What are the biological reasons that women reject men?

who says they don't? It is not just a pickup line. it doesn't have to a pick up line. it can be anything. the point it, it is not the message, but rather, they way you package it. A smile sends a message. And a hint of vulnerability/shyness/cuteness/awkwardness goes a long way.

At any rate, it doesn't matter what you say or what you look like. Attraction is based on smell.

Why don't u just be...yourself?
At the end of the day... You are both probably sweethearts.
The key is to stop trying to put a round peg into a square. The right woman will not need a catchy slick pick up line. Frankly those are stupid to me. Just be yourselves. :)
who says they don't?
Some women.
It is not just a pickup line. it doesn't have to a pick up line. it can be anything. the point it, it is not the message, but rather, they way you package it. A smile sends a message. And a hint of vulnerability/shyness/cuteness/awkwardness goes a long way.
So basically you are saying that you just have to act like your bad at picking up women in order to then pick up women. You dog you. :bugeye:
At any rate, it doesn't matter what you say or what you look like. Attraction is based on smell.
Sometimes I wonder if it is because I look too good, so then when they see me the first thing that pops into their head is sex, so then they give me a reason why we shouldn't have sex even when it wouldn't be appropriate.
One doesn't have to avoid the opposite sex to avoid love. Falling "in like" is a great thing and having fun. Forming a friendship. But if you are up front with someone from the beginning, it makes things easier. Love is something that can happen if you spend enough quality time with someone but it's not a given, just my opinion. :eek:

Here we obviously don't talk about platonic love but erotic love. To avoid falling into love, you should stop having contact with anyone who you could potentially fall in love with. If you are a heterosexual male, then that would be a woman.

I don't say that love is good, bad or anything. I just say that you can't avoid it without avoiding any potential "lover". Spending quality time develops platonic love, aka friendship, which to me seems more sincere. But that crush you get for some random stranger, that can take 1 second to develop.
Here we obviously don't talk about platonic love but erotic love. To avoid falling into love, you should stop having contact with anyone who you could potentially fall in love with. If you are a heterosexual male, then that would be a woman.

I don't say that love is good, bad or anything. I just say that you can't avoid it without avoiding any potential "lover". Spending quality time develops platonic love, aka friendship, which to me seems more sincere. But that crush you get for some random stranger, that can take 1 second to develop.

While I'm female, I understand your point.
I appreciate you clarifying.

I agree with u for certain about friendship "love" being more sincere.

I wonder why that is; perhaps it is because our guard is down more when we know something is a friendship? I guess I should only speak for me lol
Yes, telling women that you just want to be friends will make you a loser. They will take this that you are unable to perform in bed. Or that you lack the confidence that you can perform well in bed and she will leave you, and that you think she would be the kind of person to do that. Or that you are just playing some kind of games to trick her that you actually desire a successful relationship and not sex. Or that she just isn't attractive enough for you and that you don't want to be with her in that way because of the way she looks.

The reason will never be that you actually want to get to know them first and then determine if you are right for each other, unless you are a Bible thumping Priest or minister. Then this even has its downsides, they could feel that they don't want to risk falling in love with someone that could turn out to just decide that they don't really want to be with them because this is seriously in question.

Basically if you ever want to be in a relationship with a women you have to be able to put out, then it is anybodies guess to weather or not she wanted to sleep with you because she had this strong desire to just be with you or if she always has a strong desire to be with just anybody. But then you cannot expect a women to always have to put out and that is very socially unacceptable. So then the decision of weather or not to have sex should be left to the women even though a lot of women don't really agree with this type of attitude, "as if they have to be the only one responsible enough to make that decision". (ie, all men are horn dogs)

But, then I don't even think they realize that subconsciously they push us into this type of relationship. For instance, you say you just want to be friends, then you no longer have any chance of being in a relationship with them really, unless you are just tied to them in some way closely through life circumstances. Then if they are tied to your life in some way that you cannot control it would be better to just say that you want to be friends. You could then be forced to deal with that mistake for a long time. Then of course it would also not be a good idea to be with someone in that way if it was not morally correct for some reason.

Hey! You a Dr?, a woman in the know?, and/or do you have solid proof to back up the claims you mention?
Some women.
So basically you are saying that you just have to act like your bad at picking up women in order to then pick up women. You dog you. :bugeye:
Sometimes I wonder if it is because I look too good, so then when they see me the first thing that pops into their head is sex, so then they give me a reason why we shouldn't have sex even when it wouldn't be appropriate.

wait. are we talking about sex or engaging in meaningful relationships?

As for pickup lines with the intent to lure a hot young body to sex me up, I haven't tried simply saying "hey, your hot. wanna fuck?" but i will give it a shot and report back. I think being cute is the best ice breaker. After all, I am pretty cute. ;)
Why don't u just be...yourself?
At the end of the day... You are both probably sweethearts.
The key is to stop trying to put a round peg into a square. The right woman will not need a catchy slick pick up line. Frankly those are stupid to me. Just be yourselves. :)

I have to misleading at first, I suppose. Who wants to shack up with a computer nerd?
I dig nerds. I'm somewhat one. But he also has to lift weights. That combination is crazy sexy to me.

I have a crush on Leonard from the show Big Bang, and if he starts lifting ...he just might be the perfect man. A nerd who lifts. We shall call him....Superman. :)

Does this sound shallow? o_O

Why am I baring my soul in here?
We shall call him....Superman. :)

Does this sound shallow? o_O

No, but it might imply that women enjoy being seen as the weaker sex, do we?

Men have no reason to challenge the status quo that makes them superman.
No, but it might imply that women enjoy being seen as the weaker sex, do we?

Men have no reason to challenge the status quo that makes them superman.

I lift weights so I like that in a guy.
Superman comment was tongue in cheek. Meant to be light hearted.
I think that physical strength is sexy in a guy. Not all women may agree.
Does this sound shallow? o_O

I dunno. Does saying that I prefer dainty women make me sound shallow? I like women with brains, first and foremost. The rest of the attraction process is left to the olfactory. After all, I am a dog, no? hehe
I lift weights so I like that in a guy.
Superman comment was tongue in cheek. Meant to be light hearted.
I think that physical strength is sexy in a guy. Not all women may agree.

Sure, physically fit…nothing wrong with that, but for the long haul, look for someone who’ll choose “us” over “me”. An emotionally intelligent man, who you can create shared meaning with.

Good day to you, little Missy. :)
I dunno. Does saying that I prefer dainty women make me sound shallow? I like women with brains, first and foremost. The rest of the attraction process is left to the olfactory. After all, I am a dog, no? hehe

That's true. :eek:
We like what we like. Hence...the advent of this thread. :D
Sure, physically fit…nothing wrong with that, but for the long haul, look for someone who’ll choose “us” over “me”. An emotionally intelligent man, who you can create shared meaning with.

Good day to you, little Missy. :)

I think I need to read this over and over; it is very thoughtful advice.

Good day to you, as well. :)
Hope of Love

Internet romances...lead to dissapointment, usually. The image of a chivalrous white knight is an illusion, but all are welcome to dream.

Nah...don't hope for love. We are just sharing. :eek:
I agree about the Internet.
Nah...don't hope for love. We are just sharing. :eek:
I agree about the Internet.

So you will say to these romantically inclined men, that their unconscious propositions of love are but a plop of air?
Egads! Doesn't youreyes realize that some of us are heterosexual women. :bugeye: