even though they more recently try to deny talking on the phone (most likely because they are saying things about you that you don't want to know about). Then they adopt the same belief systems about men and then they apply it to their relationships or just to men. Take for instance what wegs said, "oh there's someone special out there for you." I can guarantee you that if you ever talk about how you got screwed in relationships to a women that they will tell you this, even if they feel like they should spare you from it. Then they will think that person doesn't have to be them because then you could always just meat someone else that will want to do that. Then it creates a social paradox, they all think that there is someone else that is that special person for you but then that is actually none of them because they all think that special person for you is another person. The only way to avoid this paradox is just to hide any past feelings about your previous relationships. Women just do not find relationship inadequacies of any kind attractive. Even just saying that you have been divorced can be a deal breaker. Then if your in a relationship is like suddenly your a chick magnet and you don't know what to do because you suddenly have three girl friends. There is no Stockholm Syndrome of any kind when it comes to old bad relationships, it is just the opposite.
Which relationship inadequacies do you find attractive Layman?
If I got to know someone that said they where a virgin, I would think that was fantastic. The point was is that if you have been divorced it just doesn't look good because they think that the reason for the divorce was the man, so then if it was actually the women to blame then you basically just end up getting the shaft for being with a bad women. So if the women was to blame from the break up, bringing that to light doesn't make any difference. It creates a false impression about yourself.
Now wait a minute...I was KIDDING with my "there is someone out there for you." :D

Ok. Carry on. Lol

That is where you are wrong. I seem to be forgetting that women talk a lot, even though they more recently try to deny talking on the phone (most likely because they are saying things about you that you don't want to know about). Then they adopt the same belief systems about men and then they apply it to their relationships or just to men. Take for instance what wegs said, "oh there's someone special out there for you." I can guarantee you that if you ever talk about how you got screwed in relationships to a women that they will tell you this, even if they feel like they should spare you from it. Then they will think that person doesn't have to be them because then you could always just meat someone else that will want to do that. Then it creates a social paradox, they all think that there is someone else that is that special person for you but then that is actually none of them because they all think that special person for you is another person. The only way to avoid this paradox is just to hide any past feelings about your previous relationships. Women just do not find relationship inadequacies of any kind attractive. Even just saying that you have been divorced can be a deal breaker. Then if your in a relationship is like suddenly your a chick magnet and you don't know what to do because you suddenly have three girl friends. There is no Stockholm Syndrome of any kind when it comes to old bad relationships, it is just the opposite.
Let me share something with u that u need to know layman. Most women do NOT want to hear your sob stories about other women. It makes you look like a) you're not over your past loves and b) it makes you look bitter.

And it makes you look like a bore if u can't conjure up better conversation than griping about ex lovers.

Don't share your past failed relationship tales of woe with any new women. This could be why you're having trouble. To me...I would not want to listen to it.

This is solid advice you know. You would be wise to heed it. :D
Now wait a minute...I was KIDDING with my "there is someone out there for you." :D

Ok. Carry on. Lol
I am so glad you are being amused by all this. So then you actually think that there is not someone out there for me?
Let me share something with u that u need to know layman. Most women do NOT want to hear your sob stories about other women. It makes you look like a) you're not over your past loves and b) it makes you look bitter.
Yes, and then when the truth comes out they dump you for not being completely honest with them. Your damned if you do and then your damned if you don't.
And it makes you look like a bore if u can't conjure up better conversation than griping about ex lovers.
I actually haven't done this in ten years. It didn't take me long to figure out that was not a good strategy for starting a relationship. I made the mistake of thinking that I could play the damsel in distress and find someone, but then I realized that I was not trying to attract a man. Just because what I think I would do in a certain situation doesn't mean that a women would then desire the same thing. It is just the topic of the thread that brought it up.
Don't share your past failed relationship tales of woe with any new women. This could be why you're having trouble. To me...I would not want to listen to it.

This is solid advice you know. You would be wise to heed it. :D
One thing is for sure, I have most likely already eliminated any chances of being in a relationship with you.
One thing is for sure, I have most likely already eliminated any chances of being in a relationship with you.

There was a study done on the dating habits of science-geek forumites. The study suggested that 10 out of 10 forumites are virgins. I myself am proud to fall into this category.
I am so glad you are being amused by all this. So then you actually think that there is not someone out there for me?
One thing is for sure, I have most likely already eliminated any chances of being in a relationship with you [wegs].
What possibly made you think there was any chance in the first place?
I am so glad you are being amused by all this. So then you actually think that there is not someone out there for me?

Forgive me; my intent was to lighten the mood here. I know you are what is the word...saddened. Feeling hopeless. But do you feel your life is lacking without "the one?"

I ask this with sincerity.

One thing is for sure, I have most likely already eliminated any chances of being in a relationship with you.

The one thing I've learned in my own experiences is that I used to seek my self worth through a man's opinion of me. I sense you do this with women. On some level, we all want confirmation and acceptance. But you have to like who you are without a woman before you will be successful with one. I know my shortcomings layman. I'm afraid if love and loss and while I am fun and can make a man feel special...my fears always ruin things. I have work to do.

You have work to do too. And I think if you take a self inventory, you'll see some of where u could improve. You are the common denominator regardless of what u think or say. :eek: Fragglerock is right about that.

I say this to you with kindness.

Damn this thread got deep. :/
What possibly made you think there was any chance in the first place?
I didn't. I am just explaining why women don't want to be with men, and then this has turned into an issue of why I am being rejected by women. I can't get rejected by women if I am not meeting any of them to begin with, I know why I am still single.
Forgive me; my intent was to lighten the mood here. I know you are what is the word...saddened. Feeling hopeless. But do you feel your life is lacking without "the one?"
Yes, I was (that is past tense) and I find it infuriating that people think that it is not right to find companionship with someone because they feel like they are lacking without "the one". Ironically, I have gotten over it and have found a way to be happy on my own with no one else, and then a lot of the time I do not feel like I would even want to be with anyone in a relationship. Why ruin a good thing? The only thing that would come from it is the possibility of creating more sadness. Learning to become an independent person happy alone with myself has just made me cold hearted person.

Is it better to have loved and to have lossed or to have never loved at all? Well, after loving and losing then being single for a decade, I would say it would be a safe bet to have never loved at all. I think I would have turned out to be a much better person.

The one thing I've learned in my own experiences is that I used to seek my self worth through a man's opinion of me. I sense you do this with women. On some level, we all want confirmation and acceptance. But you have to like who you are without a woman before you will be successful with one. I know my shortcomings layman. I'm afraid if love and loss and while I am fun and can make a man feel special...my fears always ruin things. I have work to do.
I think it is more than just that. With me I think it was more of an issue of just having someone there to talk to or something that doesn't scream and complain about you constantly. I can't depend on my guy friends to be there for me in a time of need. They will only use me or find no use for me being around. So I think it is more than just having a women that would think highly of me, but I think that sounds like it would be very nice. But, then they would probably end up cheating and then every bit of gratitude of her opinion of me would be all for naught.

Damn this thread got deep. :/
My bad, this also is other complaint I have had women tell me that I am too deep.