What are the biological reasons that women reject men?

OK I'm going to be painting with a very wide, casual brush here...

Women are much more adapted to be critical about their chosen mates (for good reason...they bear the children). Their algorithms are very complex, whereas men's rules for mating are simple. And it isn't just one-dimensional; a man isn't just "more or less mate-worthy", it might depend on a variety of factors including the time of the month. During ovulation (when she's most fertile) a woman will be sexually attracted to a man with more masculine, aggressive facial features, while during the rest of the month she's more attracted to a man with slightly softer ones. Think about that. Nature is skewed to make the nice guys raise the children of the douche bags...makes sense too. The woman would want the nice guy to stick around and help raise the kid(s), whereas the douche-bag isn't very reliable. And you can't blame the women, it isn't a conscious choice any more than it's a conscious choice for men to be visually aroused...

Edit: after reading my post, I'd like to add that as a species we're still transitioning away from lizard-brain to transcendence. This means that we're ALL dealing with conflicting emotions. A woman might make a choice for a mate based on rational thoughts, emotional bonding, primal lust, etc. It's my opinion that the choice for a mate by a woman based on primal lust is the least effective in this increasingly civilized world in terms of individual child survivability...and the results are manifested in unwed mothers enduring financial hardship as they try to raise these kids on their own.
The only reason some men might take care of other men's children is if they expected the woman would birth their children at some point too. I, for one, would never marry any girl with kids already. Kids are cute, until you learn to know them better - and yeah, that's a biological program that all of us inherit.
What are the biological or physiological (based on women's physiology) reasons that high-status women reject men besides the man being ugly or to poor or just smells bad?

In draqon's case, it's usually because they're immune to chloroform.
What are the biological or physiological reasons that high-status women reject men besides the man being ugly or to poor or just smells bad?

Women are looking for what I call...the three thicknesses.

1. The thickness of the bone structure, which gives the man's body a substantial solidity.

2. The thickness of the phallus, which is far more important than length.

3. The thickness of the wallet, which enables the women to live without working during child raising, etc.

Generally, a man's personality is of little importance, aside from an absence of openly demonstrable malice.

A women is interested in what you have...not what you are.
It's usually only the good-looking women who are attracted to very wealthy men. Pretty women can use their sexual power to attract the kind of men that they want and rich men can use their wealth and power to attract pretty women.

Women being insanely attracted to very rich men stems from the basics of human nature. Women are designed to be home-makers and have children. So they are intrinsically drawn to males that are best able to support them in that.

Also rich men are able to give the children a good home and a good quality of life while giving the women the freedom of not needing to worry about money and instead taking care of the home and the children.

It's the same for men; men look for traits in women that would be ideal for them to continue on their seed. It's just a subconscious preference.

It's not fair but this is just the way it is. You can't change human nature and human behavior. Life is not fair and will never be fair.
I think it just comes down to human nature and to our natural instincts.

Women are attracted to rich men because money equals power and security to them and a rich man is able to provide for her and the children and give her and the children the quality of life and the good home that they desire.

The strong and powerful tend to dominate in nature. It's just the way it is in nature (and this includes humans of course). It's the natural evolution of life on earth.

So it basically all comes down to survival of the fittest. In nature only the strongest alpha males tend to get the chance to reproduce and to spread their good genes to the next generations.

In nature that works with stature or physical power. I don't see many women who like body builders.
A woman only wants one thing, MONEY. If you do not have MONEY then most women will ignore you but if you have MONEY they will be attracted to you like bees are to flowers.

Well, I saw this reply and thought to say something about it.

I am a woman with a man who is far from rich. I really could care less about money. For me it has always been about the personality. If that doesn't jive, the relationship will go south sooner or later.

Gotta say, I do not really care about looks either. Again, I value personality.

Me and my man have been together for many years and we are still going strong. We hardly ever even have an argument. It is definitely very nice to just be able to live together and have a laid back life. Why make it difficult, life's too short. :)
Well, I saw this reply and thought to say something about it.

I am a woman with a man who is far from rich. I really could care less about money. For me it has always been about the personality. If that doesn't jive, the relationship will go south sooner or later.

Gotta say, I do not really care about looks either. Again, I value personality.

Me and my man have been together for many years and we are still going strong. We hardly ever even have an argument. It is definitely very nice to just be able to live together and have a laid back life. Why make it difficult, life's too short. :)
To say that everything comes down to a single variable is silly. The richest men I know don't have the most attractive women I know. It's a complex algorithm. Pro athletes and rock stars DO generally have the very attractive women, though, and it's because they have: fame, power, money and (in the case of athletes) muscles/physical prowess. That should not be a surprise.
To say that everything comes down to a single variable is silly. The richest men I know don't have the most attractive women I know. It's a complex algorithm. Pro athletes and rock stars DO generally have the very attractive women, though, and it's because they have: fame, power, money and (in the case of athletes) muscles/physical prowess. That should not be a surprise.

Yep, you are right, RJBeery. I was just writing from a personal view. :)
Yep, you are right, RJBeery. I was just writing from a personal view. :)
Forgive me Blue Rose, I quoted your comment but I wasn't really directing my response to you, I was just making a general observation. I love hearing about compatible couples and it sounds like you found a man that makes you happy :)
OK then just ask a woman to pay for an evening out with you and see how far you get with her. If, as you say, women aren't interested in MONEY then why is it men must pay for everything on a date then? I'd like anyone here who ever dated a woman to tell me they did not have to pay to date her and then I will believe you. If no one here has ever had a woman pay for anything they, the man, wanted again please respond now.
I was with a woman once who more or less supported me financially. I had a job, but she was making twice or three times as much as me sometimes.
Women are looking for what I call...the three thicknesses.

1. The thickness of the bone structure, which gives the man's body a substantial solidity.

2. The thickness of the phallus, which is far more important than length.

3. The thickness of the wallet, which enables the women to live without working during child raising, etc.

Generally, a man's personality is of little importance, aside from an absence of openly demonstrable malice.

A women is interested in what you have...not what you are.

To say that everything comes down to a single variable is silly. The richest men I know don't have the most attractive women I know. It's a complex algorithm. Pro athletes and rock stars DO generally have the very attractive women, though, and it's because they have: fame, power, money and (in the case of athletes) muscles/physical prowess. That should not be a surprise.

This is basic evolutionary psychology. Good-looking women are attracted to very wealthy and beautiful men because this just the way their brains are hardwired by evolution and natural selection. What I mean is that this is just the way their brains work.

And this is where neuroscience and biology come into the picture. In order to understand how beautiful women think and what makes them choose certain men while rejecting others you need to know a bit of evolutionary psychology and neuroscience.
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This is basic evolutionary psychology. Good-looking women are attracted to very wealthy and beautiful men because this just the way their brains are hardwired by evolution and natural selection. What I mean is that this is just the way their brains work.

No. ALL women are attracted to wealthy and beautiful men and pretty much the same goes around. It's just that the non-famous people will rarely be given any attention because of their low status. Usually a person wants the best that he can get. In this case the best a person can get is someone equal or better than yourself.
This is basic evolutionary psychology. Good-looking women are attracted to very wealthy and beautiful men because this just the way their brains are hardwired by evolution and natural selection. What I mean is that this is just the way their brains work.

And this is where neuroscience and biology come into the picture. In order to understand how beautiful women think and what makes them choose certain men while rejecting others you need to know a bit of evolutionary psychology and neuroscience.

I think the brain works in mysterious ways, including the mystery of why some people don't prefer a partner of the opposite sex at all; some folks form relationships better within their own culture, others get into cross-cultural relationships, and so on. The evidence for hard wiring of the brain is: that one person fantasizes over another person at all (e.g., that first encounter) casting an unknown person as an eligible partner. Another scenario is that after getting to know one another the attitude develops gradually, or account of some kind of awakening. In all cases the hardwiring is in place - some people are just more predisposed to impulsiveness than others; plus chance makes this unpredictable.

In a view that paints early humans as compassionate apelike beings, cooperating for survival, we can imagine that they felt emotions equivalent to those of intimacy, and, when required, risked their own safety to protect the ones they felt emotionally attached to. Contrast this with evidence today of people arbitrating those attitudes with purely selfish ones, having difficulty establishing or maintaining relationships, and turning against former loved ones. Of course this goes beyond relationships involving intimacy, extending generally into all aspects of interpersonal relations. The trend that is most evident in public places where large numbers of people congregate - airports, malls, arena events, etc. - is that people cluster in small groups that are ill-defined, at any given moment more or less attached to the family than, say, a particular sibling, or a friend or circle of some sort. Clubs impose an artificial reordering to this in which people that would not necessarily be together at all submit to the artifice of community (not necessarily meaning it's superficial) and at once comfortable with certain behaviors akin to bonding - such as mutual loyalty to one another and the aims of the organization. And this seems to have its roots in the hardwired nature of human social behavior as an evolved trait conducive to survival. But there does seem to be an overlap of the presumed compassionate ape with the disco passionate one; both qualities are driving people every day in the personalized versions of the struggle to survive -- imagined or real.

I would add that the most ravenous beauty queen may have a certain allure on the runway that is lost when a potential suitor discovers she has no thoughts or insights about life much further than the only thing that's working for her at that moment - physical appeal and display, even a need for recognition. This might work against the male selection process that would tend to seek a woman who would likely fare well in nurturing dependents. Thus the beauty queen may not score more than a rise in his pulse rate. Perhaps he will turn his attention to someone who relies little on the trappings of glamor, projecting instead a more natural kind of beauty--one that speaks to him about her persona, her life, to some extent her dreams--in a way that processes the picture box called "woman" in a more complete appraisal of her total value according to some hypothetical programmed suitability scale, as subjective a measure as that may be. And in this regard he would find other subjective qualities - intelligence, wit, strength - whatever matches or complements his own disposition - and out of this she may evoke in him a longing for a committed relationship. Or: none of this affects the man at all and another kind of programming kicks in - one which send him packing the morning after. Any path is feasible to secure the continuity of the species, but the one that forms cooperative bonds would seem to be far more likely to succeed under 'normal' conditions, whatever that means. In fact all of the rules change in times of catastrophe, war, genocide, and all kinds of violence, fear and grief which also seem to spur the birthrate, whether or not there ever was a sense of despair for the future of humanity or not.

I guess my point is that whatever hardwiring has done to us, it's hard to define, while at the same time it's impossible to deny that it's constantly driving us one way or another. But there do seem to be conflicting factors at work, as if we have to be able to adapt to all kinds of stimulation and pressure in order to find the best partner to succeed in this very nebulous concept we call survival.
I read that many women are afraid of poverty so it actually makes sense (from a biological point of view) that they will be attracted to wealthy men so that they will not have to experience poverty.
Well duh? We all have instincts to propagate the species AND (in the case of a pack-social animal like humans--obligate carnivores with no fangs or claws who had hunt in groups to survive) to support the prosperity and survivability of the clan. So we're programmed to not just consider good looks, dancing ability and witty remarks in a potential mate, but also his/her suitability to bring prosperity and survivability to the home and family. Wealthy men are more likely to have that suitability than the rest of us.

This is not a cold calculation. It's a genetic obligation. Male or female, you don't want to turn your gene pool over to a loser!
Well, I saw this reply and thought to say something about it.

I am a woman with a man who is far from rich. I really could care less about money. For me it has always been about the personality. If that doesn't jive, the relationship will go south sooner or later.

Gotta say, I do not really care about looks either. Again, I value personality.

Me and my man have been together for many years and we are still going strong. We hardly ever even have an argument. It is definitely very nice to just be able to live together and have a laid back life. Why make it difficult, life's too short. :)

Great lady. You must not be one of the woman's lib. you must have you own mentality that does not have to have any problem with you self

And this is where neuroscience and biology come into the picture. In order to understand how beautiful women think and what makes them choose certain men while rejecting others you need to know a bit of evolutionary psychology and neuroscience.

What difference makes between them and a prostitute ? I am not sure they are wired in any way , but insecurity and salesmanship, the fact that relationship normally don't last long . You can buy woman that are a beauty , but if they don't please you sexually, you will go an shop around, If the woman don't take care of the house , you hire a maid , but if the woman don't give you affection , you will attempt to get rid of such partner.